VISUAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT MARCH 2021 REV P01 GLASGOW HARBOUR LTD YORKHILL QUAY MASTERPLAN PLANNING PERMISSION IN PRINCIPLE (PPIP) KEP-XX-XX-RP-A-405002 PROJECT TEAM CONTENTS APPLICANT Glasgow Harbour Ltd / Peel L&P MASTERPLANNING & ARCHITECTURE 1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND Keppie 1.1 SCOPE OF PLANNING PERMISSION IN PRINCIPLE (PPIP) 1.2 PROJECT BRIEF PLANNING CONSULTANT McInally Associates 2.0 VISUAL IMPACT 2.1 ACCURATE VISUAL REPRESENTATION ECOLOGY & SITE INVESTIGATION 2.2 IDENTIFICATION OF KEY VIEWS Envirocentre 2.3 ANALYSIS OF KEY VIEWS & IMPACT OF PROPOSALS FLOOD RISK & DRAINAGE Fairhurst TRANSPORT & ACCESS Dougall Baillie Associates LANDSCAPE Oobe NOISE Arup SUSTAINABILITY & ENERGY Henderson Warnock ARCHAEOLOGY Guard Archaeology 2 INTRODUCTION This Visual Impact Assessment (VIA) has been prepared by Keppie on behalf of Glasgow Harbour Ltd (the Applicant) to support the application for Planning Permission in Principle for their development proposals at Yorkhill Quay, Stobcross Road, Glasgow. The Planning Permission in Principle Application sets an outline development framework for the development of Yorkhill Quay, situated on the Northern banks of the River Clyde in the West End of Glasgow, between the Riverside Museum and the Scottish Event Campus (SEC). As this application is for Planning Permission in Principle (PPiP), full details regarding the layout, design and materials of the proposed elements do not need to be submitted at this stage. However, in order to facilitate a broader understanding of the ideas proposed, indicative options for the development have been shown. %"0"-/,-,0)00%,2)!+,1"/"$/!"!01%"ƛ +)&0"! designs, nor will they be presented for formal approval. They are for illustration purposes only and should be treated as indicative at this stage. The detailed design of the proposed development, and associated applications, will follow in due course, if the PPiP application is consented to. For further details of the indicative design proposals, please refer to Design Statement KEP-XX-XX-RP-A-405001. 3 1.0 4 PROJECT BACKGROUND 5 1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND ,-6/&$%1ǒ"--&""0&$+ǒ1!Ǿ &$2/"!!&*"+0&,+0,+)6/"1,"1("+ #/,*1%&0!/4&+$Ǒ ))!&*"+0&,+0/"1," %" ("!,+0&1" "#,/"+64,/(&0-21&+%+!Ǒ Ǒ Ǔ 7/!)&*&+1&,+Ƽ&0("!2 1&,+%0 ""+2+!"/1("++!/" ,/!"!4%"/" --/,-/&1"ǒ&+ ,/!+ "4&1%1%" /".2&/"*"+10,#Ǜ%",+01/2 1&,+ǯ"0&$+ +!+$"*"+1ǰ"$2)1&,+0ƿƽƾǂǛ+!1%" 00, &1"!Ǜ +!201/6 2&!+ "#,/ "0&$+"/0Ǜ ,-6/&$%1ǒ"--&""0&$+ǒ1!Ǿ N &$2/"!!&*"+0&,+0,+)6/"1,"1("+ D A O 74 R #/,*1%&0!/4&+$Ǒ Y y R d R ))!&*"+0&,+0/"1," %" ("!,+0&1" B E 5 rd F 5 S M "#,/"+64,/(&0-21&+%+!