Sepher Sephiroth (revised) By Allan Bennett and Aleister Crowley Revised by Ian Rons Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. This numerical dictionary has been revised and updated, including much new material. It has also been stripped of much extraneous material such as planetary spirits, etc., to make it a more “purist” production, since much of the material of that type is rather unreliable. All the numerations have been checked, and the Latin originally given from Kabbalah Denudata has been translated and checked against the Hebrew (using Brown-Driver-Briggs and Megiddo). The references to Zoharic texts, etc., have been checked, and are now given with verse numbers (rather than page numbers) wherever possible. Furthermore, new Zoharic and other references have been inserted. Biblical references have been checked, and given KJV (rather than Vulgate) verse numbers, and many new Biblical references have been found. Hebrew words and phrases without a translation have been translated, and many of the other Hebrew translations have been checked also. Words and phrases with a possible “final letters” value have all been enumerated. Love is the law, love under will. I.R. The Hebrew Alphabet Name Figure Value Transliteration (M) Aleph ) 1A (D) Beth b 2B (D) Gimel g 3G (D) Daleth d 4D (S) Heh h 5H (S) Vau w 6V (S) Zayin z 7Z (S) Cheth x 8Ch (S) Teth + 9T (S) Yod y 10 I (D) Kaph k K 20 500 K (S) Lamed l 30 L (M) Mem m M 40 600 M (S) Nun n N 50 700 N (S) Samekh s 60 S (S) Ayin ( 70 O (D) Peh p P 80 800 P (S) Tzaddi c C 90 900 Tz (S) Qoph q 100 Q (D) Resh r 200 R (M) Shin # 300 Sh (D) Tau t 400 Th When written large, the value of a Hebrew letter is increased by a factor of one thousand. A large Aleph is counted 1000, a large Beth 2000, etc. Note that there are no vowels in Hebrew, only semi-vowels (A, H, V, I). Diacritical marks are sometimes used to indicate vowels, but generally the correct pronunciation of a word therefore relies on memory. In any case, this has no importance in Gematria, except that it must be noted that any given word may have many different meanings, according as it is pronounced. M, D and S before the names of the letters shows their division into Mothers, Double and Single letters; referred respectively to active Elements (Air, Water, Fire), Planets and Zodiacal Signs. But Shin and Tau also serve to signify the Elements of Spirit and of Earth (see Liber 777). Abbreviations: K.D. Kabbalah Denudata Ch. Chaldee Ar. Aramaic S.B. Sepher Bahir S.D. Siphra Dtzenioutha S.S. Sepher Sephiroth I.R.Q. Idra Rabba Qadisha I.Z.Q. Idra Zuta Qadisha M.H. Modern Hebrew. * All final values counted : In Hebrew, indicates a letter spelt in full (e.g. ): = Pl)) 1 The Mystic Number of Kether 15 The Mystic Number of Geburah 2 (Notariqon of Arik Anpin, 422) )) Hod: splendour dwh 3 The Mystic Number of Chokmah The Monogram of the Eternal: the divine name of Chokmah hy Father b) Spring byb) To come, go )b Steam, vapour dy) 4 Father )b) Pride; a carrying out; exaltation hw)g Hollow; a vein bb Overflowing, abounding bwz Proud )g He who impels; to force xz 5 Mist, vapour d) To hide hbx Back; food gb Lamentation yh Elevation, top; pit, water-hole bg 16 Hyssop bwz) 6 The Mystic Number of Binah He seized, cleaved to zx) To gather, collect )bg Elevated, exalted, high hwbg Flat roof; cover of an altar gg Injury, war, lust; fell hwh A bear bd She )yh A window; lo! )h Alas! – Woe yw Father, a title of Chokmah )bb) Like, equal to gwz Separation; white linen; idle talk; liar db Hook, brooch, ring xx 7 Lost, ruined db) 17 Capricorn: a kid, young goat ydg A name of God attributed to Venus (initials of Adonai ha-Aretz) )h) Nuts zwg) Desire; either, or w) Ah! – Alas! yw) Good fortune dg Nerve, sinew (Gn. 32:25, 32) dyg Was weary b)d Narrative, subtle discourse hdgh Riches, power )bd That [one] (ref. to )wh) )whh Fish gd To dream, rave hzh 8 To will, intend hb) A fly bwbz Love; desired, beloved bh) Sacrificed xbz Then z) To seethe, boil dwz The entrance, threshold h)b To brighten, make joyful hdx To be anxious, grieve g)d A circle, orbit gwx Breast; love; beloved; pleasures of love dd Good bw+ (Notariqon of Zauir Anpin, 478) )z To give, place bhy In itself; in the ... is, that in it wb 18 My favourite, my beloved ybh) 9 Ventriloquist, necromancer; the special “fire” of black magic, bw) Hatred hby) whence Obi, Obeah (cf. 11 & 207) The Antique Serpent )+x He kindled )z) Living