The Chamber in Person

The Chamber in Person

▥ፃ Brief Introduction ᯸▧ᶬₐ‽ ॸ෬Ϝ๽ᖃ୧ཽ)ɆϜᖃɇ*࣐ΚߩԺւ๽୧ყ The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (CGCC) is a non-profit making ጤ᪼፛᛻Ồᗇ᪱ᘥᤍỒ ,೤ዂ organization of local Chinese firms and businessmen. Founded in 1900ڏᡞȂԚҴܼ2:11ԒȂ࢑ॸ෬ᐤѭഷߞІഷ Ϝє CGCC is one of the oldest and largest chambers of commerce in Hong Kong. ᎐᥆ᅝᕙ፫᠌ڐ୧ཽϟΚȄҭࠊཽস΢኶ߗ7-111ӫȂޠ At present, we have a membership of nearly 6,000, comprising association, ࢃყᡞཽসȃ୧ဵཽসȃঐ΢ཽসІᖓৱཽসȄ company, individual and affiliate members. Our members’ businesses cover ỒᤍጙỒ ཽসစᕋϟཿଡ଼ႈІҐ෬Ϗ୧өཿȂॏԥᇨആȃ a wide spectrum of commercial and industrial activities in the territory, ፇᑊ፛Ꮔ⟠ᗇ᪱ᘥᤍỒ ໍяπຸܿȃማ՘ȃߴᓏȃܙӵ౱ȃ࡛ᑟȃၦଊ including manufacturing, import and export, banking, insurance, real Ⴎ estate, building and construction, IT, professional services, transport and ᎐᥆ᅝ┘ᵆᦫึ״ऌ׭ȃ஠ཿ݉ଡ଼ȃһ೾ၽᒰȃॶࠣȃԼೳ ୶ȃ໾ॶ݉ଡ଼Іਢၾ๊Ȅ communications, foods, retail and wholesale, catering and tourism, etc. ࣐ۡ Ever since its establishment, CGCC has been pursuing a mission of serving Ὑᵁ⎂ጙ⟠᪸ᘥᤍỒໍٯȂϜᖃп݉ଡ଼ަཽȃᇅਣٿՍ഻Ҵп ᐡཽȂߵ the community while advancing with the times. We facilitate information ᎐᥆ᅝ᭭᪟ᦳޠϏ୧ཿၦଊһࢻٽԠȂयΩ࣐୧ࣩණ ໍ୾ር໣ޠྜྷ೾І௱ኅϏ୧ຸܿȄϜᖃᇅзࣩө exchange in the business community, foster international communication and promote trade and commerce. We also maintain close relations with ӵޠ୧ཽȂ੬ր࢑੖ѵ๽΢Ϗ୧ަყߴࡼஞϹᖓ our counterparts around the globe, especially overseas Chinese business ࣐ஞϹȂӶ௱୞ϲ associations. With our close and friendly ties with business organizations in ⁝Ꮚᗇ᪱ᘥᤍỒ؂ᜱ߾ޠϜᇅϲӵ୧ཽڐᛯȂ ׹ᅌ the Mainland, we play a significant role in facilitating the foreign trade of ỒᾄỒ ᎐᥆ᅝᱯᐤᚘޣӵᄈѵຸܿІߵໍ୾ር๽୧׺ၦР८ȂΚ ՔȄՍ2:93ԒକȂؑԒϜᖃᖟᒳө໷ஊ China and the investment of Chinese entrepreneurs worldwide. To supportِޠ៛ࣁ ֆϲӵஊଌစᔽᆔ౪΢ϘȂпМࡼϲ China’s open door policy, we have been organizing training courses toڟଌ፟โȂ nurture Mainland talents in business management since 1982. စᔽ׾९໡ܺ࢈๋Ȅ Აᡡ፛ᲐẤ፲ፓᘥᤍỒޠӵ ᖓᛯȂϜᖃܼ3118ԒӶኅ To forge closer ties with the Mainland, CGCC set up a Guangzhou office ᎐᥆ᅝ␩᭘ጢޠ࣐ໍΚؐђ஽ᇅϲӵ ϲ at the CGCC Nansha Building in 2007, which provides networking andޠԏࠓؔϜᖃτཉ೪Ҵхߓ೏Ȃ࣐੶Աήِࢹ supporting services for Mainland, Hong Kong and overseas enterprises ୧ຸᖓᛯ҂ѯІٽӵӍཿȃॸ෬І੖ѵ׺ၦ޲ණ in the PRD (Pearl River Delta) region. Furthermore, the Greater Bay ᭖ᖟ፛᫟ᩡᘥᤍỒ ېМන݉ଡ଼ȄԫѵȂϜᖃ੬ր೪ԥင෬ᐭτᢋୣ Area committee was established to strengthen Hong Kong’s economic ᎐᥆ᅝ᭭ᦫᚘ .