V12 N44 Thursday, July 20, 2006 A bizarre tsunami epicenter A disquieting week for Hoosier GOP on state, federal levels By BRIAN A. HOWEY NORTH WEBSTER - This was a bizarre week in In- diana politics, which is the epicenter in control for the U.S. House of Representatives with three seats fully in play. And if you’re a Republican, the news is discomfort- ing, disquieting, troubling and depressing. It’s bizarre when two House Republican incumbents -- State Reps. Andy Thomas (in a 63 percent GOP district) and Ralph Ayres (59.8 percent GOP baseline) -- quit their races in the middle of July, deepening the jeopardy of los- ing the Indiana House. Never seen anything like it. It’s bizarre when a second Republican congress- man, in this case U.S. Rep. Chris Chocola, finds himself down by 10 points in his opponents Cooper Secrest poll. Fort Wayne Councilman Tom Hayhurst has a money lead on 3rd CD Last spring, Democrat Baron Hill released a poll that U.S. Rep. Mark Souder. (Hayhurst Campaign Photo) showed him with a 10 percent lead on U.S. Rep. Mike So- drel. of Congress agree to kick in $300,000 to U.S. Rep. John It’s bizarre when in the 68 percent Republican 3rd Hostettler’s lagging fundraising (he trails Democrat Brad CD, Democratic Fort Wayne Councilman Tom Hayhurst has Ellsworth $347,000 to $168,000) and $250,000 to U.S. Rep. a $206,989 to $171,242 fundraising lead over U.S. Rep. Mike Sodrel. Mark Souder. When it comes to cash on hand, Hayhurst’s money lead over Souder is $147,758 to $68,358. Continued on page 3 It’s bizarre when dozens of Republican Members Stem cell debate returns INDIANAPOLIS - U.S. Rep. Mike Pence took to the House floor the other day to urge President Bush to veto a bill allowing for federal funding of stem cell research. “President Ronald Reagan famously said, ‘we can- not diminish the value of one category of human life -- the unborn -- without diminishing the value of all hu- “I support the advancement of man life.’” Pence, R-Columbus, said. stem cell research with clear ethical “Yesterday the United States Senate passed a bill that authorizes the use guidelines because of the promise of federal tax dollars to fund the de- struction of human embryos for sci- it offers for research and treatment entific research. And while supporters of the bill argue that this debate is a options for countless Hoosiers.” battle between science and ideology, - U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar - HOWEY Political Report Page 2 Weekly Briefing on Indiana Politics Thursday, July 20, 2006 that really misses the point..” Pence went on to say, “If the Washington eyes 2nd CD p. 4 Castle-DeGette bill returns to the Con- HPR Interview: Joe Donnelly p. 5 gress tonight, we will simply decide INSIDE whether Congress should take the Bayh addresses Middle Class p. 7 taxpayer dollars of millions of pro-life Features Americans and use them to fund the Barnes vs. Buell in spotlight p. 8 destruction of human embryos for re- search. You see, I believe that life be- Columnists: James, Colwell p. 10 gins at conception and that a human embryo is human life. I believe it is Horse Race: Eitel eyes HD44 vacancy p. 11 morally wrong to create human life to destroy it for research. And I believe Ticker: GOP snubs Kokomo mayor p. 14 it is morally wrong to take the tax dol- lars of millions of pro-life Americans, who believe that life is sacred, and use The Howey Political Report is The Howey Political Report it to fund the destruction of human published by NewsLink Inc. It PO Box 40265 embryos for research. Indianapolis, IN 46240-0265. “This debate then tonight is not was founded in 1994. really about what an embryo is. This www.howeypolitics.com [email protected] debate is about who we are as a na- Brian A. Howey, Publisher tion and whether we respect fully half Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington Indianapolis Office: 317-506-0883. Writer of our country.” Indianapolis Fax: 317-254-0535. Mark Curry, Washington Writer And President Bush did veto Washington, DC Office: 202-256-5822. Jack E. Howey, Editor the bill, the first veto of his presidency. Business Office: 317-254-0535. The vetoed bill “would sup- Subscriptions: ©2006, The Howey Political Report. port the taking of innocent human $350 annually HPR via e-mail; All rights reserved. Photocopying, Internet life in the hope of finding medical $550 annually HPR & HPR Daily Wire. forwarding, faxing or reproducing in any benefits for others,” said Bush as he Call 317-254-0535. form, in whole or part, is a violation of was surrounded by “snowflake babies” federal law. that came from embryos. “It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect.” The children