yx Brother x) (Notariqon of Yehi Aur, 232) )w)y A garment dgb 19 An enemy byw) Became powerful, grew high h)g Was black hyd Middle, midst; back (n.) wg Eve: to manifest, show forth hwx Splendour (cf. 15); shout of joy dh Nation; gentile ywg Booty; prey zb 20 Yod: a hand dwy Come )wb A name of God yy 10 The Mystic Number of Chesed Fraternity hwx) Heh: a window; alas hh Black liquid wyd The God HAD d)h It was hyh Mutterer, enchanter; whisper (n.) +) The breast; a vision; a prophet; to gaze hzx Elevated, exalted, high hbg Sin h)+h Flew, soared h)d Golden bwhz Two wd 21 The Mystic Number of Tiphareth A wolf b)z Existence, being: the divine name of Kether hyh) A hidden place; bosom bx But, howbeit; certainly K) Fleece zg Deep meditation gygh To sweep away )+ Ah! – Alas! ywh Skin of grapes gz Purity, innocence wxz 11 Ahah hh) Part of hwhy (see Sepher Yetzirah) why Firebrand, volcanic fire: the Special “fire” or “light” of the Sacred dw) 22 With his hand Magic of Light, Life, and Love; hence “Odic Force”, &c. (cf. 9 & wdyb 207) By Yodh dwyb Where?; island y) Hearer in secret hy))h When )wbb The state of puberty gwwz To tear, cut, attack ddg A magical vision (Ch.) )wzx Gold, golden (Ch.) bhd Wheat h+x Proud, haughty, arrogant dz Good hbw+ To conceal )bx (Notariqon of “Yehovah Elohim Yehovah Achad”, 151) )y)y A circularity of form or motion; a feast gx Unity dxy 12 Vau: a hook, nail ww 23 Parted, removed, separated xxz HE, the most holy name of God in Kether (Heh is referred to Mater; )wh Joy hwdx Vau to Pater; Aleph to Corona) A thread +wx He longed for, missed hw) Life; Chiah: the Soul in Chokmah hyx He departed, went forth dz) Lesser (Ar.) )+wz A little book, pamphlet, letter; tools +g 24 The number of Enochian Seniors, and of Elders in Revelation To multiply hgd He whom I love ybwh) This, that; who, which; here, there hz He who loves me ybhw) To penetrate, be sharp; one (Ch.); sleep dx A Mercurial God (whose essence is z), 8) hgwbz) Please, pray yb Substance; a body hywg 13 A small bundle, bunch; legend, tale hdg) A pauper; oppressed Kd Beloved; love hbh) Abundance zyz Unity dx) Bucket, pail, vessel dk Hated by) 25 To break )kd Emptiness whb Beast )wyx Raised up hhg Let there be yhy Anxiety hg)d Will be separated xzy A fisher gwd Thus, so; here, there hk Thunder; to meditate; he remembers hgh 26 The number of the Sephiroth of the Middle Pillar: 1 + 6 + 9 + 10. Here; this; glory, splendour wz The Pillar of Mercy: the paths Vau and Kaph (cf. 48 & 463) k w A locust bgx Seeing, looking at hzwx He shall come (cf. 345 & 358) )by Sight, vision hwzx 14 A thorn, spine (as of Christ’s crown of thorns, Matt. 27:29) d+) TETRAGRAMMATON: “Yehovah”: the Unutterable Name: the hwhy Sacrifice; altar (Ar.) xbd Lost Word. Love, beloved; David dwd Kebad, husband of the impure Lilith; to honour; heavy; liver dbk Give, give! (see 17, bhy) bh bh 27 Wept, mourned hkb To grind, direct, stretch out hdh Pure, clear, transparent, innocent Kz Gold bhz A parable, enigma, riddle hdyx Hand (cf. 20) dy 28 The Mystic Number of Netzach Sufficiency, plenty yd The God HADIT (cf. 419) +ydh Valley )yg Mire, clay +y+ Union, unity dwxy Magus gm Power, strength xk One beloved by God hydydy Palate Kx 44 Aries: a ram, lamb hl+ One beloved dydy Aquarius: a bucket yld 29 Is broken, crushed; he croucheth (Ps. 10:10) hkd Drops ylg) To break down, overturn Kdh A pool, pond; sorrow Mg) 30 A party to an action at law; defendant, plaintiff (note Lamed = 30 = byyx Captive, captivity hlwg Libra = VIII, “Justice”) Blood Md It will be hyhy Sand; horror (see the Scorpion Pentacle in the Key of Solomon; see lwx 31 How? Ky) also Liber 418 10th Ayre) To; divine name of Chesed l) Flame +hl To go Kwh Garment dm A beating, striking, collision h)kh 45 The Mystic Number of Yesod And there was (Gn 1:3; see S.D. 1:31) yhyw Adam: Man; red Md) Not, no )l The Fool dm) 32 (Coalescence of hyh) and hwhy: Macroprosopus and hwhyh) Redemption, liberation hlw)g Microprosopus. This is symbolised by the Hexagram. Suppose the 3 To grow warm; they (masc.) Mh Hehs conceal the 3 Mothers: Aleph, Mem and Shin; and we get 358 Hesitated (see 405) lxz q.v.) She who ruins hlbx Lord; not lb hwhy in Yetzirah )h w)w )h dwy The bond of matrimony gwwyz Greatly, strongly, very d)m Was pure hkz What, which, why, how; anything, something; Yetzitah’s “Secret hm Zig-zag, fork-lightning zyzx Nature” (see S.D.
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