Tropical Cyclone Effects on California

Tropical Cyclone Effects on California

/ i' NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS WR-~ 1s-? TROPICAL CYCLONE EFFECTS ON CALIFORNIA Salt Lake City, Utah October 1980 u.s. DEPARTMENT OF I National Oceanic and National Weather COMMERCE Atmospheric Administration I Service NOAA TECHNICAL ME~RANOA National Weather Service, Western R@(Jfon Suhseries The National Weather Service (NWS~ Western Rl!qion (WR) Sub5eries provide! an informal medium for the documentation and nUlck disseminuion of l"'eSUlts not appr-opriate. or nnt yet readY. for formal publication. The series is used to report an work in pronf"'!ss. to rie-tJ:cribe tl!1:hnical procedures and oractice'S, or to relate proqre5 s to a Hmitfd audience. The~J:e Technical ~ranc1i!l will report on investiqations rit'vot~ or'imaroi ly to rl!nionaJ and local orablems of interest mainly to personnel, "'"d • f,. nence wUl not hi! 'l!lidely distributed. Pacer<; I to Z5 are in the fanner series, ESSA Technical Hetooranda, Western Reqion Technical ~-··•nda (WRTMI· naoors 24 tn 59 are i·n the fanner series, ESSA Technical ~-rando, W.othel" Bureou Technical ~-randa (WSTMI. aeqinniM with "n. the oaoers are oa"t of the series. ltOAA Technical >4emoranda NWS. Out·of·print .....,rond1 are not listed. PanfiM ( tn 22, except for 5 {revised erlitinn), ar'l! availabll! froM tt'lt Nationm1 Weattuu• Service Wesurn Ret1inn. )cientific ~•,.,irr• Division, P.O. Box lllAA, Federal RuildiM, 125 South State Street, Salt La~• City, Utah R4147. Pacer 5 (revised •rlitinnl. and all nthei"S beqinninq ~ith 25 are available from the National rechnical Information Sel'"lice. II.S. Oeoart~nt nf en-reo, Sills Bulldinq, 5ZA5 Port Royal Road, Sorinqfield, Virqinia ZZ151. Pricos varv for all oaoer cnoy· SJ.SO l"'ir.rnfic::ht~. Order by accession nurnbtr shown in oarenthi!!H at end of tach entry. F.SSA Technical M"""'randl (WRTM) Clirnatolnnical Precinitatlon Probabilities. Compiled by Lucianne ~iller, Dec....,.r 19~5. ~o5tern Reaion Pre- and Post-FP-3 Proarato, Oec...,er I, 1965, to February 70, 101i6. (dw.lrd 0. Oil!lller, March 1966. Station Descriptions of Local Effer.ts on Synoptic Weather Patterns. P~illin Willi-, Jr., April 1966 (revised Nnvember 10~7. October 1969). (PB-17ROOI q lnteroretina the RAREP. Horbert P. Benner. ~ay 1066 (revised January 1967). II c;n~ fle'=trical Prneesses in the .1. Lath~m ...June 1966. 17 A rHr1italized Surrmary of Radar EchnP.s within Inn ~~tiles of )acri!menta. Californh. J. A. YounrJbent ~nrl L. R. Over11as. OocPIIIber 1966. 11 An Obiective Aid for F'orecastint1 the End of E'ast 4inds in the Columbia r.ortle, July throuqh October. 0. John Cnnr1ranis. Anri I 1967. OP.rivation nf Radar Horizons in "'rruntainnus Terrain ROCJP.r rt. Paooas, Aoril JI~J67. ESSA rochnical -randa. Weather Bureau Tec~nical ~ernoraoda (WBTMI .'~ VPrification of Operational Prnhabilitv of Precioitation Forecasts, A~ril 19fi6 .. 