Welsh continued, “The ques- life, but I disagree with the president’s surrounding him, Bush said, “began tion is actually, should these embryos decision. Given the potential of this his or her life as a frozen embryo that be used to find solutions to ailments, research and the limitations of the was created for in vitro fertilization or be hospital waste, as they are now. existing [human embryonic stem cell] but remained unused after the fertility President Bush chose hospital waste. lines eligible for federally funded re- treatments were complete. These boys Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a search, I think additional lines should and girls are not spare parts.” doctor, voted for research because he be made available.” Barry Welsh is a pastor at knew it would lead to cures, he is a I have always felt that the the Laurel United Methodist Church smart man, and I would have voted pro-life industry emerged on this issue near Rushville and is also the Demo- the same way. President Bush, not a too late. If there is a moral objection crat running against Rep. Pence. Rev. doctor, makes a medical decision with to the “destruction” of embryos, many Welsh explained, “Tens of thousands this veto that once again shows why of which do become medical waste, of unneeded embryos are discarded as he and his supporters have a disap- then they shouldn’t have been created hospital waste each year. HOSPITAL proval rating of over 60 percent. As in the first place. WASTE. President Bush surrounded someone that has experienced family Secondly, the pro-life move- himself with children who were pro- members with Alzheimer’s, which also ment is cherry picking its willingness duced outside of a woman’s body by struck Ronald Reagan down, and other to save life while not playing God. science, and God bless each of them, cruel diseases that could be cured I have always found it thoroughly but they would have been created in from this research, I find it disturbing inconsistent to take a pro-life position the petri dish regardless. That was that President Bush chose this time to on conception, but then support the shameful of President Bush to try to use the first veto of his Presidency.” death penalty. v deceive us with that staged announce- Here’s what Sen. Frist, R- ment.” Tenn., said of the matter: “I am pro- HOWEY Political Report Page 3 Weekly Briefing on Indiana Politics Thursday, July 20, 2006 From page 1 Americans are growing increasily impatient about the bloodshed in It was about this time of the year in 1994 -- just as Iraq. That same day, an Associated The Howey Political Report commenced publishing -- that Press/Ipsos survey found Democrats the whispers of the Republican tidal wave began to be were favored 51 to 40 percent in audible. By late August, then U.S. Rep. Lee Hamilton gave its Congressional generic question. an emotional speech at French Lick, describing a “curtain” Moderates were backing Democrats that had descended between him and other Democrats, at 56 percent and conservatives were and his constituents. But it wasn’t until late September that at an amazing 24 percent. If the 3rd the fledgling HPR flipped three congressional races into the CD - currently rated “Leans” Repub- lican - comes fully into play next fall, “Tossups” category. Rep. Ayres Twelve years later, we began rating the chal- that would portend to a Grand Old lenges to U.S. Reps. Mike Sodrel, John Hostettler and Chris Bloodbath. Chocola as “Tossups” in the spring. Stuart Rothenberg, editor of With the release of a WSBT-TV/South Bend the Rothenberg Political Report, wrote in Roll Call, Tribune poll early next week in the Chocola-Donnelly race, “Democrats have a number of surprisingly good polls that there is a distinct prospect that these congressional races suggest a wide range of Democratic challengers, from top- may flip out of the tossup zone and into “Leans Democrat” tier hopefuls to second- and third-tier long shots, have a category. serious chance of winning this fall. But that’s the problem. Delair Ali, of Research 2000, the polling firm used Rather than reflecting the appeal of Democratic candidates, by the Tribune and WSBT-TV, said his gut reaction is that those surveys primarily reflect the national political land- Donnelly is up in the polls because of "disgust" with Repub- scape. Many of these surveys measure the landscape, not licans nationally. Ali said he is not surprised to see Donnelly the combatants, and we won’t know how well Democratic ahead, but said the finding that the incumbent is under 40 candidates will do until much later in the year, possibly percent is somewhat suspect.
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