CONTENT ROSTOV REGION 4 THE TERRITORY OF GREAT OPPORTUNITIES “PRIAZOVSKAYA” 28 TOURIST-RECREATION ZONE SOUTHERN SHORE OF THE AZOV SEA 36 ”AZOVSKY LAS-VEGAS” 40 STANITSA STAROCHERKASSKAYA 42 «ROSTOV-CITY» 46 SOUTH-BATAYSK INDUSTRIAL ZONE 54 CONTACTS 62 RUSSIAN FEDERATION ROSTOV REGION THE TERRITORY OF GREAT OPPORTUNITIES ROSTOV REGION Rostov region is one of the largest regions of the Russian Fed- THE TERRITORY OF GREAT OPPORTUNITIES eration. It absorbed all investment advantages of Russia, more- over climate is mild and warm here than in other regions of the country. 4 5 ROSTOV REGION THE TERRITORY OF GREAT OPPORTUNITIES Glorified by Don Cossacks, famous all over the world as the Motherland of Anton Chekhov, Nobel prize winners Mikhail Sholohov and Alexander Solzhenizin, as the place of the latest archaeological digs of Tur Heyerdal, Ros- tov region is among the leading industrial regions of the coun- try. It is considered as the genuine business capital of the South of Russia. 6 7 ROSTOV REGION THE TERRITORY OF GREAT OPPORTUNITIES M.A. Sholokhov (1905-1984) was born in the stanitsa Veshenskaya. Twice bearer of the title of the Hero of Socialist Labour, laureate of the 1st Degree Stalin Premium awarded him for his novel “Quiet Flows the Don”(1941), and laureate of the Lenin premium for the novel “Podnyataya Tselina” (Virgin Soil Upturned) (1960). Laureate of the Nobel Prize for the novel Quiet Flows the Don”(1965). 8 9 But the main thing nowadays is that Rostov region is the terri- otory of great opportunities, including developers, realtors, and investors in commercial real estate. Economy of the region, income of the population, general liv- ing standards and consumer market during the last eight years ROSTOV REGION have been growing so dynamically that business, trade and in- dustrial infrastructure couldn’t keep up with these indices. THE TERRITORY OF GREAT OPPORTUNITIES 10 11 There can be no doubt about the fact that within five-ten years in Rostov-on-Don and other adjoining cities (Taganrog, Novo- cherkassk, Azov, Bataysk, Aksay – the so-called Rostov ag- glomeration, with the population of more than 2 million people), there will be: . own city; ROSTOV REGION . business centres, of the level of European compa- nies, which start today their activities on the territory of the Rostov region; . new hotels and health centres on the unique cost of Azov sea; . casinos and entertaining establishments in the de- THE TERRITORY OF GREAT OPPORTUNITIES signed gambling zone (“Azovsky Las-Vegas”); . a great number of trade centres; . leisure and sport establishments. However the aim of the region authorities, mayors of the larg- est Don cities is to cross this road as soon as possible. And it would be better to do this with European and world leaders of the real estate market. 12 13 Within the framework of Rostov agglomeration on MIPIM-2007 we present three projects, where it is possible and profitable to display oneself as a de- veloper or investor. These are: ROSTOV REGION . “PRIAZOVSKAYA” TOURIST-RECREATION ZONE . “ROSTOV-CITY” THE TERRITORY OF GREAT OPPORTUNITIES . SOUTH-BATAYSK INDUSTRIAL ZONE As a result each of the aforementioned projects will absorb tens and thousands of smaller projects. And it doesn’t matter whether it is SPA hotel on the cost of Azov sea, office towers, show coplex in the Rostov-City or industrial park in the area of Bataysk. The authorities of the region, regional “Investment Promotion Agency” are ready to contribute in any possible way to make it appear on the map of Rostov region and development of your business. 14 15 ROSTOV REGION THE TERRITORY OF GREAT OPPORTUNITIES Town Council (Architect Pomerantsev A.N.)1899. (the present day- City Administration) 16 17 ROSTOV REGION THE TERRITORY OF GREAT OPPORTUNITIES Drama Theatre named after Gorky M. Built in1935. Constructed in the form of a huge tractor. Its model as a sample of architectural constructiv- ism is exhibited in the British Museum nowadays. Drama theater entering the number UNESCO architectural monuments. 18 19 ROSTOV REGION THE TERRITORY OF GREAT OPPORTUNITIES Alexander-Nevsky Cathedral 1907 (not preserved) and Rostov State bank office (now Russian Federation State bank administration in Rostov region) on New Market square (now Soviet square). Rostov-on-Don. 20 21 ROSTOV REGION THE TERRITORY OF GREAT OPPORTUNITIES The Fashion Trade Centre “A’stor Plaza”. Rostov-on-Don. Architect The A’stor Plaza project is renowned the best Russian developer project of – Dominic Guillot of Design Architectural, the leading French architectural 2005 – 2006 in the “Trade Complex” nomination. Constructed in 2006 by company. The Design Architectural Company is the author of the design the “ADM Group” developer company (Rostov-on-Don). project for the Lafayette Gallery, trade complex in the centre of Paris. 