Volume 8 • Edition 16 ♦ Phone: (270) 665-9335 • Email: [email protected] • www.ballardweekly.com ♦ May 4, 2011 HistoricHistoric WeatherWeather EventsEvents -- AprilApril 20112011 “Old Man River” And the Ohio River Flood Area Following Severe Weather Events Photo by Ballard Weekly Photo by Jim Hoyt By Anita Bugg Monkey’s Eyebrow/Colvin Lake away as Union City, TN. The offices to seeking any type of as- April of 2011 will always be re- area to begin sandbagging only to residents in the city of Wickliffe, sistance for those suffering prop- membered by those of us that ex- lose the battle a few days later. closest to the blast area, reported erty damage and loss. As of perienced the tumultuous days. NewPage paper mill in Wickliffe their houses shaking, windows Tuesday afternoon, approxi- Beginning with tornados on April was forced to close for the first and glassware rattling and over- mately 40 – 45 houses have re- 4th that brought heavy damage to time in forty years turned small pieces of furniture. ceived flood damage in Ballard areas of the county to heavy rains due to rising water along High- Witnesses described the jolt to an County with eleven (11) of those and tornado type winds in Bar- way 51. earthquake with the ground shak- homes being total losses. Gover- low; these were closely followed Heavy rains forced the closing ing and the deep rumbling felt. nor Beshear has requested a dec- by flooding only comparable to of Highway 286 at Myers Road This writer, who lives along the laration of disaster from the Great Flood of 1937. With due to a washout of the roadway bluff overlooking the Mississippi President Obama, a request that over twenty inches of rain falling where construction is taking in Wickliffe, walked outside after has been supported by Sen. Mitch the blast had turned over lamps McConnell, Sen. Rand Paul and and blew the front door open on Congressman Ed Whitfield. my house, to look around the Wickliffe Mayor Martha Sue neighborhood for any damage. A Pennebaker, a victim of the quick glance found no damage flooding, has also worked closely but my attention was quickly with Judge Viniard in her at- taken by the sound of rushing tempts to obtain assistance. water, much like that of a large “We would like to thank all of waterfall, in the direction of the those who have helped in any blast area. This rumbling sound shape, form or fashion with this ew Page Entrance lasted for a few minutes before flood event,” said Viniard. “We Photo by Michelle the river and its sounds returned owe a big thanks to our local Marbry to somewhat normal. Emergency Management, volun- the bridge and levee sooner than Southeast Missouri, near the con- Plans for a third blast are being teers, the Governor’s office, Con- Barlow City Park expected. Within a few days, fluence, in an effort to alleviate discussed at this time. The sec- gressman Ed Whitfield, Senators water had creeped up onto the pressure from the river along the ond blast was initially scheduled McConnell and Paul, Army Na- roadway along the Mile Long levee system and in an effort to for 4 a.m. on May 3rd, however, tional Guard, Red Cross, Health in the county since April 1st, April place. Despite numerous repairs, Bridge outside of Wickliffe and Department, volunteers sandbag- 2011 has wreaked havoc in this the roadway continued to wash making it up to the DOT Weigh ging, those who donated food to otherwise peaceful and serene and for safety’s sake, it was Station just below Wickliffe the volunteers and each and every county. closed until dryer weather when Mounds State Park. Highway 51 one who has offered assistance Barlow City seemed to take the more permanent repairs can be North and South of Wickliffe will during this event. Now it is a brunt of the winds that tore made. remain closed until the water re- waiting game to see when we can through the county with downed The City of Wickliffe ordered a cedes and inspections of the lev- expect visits from the Federal trees, limbs and structural dam- mandatory evacuation of homes ees can be done (which could be Emergency Management along age to a storage building owned along Beech Grove Road and weeks). with the state Emergency Man- by the city and located next to Missouri Streets. Wickliffe City Along Highway 121 the water agement office. Currently we are City Hall. Heavy rains caused Park was overtaken by water forced a road closing because of attempting to schedule a meeting overflow of small streams and causing picnic shelters to look rising water along the small with the FEMA representatives creeks, thus