Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02261-4 - Hitler Versus Hindenburg: The 1932 Presidential Elections and the End of the Weimar Republic Larry Eugene Jones Index More information Index Abegg, Wilhelm, 124, 297 Bavarian Middle Party, 232 Adolf Friedrich Duke of Mecklenburg, 121 Bavarian People’s Party (BVP), 24, 27, 36, Alvensleben, Bodo von, 81, 236 154, 159, 298, 315, 323, 338, Anhalt 315 346, 349 antisemitism, 42–43, 45–46, 48 and Brüning, 132, 186 redemptive antisemitism, 48 and Hindenburg, 300 in the 1932 presidential elections, 248 support for presidential candidacy judeo-Bolshevism, 47 1925, 27, 30–31, 186, 210, 232, Ostjude, 43 276 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 47 elections Aretin, Erwein von, 233 Reichstag 1928, 72 Arnim-Boitzenburg, Dietlof von, 174 Reichstag July 1932, 346 Association of Christian Peasant Unions, Bavarian Rural League (BLB), 269, 286 211 Bechly, Hans, 160, 188, 272 and Hindenburg, 272 Badt, Hermann, 189 and Hitler, 138 Baltrusch, Fritz, 188, 202 Behrens, Franz, 178, 188 banking crisis 1931, 101 Below, Otto von, 209 Bäumer, Gertrud, 154 Bentheim-Treklenburg-Rheda, Albert zu Bausch, Paul election as marshal of DAG, 270 “Was ist Wahrheit?”, 302–3 Berghahn, Volker, 3 Bavaria Bernhard, Walter, 222 and Hindenburg’s election to the Reich Bertram, Cardinal Adolf, Bishop of presidency 1925, 32 Breslau, 210–11 Bavarian Hindenburg Committee, 158, Betz, Anton, 233 232 Bolz, Eugen, 203 civil defense leagues (Einwohnerwehren), Borck, Eldor, 151 159 Bornewasser, Franz Rudolf, Bishop of Trier elections and the Catholic aristocracy, 210 Landtag 1932, 9, 243, 275, 315, 359 Bose, Herbert von, 109 Munich Soviet, 46, 48 Brandi, Ernst, 224, 234 paramilitary Right, 46, 232 and Hindenburg, 221 395 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02261-4 - Hitler Versus Hindenburg: The 1932 Presidential Elections and the End of the Weimar Republic Larry Eugene Jones Index More information 396 Index Braun, Otto, 25, 191, 238, 316, 319, 322, and Hugenberg, 68, 73, 105, 120–21, 324, 334 144, 150 and Hindenburg’s candidacy for the meeting August 1931, 122 Reich presidency, 189–90, 212 and industry, 76, 78, 120 and Sahm committee, 177 and national opposition, 105–6, 120–21, Brauweiler, Heinz, 103, 243 130, 134, 136, 144, 150, 203, Bredt, Johann Victor, 134, 336 207–8 Breitscheid, Rudolf, 203 and NSDAP, 137, 149, 203, 207, 344 Briefe nach Ostdeutschland, 218 and Reichswehr, 344 Bruch, Karl, 277 and restoration of monarchy, 61 Brüning cabinet, 4, 8, 62, 64–66, 72–73, and Schleicher, 61, 64, 121, 150, 344, 352 78–79, 82, 86, 90, 94, 96, 101, and SPD, 77, 83–84, 97, 120, 344 108, 116–17, 186, 217, 255, and Westarp, 121 269, 271, 332, 334, 339 and young conservative movement, 63 and agricultural crisis, 67, 74–75 as chancellor and banking crisis 1931, 75–76, 101 agrarian crisis, 74 collapse of Adustrian Credit Institute, appointment as chancellor, 69 75, 101 dissolution of the Reichstag 1930, 70 collapse of Danat-Bank, 76, 101 fiscal conservatism, 343 and national opposition, 132 fourth emergency decree, 148 Groener’s resignation as defense minister, government by emergency decree, 73 342 