r— IflYEBni « KAM NOV 7 Lonnie Robinson Sandra Welch Carol Danziger Rebecca Munn Janice Clift ... a Tri-Delt ... a Kappa Kappa Gamma ... a Sixmo Delta Tau ... a Sigma Alpha Iota ... an independent • *• For Catholic The Mia urricane Center VOL. XXXIV, No. 7 UNIVEBSITY OF MIAMI CORAL CABLES, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 7, 1958 see pace 2 • •• HC Finalists Chosen Yelen Designated Queen And Princesses UA Council Head Picked From 72 Girls At First Meeting By ROGER REECE By LOGAN FULBATH HBrrlciat SBtciat Writtr HairicMM Ita* iBstrtBr The 1958 Homecoming Queen and her court of four prin­ cesses were chosen last Tuesday evening from a field of 72 David Yelen, Undergraduate Aaao­ candidates. ciation Council representative from retail merchandising major. the School of Business Administra­ Which of the five finalists is the Sondra, 21-year-old brownette, tion, was «i."t»d chairman of the new Queen will not be released was previously a Hurricane Honey, Council after thc Inauguration of the until Nov. 14 when the winner will Ibis Beauty, and Tempo Girl of thc 12 representative! at their flrat meet­ be announced in The Miami Hurri­ Month. She is vice president of ing laat Tuesday. cane special Homecoming edition. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Jamea J. Blosser, alao from the The finalists are Lonnie Robin­ 20-year-old Lonnie Robinson is a School ol Business Administration, son, Sondra Welch, Carole Dan­ newcomer to the South Florida area. was chosen vice chairman. ziger, Rebecca Munn and Janice Living at 9440 S.W. 73rd Ave., the Ann Ashworth, from the School of Clift. brown-eyed, blonde junior is a speech major. Arts and Sciences, was elected treas­ Judging thc contest Tuesday were urer. WTVJ newscaster Joe Templeton, She has held titles of PiKA Chairman Yelen is president of WCKT personality Don Barber. Mrs. Sweetheart, Tempo princess, AFRO­ Phi Eta Sigma national freshman Louise Mills from the dean of wo­ TC princess. She is an active parti­ honorary and vice president of Al­ men's office and Omicron Delta cipant in Angel Flight and the pha Phi Omega service fraternity. Kappa, national men's leadership Panhellenic Council along with her Other Council members present honorary, president Dave Bonner. membership in Delta Delta Delta. were Joseph Burgstresser, Arts and Three Greater Miami girls are in­ The third localite is 20-year-old Sciences representative; Susan Dun­ cluded among the finalists. Brown- Rebecca Munn of 3055 N.W. Fifth RAY McKINLEY walls his sax as he leads the old Glenn Miller orches­ Street. The upper junior is a music kel, Education; Allen Roth, Engi­ tra. The band will perform at tbe Homecoming Dance. eyed senior Sondra Welch, of 3907 neering; John Myers, Music; Rich­ Harlano Street, Coral Gables, is a education major who hopes to be­ ard Essen, Interfrstemlty; Beverly come a high school vocal director. Filip, Panhellenic; Richard Dickman, • • • She is treasurer of Sigma Alpha MRHA; Nancy Haslett, AWS; and Hendrix Stresses Council Power, Iota, and a member of Alpha Lamb­ Kay McGinnis, SRA. Miller Band da Delta and the Music Education Dr. Thurston Adams, director of National Conference. The brown- student activities, was present ea ex- Predicts Little Use Of Veto eyed brownette teaches piano as a oflicio secretary of the Council. Slated For HC hobby. Noble Hendrix, dean of students, clam," he said, referring to The Hur­ Tickets for the 1958 Homecoming He opened the campus-historic emphasized the potential strength of ricane. "I have not known fuller Dance go on sale Monday at four Little five-foot Carole Danziger meeting at 3 pjn. by saying: "Ladies the new Undergraduate Council in failures in college journalism than University of Miami locations. is from Helena, Ark. The 20-year- and gentlemen, I think we are start­ his welcome address at the Council's the one on this campus last year. Termed by dance chairman Joe old junior Is a business education ing punctiliously." major who listed her career plans first meeting Tuesday. "It will not criticize ita own role Bagby as "the biggest Homecoming After the Inauguration, the elec­ swing of them all," this year's edi­ in the following order, "work, He predicted that the Council's very well, but it will criticize your graduate and get married." tion of officers, and address by Noble decisions and appropriations would role! tion of the annual social stomp will Hendrix, dean of students, the fol­ feature a theme of "String of Pearls" rarely be vetoed by the Board of "Your real job is to serve the stu­ She is secretary of the Business lowing actions were taken: Review. "The Board," he said, "might with the music of the new McKinley- School, treasurer of Sigina Delta