llllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll US005253344A United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 5,253,344 Bostick et al. [45] Date of Patent: Oct. 12, 1993 [54] METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR [56] References Cited DYNAMICALLY CHANGING THE S P A NT ENT CONFIG TION OF A LOGICALLY 4 541 04:1- 9l/l985rEBall DOCI-llM 5 364/200 §$§TEMONEDI‘III D ATA PROCESSING 4,779,194, , 10/1988 egeer et . ................. .. 4,8l5,03l 3/1989 _ 4,843,541 6/1989 [75] Inventors: James E. Bostick, Poughkeepsie; 4,853,117 g/19s9 Roger E. Hough, Highland; Suzanne 5,027,271 6/1991 M. John, Poughkeepsie; Jeffrey P. 5,155,837 10/1992 Kubala, Poughquag; Karen M. 53701472 12/1992 Noon“; Nofman E' Shift‘, both of Primary Examiner-Michael R. Fleming Poughkeepsie; Ira G. Siegel, New Assistant Examine,_Gopa1 c_ Ray Paul’ an of N-Y- Attorney, Agent, or Finn-William B. Porter CI‘ [73] Assignee: International Business Machines [57] _ _ _ _ Corp” Armonk, NY, A request is made by a system in a ?rst logical partition, within a logically partitioned data processing system, to _ dynamically change the I/O con?guration of the host [21] Appl' No" 755’246 system in a way that affects a system in a second logical partition. The hypervisor intercepts the request, ensures [22] Filed! sep- 5’ 1991 the serialization of such dynamic I/O requests, and allows dynamic recon?guration to proceed. Subse [51] Int. Cl.5 ............................................ .. G06F 13/00 quently, the hypervisor determines the effect of the [52] US. Cl. .................................. .. 395/275; 395/325; recon?guration on the second partition, and notifies the 364/9494; 364/D1G. 2 second partition of the change. [58] Field of Search ............. .. 395/725, 325, 650, 200, 395/425, 275; 340/825.5; 370/852 12 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets SET UP CONFIGURATION MODE P01 DYNAMIC I/O COMMAND AND suaszousm PROCESSING / PROCESS DYNAMIC l/O COMMAND DETERMINE THE EFFECT or / conncummu ounces ON ALL LOGICAL PARTITTONS l NOTIFY AFFECTED LOGICAL PARTITIONS 0F DELETED SUBCHANNELS VIA CHANNEL REPORTS NO ——L EXIT CONFIGURATION MODE YES NOTIFY AFFECTED LOGICAL PARTITIONS OF ADDED OR MODIFIED SUBCHANNELS VIA CHANNEL REPORTS US.‘ Patent 0a. 12, 1993 Sheet 1 of 8 5,253,344 FIG.1 1m SET UP CONFIGURATION MODE / 102 SE FIGs 2-5 DYNAMIC I/O COMMAND AND / FOR DETAILS SUBSEQUENT PROCESSING 102A PROCESS DYNAMIC I /o COMMAND 102B DETERMINE THE EFFECT OF / ' CONFIGURATION CHANGES on ALL LOGICAL PARTITIONS 1D2c NOTIFY AFFECTED LOGICAL / PARTITIONS 0F DELETED SUBCHANNELS VIA CHANNEL REPORTS N0 103 EXIT CONFIGURATION MODE / YES 104 NOTIFY AFFECTED LOGICAL / PARTITIONS 0F ADDED DR MODIFIED ' SUBCHANNELS VIA CHANNEL REPORTS US. Patent Oct. 12, 1993 Sheet 2 of 8 5,253,344 FIG. 2 201 \ PRE-CHECK N0 REQUEST VALID 202 \ POST CONDITION cons N0 v - COMMAND OK > 203 \ PASS REQUEST 20s . TO 10p \ ANALYZE CHANGES 204 \ WAIT FOR 206 COMPLETION \ UPDATE INTERRUPTION I/O nzvrce CONTROL BLOCKS 207 SET up FOR POST CRW POSTING COMPLETION CODE US. Patent Oct. 12, 1993 Sheet 3 of 8 5,253,344 FIG.3 301 \ PRE-CHECK N0 N0 VALID REQUEST > COMMAND 0K 302 306 \ POST \ UPDATE coumnow CODE CONFIGURATION INFORMATION 303 - 307 i \ INVOKE v \ POST PROCESSOR -— —-—+- COMPLETION 3 CONTROLLER ‘ CODE YES ERROR 304 \ PASS REQUEST To IOP 305 \ wAIT FOR COMPLETION INTERRUPTION US. Patent Oct.12,1993 Sheet 4 of 8 5,253,344 F I G . 