~IGEF!D. GOOS ISSN 0541 - 4938 Mycological Society of America NEWSLETTER Vol. 37 No. 1 June 1986 SUSTAINING MEMBERS BELLCO GLASS, INC. NEW BRUNSWICK SCIENTIFIC, INC. CAMSCO PRODUCE COMPANY,INC. PELCO (TED PELLA, INC.) CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY COMPANY PFIZER, INC. DEKALB-PFIZER GENETICS PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL, INC. DIFCO LABORATORY PRODUCTS KOHM AND HAAS COMPANY HERBARIUM SUPPLY COMPANY SCHERING CORPORATION HOFFMAN-LA ROCHE INC. SMITH KLINE AND FRENCH LABORATORIES LANE SCIENCE EQUIPMENT COMPANY SOUTHWEST MOLD AND ANTIGEN LABS, INC. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY TRIARCH, INCORPORATED MERCK, SHARP AND DOHME RESEARCH LABS WYETH LABORATORIES MILES LABORATORIES, INC. The Society is extremely grateful for the support of its Sustaininy Members. These organizations are listed above in alphabetical order. Patronize them and let their representatives know of our appreciation when- ever possible. OFFICERS OF THE MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Officers -Counci 1ors Roger D. Goos, President Sal ly E. Gochenaur (1985-88) James Me Trappe , President-el ect Alan Jaworski (1983-87) Martha Chri stensen, Vice-president Richard E. Koske (1983-86) Harold H. Burdsall , Jr., Secretary David Ma1 loch (1985-88) Amy Y. Rossman, Treasurer Gareth Morgan-Jones (1983-86) Henry C. Aldrich, Past President (1985) Brent F. Reeves (1985-88) Richard T. Hanlin, Past President (1984) John W. Tayl or ( 1985-88) ------MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA NEWSLETTER-- Volume 37, No. 1, June 1986 Walter ,I. Sundberg, Editor Department of Botany Southern I11 i noi s Uni versi ty Carbondal e, I11 i noi s, 62901 (618) 536-2331 TABLE---- OF CONTENTS Sustaining Members .......... i Computer Software Available ........51 Officers of the MSA ......... i Publications Wanted ............52 Table of Contents .......... 1 Postdoctoral Positions Available ......53 Editor's Note ............ 1 Vacancies for Mycologists .........53 General Announcements ........ 2 Positions Wanted .............. 53 Calendar of Meetings and Forays ... 3 Assistantships and Fellowships Available . 54 Forthcoming Courses ......... 4 Travels and Visits .............55 New Mycological Research ....... 5 Papers, Seminars, Symposia, and Workshops . 57 Identifications ........... 6 Changes in Affiliation or Status ...... 58 Fungi Wanted ............. 7 Keys to Glomus ...............59 Fungi for Distribution ........ 9 Honors, Awards, and Promotions .......60 MSA Placement Service ........ 9 Personal News ............... 61 New Books by MSA Members .......13 Notes and Comments .............62 Annual Meeting Program ........14 Associations and Clubs ...........63 Annual Meeting Abstracts .......15 Changes of Address for Respondence .....64 Pub1 ications Avai lable ........50 Affiliated Societies ............65 .-.-- .-.-- EDITOR 'S NOTE This is the last issue of the MSA Newsletter edited by us at Southern Illinois University. The task now passes to the capable hands of the new editor--Rick Koske (University of Rhode Island). For a hint of things to come, see his "unique" approach to identification of --Glomus species (see pg. 59); the future of the MSA Newsletter indeed looks bright. Contents of this issue stem from 102 (7%) responses received from the 1420 questionaires sent out. Of these, 23 (22.5%) were from foreign members in Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, England, Fin1and, France, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, and South Africa. This issue also contains the program (pg. 14) and abstracts for the 1986 annual meeting (pgs. 15-49; approx. 20 more than last year!). Be sure to note the announcement and application form for the MSA Placement Service (pgs. 9-12) and the advertisement from Analytab Products on page 49. A special note to all MSA Newsletter contributors is included on page 8. Addresses for those who are requesting a response and have moved since the printing of the newest MSA-- Directory are included on page 64. Unl ess otherwise noted, a1 1 creative fi 11 ers (art, poetry, etc .) incl uded are heretofore unpublished. The cover figure ("Boudiera (?) on mouse excretion"), that on the back cover ("Mycogone ---ulmaniae"), and those not otherwise noted which grace the internal pages were all done about 1914 by Sanford F. Zel ler. The generic and species identifications provided are his. Thanks to Jim Trappe for making Dr. Zeller's work available to us. Arthur W.A.M. de Cock prepared the "toadstool choir" (pg. 56) and "Syncephalastrum"-- (pg. 8; reprinted with permission frorn the General Information Pam hlet of the Centraal bureau voor Schimmel cultures) . The 1imerickson the "Hunting Seasihs. 