reform agenda, 8, 61, 68–69 reorganization of cabinet October 1931, reorganization of cabinet October 121, 126–29, 134 1931, 128–29 second emergency decree June 1931, resignation, 9, 343 101 use of Article 48, 69, 344 Brüning, Heinrich, 2, 4, 6, 61, 66–67, 84, foreign policy, 345 164, 314, 349, 360 political assets, 62 and 1930 Reichstag elections, 70 Brunswick and 1932 presidential elections, 8–9, and Hitler’s citizenship, 203 205 feud between DNVP and NSDAP, 107 and business community Büchner, Fritz, 233 manifesto of September 1931, 123 Bullock, Alan, 4 and Center Party, 63, 138 Burghart, Georg, 234 and Christian labor movement, 62 Business Party (WP), 36, 71, 92, 117–18, and DNVP, 64, 68–69, 120, 131, 149, 132–34, 185–86, 240, 300, 332, 203 335 and efforts to unite the parties of the and Brüning, 73, 133–34, 186 middle and moderate Right and Hindenburg, 186, 299 1930, 72 defections to DNVP, 152, 186 and German party system, 72, 124 elections and Groener, 150, 341 Reichstag 1928, 72 and Harzburg Front, 133 Reichstag 1930, 277 and Hindenburg, 122, 127, 149, 156, Reichstag July 1932, 346 161, 203, 342 referendum for the dissolution of the campaign for reelection, 207–8, 298 Prussian Landtag, 97–98, 100 parliamentary extension of Hindenburg’s term of office, Carolo-Wilhelmina Technical Institute, 142, 144, 149 Brunswick, 159 and Hitler, 73, 131, 138, 144, 147, 150, Catholic Association for National Politics, 208 326 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02261-4 - Hitler Versus Hindenburg: The 1932 Presidential Elections and the End of the Weimar Republic Larry Eugene Jones Index More information Index 397 Catholic associational life, 211–12 Claß, Heinrich, 34, 106, 263, 327 Association for Catholic Germany, 211 and Harzburg rally, 116 Catholic Workers’ Associations, 211 speech, 114 Catholic conservatism, 102 and Hindenburg, 106, 263 Central Commission of Sports and Physical and Hitler, 262, 285 Hygiene, 214 and Hugenberg, 284 Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 46, 49 Coalition of Catholic Germans (AKD), 325 charisma, 9–10, 13, 30, 51, 54, 354, 359–61 Combat Bloc Black-White-Red, 241, 251 and Hitler, 51 Communist Party of Germany (KPD), 176, and the 1932 presidential elections, 360–61 190, 251, 274, 322–23, 337–39 as a political construct, 17 and 1932 presidential elections, 190, 205 Christian labor movement, 62–63, 77, 137, visual imagery, 255 213, 216 runoff election and Hindenburg, 37, 187, 209 defection of Thälmann voters to German Trade-Union Federation (DGB), Hitler, 308, 323 63 voting abstention by Thälmann National Association of Farm Workers, voters, 310 178, 188 and SPD, 188, 190, 319, 321 Union of Christian Mine Workers, 187 elections United Federation of Christian Trade Prussian Landtag 1932, 320 Unions (GCG), 187 referendum for the dissolution Christian-National Peasants and Farmers’ of the Prussian Landtag, Party (CNBLP), 71, 74, 92, 101, 103 117, 124–26, 132–33, 154, conservative elites, 7, 357 202, 240, 259, 267–69, 333, and Brüning, 129 335–36 and Hindenburg, 86 and Brüning, 73, 133, 180 and National Socialism, 134 and Hindenburg, 71, 182–83, 300 taming strategy, 86 and national opposition, 