Subject Index to Volume 1'7: Biological Sciences* January-Dece:nber 1980 Introdul ction The terms of the Subject Index for Volu me 77, January-December 1980, of the PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACA] )EMY OF SCIENCES USA (Biological Sciences) were chosen from titles, key terr ns, and abstracts of articles. The index terms are alphabetized by computer; nui abers, conformational prefixes, Greek letters, hyphens, and spaces between words aredisregarded in alphabetization. After each index term is printed the title of the Erticle (or a suitable modification of the title) and the appropriate page number. Tit [es are listed in alphabetical order under the index terms. Corrections to papers in which errors occurred are indexed under the term "Correction"as well as under the index term s selected for the paper itself. Organisms are indexed by their scientific names whe] i scientific names were provided in the papers; suitable cross-references are provi ded. Because the PROCEEDINGSurges autho rs to follow the tentative rules and rec- ommendations of the nomenclature comrmissions (e.g., for biochemistry, those proposed by the International Union of E iochemistry), an effort has been made to construct an index that conforms with t] lis policy. However, correction of errors in nomenclature was not attempted and t he index should not be looked upon as a reference for correct or recommended us. tge. In addition, some exceptions to the recommendations of the commissions were necessary. Index terms themselves are usually not abbreviated even if specific re( 'ommendations have been made by the commissions; and in some instances, wordsI within an index term were rearranged. (Thus, tRNA is indexed as "Ribonucleic acid, transfer.?') In general, analogs of compounds are indexed as the parent com] )ound. (Thus, dimethylbenzanthracene is indexed as "Benzanthracene, dimethyl-.' ') The "Recommended Name" from the 1978 recommendations of the Nomenclatur e Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry on the Nomenclature ar d Classification of Enzymes [Enzyme Nomenclature (1978), Academic Press, I 4ew York] has been used for enzymes whenever Enzyme Commission (EC) num bers were published in the papers. EC numbers are listed as part'of the entry on ly if the EC number was printed in the paper. [Thus, some enzymes have two entri es, e.g., "Adenosinetriphosphatase"' and "Adenosinetriphosphatase (EC"] * Subject index for Physical Sciences begins on p. 7623. 754: Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 7542 Biological Sciences Subject Index Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77 (1980) Abetalipoproteinemia Analysisof mechanismof fast axonaltransport by intracellularinjection see also Hyperapobetalipoproteinemia of potentiallyinhibitory macromolecules: Possible role of actin Inabilityof serumfrom abetalipoproteinemicsubjects to stimulate filaments,7448 proliferationof humansmooth muscle cells and dermalfibroblasts in Appearanceof cytoskeletalcomponents on the surfaceof leukemiacells vitro, 1511 and of lymphocytes transformed by mitogens and Epstein-Barr virus, Abscisicacid 4979 Abscisicacid content of oat leaves:Changes during senescence, 2050 ATP-drivensteady-state exchange of monomericand filamentousactin Acetate kinase (EC from Dictyostelium discoideum, 4610 Acetate kinase:A triple-displacementenzyme, 2626 Bioenergetic aspects and polymer length distribution in steady-state Acetobacterxylinum head-to-tail polymerization of actin or microtubules, 4803 Cellulosebiogenesis: Polymerization and crystallizationare coupled Calciumcontrol of intestinalmicrovillus cytoskeleton: Implications for processesin Acetobacterxylinum, 6678 regulationof microfilamentorganizations, 6458 Acetone Cooperativebinding of myosinsubfragment 1 to Acetonemetabolism in mice:Increased activity in mice heterozygousfor actin-troponin-tropomyosincomplex, 2616 obesity genes, 290 Cooperativebinding of subfragment1 to regulatedactin: Kinetic studies, N-Acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene 7209 Chemicalcarcinogen-modified DNA recognizedby a DNA-binding Cooperativeequilibrium binding of myosin subfragment1 to protein,3201 actin-troponin-tropomyosincomplex: Theoretical model, 3186 Chemicalcarcinogen-modified DNA recognizedby a DNA-binding CytoskeletalF-actin patternsquantitated with fluorescein protein (correction),7510 isothiocyanate-phalloidin in normal and transformed cells, 6624 Conformationof poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC)modified by carcinogens Fluorescence staining of actin cytoskeleton in living cells with N-acetoxy-N-acetyl-2-aminofluoreneand 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole-phallacidin,980 N-hydroxy-N-2-aminofluorene,4597 Fluorescencestaining of actin cytoskeletonin living cells with Acetylcholine 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole-phallacidin(correction), 