UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Marko Valčić OPTIMIZATION OF THRUSTER ALLOCATION FOR DYNAMICALLY POSITIONED MARINE VESSELS DOCTORAL THESIS Rijeka, 2020 UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Marko Valčić OPTIMIZATION OF THRUSTER ALLOCATION FOR DYNAMICALLY POSITIONED MARINE VESSELS DOCTORAL THESIS Supervisor: Prof. D. Sc. Jasna Prpić-Oršić Rijeka, 2020 SVEUČILIŠTE U RIJECI TEHNIČKI FAKULTET Zavod za brodogradnju i inženjerstvo morske tehnologije Marko Valčić OPTIMIZACIJA ALOKACIJE PROPULZORA KOD DINAMIČKI POZICIONIRANIH PLOVNIH OBJEKATA DOKTORSKI RAD Mentorica: prof. dr. sc. Jasna Prpić-Oršić Rijeka, 2020. Thesis Supervisor: Prof. D. Sc. Jasna Prpić-Oršić University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia This doctoral thesis was defended on 6 March 2020 at the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia, in front of the following Evaluation Committee: 1 Prof. D. Sc. Roko Dejhalla, Chairman of the Committee University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia 2 Prof. D. Sc. Senka Maćešić, Member of the Committee University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia 3 Prof. D. Sc. Nastia Degiuli, Member of the Committee University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Croatia Dedicated to my parents, Dora and Šime. "Truth is much too complicated to allow anything but approximations." John von Neumann Acknowledgments This work has been supported in part by the Croatian Science Foundation under the projects HRZZ-IP-2013-11-8722 (Greener Approach to Ship Design and Optimal Route Planning) and HRZZ-IP-2018-01-3739 (Decision Support System for Green and Safe Ship Routing). This work has also been supported in part by the University of Rijeka under the projects uniri-tehnic-18-266 (The impact of environmental loads on the characteristics of dynamic positioning systems for marine vessels) and uniri-tehnic-18-18 (Uncertainties of ship speed loss evaluation under real weather conditions), and by the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia. During this PhD Study, I was fortunate enough to interact and discuss with a number of researchers from whom I have benefited substantially. Therefore, I would like to express my appreciation to all of them who have offered their time, advice, assistance, support and encouragement. Most of all I would like to thank my supervisor, Professor Jasna Prpić-Oršić from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia, for taking me in as a PhD Candidate, for believing in me, and for being such a great advisor and a great friend during all these years. Your encouragement and support were the key to solving every single problem or obstacle that came up during this research. Special thanks also goes to Professor Radoslav Nabergoj from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy, for the motivation received to accomplish this work and for lots of valuable discussions about initial key ideas related to dynamic positioning and thruster interactions. Particularly motivating periods during this PhD study were my research visits to the Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (AMOS), Department of Marine Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, from 2015 to 2017. Hence, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my hosts, Professor Odd M. Faltinsen, Scientific advisor of AMOS, Professor Asgeir J. Sørensen, Director of AMOS, and Professor Sverre Steen, Head of Department of Marine Technology. Special thanks goes to Professor Sverre Steen and his former MSc student Mikal H. Espedal, for very valuable discussions on the thruster-thruster interactions and for providing me great support in extending the thruster-thruster interaction model based on the results of Mr. Erik Lehn, to whom I am also very grateful. Due to the limited space, it is not quite possible to mention all the people I would still like to thank. However, at least I can say a sincere thanks to all my dear professors, colleagues and friends from the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Faculty of Engineering, for their great support and friendship. At last, but not least, I especially have to point out that my family has always been with me and supported me from the very beginning in every way possible. I thank them immensely for their love and support, because without them this kind of work would not be possible to complete. A special gratitude goes to my wife Sonja for all those years of understanding, encouragement and support. viii Abstract Existing strategies and proposed methods for optimal thruster allocation in dynamic positioning systems of marine vessels are primarily focused on minimization of