EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEMBERS Acharya Nagarjuna University Prof. A. Rajendra Prasad Prof. Kodela Venkat Rao Vice-Chancellor University Librarian Acharya Nagarjuna University Acharya Nagarjuna University Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao Dr. Shaheda Akthar Rector Dept. of Computer Science, Acharya Nagarjuna University Govt. Degree College for Women, Guntur Ms. Sumita Dawra, I.A.S., Sri T.S.S. Sing Principal Secretary to Govt Principal Education (HE) Department ABM Degree College, A.P. Secretariat, Hyderabad Ongole Ms. B. Udayalaxmi, I.A.S., Sri P.V. Krishna Reddy Commissioner of Collegiate MD & Director, Megha Engineering Education, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh & Infrastructure Ltd. Saifabad, Hyderabad Hyderabad Sri K.N. Malleswara Rao Sri GVSL Kantha Rao Addl. Secretary to Government Managing Director Finance & Planning Department Virat Crane Industries (Planning Wing), A.P. Secretariat, Guntur Hyderabad Prof. M. Koteswara Rao Dr. K. Basava Punnaiah Dean CDC, Dept. of Economics, Chairman, Acharya Nagarjuna University Nagarjuna Educational Society, Srinivasanagar Colony, Guntur Prof. C. Rambabu Dr. P. Hymavathi Prinicipal, Univ. College of Science, Bharati Nursing Home, Acharya Nagarjuna University Sundaraiah Bavan Road, (Till 29-05-2016) Near New Bus stand, Ongole CONTENTS Message from the Vice-Chancellor & Rector I Message from the Registrar, OSD and Principal II Driving Force III Our University Emblem 1 About the University & College 02 Infrastructure 03-04 Directorate of Admissions 05 Centre for Mahayana Budhist Studies 06-07 Commerce & MBA 08-17 Economics 18-22 English 23-27 Hindi 28-30 History & Archaelogy 31-33 International Bussiness Studies 34-38 Journalism and Mass Communication 39-42 LLM 43-44 MBA Hospital Administration 45-47 M.Ed. 48-52 M.H.R.M. 53-54 Political Sci. &Public Admi. 55-57 Rural Development 58-59 Socilogy and Social Work 60-65 Telugu and Sanskrit 66-69 Tourism and Hospitality Management 70-73 Dr. Br. Ambedkar Foundation 74 Dr.K.R.R. MohanRao Centre for Scientific Socialism 75 Centre for Women’s Studies 76 Gandhian Studies Centre 77 Disaster Mitigation Centre 78 Dr. Br. Ambedkar Memorial Library 79 National Service Scheme 80-81 Centre for Distance Education 82 Internal Quality Assurance Cell 83 Finishing School 84 Health Centre 85 Hostels (Boys & Girls) 86-87 Centre for HRD 88 Request for Participation - Reg. 89 Placement Reply Form 90-91 Message from the Vice-Chancellor I am glad to note that the Human Resource Development Centre of Acharya Nagarjuna University is bringing out Placement Brochure of University College of Arts, Commerce and Law for the Academic Year 2015-16. The University has been upholding the best tradition of establishing rapport with the industry. It is in this context, a brochure is printed every year with the profiles of students passing out. The industry will have a snapshot view of the batch coming out and may be pleased to extend their helping hand to the new graduates. I take the first opportunity to congratulate all the students of the batch of 2015-16 for completing respective courses with distinction. Graduation day is a proud moment for every student, as it is the most special day in everyone’s life. It is with this Joy and happiness, they shall leave the portals of the University. I take this opportunity to congratulate Dr. Nagaraju Battu, Director, Centre for HRD and his