3747 see also Receptor,acetylcholine Immunologicaldifferences between actins from cardiacmuscle, skeletal Acetylcholine:Specific stimulated uptake by Torpedoelectric organ muscle, and brain, 2069 synapticvesicles, 6234 Recombinantplasmids'constructed containing rat muscle actin and Early nerve-musclesynapses in vitro releasetransmitter over myosinlight chain DNA sequences,960 postsynapticmembrane having low acetylcholinesensitivity, 644 Reversible translocation of cytoplasmic actin into the nucleus caused by Kinetic modelssuggest bimolecularreaction steps in axonal Na+-channel .dimethyl sulfoxide, 5268 gating,6582 a-Actinin Leptinotarsin:A presynapticneurotoxin that stimulatesrelease of Cytoskeletalproteins vinculin and a-actinin:Altered distributions in acetycholine,1219 culturedfibroblasts transformed by Rous sarcomavirus, 6687 Quantalrelease of acetylcholineexamined by currentfluctuation analysis Active avoidance at identifiedneuro-neuronal synapse of Aplysia, 1661 Enkephalinand fear-motivatedbehavior, 3729 Single channelcurrents from excised patches of muscle membrane,6930 Acyclovir Acetylcholinesterase(EC Acyclovir inhibition of Epstein-Barr virus replication, 5163 Acetylcholinesterase:Photodestruction, 1980 Adaptation Clumpingof acetylcholinesteraseactivity in developingstriatum of Spatial frequencyspecific interactionof dot patternsand gratings,662 humanfetus and young infant, 1214 Adenine,isopentenyl- Collagen-tailedand hydrophobiccomponents of acetylcholinesterasein Isopentenyladenineas a mediatorof mevalonate-regulatedDNA Torpedomarmorata electric organ, 4464 replication,5842 Specific photoaffinitylabeling induced by energytransfer: Application to Adenosine irreversibleinhibition of acetylcholinesterase,6439' see also Receptor, adenosine Vasoactiveintestinal polypeptidein cholinergicneurons of exocrine Adenosine,2-chloro- glands:Functional significance of coexistingtransmitters for Putative centralpurinergic receptors: Biochemical characterization by vasodilationand secretion,1651 using 2-chloro[3H]adenosine,a stable analogof adenosine,6892 Acetyl-CoAcarboxylase (EC Adenosine3',5'-cyclic monophosphate Fatty acid-requiringmutant of Saccharomycescerevisiae defective in see also Adenylate cyclase; Receptor, adenosine 3',5'-cyclic acetyl-CoAcarboxylase, 1814 monophosphate Regulationof acetyl-CoAcarboxylase: Properties of CoA activationof Actin nascent chains are substrates for cyclic AMP-dependent acetyl-CoAcarboxylase, 3351 phosphorylation in vivo, 910 N-Acetylglucosamine Adenylate cyclase and immunologic release of mediators from rat mast Phosphorylatedoligosaccharides in lysosomalenzymes: Identification of cells: Agonist and antagonist effects of purine- and ribose-modified a-N-acetylglucosamine(l)phospho(6)mannosediester groups,7074 adenosine analogs, 6800 N-Acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatesulfatase A "mute" catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase Sanfilippodisease type D: Deficiencyof N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfate from rat muscle and its mode of activation, 2492 sulfataserequired for heparansulfate degradation,6822 Calcium and microtubule dependence for increased ornithine N-Acetylmuramyl-L-alany--D-isoglutamine decarboxylase activity stimulated by f-adrenergic agonists, dibutyryl Antiviralresponse elicited by a completelysynthetic antigen with cyclic AMP, or serum in a rat astrocytoma cell line, 995 built-in adjuvanticity,67,69 Calcium current modulation underlying presynaptic facilitation and Geneticallycontrolled formation of antibodyto a synthetic antigen behavioral sensitization in Aplysia: Mechanism, 6912 [poly(LTyr,LGlu)-poly(DLAla)--poly(LLys)] covalently bound to a Calcium-dependent hormonal regulation of amino acid transport and synthetic adjuvant(N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine), 4933 cyclic AMP accumulation in rat hepatocyte monolayer cultures, 5953 Acetylserotoninmethyltransferase (EC Catalyticsubunit of cyclic AMP-dependentprotein kinase: Pteridinesas nonretinalregulators of light-dependentmelatonin Microinjection enhances calcium action potentials of bag cell neurons biosynthesis,2415 in cell culture,7487 N-Acetyltransferase Changein rate of transcriptionof a eukaryoticgene in responseto cyclic see Arylamineacetyltransferase AMP, 7171 Acholeplasmalaidlawii Cyclic AMP accumulation in cultured brain cells: Regulation by secretin, Membranelipid physicalstate and modulationof Na+,Mg2+-ATPase vasoactive intestinal peptide, and somatostatin, 6907 activity in Acholeplasmalaidlawii B, 1255 Cyclic AMP: A role in expression of developmentally regulated genes in Acid-basetitration Dictyostelium discoideum, 1044 Net proton-hydroxylpermeability of largeunilamellar liposomes Cyclic AMP as a negative regulator of hormonally induced lactogenesis measuredby an acid-basetitration
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