ୣ஀စᔽӬձȄ cooperation with different regions in the MainlandޠϲӵڸসཽȂᙥԫ஽Ͼॸ෬ ଡ଼ȂߓႁҐ෬୧ࣩཏُȂӶٲϜᖃᑗ྄୥ᇅަཽ We strive to make the voice of the local businesses heard in social affairs. ҴݳཽȃഽϏІᆌւ׌ȃ୧ଡ଼Іစᔽึ৥׌Ȃп CGCC is represented in the Legislative Council, Labour and Welfare Bureau, ᬈ᪱ Ṟ᩟፛ᎤᛤᘥᤍỒ өഌ Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, and a number of public ᎐᥆ᅝᢇጼ❎ۻϏ୧ყᡞְԥхߓȄ੬ୣ࢈ڸՎಁӼϵӔ ߟᇅϜᖃစளߴࡼᖓ๝Ȃ੬ր࢑ਗ਼ІϏ୧ጓᛠޠ bodies and business organizations. Moreover, we maintain close dialogue ỒᾄỒ ࢈๋ȂְኊၛϜᖃཏُȄ࣐ໍΚؐᏘᆺІ༉ሏϏ with government departments and are often consulted on business related policies. To express the business community’s care for society, we launched ୧ࣩནЗȂϜᖃܼ311:Ԓ഻ҴɆϜ๽ᖃ୧ཽནЗ ፊ᧟ᗇ᪱ᘥᤍỒ UIFi8F$BSFt8F4IBSFw$BNQBJHOJOUPIFMQUIFHSBTTSPPUTBOE ՘୞ɇȂпᄃርІࡼ៊՘୞ӪஆቺҀҖІ৶༗ަ the disadvantaged by concrete and sustained efforts. CGCC supports the ᎐᥆ᅝ᤮ጙᣭ ထߓႁᜱᛅȄϜᖃӓΩМࡼॸ෬੬ր՘࢈ୣޠө HKSAR Government’s work, and is committed to maintaining the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong while promoting the implementation of the ڎ໷ϏձȂयΩߴࡼॸ෬ᛨۢᖆᄹȂᄃ፻ɆΚ୾ ɇȃɆ෬΢ݾ෬ɇȄ “One Country, Two Systems” and “Hong Kong People Running Hong Kong” ᩨ᪱፛ᛦỔ⃕⃩ᘥᤍỒ ᵁ᥂ᒯ᪸ⓨᶲᰤښ principles. ԒȂᄹ۸ᕖூ୾ঢ় ᎐᥆ᅝᱯᴙ፲ ᎐ᐞᅝ὾₎ῴڻϜᖃܼ3111ԒኋણԚҴ211 лৱԱᐪҖඐ፴Ꮟ᝙ᚡԆȂࠏᓿҐཽɆึඵན୾ In 2000, CGCC’s centenary, we were extremely honored to receive President ན෬ᓻً༉ಜȂᆱៗॸ෬ߞ෉ᖆᄹᛨۢɇȂӓ୾ Jiang Zemin’s uplifting message in calligraphy: “Promote the fine tradition of loving the nation and Hong Kong, maintain the long-term prosperity Ồᜳ лৱ؄࿆ᕘᒒᖞॸ෬यິȄ3126ԒȂϜᖃߕ Ồᤍ᚞᪱ᘥᤍỒ ᵁ᥂ᚣ᪸ⓨᶲᰤڟ࢈ and stability of Hong Kong.” Besides, Chairman Li Ruihuan of the National ᎐᥆ᅝṗ጗፬ ᎐ᐞᅝᜯឰỉ ୚лৱု࡛๽ Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) ᘥᤍỒڟᄹᕖӓ୾࢈ٯԒཽኋȂڻ226ٿ ࣐ॸ෬ึ৥ extended his congratulations to the Chamber in person. In 2015, CGCC’sٿІեࠕ㔐ඐᜓᚡԆȂᢛඵϜᖃᐤԒ ડ୾ᖆᄹ൳஽ձяଔᝧȄ 115th anniversary, we were deeply honored to receive congratulatoryڸؐໍ inscriptions from Vice Chairmen of the CPPCC Tung Chee-hwa and Edmond ᜽ᑧᘥᤍỒ ዴ⑎ᚣ᪸ⓨᶲᰤ ȂϜᖃ஡᝸៊ᆨຯਣхؐӄȂ්㡱ɆҴ Ho in recognition of CGCC’s century-long contribution to the prosperity and ᎐᥆ᅝᚩᴙᬔ ᎐ᐞᅝᬑ᠏ḯٿ৥గґ ҭዀໍึȂᇅ advancement of Hong Kong and the Motherland. ᜱܼҐཽޠAnnual Report ٘ॸ෬ȃनᎭડ୾ȃᖓᛯзࣩɇ ାڏ୧ᐡȂ௱୞ॸ෬ึ৥Ԛ࣐ΚঐܦসឺК໡ཽ ࡚ਞ౦ȃᇅ୾ርҀൠᆨஞᖓᛯޠ౫хϾτഎཽȄ Looking forward, we will continue to move with the times and make the ᫥ጚᘥᤍỒ ዴ⑎ᒯ᪸ⓨᶲᰤ Chamber an organization that reaches out to the world with roots in Hong ᎐᥆ᅝ⊔⚆⎭ᵺ Kong and backing of the Mainland. While exploring business opportunities ᎐ᐞᅝ⊔᪟ᐅ with our members, we will drive Hong Kong to become a metropolis featured by high efficiency and