Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive Theses and Dissertations 1953 The Position of Adam in Latter-Day Scripture and Theology Rodney Turner Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd Part of the Mormon Studies Commons, and the Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Turner, Rodney, "The Position of Adam in Latter-Day Scripture and Theology" (1953). Theses and Dissertations. 5179. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/5179 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. TETHE POSITIONposir TIONT OF- ADAMADIAH IN LATTERDAYLATTER DAY SAINTSKUTT SCRIPTURE ledAND THEOLOGYTILECLOGY A THESIS subvsuavSUBMITTEDITTED TO THE FACULTY OF TIMTHE DIVISION OPOFRELIGIONRELT OF BRIGHAM YOUNG university IN PARTIAL fulfillment OF THE requirements FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER 0OPOF ARTS by RODNEY TLWERTURNER kugustaugustaugusts 1953 f a i r ACENA CIM ovileOWLEDGEDgeiGETmi TSTS 4 I1 am epeccepecespeciallylally indeindebted01 ed to certaincereereen LO ainalnmembers of the fac- ulty of the division of ligionreligionpeligionPePR eliglongionbriebrigbrighamhanham younayoung university for their critical examination of the manuscriptmanuscripts I1 thelk them in the name of dr sidney B sperry director of the division and chairchairmanmarnmawn of my thesis ccmmitteecommitteeccmmitteee I1 also wish to express my gratitude to my wife for her willing efforts in transcribing my notes and for sustaining me throughout the venture and I1 greatly appreciateappreellate the in- valuable assistance given mabymybymy by the staff of the brigham young university library and of the chudhuchurchch Historianhistoriansts office in locating the many sources from whwhichich the material used in this study was obtained and for the useu1 se of their microfilms there are others who here go unnamed but who have every right to feel that they have had a real though invisi- ble hand in the accomplishment of this work hi COKTEKTSC attenMTTEN rn S chapter page Iio1 INintroductionTR 0DUC rill11 I1 ontOLT 1 the iroproblemproblemulemand its justitijustificationjustiniJus titi cationcatlon the basic uestionsquestions involved the method of study limitations of the study II11 THE DISCOURSE OF APRIL 990 1821852 the discourse itself analysisAns lysis of the discourse early reactions to the discourse 18521852561852656 LI THE LATER TEACHINGS OF BRIPHAYBRIGHAM YOMGyougYOUNGyoong illiliIIII-ill111 0 0 0 0 18 182189182185218591852 1891859 186018691860 1869 1870187618701870187218761872 1877 A fewpew conclusions were brigham youngs remarks misinterpreted was brigham young misquoted matwhat was the source of brigharBribrighambpibharghar youngs views what did brigham young believe IV TBETHE VIEWSVIEVIS OF OTHERS 61 1821899182185218991852 1899 1900present1900 present V JOSEPH SMITH enndANDenydANYD THE STMDARDSTANDARD WORKS 90go early publications of the church vi hat did joseph smith teach the standard works r az laphynaphynapey bibliographyBTB &z7aphy 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 118.1186118 iv 0O CHAPTERCH ALTER I1 introduction the problem and its justification 6 the purpose of this study is1 to determine in so far as is possible the views held by various leaders of the latter day saints relative to adam and more especially the official doctrine of the church as to his place in its theology the problem is based in part on the divergent and oft times bitter claims and counterclaimscounter claims of members ex mem bers and nonmembersnon members of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints over 1111mormon1111ormonornonormon teachings concerning adam inthein the light of a certain addresaddresss given by president brigiamBrigbrighambrigtiamriantlamtiamyoung in 1852 indeed this address and the man who gave it remain the focal point of much discussion to this daydayo from time to t3tatimeme articles anti cotmonmotmon in spirit and purpose appear attacking the latterlattenlatterdaydaydeysaints and citing the aforementioned address as irrefutable evidence of the 11b1blasphe-alpheasphe mouss beliefsbe1ea ie4eaPs of icormonismormonlormont sm in general and its concept of god and nasmasnanemansmane relationship to him in particular it is hoped that this study will prove of some value in establishing the actual doctrines of the church thus revealing the truth whatevervtateverevec that truth may be it is in that spirit that this thesis hashes been written the writerwri ter trusts that it will be received in a like one 2 the baicbalcbasic Qquestions involved there are eight balcbaicbacic questions for which this thesis seeks answers because of the almost universaluniverzal yrominencoproisiinenco