132–33 Conservative People’s Party (KVP), 71, 81, and United Hindenburg Committees, 216 181, 335 elections and Hindenburg, 71 Reichstag July 1932, 236 elections Reichstag 1928, 72 Reichstag 1930, 182 referendum for the dissolution of the Cossmann, Paul Nicholas, 233 Prussian Landtag, 98–100 Cramon, August von, 168 secession from the Reichstag, 75, 96, 99 Crispien, Arthur, 248 Christian-Social People’s Service (CSVD), Cuno, Wilhelm, 123, 127, 264 71, 125, 154, 202, 234–35, 240, Curtius, Julius, 122, 127, 223 333, 335 and Brüning, 183, 235 Darmstadt and National Bank, 221 and Christian People’s Service, 234 Darré, R. Walter, 259 and Christian-Social Reich Association, Der Landbürger, 219 234 Der Ring, 236–37 and Hindenburg, 71, 182, 235, 299, 302 Deutsche Handels-Wacht, 272 and Hitler, 302 Diels, Rudolf, 297 and United Hindenburg Committees, Dietrich, Hermann, 128, 217, 229, 238 183, 235 as DStP party chairman, 186, 214 elections Hindenburg campaign Reichstag 1928, 72 finances, 229–30 referendum for the dissolution of the Dingeldey, Eduard, 98–99, 154, 184, 223, Prussian Landtag, 100 330–32, 335 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02261-4 - Hitler Versus Hindenburg: The 1932 Presidential Elections and the End of the Weimar Republic Larry Eugene Jones Index More information 398 Index Dingeldey, Eduard (cont.) elections and Brüning, 133 1932 presidential elections and Hindenburg, 184–85 significance in the history of the as DVP party chairman, 224 Weimar Republic, 10 Ditfurth, Wilhelm, 26–27 Reichstag 1928, 73 Dittmann, Wilhelm, 248 Reichstag 1930, 4, 70, 72, 235 Döbrich, Friedrich, 133, 202 state elections Dorpalen, Andreas, 3 Bavarian Landtag 1932, 9 Drewitz, Hermann, 335 Prussian Landtag 1932, 9 Drexler, Anton, 48, 50 Württemberg Landtag 1932, 9 Drumont, Edmond, 46 Epp, Franz von, 170, 196 Duesterberg, Theodor, 89–90, 107, 130, Escherich, Georg, 158, 160, 177 162, 164–65, 195, 219, 241–42, Esser, Hermann, 50 243–44, 263, 265, 267–68, 270, Eulenburg-Hertefeld, Prince Friedrich 275, 278, 286, 300, 303, 305–6, Wend zu, 197 308, 311, 327, 347 Eyck, Erich, 4 and 1932 presidential elections endorsement of Hindenburg, 283–84 Falkenhayn, Erich von, 16 results of first ballot, 274–75, 277 Falter, Jürgen, 308, 311–12 and Harzburg rally, 108 Faulhaber, Michael, bishop of Munich, speech, 114 211 and Hindenburg, 166–67, 169, 241 Feldmann, Otto von, 29 and Hitler, 88, 95, 150 Fischer, Hermann, 154 and Hugenberg, 166, 283 Flick, Friedrich, 228 and NSDAP, 107–8 Forster, Albert, 272 as a candidate for the Reich presidency, Franke, Hans, 291 172–73, 192–93, 195, 220, Free Corps, 48 240–42, 358 Freud, Sigmund, 11 as a German Volksführer, 242 Freudenthal, Berthold, 20 campaign financing, 242 Frick, Wilhelm, 106, 144, 196 lack of financial resources, 242 and Harzburg rally, 113 strategic objective, 278 Friedländer, Saul, 48 withdrawal from the second Friedrich von Berg-Markienen, presidential ballot, 304 174, 270 resignation from the DOB, 284 Friedrich Wilhelm I, King of Prussia, 58 resignation from the VVVD, 284 Füssel, Wilhelm, 152 Duisberg, Carl, 7, 38, 160, 178, 304, 306 as
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