Ǒ W S Wa L & M 76 Ǒ st n 6 1.1 SCOPE OF PLANNING PERMISSION Co 1 h rg u Ǔ B 78 7/!)&*&+1&,+Ƽ&0("!2 1&,+%0 s ""+2+!"/1("++!/" ,/!"!4%"/" g n 63 ri p 6.7m --/,-/&1"ǒ&+ ,/!+ "4&1%1%" S r te a /".2&/"*"+10,#Ǜ%",+01/2 1&,+ǯ"0&$+ W 80 h +!+$"*"+1ǰ"$2)1&,+0ƿƽƾǂǛ+!1%" ig 65 H n a 00, &1"!Ǜ +!201/6 2&!+ "#,/ e M "0&$+"/0Ǜ IN PRINCIPLE (PPIP) El Sub Sta .H\ in Yorkhill Park lv e K 53 W r L 33L3$SSOLFDWLRQ e C iv C R 5HGOLQH%RXQGDU\ This Planning Permission in Principle (PPiP) application $UHD FKHFWDUHV 1 1 Y 1 o r k h i l seeks permission for a proposed mixed-use development at l T 1 u 7 n n e l ( d i s 2 Yorkhill Quay, inlcuding residential, hotel, leisure and ) 3 West Glasgow T E Ambulatory Care Hospital E R 2 T 9 S commercial (to include Class 1,2,3,4,10 and 11) uses, D .H\ N O C KELVINHAUGH M E 3 N S 5 T E U R IO 333$SSOLFDWLRQ to include all access, landscaping and other required N W 4 A 1 5HGOLQH%RXQGDU\ S Y LW M & S $UHD FKHFWDUHV W 4 H infrastructure. M 7 Tank Path (um) 7 5 3 y d B rd Wa & st n Co The extent of the PPiP Application Redline Boundary Area h rg 6 u B 1 extends to an area of circa 4.64 hectares, as highlighted A 8 1 4 Car Park YORK Play Area HILL P on the adjacent layout. 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Licence number 100022432 S 1"ǓƿƽǑƽDžǑƿƽ )"ǓƾǓƾƿǂƽ ȃƾ APPLICATION REDLINE BOUNDARY AREA 6 ,-6/&$%1ǒ"--&""0&$+ǒ1!Ǿ ,-6/&$%1ǒ"--&""0&$+ǒ1!Ǿ &$2/"!!&*"+0&,+0,+)6/"1,"1("+ #/,*1%&0!/4&+$Ǒ &$2/"!!&*"+0&,+0,+)6/"1,"1("+ ))!&*"+0&,+0/"1," %" ("!,+0&1" #/,*1%&0!/4&+$Ǒ "#,/"+64,/(&0-21&+%+!Ǒ ))!&*"+0&,+0/"1," %" ("!,+0&1" Ǒ "#,/"+64,/(&0-21&+%+!Ǒ Ǒ Ǔ 7/!)&*&+1&,+Ƽ&0("!2 1&,+%0 Ǔ ""+2+!"/1("++!/" ,/!"!4%"/" 7/!)&*&+1&,+Ƽ&0("!2 1&,+%0 --/,-/&1"ǒ&+ ,/!+ "4&1%1%" ""+2+!"/1("++!/" ,/!"!4%"/" /".2&/"*"+10,#Ǜ%",+01/2 1&,+ǯ"0&$+ --/,-/&1"ǒ&+ ,/!+ "4&1%1%" /".2&/"*"+10,#Ǜ%",+01/2 1&,+ǯ"0&$+ +!+$"*"+1ǰ"$2)1&,+0ƿƽƾǂǛ+!1%" +!+$"*"+1ǰ"$2)1&,+0ƿƽƾǂǛ+!1%"N 00, &1"!Ǜ +!201/6 2&!+ "#,/ 00, &1"!Ǜ +!201/6 2&!+ "#,/ "0&$+"/0Ǜ "0&$+"/0Ǜ 33L3$SSOLFDWLRQ 333$SSOLFDWLRQ .H\ .H\ 5HGOLQH%RXQGDU\ 5HGOLQH%RXQGDU\ $UHD FKHFWDUHV $UHD FKHFWDUHV 3ORW%RXQGDU\ 5LYHU:DONZD\ ƿƿǑƽƿǑƿƾ ¨0¨¨000 ''''¨ Ɇ'ɆɆ''' ƽƿǑƾƽǑƿƽ !L!!!LbLLbɆbb ɆɆmɆɆmmm ƽDžǑƽdžǑƿƽ '''' ¨0¨¨000 ''''¨ Ɇ'ɆɆ''' !L!!!LbLLbɆbb ɆmɆɆmmm ,2+!/62-!1"!Ǒ ''''Ɇ ƽǁ ),1ǀ+!"&02/"),1 ƽƿ "!)&+",2+!/62-!1"!Ǒ ƽƿǑƾƽǑƿƽ ƽƾ &/01 002"'0!P¨Pwm'0!P¨Pwm'0!P¨Pwm ƽƿǑƽdžǑƿƽ ,2+!/&"02-!1"!Ǒ ƽǀ "!)&+",2+!/6Ƽ),1 2-!1"!Ǒ 0È0È0È ƽƿ ),1ƿ,Ǧ&3&+$2+&10 ƽƾ &/01 002"'0!P¨Pwm'0!P¨Pwm'0!P¨Pwm ƽƿǑƽdžǑƿƽ 0È0È0È ƾǃƽ"01"$"+11/""1 )0$,4 ƿǁ ")Ǔƽƾǁƾƿƽǁƽƽǃǃ ƾǃƽ"01"$"+11/""1 444Ǒ("--&"!"0&$+Ǒ ,Ǒ2( )0$,4 )&"+1 ƿǁ )0$,4 /,2/1! 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