close ties with the global market. Chamber The 2018 ᨁᦀᰤ ᑊ᪸ᗇ᪱ᘥᤍỒ ỉᠾ᪸ⓨᶲᰤ ᎐᥆ᅝ┿᪟Ꮧ ᎐ᐞᅝ᰾⚮፸ Ԓൣ 86 87 ~ƑijîŠĿǕîƥĿūŠ ĺîƑƥ ỒᤍỔ᪱ፍᓍ Distribution of Members’ Business Commerce, Industry and ཽসᖃ኶ Total Number of Members: 5,917 Social Affairs Committee General Meeting Chairman: LI Yinguan ⍗㞺⎱䴈主⒨ 㩆㢗˚曢免⎱㕮⃧♏㜷 of Members Textile manufacturing, dyeing and textile goods Machinery, computer and cultural equipment 塊ⱌ⎱⯝䟚楽棥 䲥⮭⃧♏˚揿挝⎱䜣揈 Mainland and Taiwan Garment and footwear, precious stones, Precious instruments, timepieces and eyewear Affairs Committee jadeite and jewelry ⷌ㥔䔏⎆㜷㖀⎱壤⒨ Industrial raw materials and products ĺîĿƑŞîŠȠ¹¬/ÞƭŠijȹĺūĿ 曢♏⎱曢⬷䔉⒨ Electrical and electronic products ⋽⭟⎆㖀⎱壤⒨ Chemical materials and products ⮝Ῐ˚⮝Ⱜ䔏⒨˚⋽⦄⒨⎱㗌⸟䔏⒨ Greater Bay Area Committee Furniture and household goods, cosmetics and 憸ⱓ䤍䔉⎱壤⒨˚曢挴˚ⷌ㨈 Chairman: Eddie LEUNG daily necessities Metallic minerals and products, electro-plating and moulds 棆⒨ Foods 杅憸ⱓ䤍䔉⎱壤⒨ Non-metallic minerals and products 棙㖀 The External Affairs Committee Beverages 憸坴˚ῄ暑⎱㈦✗䔉 Chairman: Johnny CHAN Finance, insurance and real estate 壤䴀˚䴀壤⒨˚⍗∞⎱㛰旃堳㥔 Committee 㖬怱˚愹⹾⎱棙棆 Paper, paper products, printing and related business Tourism, hotels and catering InnoTech, Creativity and ẋ态怲弟˚῰⺒⎱态姱 Culture Committee Transportation, storage and communication Chairman: Eric FOK 䙥岏⎱曃岏 General merchandise and grocery ཿଡ଼ϸ᜹ Business ⻡怇 Education and Category Construction Training Committee ⷌ┭⎱岦㗺㛴⋀ 272 Chairman: Raymond LEUNG 471 Industrial, commerce and trading services 324 382 ⯯㥔㛴⋀˚㖗偅ₚ㒔 498 123 Professional services and press 146 Communication & 191 Standing 142 䎐⅞˚㕮⨂⺞檻桅 Publications Committee 251 379 Toys, cultural, education and recreation Committee 269 Chairman: Philip FAN 159 併堺ⷌ嗄 771 201 Arts and crafts 184 65 䦨ạ㛴⋀ 190 Community Affairs Committee 389 Personal Services 391 308 ⅝ẽ ĺîĿƑŞîŠȠ¬Às¹îĿȹŕƭŠ 141 43 Others Western District 1,826 Liaison Group Finance & Property ĺîĿƑŞîŠȠÞT¡ØĿŠijȹŒƭĿ Management Committee Chairman: Stephen TAN ⇡⏊ ㉠䙣! Island East Export Wholesale Chairmen’s District Liaison Group ⅌⏊ 曝┕! Members’ Services Committee Chairman: QIU Jianxin Import Retail Committee Chairman: Jackie Wong 弰⏊ ㉼岮ƒ⏯䇆! Re-export Investment/Joint Venture Kowloon East ՘ཿϸ᜹ District Liaison Group Type of Industry 壤怇ƒ⊇ⷌ Ị䏭ƒ㎏択! Manufacturing/Processing Agent/Promotion Young Executives’ Committee Chairman: 㛴⋀! ⅝ẽ! Chairman: Lawrence LAM O/ÀsHOƭŠijȹŒDžîŠ Services Others Annual Report 925 ᜱܼҐཽ 1,509 878 Kowloon West District 707 Ladies’ Committee Liaison Group 1,530 Chairman: Janice CHOI Chairman: Raymond CHOY 1,213 878 469 97 New Territories District 1,826 Chamber The 2018 Secretariat District Affairs Committee Liaison Group ĺîĿƑŞîŠȠ OÀsHØîĿȹƎĿŠij ĺîĿƑŞîŠȠOÀT¡ūȹNjƭĚƥ Ԓൣ ພȈ! (1)!