22 23 ROSTOV REGION THE TERRITORY OF GREAT OPPORTUNITIES The “Galion” versatile centre is arranged in form of a sailing vessel. Its The project is to be realized in the central part of Rostov-on-Don by the internal design corresponds to the same concept. middle of 2009. The area occupied is about 100 000 sq. m. The investors of this the project are: Gorizont SC and Promsviaz’nedvizhimost (Industrial communications and real estate) CJSC. 24 25 ROSTOV AGGLOMERATION SCHEME 26 27 “PRIAZOVSKAYA” TOURIST-RECREATION ZONE “PRIAZOVSKAYA” TOURIST-RECREATION ZONE The current resort, ethnographical, historical and cultural, rec- reational potential of “Priazovskaya” is used to the extent of less than 5%. In many respects due to the lack of modern hotels, SPA centres, recreational infrastructure, high-quality service. However, even presently the situation cardinally changes. So, for example, as a perspective for the nearest five years flow of tourists who prefer to go on vacation to Rostov region on the coast of Azov sea will grow from the present 200 thousand people a year up to 3 million people. 28 29 There are several reasons for this: . Great-scale government investments in the devel- opment of engeneering, transport and social infrastructure and bank stabilization. Building of one of the four gambling zones “Azovsky Las-Vegas” on the coast. There are legislative incentives for the concentration of the whole Russian gambling busi- ness in this four zones, including the zone of “Azovsky Las-Vegas”. Just the government itself is willing to invest about $458,000,000. Systematic and logical work in improvement of the “PRIAZOVSKAYA” . ecological situation in Azov-Don area of water (great-scale investments in modernization of the regional water treat- TOURIST-RECREATION ZONE ment plant; necessary accent on ecology of the newly built factories and plants; systematic activity in renewal of bio- resources, existent reserves, places of wild nature; strict observance of environmental legislation). Completion of one of the largest golf-club in Russia in stanitsa Starocherkasskaya (140 ha). Realization of the project of the new Rostov airport “Rostov hub”, capable of receiving all types of the main air crafts, and is designed for annual passenger traffic of 8 million people. All this makes real presuppositions for dynamic development of “Priazovskaya” and for carrying out new great-scale develop- ers’ projects on its territory. 30 31 Besides the growing appeal of the Azov sea coast, building of the “Russian Las-Vegas” will form a great-scale traffic for the development of the tourist industry among the nearest histori- cal and cultural sights of Don, first of all in the following cities: Tanais, Azov, Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don, Novocherkassk, Aksay and stanitsa Starocherkasskaya. “PRIAZOVSKAYA” TOURIST-RECREATION ZONE 32 33 “PRIAZOVSKAYA” TOURIST-RECREATION ZONE “Old House” hotel, located between Rostov and Azov (20 minutes drive from the center of the Don capital). 34 35 Territory for the realization of the new resort and health cen- SOUTHERN SHORE tres’ project (hotels, SPA, children sanitary centres) – not less OF THE AZOV SEA than 300 ha. Major advantages: . 40 km – length of the shoreline (sand beaches). The most moderate sea coast of Russia. Ideal for development of children and trade union rec- reation. “PRIAZOVSKAYA” . No direct foreign competitors (except for Ukrainian part of Azov sea). TOURIST-RECREATION ZONE . Warm climate (quantity of heat in the summer time is the same as on the famous Black sea resorts; swimming pe- riod continues for 90 days in average, sometimes for 110 days). 36 37 “PRIAZOVSKAYA” TOURIST-RECREATION ZONE Tourist trends: Advantages before Black sea coast: . 3 million people a year – expected number of tour- . Best transport availability from the central and north- ists; ern areas of Russia. family recreation on the beach; . Lower cost price of resort services (for example, due to the more favourable landscape the coast of maintaining . medical, balneal; engineering infrastructure and building). cognitive, historical and cultural; . Today health programs on the Azov sea coast are moderate for 90 % of the Russian families. ecological (natural steppe landscapes, wild nature, nat- ural park “Don Delta” are preserved); . Sand bottom and shallow water favour the develop- ment of vacation for children. archaeological (on the territory of the Rosotov region great-scale archaeological digs are carried out; areas near . Absence of competition from the side of foreign Azov and Tanais at different time attracted attention of fa- competitors. mous archaeologists as Tur Heyerdal); . Climate suitable for the most adults and children. pilgrim; . Sanatorium treatment can be advised for wide range . sport (ideal place for surfing and sailing). of people. Great opportunities for the development of SPA cen- tres (mud, mineral springs and other). Neighbouring with a large number of different sights (Peter’s and Chekhov’s places, Cossacks’ places, Tur Heyerdal, Starocherkassk, Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don, No- vocherkassk and other). 38 39 ”AZOVSKY LAS-VEGAS” For the relatively short term the population of the “Azovsky Las- Vegas”, on the place of which there is no a single building, will “PRIAZOVSKAYA” reach 40-50 thousand people.
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