given his views aadand because he is the focal point of the overallover all problemproblenienlem four of these questions relate to the teach r wr f t 1 & sr atwguw r I1 s a-f T ftw eltellett MMMzaz&M 9 a ft si 7 T nel 9 A ii g M WS 5 7 ciks11 T interpretedelm 292 wedenerevredewere his remarks misquoted church 9 in official a publications 0 3 where did he obtain his views concerning adam what werehiswrwere his vieaviews concerningconcorning adam hatwhat have been the vlesviesviews of other church authorities 6 what did joseph slaithsmithsinith teach 70 iftilathat do the standard workworks reveal concerning adamsadaal1 amn 1 identityd ww t t I1 10 S tif P 2.2 010 ulatmlatT at isa heb 0officialci a2aa doctrinedocdoerins ofOP thee church ofab4b jess Cchristist ofoslOIL latterlatterdayday saints today the eathodmethod of study thethasheshanature of the problem demands that the writer divorce himself from any doctrinal expressions or opinions he has limited himself to the evaluation and analysis of the quoted material alonealoneo the doctrinal correctness of any given viewviewy or interpretation ws in terms of ultimate truthtruths is something which could not enter into any objective study of this kindekindo the writer does not pretend to knauknow of any meansmeano forfodlorlod ascertaining such theological truth in keelingkeeaingkeeping witvithwithh the prescribed methodology of thesis research theteeshesee business 3 of this study is the collection and codrcorrcorrelationalation of manifest fact not thethoth substantiation of theological doctrinedoctrino the writer has reliedreaednedued heavily upuponon the direct statedstate-state& ments of those concerned as much aaz possiblepossipossiblespossibleobleo this dilwillill dodaindawn crease the liklihoodlikelihood of errors in analysis on thetho wriwriterwriterswritorstorstorg part and dubiety on the readreaderreadarroaderroaddoadreadersreadertsertsactsarrss it will also permit the A quotasquotesto be introduced directly into thetho body of the thesis rather than have them relegated to the oft unfingered isolation of an appendix much of the material iain presented in its chronological sequencedsequencesequencee for example the remarksrolroidemarksrejnarksmarks of president young appear in essentially the same order in which heh uttered them the writer has attempted to select those statestalewstatew ntsants i thichwhich are the most pertinenpertinentpertinentvtv theth least ambiguous and there- fore bestbastbeatbaat able to stand alone and unsullied by needless corncormcommCOMOM Zenmencentarymentarymenteryzentarymentarymenteryterytary the following arbitrary rules of procedure have guided the actual witingrcriting of thisthia studytudyktudy& 1 be objective 202 select those statements aichhichwhich most eairlyelelegrlyeleairlyelearly and completely reveal a given persontspersonspersonapersontssonta views 303 avoid the use of isolated ambiguous referencereferences 4 accept all statements literally unlessunless they are obviously meant to be understood heriseotherwiseot ie5 in general base all conclusions on hatrrhatarhat is actually said not on what is supposedly left unsaidunaaido 6 look for an overall pattern of thought in a given personsB pronouncementbpronouncements 7 differentialdifferentiate between a principle and a fact 8 bab3 honest in the use of tha materialmaterialematerialomatedmaterlaislaioialoand in youdyour conclusions 4 limitations of the study this study doesdoos not protoadprotondprotone to include all facets of latterlatterdayday saint doctrine asaz it relates to adamadaaradaau such areas as adarasadanadamasadam a preexistentpre existent life his fall mortal life etcor comprisecomeomoomprise another study in themselves to have introduced them a herein would have been to pass beyond the outermost limits which define and confine a thesis therefore thithlthisthia study is limited to an examination of certain material relevant to adamsadamadama identity and accepted position in latterlatterdayday sainsaintt theology CHAPTER ilII11 THE DISCOURSE OPOFAPRIL 9vav9 1821852 baekeroundbackgroundekeround of the dlgcoydldi3c0ur30scouscoygcoy theme old tabernacle waslwasiwas filled to overflowing asaa president your9youngyouryoun9 arose to address the eveningeveninalnaing session of conference helleile110 spoke of the amysnmysmysteriesterlesteries and said that many of the elders of israel desired to know of themithemethesichesi but he mirndwarned his listeners that here is the place for you to teach great mysteries to your brethren because hereherore are those whoho can correct you thithlthis fault the eleldersorigrieri of israel
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