Gazzetta Tal-Gvern Ta' Malta

Gazzetta Tal-Gvern Ta' Malta

Nru./No. 20,462 Prezz/Price €5.58 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta The Malta Government Gazette Il-Ġimgħa, 14 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 Pubblikata b’Awtorità Friday, 14th August, 2020 Published by Authority SOMMARJU — SUMMARY Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern ............................................................................................. 6949 - 6970 Government Notices ......................................................................................................... 6949 - 6970 Avviżi tal-Pulizija ............................................................................................................ 6970 - 6974 Police Notices .................................................................................................................. 6970 - 6974 Avviżi lill-Baħħara ........................................................................................................... 6974 - 6976 Notices to Mariners .......................................................................................................... 6974 - 6976 Opportunitajiet ta’ Impieg ................................................................................................ 6976 - 7035 Employment Opportunities .............................................................................................. 6976 - 7035 Avviżi tal-Gvern ............................................................................................................... 7035 - 7050 Notices .............................................................................................................................. 7035 - 7050 Offerti ............................................................................................................................... 7050 - 7058 Tenders ............................................................................................................................. 7050 - 7058 Avviżi tal-Qorti ................................................................................................................ 7058 - 7068 Court Notices ................................................................................................................... 7058 - 7068 L-14 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 6949 NOTIFIKAZZJONIJIET TAL-GVERN GOVERNMENT NOTICES Nru. 944 No. 944 ATT DWAR IL-PROTEZZJONI TAL-AMBJENT ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION ACT (KAP. 549) (CAP. 549) Artiklu 69 tal-Att Dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Ambjent Article 69 of the Environment Protection Act Ordni ta’ Emerġenza għall-Konservazzjoni tal-Bejta Il-Bajja tal-Mellieħa (Mellieħa Bay) Turtle Nesting tal-Fekruna fil-Bajja tal-Mellieħa Emergency Conservation Order L-AWTORITÀ għall-Ambjent u r-Riżorsi qiegħda b’dan THE Environment and Resources Authority is hereby toħroġ Ordni ta’ Emerġenza għall-Konservazzjoni fuq is-sit issuing an Emergency Conservation Order in respect of the kif deskritt hawn isfel skont id-dispożizzjoni tal-Artikolu 69 site as described below in accordance with Article 69 of the tal-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Ambjent, fuq: Environment Protection Act, for the purpose of conservation on: Il-Bajja tal-Mellieħa Il-Bajja tal-Mellieħa (Mellieħa Bay) u ż-żona tal-madwar hekk kif indikat fil-mappa tas-sit and its surroundings as per site plan under Schedule I taħt Skeda I (ara l-mapep tas-sit fuq il-paġni 6953 u 6954), (see site plans on pages 6953 and 6954), hereinafter referred aktar ’il quddiem imsejħa “żona ta’ emerġenza għall- to as “the emergency conservation area”, due to ecological konservazzjoni”, minħabba li dan is-sit huwa ta’ importanza and scientific importance of the sites and the need for ekoloġika u xjentifika u hemm bżonn ta’ konservazzjoni. conservation. Ir-regolamenti li ġejjin għandhom japplikaw: The following regulations shall apply: 1. Għall-fini tal-Ordni ta’ Emerġenza għall- 1. For the purpose of the Emergency Conservation Order, Konservazzjoni, il-kliem “Awtorità”; “konservazzjoni”; u the terms “Authority”; “conservation”; and “person” shall “persuna” għandu jkollhom l-istess tifsira mogħtija lilhom have the same meaning as that defined in the Act. fl-Att. 2. Iż-Żona ta’ Emerġenza għall-Konservazzjoni tista’ 2. The Emergency Conservation Area may be monitored tkun immonitorjata kontinwament inter alia permezz ta’ site continuously inter alia by means of a temporary site post. post temporanju. 