adding to the already like small red islands in the wa- creeks adjacent to the southern here in Wickliffe and are asking overflowing Ohio River. Heavy ters. Along the rivers edge, ALL residents who have lost side of the roadway from Ballard Basketball Goals at Wickliffe City Park their homes, property or have save lives along the Mighty Mis- property damage to contact the sissippi. Despite public outcry weather conditions delayed that Judge Executive’s office. Once a from residents along the flood- blast due to the fact that barges list is established each one will be way in Missouri and legal action could not be put into place within notified to meet with the FEMA that went as far as the U.S. the planned timeframe. At assistance people when they Supreme Court, the threat of loss around 12:45p.m. on Tuesday, come to Ballard County.” of life outweighed the threat to May 3rd, the second blast was ini- Judge Viniard asks that those farmland and the levee was tiated across from Wickliffe, affected with damage to property breached at approximately 9:40 Kentucky. The city of Wickliffe or loss of homes and other prop- p.m. on Monday, May 3rd. With felt only a mild jolt from the ex- erty contact her office at 335- explosives described by the plosion while people in West Mc- 5176 to place their name on a list Corps of Engineers to be the Cracken County felt their homes to be contacted. Additionally, equivalent of 1/32 of the atomic shake more than they had the pre- anyone who is in need of imme- bomb over Hiroshima, the breach vious night. diate assistance is asked to con- was scheduled to take place in Judge Vickie Viniard has been tact her office as well. three sections. The initial blast working closely with Emergency rumbled and shook homes as far Management, state and federal US 51 South at Carlisle County Line rains forced the closing of High- Economy Boat Store employees County mile marker 1 to 9 (High- way 286 at Myers Road due to a were forced to park on higher way 802 to Wickliffe city limits. washout of the roadway where ground while the Wickliffe Fish Within a matter of hours the road- construction is taking place. De- Market stood right at the edge of way was closed from Wickliffe to spite numerous repairs, the road- the water. The shelter at the the Highway 62 intersection in way continued to wash and for rivers edge was completely sub- Cunningham and remains closed safety’s sake, it was closed until merged. Water began to over- at this time. Again, inspection of dryer weather when more perma- flow at the foot of the Highway the roadways will determine nent repairs can be made. 51 bridge into Cairo and com- when the roadway is open to traf- In the days to follow, rising bined with high winds began to fic. river levels on both the Ohio and blow debris upon the roadway In another historic event, the Mississippi Rivers forced resi- causing the Kentucky Depart- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dents in Wickliffe, Oscar and the ment of Transportation to close breached the Birds Point Levee in Deadline for all ews and Advertisements is Friday by oon. Office Hours Mon., Tues., Wed.and Fri. - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Thursdays. The Ballard Weekly office is located at 141 West Kentucky Drive next door to The Bluegrass Restaurant. Contact us at 665-9335 or send us an e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected] Page Two The Ballard Weekly May 4, 2011 Community ews Ag Update: Tomato Blight; ational Day of Prayer Event Flooding & Upcoming Workshop Tom Miller, Ballard County Ex- would be to destroy all the plants at not going to mention names in this Resisdents of La Center and Ballard County are tension Agent for Ag and atu- the store and start over. I am happy article because there are way too ral Resources to say that in my initial observations, many to remember but you all know invited to Celebration Plaza on Thursday, May 5, at I did not see anything at all the who you are. All the people who Late Blight of Tomatoes would concern me with any of the helped with sandbagging, moving 6:30 p.m. to participate in a ational Day of Prayer plants sold in our local area. I have furniture out, cooking food, etc are I attended a training in my office not heard of any problems yet across the real story behind all this flood- event. Scripture will be read and prayers will on the computer that was hopefully, the state. Just be aware that we are ing. It made me feel really good to a good sign of things to come.
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