4 \ PREI-CHECK VALID REQUEST \ PASS REQUEST TO IOP \ POST CONDITION cons \ WAIT FOR COMPLETION INTERRUPTION \ POST i COMPLETION cone US. Patent Oct. 12, 1993 Sheet 5 of 8 5,253,344 F l G . 5 ‘ \ PRE-CHECK V COMMAND OK > CLEAN UP / CONTROL BLOCKS N0 5o7\ VALID REQUEST > POST -4——-| COMPLETION CODE \ UPDATE LPAR CONTROL BLOCKS \ PASS REQUEST TO IOP \ POST CONDITION CODE ses \ WAIT FOR COMPLETION INTERRUPTION US. Patent 0¢¢.12,199s Sheet 6 of 8 5,253,344 501 YES 605’\ \ PRE-CHECK > COMMAND ox > UPDATE LPAR . CONTROL N0 60? BLOCKS VALID REQUEST 7 POST COMPLETION cone <-——-' 502 \ PASS COMMAND T0 IOP FIG.6 e03 \ POST common CODE 60:: \ WAIT FOR COMPLETION INTERRUPTION FIG.7 I I 0 NUMBER OF I POSSIBLE SUBCHANNELS SUBCHANNELS US. Patent Oct. 12,1993 Sheet 7 of 8 5,253,344 FIG.9B STATE TYPE DESCRIPTION O OPEN , DISABLED(AND IDLE) CLOSED BEING ENABLED OR DISABLED OPEN ENABLED AND IDLE CLOSED MAKE FUNCTION ACTIVE OPEN FUNCTION PENDING WAITING FOR LOCKS CLOSED CHECK COUNT CLOSED MAKE REAL FUNCTION ACTIVE CLOSED ISSUE SERVICE PROCESSOR REQUEST AND IGNORE UNSOLICITED INTERRUPTIONS OPEN FOR REAL STATUS SUBCHANNEL OPEN WAITING FOR REAL STATUS FUNCTION PENDING 0 CLOSED DRAIN ANY REAL STATUS. UPDATE FUNCTION PENDING CLOSED REBUILD SYSTEM CONTROL BLOCKS CLOSED FILTER RESPONSE AND MAKE STATUS PENDING CLOSED UNLOCK PICLs OPEN STATUS PENDING CLOSED CHECK FOR ADDITIONAL REAL PENDING STATUS CLOSED UNABLE TO OBTAIN PICLs-CHECK COUNT CLOSED MAKE INVALID RESPONSE PENDING CLOSED MAKE UNSOLICITED STATUS PENDING CLOSED MAKE ERROR PENDING FOR SERVICE PROCESSOR REQUEST FAILURE CLOSED CHECK FOR ANY PENDING UNSOLICITED STATUS NOTE: AN OPEN STATE IS ONE FROM WHICH MORE THAN ONE ' PROCESS CAN ATTEMPT TO MAKE A TRANSITION. A CLOSED STATE IS ONE FROM WHICH ONLY ONE PROCESS CAN ATTEMPT TO MAKE A TRANSITION. COMPARE AND SWAP IS REQUIRED TO MAKE SUCH A TRANSITION . NOTE: ANY PROCESS WHICH CHANGES THE STATE FROM AN OPEN ONE IS DOCUMENTED WITH A LIST OF STATES AND WHAT TO DO FOR EACH. TAMCCODE AMCLPNUM AMCDLSNM FIG, 8 US. Patent Oct. 12, 1993 Sheet 8 of 8 5,253,344 Irpt or MIH Reset M F IG. 9A Dis- Make <-— Lock abled any V100, and L> unsol . Clear 4 ldle r> status any pend ‘ status < 0 20 15 ’ l A I A A Reset v I v I ITSCH PNCW Idle > Status Unlock Filter CDLRB, being — and Pend. PICLs Resp & attach up- Ena- ignore if Make detach - e dated <-> bled irpts <—- held. <- Status <-— CRUS, Reset Pend ignore <- waits. < irpts 1 2 14 13 12 11 | A A A A A V! l l ‘—1 I Reset Hake Make Make Set Drain func status Status Resp. Any pend. pend. Pend. Make Uns Real Bump Err Set Set Uns <- Status — - Count —> resp fail Status Check Resp. Pend. Resp. 3 17 19 18 10 [cm A A AAAA V I [Err (2C0 Func PICL Issue Make pend Time- reqst Real CCZ — await out. to —> CHSC ing Check Proc. Active > locks count. Cntrlr > 6 cm! V V V Wait Wait I for for real real status status func subch pend active 9 8 5,253,344 1 2 The IODF contains the I/O de?nition. The dynamic METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR con?guration feature provides the user with an ACT I DYNAMICALLY CHANGING THE VATE capability. When the user wants to run with a CONFIGURATION OF A LOGICALLY new I/O con?guration, he enters the ACTIVATE PARTITIONED DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM 5 command in the HCD and speci?es the IODF he wishes to use. The HCD compares the current active FIELD OF THE INVENTION con?guration with the target con?guration and builds a This invention relates to the ?eld of computers and list of changes required. MVS/ESA then validates the computer system complexes comprising a logically changes, requests I/O con?guration changes, updates partitioned processor governed by a hypervisor. More MVS/ESA control blocks, and downloads a new particularly, this invention provides a mechanism for IOCDS to the Processor Controller DASD. In a hyper handling dynamic I/O recon?guration requests in a visor environment in which the operating systems in the logically partitioned environment. partitions are capable of dynamic modi?cations to the BACKGROUND ART physical system’s I/O con?guration, novel situations 15 are presented which call for decisions as to how the In a logically partitioned computer processor, such as hypervisor will react to the proposed dynamic changes. IBM's PR/SM-LPAR, a plurality of operating systems It is therefore an object of the present invention to operate in logical partitions, with the partitions con provide a method and apparatus by which a hypervisor trolled by a hypervisor. Such an approach is described can control and respond to dynamic I/O recon?gura in US. Pat. No. 4,843,541, "Logical Resource Partition tions by an operating system in a partition. ing of a Data Processing System”, by Bean, et al., as It is a further object of this invention to permit con signed to the assignee of the present invention, and tinued operation by systems in other partitions during incorporated herein by reference. In such an environ dynamic changes to a system’s I/O con?guration by a ment, each operating system operates to a very large system in a then controlling partition. degree independently, with its own resources, and with 25 the hypervisor intercepting requests for certain privi theIt involvement is still a further of theobject hypervisor of this invention in dynamic to changes leged operations, and reissuing them (perhaps in a changed form) on behalf of the requesting operating to a systems con?guration by a then controlling parti system/partition. tion, until after the changes have been effected. In most prior art environments, the physical I/O 30 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION con?guration (channels, channel paths, devices, etc.) is “static” in that major con?guration changes/redefmi In operation, the PR/ SM hypervisor ?rst ensures that tions could only be made by stopping active work on dynamic recon?guration requests are serialized (i.e., the system, rede?ning the con?guration, then reinitial that only one logical partition at a time can perform izing (IPLing) the system with the new con?guration.
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