13 and 52) are the work' of Martha Sherwood-Pi ke. (Continued on page 64) GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS- THANKS ! Amy Y. Rossman, MSA Treasurer, is pleased to announce that the MSA funds are now fully available for MSA purposes. She wants to personally thank all those members who generously paid their 1987 dues in advance in order to help us through this difficult financial period. (In return, we, the membership, thank Amy for her perseverence and capable handling of this probl em--ed. ) PLANNING A PRE- OR POST-MSA MEETING VISIT TO THE FARLOW? The staff at the Farlow Library and Herbarium welcome visitors before and after the MSA Meeting in Amherst. We ask that advanced notice be given so that we can properly care for requests to use the collections. HELP WANTED REVISION OF THE INDEX OF PLANT DISEASES IN THE UNITED STATES.--The U.S.D.A. would like to enlist the aid and support of systematic mycologists in revising the Index of Plant Diseases in the United States (Agricultural Handbook No. 165). As in the previous editions, the first part of the Index will list the plants of the United States with their associated fungal pathogens. The second part of the revised Index will list fungi occurring in the United States that cause plant disease or deterioration of plant products (See Bills, Chamuris, & Farr. Abstracts for 1986 MSA Annual Meeting). For each fungus, the currently accepted ndme and author citation will be provided. Each name will be followed by a list of common synonyms, a statement of geographic distribution, and relevant comments regarding nomenclature, taxonomy, and/or pathogenicity. We view this Index as an opportunity to provide a wide array of users (e.g., plant pathologists, extension agents, horticultural ists, etc.) with a comprehensive source for fungal nomenclature, taxonomy, and distributional data. We ask members of the mycological cornmuni ty to ensure that the information concerning their respective research areas is accurate and up-to-date. If you have a special interest in supplying or reviewing information on the accepted name and author citation, nomenclature, taxonomy, geography, or host re1ationshi ps in specific genera or species of fungi, your support will be appreciated and acknowledged. For further detai 1s contact Gerald Bi 11 s or George Chamuri s, USDA-ARS, Systematic Botany, Mycology, & Nematology Laboratory, Building OllA, Rm. 313, BARC-West, Be1tsvil le, MD 20705 (Phone 301-344-2280). SPECIMENS NOW AVAILABLE Mycological and vascular plant specimens of the Biosystematics Research Institute (DAOM, DAO) Ottawa, Canada, earlier noted as being unavailable during major renovations, have been returned from their six month storage incarceration and are now accessible. In the same floor area, or less, specimens are housed in compactor faci 1i ties that provide more than double the specimen capacity of the former standard metal cabinets. Says J. A. Parmelee, curator: "We are back in business and visitors are welcome." A NEW CULTURE COLLECTION According to the curator, Cecelia Roux, the Culture Collection of the National Collection of Fungi (PREM) was initiated a few years ago to keep viable cultures of mycotoxi genic and taxonomically interesting isolates obtained in South Africa. It has since been affiliated to the WFCC. Cultures are supplied free upon request. As yet no catalogue is available of the strains in the collection. CALENDAR---- OF YEETINGS,----------- FORAYS, AND WORKSHOPS- J- J- 1986 19-Auy. 2 NATURAL HISTORY AND MUSHROOM STUDY TOUR OF COSTA RICA. For reservations contact Jean Furukawa, Hickory Travel System, 55 John Street, New York City, NY 10038. Telephone: 1-800-221-3255. ---August 1986 AN INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: THE EXPANDING REALM OF YEAST-LIKE FUNGI--on the perspectives of taxonomy, ecology, and phylogeny of yeasts and yeast-1 ike fungi will be held in Amersfoort, The Netherlands. Topics include: A taxonomic survey, taxonomic methods, and ecoloyy and the species problem. For more information write to: International Symposi um, Yeast-Li ke Fungi, P. 0. Box 273, 3740 AG Baarn, The Netherlands. VESICULAR-ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAE WORKSHOP will occur at the University of Khode Island, Kingston, RI. Contact R. Koske. 9-10 MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL FORAY, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. 10-14 MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. PO-Sept. 4 The North American Mycological Association is sponsori ny a NORWEGIAN FORAY. Contact S. Wiideman--SAS Consultant, Box 22, Brooklyn, MI 49230 for reservation information. 21-24 THE TELLURIDE MUSHROOM CONFERENCE will be held in Telluride, Colorado. For more information, write or call Emanuel Sal zman. A WORKSHOP ON THE DUAL ROLE OF PATHOGENS AND PARASITES IN INSECT CONTROL is offered at the USDA Agriculture Research Service European Parasite Laboratory, France. Contact Tadeusz J. Poprawski (see Changes------------ of Address for Respondence).
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