Official Gazette Government of Goa, Daman· and Diu

Official Gazette Government of Goa, Daman· and Diu

I BEGD. GOA-S I Panaji, 2nd June, 1983 (Jyaistha 12, 19051 .. SERIES III No.9 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN· AND DIU GOVERNMENT . OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU Home Department (General! Office of the District Magistrate Notification No. 28/83/(3)/MAG/1198 In exercise of powers conferred on the undersigned under section 74 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939, the . time limit -mentioned in the Notification No. 28/83/(3)(.MAG-163 dated 28th January, 1983, "issued earlier for closing the portion of the road at Mangor area in between St. Tereza School and Railway under Bridge, is hereby extended upto 1~1983. for completion of the work of Vasco Sewerage Sc~eme. Panaji, 12th May, 1983. -The Ad~tional 'District Magistrate, E. Noronha Rodrigu&. ••• ,Works, Education.. and Tourism Department Public Works Department Works Division VIII (Buildings) - Fatorda, Marg40 . Tender Notice No. PWD/EE8/BLDGS/SOUTH/5/83-84· The Executive Engineer, 8, P.W.D. Buildings (South), Fatorda, Margao invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed Item rate tenders from approved and eligible contractors of CPWD and those of appropriate list .of Unio:p. ~er .. ritories/States-p~jMES/Railways, upto. ~~?O p.m; on 16.. 7~1983 for thf following works: EstimS;otea cost Earnest Money Cost of Tender- Sr. No. Description Time limit Rs. Rs. Rs. ITEM RATE: 1. Construction of School building for' Govt. Higher 17,96.561.26 20,000.00 360 days 40/- Secondary School at Canacona-Goa. including Category of Eligibl~ ,?ontr:actor:- Class I A. monsoons 2. Extension of four roorris i-8:nd. one staff room including 2,45,810.10 6,145.00 240 days' 30/- verandah for the School _l;>qnding at Xeldem in Quepem including Taluka. ' ",,' mOllSQOl15 Category of Eligible. S~6ri~ctor:- Class ill and above. Tenders will be opened -iIrini~diately after 3.15 p.m. on the The intending tenderer will have to produce Income Tax same day. ':::::jr- ~:"': Clearance Certificate at the time of buying· the tender. Earnest money shoym ag~t works shoulq. be deposited in The tender of the contractors who do not deposit ·Earnest the -State Bank of India, Matgao or any Scheduled _Bank in Money in the prescribed fo~ is liable to be r.ejected. the form of Deposit at Call Receipt and enclosed it with the tender. Conditions of 'contract and tender forms can be had Right to reject any or all the tenders Without assigning from the above Office upto 12.00 noon till 14-7-1983 Oll' all any reason thereof is reserved. working days on payment of cost of tender (Non-«-efundable) per each item in cash. :Margao, 24~ May, 1983. - The Executive En~eer, Sd/-. Works Division XVII (RWS), Panan - Goa /RWS/14/83-84 dated 9-5-1983 is extended upto 15.00 hours on 7-6-1983. 1. CROGM-83 G. I. chain link type fencing to high level Cor.rigendum Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXVIIjACCTS/ Reservoir at Assonora Water Works. /F.84/RWS/20/83-84 2. CROGM-83 G. I. ·chain link type fencing for 800 m3 G. The date for receipt of the following tenders published vide L. R~ at Sinquerim. tender notices 1) No. PWD/WDXVII/ACCTS/F.64/RWS/ll/ 3. Constructio~ of drinking water open well at ·Goencha... /83·84 dated 27-4-1983. 2) No. PWD/WDXVII/ACCTS/F.64/ bhat in V. P. Ambelim in Salcet.e Taluka. 