staff for taking every care in the publication of this compendium. I wish all the students a bright prosperous career in their life. (A. Rajendra Prasad) Message from the Rector I am indeed happy to know that the Centre for Human Resources Development, Acharya Nagarjuna University has been extending yeomen services to the student community. I am further glad to know that the Centre for HRD is organizing many programs useful to student community, such as Campus Placements, Career Awareness Programs, Personality Development sessions and Job Mela(s) of various organizations of national repute. The Centre has added a new dimensions to the efforts of the University, in fostering the all round development of the learning of students on the campus. I am extremely delighted to know that the Centre for HRD, ANU is bringing out placement brochure-2016 of Acharya Nagarjuna University has achieved the tremendous progress through its quantitative expansion and qualitative improvements in various academic and research activities. I congratulate the Director of the Centre for Human Resource Development and his team for their relentless efforts in bringing out the placement brochure and my best wishes to all the Students of University. (K. R.S. Sambasiva Rao) I Message from the Registrar I am indeed very happy to know that the Centre for Human Resource Development, Acharya Nagarjuna University is bringing out placement Brochure of University College of Arts, Commerce and Law for the Academic Year 2015-16. On this occasion, I congratulate the Director Dr. Nagaraju, Battu and staff of Centre for HRD for bringing out a well furnished document as a resource for providing placements to the student community. I wish a very fruitful opening careers to the entire student community of Acharya Nagarjuna University. (Prof. K. John Paul) Vü‰]úø£ nø£åsêø£åsê_Ûq+<äq eT*¢ø£\T Ä#ês¡´ Hê>±s¡T®q $X¯«$<ë´\j·T+˝Àì e÷qeeqs¡T\ n_Ûeè~Δπø+Á<ä+ 2015 e dü+e‘·‡s¡+ qT+&ç á ñbÕ~Ûø£\Œq ~≈£LÃ∫ ø£s¡B|æø£ (ù|¢dtyÓT+{Ÿ ôd˝Ÿ (ÁuÀ#·sY)qT $<ë´]ú˝Àø£ ãVüQfi¯ Á|üjÓ÷»Hês¡ú+ Á|ü#·T]+#·≥+ m+‘Ó’Hê eTT<ëeVü≤+, Ä+Á<ÛäÁ|ü<˚XŸ Á|üuÛÑT‘·« @._.dæ. düeT÷Vü≤ùde\˝À (Á>∑÷|t düØ«ôddt\) ñbÕ~Û ÁbÕ|æÔ ì$T‘·ÔeTT eT]j·TT bÂs¡ùdyêdü+ã+<Ûäùde\T (dæ$˝Ÿ düØ«ôddt) e+{Ï C≤rj·T kÕúsTT b˛{° |üØø£å\ ì$T‘·Ô+ •ø£åD •_sê\qT düeTs¡ú+>± ìs¡«Væ≤dü÷Ô, $X¯«$<ë´\j·T $<ë´]ú˝Àø±ìøÏ ‘·eT neT÷\´yÓTÆq ùde\q+~+#·≥+ ø£&ÉT XÊ¢|òüT˙j·T+. $X¯«$<ë´\j·T+˝Àì á e÷qeeqs¡T\ n_Ûeè~Δ πø+Á<ä+ (ôV≤#Y.ÄsY.&ç. ôd+≥sY) 200 øÏ ô|’>± kÕe÷õø£ ùdyê dü+düú\T eTs¡j·TT bÕ]ÁXÊ$Tø£ πø+Á<ë\\‘√ |ü\T ne>±Vü≤q ˇ|üŒ+<ë\qT ≈£î<äTs¡TÃ≈£îì ñbÕ~Û kÕ<Ûäq˝À nÁ>∑>±$T>± ì\Tdü÷Ô, ‘·q \ø£å´kÕ<Ûäq~X¯>± $»j·T+e+‘·+>± á πø+Á<ä+ |üj·Tìk˛Ô+<äì #Ó|üŒ≥+˝À m˝≤+{Ï n‹X¯jÓ÷øÏÔ˝Ò<äT. 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ANU has taken initiatives to reduce this gap by creating facilities for training in additional employability skills supported by a choice of 10 verities of foreign languages as ‘Add on’ courses and design and development of ‘ANU MOOCs’ for the benefit of student community at large. I Wish the students be taught not only to be creative and innovative, but also to develop into a community of creative human beings, which is the hallmark of India's most valuable human capital. It is my earnest hope that you will appreciate our sincere efforts for the World, and be part of this Centre of Excellence and soon it moves from dream to reality. Warm regards, (Prof. Vijaya raju. 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