power consumption with handling of numerous constraints and limitations that should be satisfied at the same time. This particularly applies to thruster saturation and forbidden zones that are usually used in order to avoid or reduce thrust losses due to thruster-thruster interactions. By defining a forbidden zone for an azimuth thruster, generally a non-convex thrust region is left over which consequently can cause the significant deviations in allocated thruster azimuth angles and increase the time required for thrust and azimuth angle allocation. On the other hand, one can notice that thruster interaction effects such as axial and transverse current, thruster-hull interaction, thruster-thruster interaction and ventilation are rarely taken into account. These effects, whether they occur separately or in combinations, can cause significant thrust losses, which without appropriate reallocation strategy would consequently lead to degradation of vessel position and heading, as well as to increase of response time and power consumption. In dynamic positioning systems, nonlinear objective functions, and nonlinear equality and inequality constraints within optimal thrust allocation procedures cannot be handled directly by means of the solvers like industry-standardized quadratic programing, at least not without appropriate linearization technique applied, which can be computationally very expensive. Thus, if optimization requirements are strict and problem should be solved for nonlinear objective function with nonlinear equality and inequality constraints, than one should use some appropriate nonlinear optimization technique. In addition, implementation of thruster interactions in optimal thrust allocation can easily transform the optimization problem into nonlinear and non-convex, which can become very demanding. In this context, two optimization approaches have been proposed. The first one is based on the weighted generalized inverse matrix approach, and the other one on the hybrid approach using sequential quadratic programing and direct search algorithms coupled with generalized regression neural network. The latter one is particularly convenient for handling non-convex and nonlinear optimization issues related to generally nonlinear power-thrust relationship and to non-convex nature of forbidden zones and thruster interaction effects. Moreover, both optimization approaches can handle selected thruster interaction effects with negligible increase in total power consumption, compared to the strategy based on forbidden zones only, while minimizing the tear and wear of thrusters at the same time. Obtained results were evaluated with numerous simulations involving different initial conditions and with direct comparison of analysed strategies that include forbidden zones, i.e. thruster-thruster interactions. Key words Dynamic positioning systems, thruster interactions, thrust losses, thruster allocation, nonlinear optimization ix Sažetak Postojeće strategije i predložene metode optimalne alokacije propulzora u sustavima za dinamičko pozicioniranje plovnih objekata su primarno usredotočene na minimizaciju potrošnje električne energije uz istovremeno zadovoljavanje brojnih ograničenja i uvjeta. To se posebno odnosi na zasićenje propulzora, kao i na zabranjene zone koje se uobičajeno koriste kako bi se izbjegli ili smanjili gubici poriva uzrokovani međudjelovanjem propulzora. Uvođenjem zabranjene zone za neki azimutni propulzor, skup mogućih rješenja tog propulzora općenito će postati ne-konveksan, što posljedično može rezultirati značajnim promjenama u alociranim azimutima te povećanjem vremena potrebnog za alokaciju propulzora. S druge strane, može se primijetiti da se učinci međudjelovanja propulzora poput aksijalnog i poprečnog sustrujanja, međudjelovanja propulzor-trup, međudjelovanja propulzor-propulzor i ventilacije, vrlo rijetko uzimaju u obzir. Ovi učinci, neovisno da li se javljaju svaki posebno ili u kombinacijama, mogu uzrokovati značajno smanjenje poriva, što bez odgovarajuće realokacijske strategije posljedično može dovesti do degradacije pozicije i smjera napredovanja plovnog objekta, te do povećanja vremena odziva i potrošnje električne energije. U sustavima za dinamičko pozicioniranje, nelinearne funkcije cilja te nelinearna ograničenja u obliku jednakosti i nejednakosti ne mogu se izravno uzeti u obzir u optimalnoj alokaciji poriva. Kod industrijski prihvaćene metode kvadratičnog programiranja potrebno je provesti odgovarajuću linearizaciju koja može cijelu optimizaciju učiniti vrlo zahtjevnom u računalnom smislu. Stoga, ukoliko su zahtjevi optimizacije strogi, i problem je potrebno riješiti za
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