74 BERIES III No. 9 The tender papers will be sold upto 6/6/1983 and will be 10. GOES (Alex), - Kajule (POETRY), Margao, Alex opened at 15.30 hours on 7,-6-1983. Goes, 1982, 10.0 p., Rs. 10./-, Central Printing Press,' -, (Konkani). All other particulars and conditions remain tulchanged. 11. GOES (J. L.) -Ghodc1kam (POETRY), Madkai, Panaji, 28th May, 19~ - The Executive Engineer, K. P. ' Krist Prakashan, 1982, 74 p., Rs. 10./-, Sri, Datta­ Nambiar. prasad Printing Press, Vasco-Da-Gama, (Konkani). 12. HEBLEKAR (Arun), - Bhaskaracharyya (BIOGRA­ • PHY), Panaji, Rajhauns Vitaran, 1982, 20. p., Rs. 3/-, Office of the Principal, Government Polytechnic, Panaji Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgawn; (Konkani). 13. HEBLEKAR (Arun),-Pay Nasleli Manse (SHORT Order STORIES), Panaji, Rajhauns Vitaran" 1982, 78p., Rs. 1()/-, Hiroj Printers, Marool, (Marathl). No. GPP/A/PF/JG/81-82/533 14. JOSHI (Madhav), -,- Alap (POETRY), Veling, Shenoi Whereas Shri Jero:¢mo Gonsalves, Hamal, has absconded -. Prakashan, 1982, 60. p., Rs. 8/-, Laxmi Printing Press, from his duties, Government Polytechnic, Panjim, with effect Belgaum, (Marathl). from 18-7-1982, without any permission from' his superior. 15. JOSHI (Sushila), - Asambhav (FICTION), Chandor­ He was sent a telegram requesting to report to duty. How­ ever he neither reported nor replied to the Institute. -Kavorim, Bandodkar Publishing House, 1982, 20.8 p., Rs. 33/-. Kalika Printers, YeUng, (Marathi). And, whereas the case was referred to the Police De­ 16. JOSHI (Sushila),-Vedana (FICTION), Chandor­ partment to investigate the whereabouts of the said Shri -Kavorim, Bandodkar Publishing House, 1982, 232 p., Jeronimo Gonsalves and that the Police Department· could Rs. 35/-. Tapshya Mudranalaya, Raigad, (Maratbi). not trace him vide thei:!' report dated 20-3-1983. 17. JUWARKAR (Ramkrishna),-Abhang-Arti (RELI­ Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by GION) , Old Goa, Sri Chamunda Prakashari, - , Rule 19(1l) of the Central Civil Services (Classification, 16 p., Rs. 2/-, Gomantak Pvt, Ltd., St. Inez Panaji, Control and Appeal) Rwes 1965, the undersigned hereby (Marathl). removes the said Shri Jeronimo GoIlBalVes from services 18. JUWARKAR (Ramkrishna),-Tulsi Lagn Puja from this Polyteqhnic, with effect from 18-7-1982(F.N.) (RELIGION), Old Goa, Sri Chamunda Prakashan. - , 28 p., Rs. 2/-, Gomantak Pvt.· Ltd., St. Inez -Panaji, 29th April, 1983. - The Principal, D .. E. Karnure. Panaji, (Marathi). 19. KAKADE (D. S.),-Gori Mevni (SHORT STORIES), • Chandor-Kavorim, Bandodkar Publishing House, 1982, Directorate of Education 228 p., Rs. 33/-, Swarup Printers, Raigad, (Marathi). 20. KAMAT (.J. P.),-Kranti Dhut (SHORT STOR1ES) No. DE/Acad. II/ (S.E.) /1087/79/104 Panaji, Shachindra B. Satoskar. 1982, 12Dp., Rs. 12/-, Shachindta B. §atoskar, Panaji, (Marathi). Catalogue showing books published from 1st ·January. 1982 to 21. KAPILESHWARI (Jaiwant),-Master DinanathMan­ 31st December. 1982 and received in the State Central Library. geshkar (BIOGRAPHY), Panaji, Rajhauns Vitran, Panaji in' lieu of the provision contained in Goa. Dam:an and 1982, 24 p.) Rs. 3/-, Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum, Diu. Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867. amended upto (Konkani). lsi March, 1961 22. KELKAR (N. R.), - Shivamahimna-Strotra (RELI­ BOOKS GION), Siolim; Narayan R. Kelkar, 1982, 120. p., Rs. 1-50 ps., Sagar Sahitya Mudranalaya, Panaji, Explanation: (Marathi). Author, Title, Subject of the book, Place of Publication, 23. KODOLIKAR (S. J.), - Praching Bhagtatil Nyay­ Publisher, year of publication, Number of paiges, Price of katha-Nyay Ki Anhyay? (SHORT STORIES),Margaa the book, Name of the Printer, Place of Printing and Barve Prakashan, 1982, 72 p., Rs. 10/-, Mahalasa Language of the book. Dash in the entry shows the infor":" Mudranalaya, Sawantawadi, (Mara~i)·. mation required is not found. 