Tau dents of this institution. They want Miller Orchestra from 9 p.m. to 1 The week of Dec. 8-12 was set as meet very infrequently." a fine, honest operation . May I sorority and the sweetheart of Zeta Safety Week on campus. a.m. in the new, air-conditioned Mi­ Beta Tau fraternity. She has blonde Hendrix reviewed the history of wish you all the greatest type of ami Beach Exhibition Hall. UM membership in the National UM student government disdainfully. success." hair and blue-eyes. Student Association was renewed. "We are through with that," he said. Tickets will be sold by APO and The fifth finalist is 20-year-old, Xi Gamma Iota at booths in the Stu­ The Association studies problems in He then decried the recent Hur­ Janice Clift of Detroit, Mich. A campus administration. Scholastic Honoraries dent Union, Ashe breezeway, Me­ sophomore, she is an interior de­ ricane editorial on student apathy morial Snake Pit and on North Cam­ Council sponsorship of Hurri­ during the Council's election and the Slate Combined Dinner coration major and a dress design­ cane Howl as a part of Homecoming pus. ing minor. paper's influence on student opinion A banquet for all the scholastic Week next year was approved by a over the past few years: Pre-dance tickets will go for $2.50 She is also on the sweetheart court unanimous "straw vote." honoraries at UM will be held at the whereas $3.50 will be charged at the of Kappa Sigma fraternity and en­ "It is not very good in self criti- Student Union cafeteria at 1 p.m A request for clothing for needy door. Deadline for purchasing pre- joys sports and dancing. The hazel- Nov. 19. pupils at Dunbar Houae, Miami ele­ dance tickets ls Thursday, Nov. 20. eyed blonde wants to become an mentary achool, was tabled for fur­ UM Gets Ford Grant Co-sponsors are Alpha Lambda Table reservations will be avail­ interior decorator after graduation. ther consideration. A grant of $25,000, the last of a Delta and Phi Eta Sigma, freshman able starting Monday in Room 4, the scholastic honoraries. The Council's financial condition $50,000 Ford Foundation grant for Student Activities Offlce of the Stu­ Disploy Entries Due was clarified. An estimated $3,916 is the study of Miami's Metro Govern­ The banquet is to promote and dent Union from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. the share of the student activities ment, was received by UM this week, give recognition to scholastic Friday, Nov. 15 is deadline for all Monday, Nov. 10 at 4 pun. ia the fee expected by the Council for this announced Dr. James M. Godard, achievement reservations and full payments will deadline for all entries in the 1958 fiscal year. UM vice-president. The Borden Award for the out­ be required from each organization. Homecoming parade and House Decoration contests. Consideration of a request from Dr. Rosa C. Beiler, professor of standing freshman student of last A seating chart of the exhibition hall the Student Religious Association for government, and Dr. Reinhold P. year, chosen on the basis of the will be set up and choice of the res­ All organizations planning to enter $160 for a Thanksgiving Convocation Wolff, director of the Bureau of Bus­ highest scholastic average and high­ ervations will be on a first come, displays In the House Decoration was postponed until the next meet­ iness and Economic Research on est number of credits, will be pre­ first serve basis. All reserved tickets Contest must submit their entry ing which will be at 2:30 p.m. next North Campus, are in charge of the sented by Dr. H. Franklin Williams, will be returned in room 4 begin- along with a fee of two dollars in Tuesday. project. UM vice president. I ning Monday, Nov. 17. Room 4 of Student Union. PACE Two THE MIAMI HURRICANE NOVKMBKR 7, 1958 Gables Ok's Church Plans Catholic Student Center Construction Begins Soon By ELAYNE GILBERT In 1951, the entire area was zoned NarrtuM Iti* tiBtrtsr as grounds for a Church by the Final plans for a new Catho­ Coral Gables City Commission. At lic church and student center that time, requests for a student recreation center were submitted to have been approved this week the Bishop of St. Augustine but no by the Coral Gables City Com­ action was taken. mission. Due to the marked increase of Coral Gables residents had re­ Catholic students at UM in 1956, cently Instigated a suit objecting to plans for construction of a center the proposed structure, but they were started. At that time, UM of­ agreed to drop the suit when church ficials were not able to secure per­ officials agreed to build an off-street mission from the Coral Gables Zon­ parking lot to hold 175 autos, have ing Board to build a center.
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