Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar Technic Student Newspaper Fall 11-1907 Volume 17 - Issue 2 - November, 1907 Rose Technic Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/technic Recommended Citation Staff, Rose Technic, "Volume 17 - Issue 2 - November, 1907" (1907). Technic. 274. https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/technic/274 Disclaimer: Archived issues of the Rose-Hulman yearbook, which were compiled by students, may contain stereotyped, insensitive or inappropriate content, such as images, that reflected prejudicial attitudes of their day--attitudes that should not have been acceptable then, and which would be widely condemned by today's standards. Rose-Hulman is presenting the yearbooks as originally published because they are an archival record of a point in time. To remove offensive material now would, in essence, sanitize history by erasing the stereotypes and prejudices from historical record as if they never existed. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspaper at Rose-Hulman Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Technic by an authorized administrator of Rose-Hulman Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ROSE TECHNIC—ADVERTISEMENTS. • ome.C.:41:;,00.00,.C:000.0I.C.:,00.00'.14.';,01./...C .:01.0./W.0)JLono.,0/.01..0•9.14:11t:AL,AW.C.:40g:tiL.r e m..m. '1111m • VII1m • I.• VI.• Ir• '.1bm • •e .•'II\ • %NM • feW, I11. •'111m • • •*km •, 1emm • 1111. •. 111. • •. ,01. • %111. •, 111. •. 1111. • C."'11. • • • at kr. ‘N • W Rose Polytechnic Institute, 'Pi/ Founded by the late Chauncey Rose, AT TERRE HAUTE, IND. A COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. /(11 Offers a SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION based on Mathematics, Modern Languages, Physical 1.tri Sciences and Drawing, with thorough instruction in the Principles and Practice of 1.e içrt MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, ffe CIVIL ENGINEERING, CHEMISTRY, ARCHITECTURE. 411 FACULTY. LEO MEES, PH.D., President and Professor FRANK C. WAGNER, • C of Physics. A.M., Associate Professor of Steam and IP JAMES A. WICKERSHAM, AM...Professor of Languages. Electrical Engineering. JOHN WHITE, PH.D., Professor Chemistry. JOHONNOTT. • of EDWIN S. PHI)., Associate Prof. of Physics. fe MALVERD A. HOWE, CE., Professor of Civil Engineering. ELMER H. WILLMARTH, B.S., Supt. Machine Shops. up THOMAS GRAY, PH.D., Director of Dynamic Engineering ROBERT L McCORMICK, C.a.. Instructor in Mathematics Department. and Civil Engineering. ARTHUR S. HATHAWAY, B.S., Professor of Mathematics. N. H. WILLIAMS, M.S., Instructor in Physics. ft! ;1; JOHN B. PEDDLE, M. E., Associate Professor of Machine P. W. BENNETT, A. B., Instructor in German and Libra- ip %VI Design and Drawing. ran. LUTHER KNIGHT, B.S., Instructor in Chemistry. ARTHUR PAIGE, M.S.,.Instructot in Drawing W. R. PLEW, B.S. Ass't Instructor in Civil Engineering. E. T. WIRES, Instructor in Wood Shop. MRS. S. P. BURTON, Registrar. • .1161.1 •Zist :41 . • Alp • 00. • • Or • ONO • 010 • 010 • Or • Ad • AO • 0•10 7Art • • oar 1-"AP• oilIV •01. • • ota • Ao0 • Or • 4111, • AO • ISO •0 0 • ofir. • Air • OW • •'le • 010 . Or C Period teals Your patronage will be highly "RUBE" BARNES Grand Opera House %Aiding appreciated. Prolbrkeecoriit 11,4%1111,10‘11W~I,WINIVIVVV1W011114~~1,11,6,11 Might as well wear the best in our line. It costs no more I Laundering, Dyeing, Cleaning. H. M. MOSBY, Polytechnic Agent MI OF 13llflOO11fl a OO1fl O:1 THE J. R. DUNCAN Complete line of Stationery, Drawing Instruments, and PAPER Se. STATIONERY CO. Supplies for Draughtsmen 666 Ohio Street. and Engineers. Always mention THE TECHNIC when writing to our advertisers. It may help us. ROSE TECHNIC—ADVERTISEMENTS. MADISON'S MYERS EROS. THE HOME OF TOTALLY DIFFERENT ball Pbarniacr AND BETTER CLOTHES. N.W. Cor. 7th & Wabash Ave. Tcrre Haute, Ind Smart Suits for College Boys. THE PUREST DRUGS Our lines of Smart "College Brand" Suits for Young Men are filling a •`long felt want" in the heart of many PRESCRIPTIONS OUR MAIN EFFORT. a swell Young Dresser. We have the styles that appeal to the Young Man -Gunther's Fine Chicago Candies that takes a keen interest in his personal appearance. The new medium length, shapely cut Coat, with graceful Collar and Lapels, Cuffs on Sleeves, the hand- •MN •1111111111110•11.1 MID 0111111111111 some hanging Trousers, and the many little effects that go to making Swell Garments, combine to KEUFFEL & CO. PLEASE THE SMART YOUNG DRESSER. OF NEW YORK $12 - $15 - $18 - $25 I 813 LOCUST ST., ST. LOUIS, MO. Our Swell Suits will give the Young Man a high face value in appearance. If he fails to make good—well, that's up to him. Our Smart Clothes will do their part. DRAWING MATERIALS A TEN PER CENT. DISCOUNT WILL BE ALLOWED POLY BOYS THIS MONTH. MATHEMATICAL and SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS MEASURING TAPES SWAGGER BOOTS Our aim is to supply your wants and our Paragon SDrawing Key Brand pockets. Arrow Brand Instruments We are ready, you will find, with the right stuff. PARAGON - ANVIL - UNIVERSAL - DUPLEX PAPERS NEW YORK SHOE CO. 681 WABASH AVE., near 7th. CLARENCE E. KIRK, Pres. Adjustable Slide Rules — THE STORE THAT QUALITY BUILT" CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION Terre Haute Pressing Club CLOTHES PRESSED AND Get your orders in early. Don't SHOES SHINED put it off because some you may get - $1.00 PER MONTH. ilting a little cheaper. Good instru- We Call For and Deliver work. ments can not be had for nothing. Dry Cleaning our specialty. l See RALSTON,'09. Both Phones. 703 Ohio Street •GM 01111111111 Always mention THE TECHNIC when writing to our advertisers. It may help us. (1) THE ROSE TECHNIC—ADVERTISEMENTS. YOUR FRIENDS are probably your Polys! Severest Clothes Critics. Den Pictures for They look you over unfeel- your room. ingly, and want to know i; "Where'd you get it?" and DAVIDSON &I WHEAT DAVIDSON, '10 ELLIOTT, '10 "How much?" iimmszon We'll put you in to clothes that will stand analysis — Boys — when you want the Style, Fit, Tailoring —and when you tell them the latest in hair cutting, in the pret, price, they'll start for here. tiest shop in the city, by men who know how—see me. - , maiieriq Good Ct..10_ - M dorate,', HERBERT SCHNELL, 4\N osb 21 North Seventh St. Opposite Postoffice 102 SOUTH 7th 7th AND 01110 itPolvtechnic Pharmacy The Terre Haute J. F. BRUNNER, PROPRIETOR, CORNER THIRTEENTH AND LOCUST STS. ?rioting Compaq • Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. Prescriptions a specialty. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Candies, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes WINDOW CARDS ROBT. N. T. KADEL J. O. RICHARDSON Dance and Party Burnt Wood Statuary Announcements KADEL 8t, RICHARDSON Programs Mt Shop PICTURES, FRAMES AND MOULDINGS Menu Cards, Etc. FRAMING A SPECIALTY Artists' Materials NEW PHONE 985 125 S. SEVENTH ST. AND OHIO STREETS IND. FIFTH TERRE HAUTE, COR. Always mention this publication when doing business with our advertisers. VOL. XVII. TERRE HAUTE, IND., NOVEMBER, 1907. No. 2 streets, for destruction of property or breach of THE TECHNIC. the peace, must be wrong, in part at least, and it is the wrong part of this BOARD OF EDITORS custom which it was desired to do away with. Editor in Chief The second event was the action of the faculty CARL B. ANDREWS. Associate Editors, in disbanding the football team. This action was E. M. BRENNAN, Assistant Editor taken a few days after the football game with JAS. A. SHEPARD, Reviews Vanderbilt University, at which game Douthett, EMIL J. FISCHER, Alumni who has acquired professional athletic standing J. E. BERNHARDT, Athletics from his connection with the Terre Haute base- CLARENCE W. SPROULL,' Locals HARRY W. WATTS, ball team during the summer, was played as a R. M. STUBBS, Artist substitute for a few minutes in the last half of Executive Department. the game, with the knowledge and consent of the IvAN R. RALSTON, Business Manager PAUL P. STOKES, Assistant Business Manager manager of the Vanderbilt team. Under the rules adopted at the Indiana Faculty TERMS: Athletic Conference held in October, 1906, pub- One Year, $1.00. Single Copy, 15 cents. lished in THE TECHNIC for November, 1906, it Issued Monthly at the Rose Polytechnic Ins!itute. is held that the team by the playing of Douthett Entered at the Post Office, Terre Haute, Indiana, as second-clas mail matter. became a semi-professionable team, which can- not be allowed to take part in college athletics. HE Junior class is to be complimented on The rule violated reads as follows: T their choice of a memorial. The new walk RULE 2. No student shall participate in any intercol- legate contest who has ever used, or is using his knowl- which bears the numerals of the '09 men pos: edge of athletics or his athletic skill for gain. * * * sesses both qualities of utility and ornament While the disbanding of the team seemed which have characterized the memorials of recent like an extreme action, it was considered years, it occupies a prominent but not obtrusive that any of the lesser actions proposed would be position on the Institute grounds, and is of such looked upon as an effort to condone the violation a nature that it should long withstand the rav- of the rules, or an attempt to evade the spirit of ages of time. them for the sake of such financial benefit as might be had from the completion of the schedule. WO events of an unusual nature which have There may be room for a difference of opinion T occurred during the past month deserve here, but it is to be remembered as an axiom that more than a passing notice.
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