1ofllrch 1967. W. 1-'. nir.kP.v. Octnher 1967 . (PR-176240 I A Study of Winds in the Lake ~oad Recreotion A,.,a. R.P. Auaulis, January Jq68. (PR-!778301 W•ather Extremes. R. J. Schmidli. Ao•il Jq6R (•evi.ed ,July 196BI. (PR-17Rq,·RI )mall·Scale Analysis and Pr-ediction. Ph1lio W11lia1'1S, .Jr •• May 1968. (P8·11q425) Nllnerical Weather Prediction and Svnootic "etf!Oroloqy. Caot. Thomas 0. ''furohy, 1/.S.A.F .• "'fay 191iA. (AOMn711fiS) Prpr.1ottatinn Oetection Probabilities hv Salt Lake ARTC Qo1Jda~. Robert K BeleCiky. July 191iA. (PR-J7qnR4l 12 PrnbabnHy Forecastinq ..... A Probi~.Analvsis with Reference to the Portland Fire WeathPr Oi'itrict. Harold S. Aypr, .1ulv JqfiR. (PR-1792Aql .15 .Jrint ESSA/FAA ARTC Radar Weather Survpi llance ProQram. Herbert P. Renner and OeYon 8. Smith. OecP.tnber JqnA {revi~ef'l ,J,me lq701. (AO-IiR1R57) · 1fi Temoerature Trends in Sacramentn-... Another Heat ts land. Anthony D. Lentini. February 1969. (PR-1RJ055) 17 niCion~-11 nf Loqqinq Residues without OantarJP. tn Air Ouality. ()wen P. Cralnf!r. 'tarch 1%9. {PR-IR10'i7) 10 llrm~&r .. Air Lnws over Northwestern Unite-d States, A. L. Jacobson. Aorn 196'l. (PB-IA4296) •n The "fAn-"'achine "'fh in Applied Weather FnrKastinn in the lq7n's. L.W. Sne11man. Auqust 1969. {PB .. lA~Ot;R) 47 of the Southern Cal ifnrnia Santa Ana of January 15-17, !96~. Barry B. Aronnvitch, Auoust Jqfiq. (Pii-IR5n7nl 41 F'nr.-r:astinq Maximum Temneraturtts at Helena~ r~nntana. Oav;d E. Olsen, nctober 1969. {P9 .. JAS762l J4 tstimated Return Periods for Short·Our~tinn Precinitation in Ariznna. Pillul C. Kanaieser. OctohPr JC)t;q, (Pn-1H771;3) Jn Aoolications of the Net RadiOIIIetPr to Shnrt·Ro11nne F'n1111nd Stratus F'nrecastinq at E'uqene. Oreqon. t.. 'fPe r~nd F. R.\tP.s, nocemt>er I q~q. ( PB-1 qo4 71i I 17 Stati.Cical Analysi• as • Flonrl Routina Tnnl. Aobort .1. r.. Burnash, Oocemher l'l69. (PB-IRR7441 !R f5unttm1, llicl'lard P. Auqul1s. tehruary 19711. (PR ... J901i7) 40 :~,.Prlicr.inl'l Precioitation Tynt. Robert ,J.C. Rurnash anrl I:'Jovd E. Hua. ?-4arch 1970. (PB ... J90%2) '.n ':tatiHical Reoort on AP.rnaller'lens (Pollen~ dnf'l Mnlds) Fort Huachuca. Ariznna. 19fi9. wavne s. Jonn~on. April Jq7o. •PR.iQJ74J) We11.tern Ael'fion Sea State and Surf F'nr&easter's M~nual. r.nrctnn C. ~hie-Ids and r.eratd B. Our~ell •. Julv Jr17n. fPB-191102) ~•cra,.,nto w.. ther Radar Cllmatnlo~y. R. r.. Pappas and C.H. Veliquette, July 1970. (PR-1933471 A Refinement of the Vnrtic1tY Field tn Oelintate .Areas of ~lnnif1cant Precinitation. Rarry B. Arnnnvitch, Au11ust 1970. Aoolication of the SSARR ~del to·a without Di>eharne Record. Vail Schennerho!"n •nd Donald w. Kuehl. Au~uH 1970. (PR-lq4J941 Sn Arfl~tl r:nve!",.qe of PrP.cfoitation in Northwestern Utah. Philio Williams. Jr .