኶ԆᄡՎ2018Ԓ12У31СЦȄ ཿଡ଼ၦਠϟཽস1,826ӫȄٽуɇєࢃყᡞཽস90ӫІґԥණڐ኶Ԇєࢃ୧ဵȃঐ΢ཽসȂ௚Ɇ!(2)!! Notes: (1) Figures are as of 31 December 2018. (2) Figures include company and individual members; “others” include 90 association members and 1,826 members who have not provided detailed business information. 88 89 ᏥỒᎤ᥆ᣍᵁᧁ᪸៝ᙐ፛ᗥ᎘⍶ₐᘥᤍỒ᎚ᜨ CGCC’s Representation on HKSAR Government 'ĚƎîƑƥŞĚŠƥîŠē~ƥĺĚƑ~ƑijîŠĿǕîƥĿūŠȬ ūŞŞĿƥƥĚĚ ⍶ₐ ᘥᤍỒ ᎚ᜨ Organization Subsidiary Body Representative Ҵݳཽ ᄒߞԱ Legislative Council Martin LIAO ഽϏІᆌւ׌ ឺК׮৶ஆߝ ጿࠆ౐ Labour and Welfare Bureau Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged Jonathan CHOI ૗ྜਞઊԉࠍȯཿࣩϏձϊಣ ؄኉থ Environment Bureau Trade Task Force on the Mandatory Implementation of the Alfred LEEޑᄃࢋȮ࡛ᑟܓښᕘძ׌ ஽ Building Energy Codes ௱ኅȮЙѵᐸӏङതȯϏձϊಣ ؄኉থ Promotion of the Charter on External Lighting Alfred LEE Ϗཿຸܿဎ МනђϏຸܿ஠ೱϊಣ ఘ୊ਫ਼ Trade and Industry Department Task Force to Support the Processing Trade LEUNG Wai-ho সཽ եз࢙ Labour Department Labour Advisory Board HO Sai-chuېഽϏ೏ ഽϏ៬ୱ সყ ᛴႷۤ Factories and Industrial Undertakings ( Safety Management ) Bella LOېȯखࡢቸນپȮϏኆІϏཿစᕋ ) ԋӓᆔ౪ * ೤ Regulation – Disciplinary Board Panel ࡚Ϗձϊಣ ച҃ࠓښዀᡇܓՍ᜺ޑᕘძ㢝Ңဎ ஆӱ׾ആॶޑॶ Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Working Group on Voluntary Labeling of Genetically Ian CHAN সཽ ؄኉থ Modified Foodېᕘძߴៗဎ ɆఽዔҢ౱Ӏգॏდɇ໷ҭᆔ౪ ༂ྀஆ Environmental Protection Department Project Management Committee of “Cleaner Production Alfred LEE Partnership Programme” Bonnie WONG ݔහி Lawrence LAM সཽ ఘ੖݃ Advisory Committee on Recycling Fund Raymond LEUNGېӲԞஆߝᒛၛ ަཽᆌւဎ Ϗ୧ᐡᄻဏଡ଼Ϗձ௱ኅϊಣ ചӏ݃ Social Welfare Department Sub-Committee on Promotion of Corporate Volunteering Johnny CHAN ॸ෬໐࢈ ໐࢈݉ଡ଼୧ཿңЙᒛၛᖓৱཽឋ ဩЎ݃ Hongkong Post Hongkong Post Business Customers Liaison Group Derrick YIP সཽ ఘ੖݃ Economic Analysis and Business Facilitation Unit Business Facilitation Advisory Committee Raymond LEUNGېစᔽϸݚІР߰ᕋ୧೏ Р߰ᕋ୧ᒛၛ সཽ еඐ॒ Independent Commission Against Corruption Hong Kong Business Ethics Development Advisory Committee Connie WONGې཈࢈ϵဎ ॸ෬୧ཿၿ኉ึ৥ᒛၛ Jonathan CHOI Hong Kong Trade Development Council Council (Council Member) * ٲጿࠆ౐ ) ࿌ด౪ ཽٲॸ෬ຸܿึ৥׌

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