Income tax challenged by 'expert By MARK MAGYAR taxes. And I'm telling you the Constitution income tax be should pay, but be staved off WEST LONG BRANCH - The government does not require you to submit tax returns," he government subpoenas by asserting his Fourth does not have the power to force anyone to pay said. Amendment right to keep his papers private. income taxes, a Connecticut "tax expert" told Schiff said the 16th Amendment gives the "Another reason no federal or state judge the Federation of New Jersey Taxpayers con- federal government the power to levy and can legally enforce the collection of any tax is vention here yesterday. collect taxes on income, but does not give the that the tax laws require payments in dollars/' Inrin A. Schiff, author of "The Biggest government the power to require an individual Schiff said. "By 'dollars,' they mean those Con: How the Government Is Fleecing You," citizen to levy a tax on himself. instruments of legal tender which are re- boasted to an audience of more than 100 that he "The federal government should levy in- deemable in gold. has not paid any income taxes since 1973, and come taxes the way a municipal government "When the federal government went off that the federal government has been unable to levies property taxes — by sending the individ- the gold standard, it turned those legal dollars force him to do so despite numerous attempts. ual a bill for the amount he owes," Schiff said. into mere promissory notes which promise Schiff explained his formula for tax evasion "Unless the government sends you a bill for nothing. Like the dollars printed by the Con- to the gathering, and promised complete de- income taxes owed, you don't have to pay any tinental Congress which were not redeemable tails in his $30 Freedom Kit," which consists income tax. for anything of value, these dollars are also of five cassette tapes and his "Tax Rebel's "The only way the government knows bow 'not worth a Continental,'" he said. Guide to the United States Constitution and the much Income you've earned is when you dis- Schiff asserted that the federal government Declaration of Independence." close the amount in a tax return — that is, doesn't need an income tax to continue to "People who have my 'Freedom Kit' need when you bill yourself. You are under no provide what be regards as "essential ser- have no fear of the Internal Revenue Service," Constitutional obligation to levy a tax on your- vices." Schiff said. "The only way the government self. The income tax is based on voluntary "The federal government gets 60 percent can levy taxes against you is when you submit compliance. If you don't feel like complying, of its income from other sources of taxation, a tax return admitting to a certain amount of don't!" and spends only 23 percent of its budget on income. Schiff, who lives in Hamden, Conn., said defense, which is the most essential service "If you don't submit a tax return, the the federal government has tried to subpoena provided by government," Schiff said. "Ob- Taxpayer* make feelings quit* obvious with poster (Carl Torino photo) government can't force you to pay income his books and records to find out how much See lacwnetai, pace I The Daily Register >1 onmoii<•• County's Great Home Newspaper VOL. 102 NO. 256 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, APRIL 28.1980 20 CENTS Vance resigns in raid's aftermath WASHINGTON (AP) - Shouts of retreat from "but both concluded it was impossible for him to compromise in preference to confrontation. His a remote Iranian desert echoed across America function as secretary of state." attitude was shaped partly by bis Wall Street today. The reverberations: a stunning Cabinet Earlier, another official, who also declined to lawyer background and also by the U.S. involve- resignation, a presidential trip, revulsion over the be identified, said that while Vance was troubled ment in the Vietnam war, which Vance as deputy lurid display of dead American commandos, stir- recently with the flu and gout, he intended to quit secretary of defense first supported and then rings of congressional Inquiry. as a result of policy disagreements. "Anything began to doubt. Bit by bit, too, an outline of the failed, top- can happen at the last minute, but that's the way While Vance's resignation and President secret rescue mission became known over the it looks now," the official said. Carter's trip to Texas were the focus of most weekend. It was not known who would replace Vance, attention in the capital, Congress goes back into II was reported that Secretary of State Cyrus but speculation centered on Warren Christopher, session today ready to conduct inquiries Into Vance was the lone dissenter among presidential the deputy secretary whose role