3. Ebda persuna m’għandha, fiż-Żona ta’ Emerġenza 3. No person shall, within the emergency conservation għall-Konservazzjoni hekk nominata għal dan l-iskop area designated for such purposes as per site plan under skont il-mappa tas-sit taħt Skeda I (ara l-mapep tas-sit fuq Schedule I (see site plans on pages 6953 and 6954), unless il-paġni 6953 u 6954), sakemm mhux bl-awtorizzazzjoni authorised by the Authority strictly for the purpose of tal-Awtorità u strettament biex titjieb il-konservazzjoni ta’ enhancing the conservation of any turtle nest, eggs, and kwalunkwe bejta, bajd u fkieren: turtles: (a) bi kwalunkwe mod, tieħu jew tipprova tieħu, (a) In any way, take or attempt to take, disturb, damage tiddisturba, tikkawża ħsara jew teqred xi bajd, frieħ jew or destroy any eggs, turtle hatchlings or adult marine turtle, adulti tal-fkieren tal-baħar, kemm ħajjin jew mejtin; whether alive or dead; (b) tidħol jew tipprova tidħol, jew b’xi mod tassisti (b) enter or attempt to enter, or in any way assist any persuna oħra biex tidħol fiż-żona magħluqa mill-Awtorità; other person to enter the area cordoned-off by the Authority; (c) tneħħi kull tip ta’ oġġett jew parti minnu, li qed jintuża (c) remove any portion of, or object making up, the sabiex tkun magħluqa dik iż-żona magħluqa mill-Awtorità cordoning-off of the area done by the Authority or any jew kwalunkwe installazzjoni anċillari jew sinjali uffiċjali ancillary installation or any official signage installed by the installati mill-Awtorità; Authority; 6950 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,462 (d) tpoġġi jew tipprova tpoġġi kwalunkwe tip ta’ oġġett (d) introduce or attempt to introduce any object or jew materjal ieħor fiż-żona magħluqa mill-Awtorità; material into the area cordoned off by the Authority; (e) iddendel, twaħħal jew tehmeż jew tipprova ddendel, (e) hang, affix or append or attempt to hang, affix or twaħħal, jew tehmeż xi oġġett fuq l-apparat u tagħmir użat append any object on the cordoning installed by the Authority sabiex tiġi magħluqa dik iż-żona madwar il-bejta magħluqa around the nest or in any manner compromise or attempt to mill-Awtorità jew, b’kull mezz ieħor tikkomprometti jew compromise the integrity of the cordoning; tipprova tikkomprometti l-integrità tat-tagħmir jew apparat użat; (f) tpoġġi jew tipprova tpoġġi kwalunkwe oġġett, li fi (f) place or attempt to place any object that, at any time kwalunkwe ħin bejn tlugħ ix-xemx u nżul ix-xemx, jista’ between sunrise and sunset, may cast a shadow inside the jitfa’ jew joħloq dell fiż-żona magħluqa mill-Awtorità; area cordoned-off by the Authority; (g) tħalli xi annimal li huwa proprjetà tagħha jew fil- (g) allow any animal under his ownership or responsibility kontroll tagħha jidħol jew jipprova jidħol fiż-żona magħluqa to enter or attempt to enter the area cordoned-off by the mill-Awtorità; Authority; (h) tnaddaf, jew tneħħi żibel, skart jew kwalunkwe oġġett (h) remove any litter or article whatsoever from the area ieħor miż-żona magħluqa mill-Awtorità, sakemm mhux bl- cordoned-off by the Authority unless by hand; idejn; (i) tiddepożita kwalunkwe żibel, sakemm mhux fir- (i) deposit any litter, unless this is deposited in the litter reċipjenti taż-żibel jew faċilitajiet oħra pprovduti għal dan bins or other litter collection facilities provided for such il-għan; purpose; (j) tagħmel storbju jew toħloq vibrazzjoni eċċessivi, jew (j) generate any excessive noise or vibrations, or play idoqq mużika b’volum għoli; loud music; (k) ikollha fil-pusses, tarma, taħraq jew tqabbad (k) be in possession of, set up, light up or let off any sort kwalunkwe tip ta’ materjal pirotekniku, logħob tan-nar jew of pyrotechnic material, fireworks or explosives; splussiv ieħor; (l) tinstalla kwalunkwe nases, xbiek jew apparat simili li (l) install any traps, nets or similar devices that in any jista’ b’xi mod jaqbad jew jagħmel ħsara lill-bajd tal-fkieren, way may catch or harm any turtle egg, turtle hatchling or il-frieħ jew adulti tal-fkieren; adult turtle; (m) tkala jew ikollha fil-pusses kwalunkwe xibka tal- (m) deploy or be in possession of any gill net; trammel parit, xkitt jew kull xorta ta’ xibka tas-sajd. net or fishing net of any sort. 4. Minghajr preġudizzju għal dak ipprovdut taħt xi liġi 4. Without prejudice to any other requirement under any oħra, ebda persuna m’għandha sal-14 ta’ Ottubru, 2020, u other legislation, until the 14th October, 2020, no person fiż-żona fejn japplikaw iktar restrizzjonijiet fi Skeda I: shall within the area subject to further restrictions under Schedule I: (a) tikkampja jew tipparteċipa fi kwalunkwe attività ta’ (a) camp or participate in any camping activity; kkampjar; (b) tipparteċipa fi kwalunkwe attività ta’ catering jew (b) participate in any catering activity or any barbecues; barbecues; (c) tipparteċipa fi kwalunkwe attività organizzata li (c) participate in any organised activity involving a group tikkonsisti fi grupp ta’ iżjed minn 10 persuni; of more than 10 persons; L-14 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 6951 (d) issuq, timmanuvra jew tipparkja kwalunkwe vettura (d) drive, manoeuvre or park any vehicle over the sand; fuq ir-ramel; (e) tneħħi kull tip ta’ fdalijiet tal-alka magħmula minn (e) remove any Posidonia oceanica or Cymodocea Posidonia oceanica

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