• and We,-ner J. Heck, SPot. 1q7n. (p~ .. J943R9) i7 Pr~lim'iary R.,pnrt nn Anricultural FiP.ld Burtntnrr vc;. AtmosOheric Visibility in the Wi1lamette Valley of nre,nn. tar! ~ RHes and David n. Chi I cote, Seotemt>•r 1970. (PR-1947101 Air Pnllution hY .lot AirC"aft at Seottle-racnma Ai,.,nrt. Wallace R. Oonaldson, October 1970. (CilH-71·nnn171 .S.nnlicatinn l')f PE "fndel Forer~st PArA,.ter'i to LocaJ .. Area ForecastiM. LenMrd w. Snellman. net. 197n. (iOM-71-nnnllil NOAA Tecllnical M"'""randa (NWS WRI fiO .An Airi fnr Forecastin!l th .. '-'inimum iemnP.rarure at ~fnrd, n~on. Arthur W. Fritz. October J'l70. (CO!"f-71 • .'101?0) lil 700-nrb W-1r1n Air Arivection as a Forecdstinq Tool for HontaM and Northern (dann. Norris E WoernPr, FP.t'lrur1rv IQ71. (r.n•. 71-001491 M ~ind and Weather Rl!flimes at r'irpat Falls. Montana. Warren B. Prir:e. lot~trrh 1971, 116 A PrP.lim'inary Report on Correlation of ARTCC Radar Echoes and p,.ecioitation. Wi1hur K. Hall, .June Jq71 (COM-ll·OOA(q) 09 ~Mtinnal Weather Service Support to ~oi!trinq Act"ivitie-co. E11is Surtnn. Aucru'it 1971, (C::Oftt .. Jl-00Qi6l 11 t-IP.Stern Re11ton Svnootic Analysis-Prnhi~ r\nd MP.thnd!'. Phi lie Willi..\:n'i. ,Jr .• F'~ruary l':J7?. (C:!Jo'-7l-104JJ) 74 Thunderstonns and Hail Oavs ProbrlbilitieCi in Nevada. Clarence"'· Sakamoto. April 1972. (Cnr4-72-TO'i54} 71) 4 ')rudv nf the Low Level Jpt Streant nf ti1P <ian .loaauin VollTP.v. Qnni!ld A. Willis and Pt-tilio !..lilliams ••Jr .• '~av 197?.. ·r~·•-72-107071 711 '-'•·~r,t.hlv Cl imatoloq1cal Charts of the 9ehavior of Fo11 .:tnd Low Stratus at Lno; Anc1ele13 tnternatlonal Airport. Onn.:tlrt f..t ;al-.. ,July i972. ~C0~-72-111401 77 A ('ttJd•t nf ~adar tchn OiHrlhution in ArizoM Our1ne1 .lui·, rtnri Aunuo;t. ,John f. HaiP~ ••!r .•.lulv Jq7?, {COM-J:l.JIIll;J 7q ~nrP.cast"inq Prqc1oit.\t1nn at Bakersfield. Califnrnia~ Usinq PrP'iSUrP. tir.\diPnt Vectnr~. Farl i. Riddlnuqh, .lulv 1972. ''c•-72-lll•nl 7Q (Jimllte nf ':tnclrtnn. i.alifornh. Qnbert C. NPlc;nn ••July 1972. (C()ftt-72-JOq2r'!l ~l'l t'<:t,m"tinn n( Numher nf '~.:.vs Ahnve nr Relnw SelectP.f'l TP.IIlnPr"tur~'i. r.larPnCe '"· "aklll'wHn. nrtnher 1q72, (COM-7:'-10021) Rl An Aid for F'oreocastinq Surrrner "4o11:X1'!Uif'l f~er~ture~ at SeoattiP., Washtnttton. Fdr~ar 'i ••Jnhnson~ Nnv. 1972. (COH-71-10150) ~?. F'l.,~n Flood F''itinq and t~arniM Prn'lroMt 1n l:hP ~estern RIMinn Philiu Williams, .Jr •• Chfllster L. tilenn. and Rnlttnd L Aaotz. Deceonber 1972 (Rev. •arch 197nl ICilH-71-107.511 .'11 • rnmMri'Onn o( 'tanual rtnrf 1:\P.f"lfilutrll'lrtt:lr: "4Pthnc1~ nf 011'1itizinf1 Anft!oq \.lin~ Qeoco!""rl,. rn~n F.. :la"iCh. l't~rc'T 197:1. rr.nH-71-I061i91 flt; r:nnditional Probabilities fnr ~#! nf Wfllt Oays at Phoenix. Arizona. Paul r. Kant1ieser, .Jun@ 197:1. {COM·7J-11264) S\7 A R,.finl!l'l'lent nf the IJse of K.. Val•1es in F'nrecasttnq Thunderuo~ in W.\".hlnntnn And Ore-ttnn. RotJe.rt Y.r.. Lee •• June Jq7J. 'C11M-7J-112761 ~q ·)hlP.ctiY@ F';t nf PrP.cipftilltinn nver the Western Reflinn of th~ llnitPd c;to11t.PS ••JuliaN. Ptl~le and Lllrry P, Kierulff, ;ont..,her 1q71 (COH-71-llq46/:l4SI 'll Arit1Jni1 "Eddy'' Tnrnadnes. Roh~rt ~. lnr~r:~m. Or.tnoer 1Q71. {C~ ... n .. Jn4f;'i) 0? ",,,;,,. ~onoaement in tne Willamette V•1loy. carl M. Bat.. , •ay 197~. lr.nt•-74-11277/ASI ~, An .,n~ro11t1nn-1l Evaluatinn nf ;on .

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