grew as Vance's Carter's handling of the affair and into the me- advisers privy to the rescue plan. Yesterday, be declined. chanical problems that reduced it to failure. quit his post amid public revelation of his opposi- Over the last 3 W years Vance has seen some of Carter is going to the Brooke Army Medical tion. his priority projects, including arms control and Center in San Antonio to visit those injured in the Vance's resignation, confirmed last night by detente with the Soviet Union, pushed to a back crash that occurred during the withdrawal. two high administration officials, came as a burner as the administration hardened its stance Ovej the weekend, Senate leader Robert Byrd shock even though be had planned to leave at the toward Moscow. His principal antagonist in the complained that Carter had become a "hostage" end of President Carter's current term. It left a struggle for Carter's ear was Zblgniew to the Iranian situation himself and should hit the vacancy in the management of U.S. foreign policy Bnetinaki, the national security adviser with campaign trail. White House Press Secretary at a time of considerable international turmoil, pronounced anti-Soviet views. Jody Powell said such a move has not even been with the nation embroiled In disputes Involving The disclosure that Vance disagreed with the discussed, but Carter's visit - bis first out of Iran, the failed rescue mission and the Soviet military rescue attempt was, In itself, surprising. Washington since Oct. 2», in days ago - Is taking move into Afghanistan. Usually, once a presidential decision is reached - him to a state whose Democratic primary is on One U.S. official, who declined to be Identi- particularly one that doesn't work out -the ranks Saturday. fied, said Vance was the only member of the around him dose with no one acknowledging On ABC's "Issues and Answers," Brzextnskl National Security Council who opposed the rescue disapproval. was asked about Vance's reported unhappiness operation as too risky. "They had a good rela- Characteristically, Vance favored In most ov- tionship," the official said of Vance and Carter. erseas ventures a careful approach based on Sec VaacevalU, page 1 President Carter, Zbigniew Brxexinski, center, and Cyrus Vance Military bid Iranians eye ransom wins support for American bodies NEW YOI.K (AP) - failed In an attempt4o spirit By Associated Press eign Ministry in Tehran since the embassy Americans overwhelmingly the hostages away from their Some of the U.S. hostages were reported takeover Nov. 4 were not moved, a ministry approve of the military effort militant captors. Equipment transferred from the embassy In Tehran as official said. to free the hostages in Iran, failures and tragic mistakes the bodies of the American servicemen killed The bodies of eight American servicemen and they say President in the desert south of Tehran in the abortive rescue attempt were dis- killed in the aborted rescue mission Friday Carter waited loo long to use aborted the mission hundreds played there. An attempt to demand ransom were laid out in plastic bags on the ground at military force to try to end of miles short of iU goal, for the bodies was indicated, but the Carter the embassy and reporters and TV camera the months-long crisis, an As- Carter told the nation in a administration said It won't pay up. crews were called In to see them and photo- sociated Press-NBC News early morning statement A group of the hostages arrived in Tabriz, graph them. poll says The AP-NBC News poll the restive capital of Azerbaijan province 80 President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr said Sat- The public also thinks an- was conducted on Friday and miles south of the Soviet border, while anoth- urday the bodies should be returned "with no other military effort to fret Saturday, after the failure of er group was sent to Qom, the Sbiite Moslem conditions attached." But the newspaper of the more than SO Americans the mission was announced, holy city 100 miles south of Tehran, the the hard-line Islamic Republican Party, should be considered, al- and Is based on telephone In- militants occupying the embassy announced Jomhori Islami, said President Carter should though that now seems un- terviews with 1,603 adults na- Sunday. be made to ransom them by releasing the $8 likely with the militants' de- tionwide. They said some of the militants were billion in Iranian assets be froze in November cision to scatter the hostages By better than a two-to- accompanying each group and that control of in retaliation for the hostage seizure. to various cities outside one margin, Americans sup- the hostages was to be shared with the people Ayatollah Mohammad Beheshti, the par- Tehran.
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