24. LOLYENKAR (K. S.),-Kashi Mhanta (POETRY), 1. AMONKAR (SUdha), - Darya Gajailo (SHORT Mapusa, D. G. Prabhu, Desai, 1982, 62 p., Rs. 10./-. STORIES), Panaji. Rajhauns Vitaran, 1982, 32 p" Hiroj Printers, Mardol, (Konkani). Rs. 3/-, Ravi Mudranalaya, ~elgaum, (Konkani). 25. MULV! (Gokuldas),-Tarekhwar Sangva (PLAY),· 2. ASTIKAR (Mandakini), - Dukh Yatnache Rang Bandode, Pranali ,:,Prakashan, 1982, 52 p., Rs. 4/-. Gahire (FICTION). Chandor-Kavorim, Bandodkar Sayadri -Printers, Rib~ndar, (Konkani). Publishing House, 1982, 240. p., Rs. 35/-, Swarup Printers, Raigad, (Marathi). 26. NAIK (Gurunathj,":-Aghat (FICTION), Chandor­ -Kavorim, Bandodkar',publishing House, 1982, 24Dp., 3. BHANG! (Pandurang),-Adrustache Kale (POETRY), Rs. 36/-, Hiroj P-rfnters, Mardol, (Marathi). Panaji, Bhagavati Prakashan, 1982, 58 p" Rs. 10./-, Sayadri Printers, Ribandar, (Konkani). 27. NAIK (Gurunath),l_-j-:qiimanand (FICTION), Chandor­ -Kavorlm, Bandodkar;-,,;Publishing, House, 1982, 240. p., 4. BORKAR (Dilip), -Bharte-Bhar (PLAY), Agasaim, Rs. 35/-, Hiroj prilit~~, Mardol, (Marathi). Agasthi Prakashan, 1982, 92 p., Rs. 12/-. Hiroj Printers, Mardol, (Konkani). 28. NAIK (Gurunath), ~'¢handnhyat Ti Yete (FICTION), ChanQ.or-Kavorim,. "Bandodkar Publishing House, 5. BORKAR (Dilip) , - Varg Shatru (PLAY), Agasaim, 1982, 224 p., Rs. -361M, Hiroj Printers, Mardol, Agasthi Prakashan, 1982; 88 p., Rs. 12/-, Hiroj (Marathl). Printers, Mardol, (Konkani). 29. NAIK (Gurunath),-Jhulyavarchi Duniya (FICTION), 6. COMMITTEE FOR REVITALISATION OF EDUCA­ Chandor-Kavorim, Bandodkar Publishing House, 1982, TIONAL SYSTEM OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU,­ 238 p., Rs. 35/-, Hiroj Printers, Mardol, (Marathi). Report of the Committee for Revitalisation of Edu­ cational System of Goa; Daman and Diu (EDUCA­ 30. NAIK (Gurunath), - Ratnchor (FICTION), Chandor­ -Kavorim, Bandodkar Publishing House, 1982, 240. p., TION), Panaji, - , 1982, 42 p., Rs. 5-20 ps., Govt. Printing Press, Panaji, (English). Rs. 35/-, Hiroj Printers, Mardol, (Marathi). 7. DANAYAT. (Jaimaia N.),-Saptak (PLAY) Alto 31. NAIK (GURUNATH),-Tufan (FICTION), Chandor­ Betim, Puspa V. Navelkar, 1982, 112 p., Rs. 10./-, ,Kavorim, Bandodkar Publishing House, 1982, 244 p., Hari G. Naik, Banaulim, (Konkani). Rs. 35/-, Hiroj Printers, Mardol" (Marathl). 8. D'COSTA (Adelyne), - Social Change in Goa 32 NAIK (GURUNATH), - Viyog (FICTION), Chandor­ (SOCIOLOGY), Panaji, W. D:Costa, - ,180 p., -Kavorlm, Bandodkar Publishing House, 1982, 244 p., M Rs. 50./-, A. B. Burke, Margao, (English). Rs. 35/ , Hiroj Printers, Mardol, (Marathi). 9. GHANEKAR (Bhlcaji),-Amargit CPOETRY), Panaji, 33. NAYAK (Bharat R.),~Mana-Mana (POETRY), Goa SaIlBkrutic Ani Samajik Kendra,· 1982, 36 p., Veling, Shenoi Prakashan, 1982, 76 p., Rs. 10./-, Caze Rs. 4/-, Nayak. Printers, Panaji, (Konkani). Udai ~ting Press, Panaji, (Konkaru). 2ND JUNE, 1983 (JYAISTHA 12, 1905) 75 34. NAYAK (Pundalik N.), ~Chaurang (PLAY), Ponda, order in the Official Gazette and to apply for endorsement A~urbhai Prakashan, 1982, 108 p., Rs, 12/-, Bandekar in the respective registration as per No.

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