2208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. FEBRUARY 22, POSTMASTERS. mons consent standing by itself; but nothing is in order when CONNECTICUT. the motion to adjourn is made. Augustus G. Ising to be postmaster at Danbury, in the county Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi. I was merely anxious to get of Fairfield and State of Connecticut. the two together if I could, Mr. Speaker. ILLINOIS. Mr. PAYNE. I call for the regular order. Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi. Then I ask unanimous con· M.S. Brown to be postmaster at Brighton, in the county of Ma­ sent, this being the 22d day of February, that the Clerk may read coupin and State of illinois. from the Clerk's desk George Washington's Farewell Address to William T. Thorp to be postmaster at Litchfield, in the county the American people. of Montgomery and State of illinois. Mr. PAYNE. I demand the regular order, Mr. Speaker. Th""DIANA. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Mississippi asks unani­ Edwin S. Gilbert to be postmaster at Indiana Harbor in the mous consent that George Washington's Farewell Address be county of Lake and State of Indiana. ' read at the Clerk's desk. Is there objection? James E. Zook to be postmaster at Lima, in the county of La­ Mr. PAYNE. I demand the regular order. grange and State of Indiana. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from New York demands the l'<""EBP.ASKA. regular order. · Treyanyon L. Mathews, of Nebraska, to be United States Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker­ marshal for the district of Nebraska. The SPEAKER. The regular order is demanded. NEW Jli:RSEY. Mr. WILLIAMS of Mjssissippi. I want to make a parliamen· Charles F. Hopkins to be postmaster at Boonton, in the county tary inquiry. of Morris and State of New Jersey. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. Andrew Mercer to be postmaster at Lodi, in the county of Ber­ . Mr. WILLIAMS of ~lississippi. Would it be in order to put gen and Ste.te of New Jersey. mto the shape of a motion what I have asked unanimous consent NEW YORK. for? The SPEAKER. Not against the demand for the regular Seth .Allen to be postmaster at Dannemora, in the county of order. Clinton and State of New York. Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi. Then, Mr. Speaker, I will move what is in order. I move that in memory of George Wash· HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ington this House do now adjourn. '_fh~ SPEAKER. That motion is not in order. [Laughter.] 1\fo~TDAY, February 22, 190./j. It Is m order to move that the House do now adjourn. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Mr. WILLIAMS of M~sissippi. Then, Mr. Speaker, I move 'fhe Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. CouDRN, D. D., offered the fol- that the House do now adJourn; and the country will understand lowing prayer: . the issue. Infinite and eternal Spirit, ever present in the hearts of men to The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Mississippi moves that inspire, uphold, sustain, and guide, we bless Thee for the truly the House do now .adjourn. great and noble who have been susceptible to the heavenly in­ The question was taken; and the Speaker announced that the fluence and who have builded even better than they knew for noes seemed to have it. succeeding generations. Our minds turn to-day to him whom we Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi. Division, Mr. Speaker. delight to call the "Father of his Country," and a nation will The question was taken; and there were-ayes 66; noes 85. pour out its gratitude to Thee for his character and his deeds as a Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi. I now call for the yeas and citizen, a soldier, a statesman, and follower of the Jesus of Naza­ nays. reth, and every lover of liberty the world round will sing his Mr. TAWNEY. A parliamentary inquiry. praise, whose name has become the synonym for wisdom, purity, The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. a.nd goodness. Mr. TAWNEY. Would it be in order forme to read a motion Help us, we beseech Thee, susceptible to that same influence that w~s ma.de by a Democra!J.c Member .from New York [Mr. to go forward to larger life and grander achievements; and Thin~ Cummmgs] m the second sessiOn of the Fifty-third Congress on be the praise, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. the 22d day of February? The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday la.st was read and Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi. I demand the regular order. The SPEAKER. The Chair thinks debate is not in order. approved. The yeas and nays were ordered . .AMENDMENT OF LAW IN RELATION TO TAXATION IN DISTRICT OF The question was taken; and there were-yeas 93 nays 104 an· COLUMBIA. swered present 10, not voting 175, as follows: ' ' Mr. COWHERD. Mr. Speaker, I ask that House bill8690 to amend the law relating to taxation in the District of Columbia, YEAS-93. Aiken, Gold!ogle, Lloyd, Shull, be re-referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Bartlett, Goulden, McCreary, Pa. Sibley, The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Missouri asks unani­ Bassett, Greggh McDermott, Sims mous consent that House bill8690, now on the Calendar, be taken BealL, Tex. Griffit , McLain, Smith, Kv. Benny, Hamlin, Maynard, Smith, Tex. from the Calendar andre-referred to the Committee on the Dis­ Benton, Hardwick, Miers, Ind. Snook, trict of Columbia. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The Bowers, Hay, Moon, Tenn. Spnrk.Inan, Chair hears none. Bowie. Henry,Tex. Padgett, Stanley, Brundidge, Hill, Miss. Patterson,N.O. Stephens, Tex. ORDER OF BUSINESS. Burgess, Hitchcock, Patterson, Pa. Sullivan, Mass. Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker- Caldwell, Howard Patterson, Tenn. Talbott, Candler, Hugbes,N.J. Pujo, Tate, The SPEAKER. For what purpose does the gentleman rise? Cochran. Hunt, Re1d, Thayer, Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, I rise for the Cooper, Tex. Johnson, Richardson, Ala. Thomas, N.O. purpose of making a motion to adjourn. I ask, Mr. Speaker, that Cowherd, Joncs1 Va. Rixey, Underwood, Dickerman, Kitchin, Wm. W. Robb, Walla.ce, the Clerk read the Farewell Address of George Washington, and Field, Kline, Robinson, Ark. Webb, that immediately upon the termination of the reading the House Fitzgerald, La.mar,Fla. Robinson, Ind. Weisse, Fitzpatrick, L~unar,Mo. Russell, William!!', Til. adjourn. Flood, Lever, Ryan, WilliaiiU\ Miss. Mr. PAYNE. I make the point of order that that motion is Garner, Lewis, Scarborough,­ Wynn. not in order. Gilbert, Lind, Shackleford, The SPEAKER. The Chair sustains the point of order as to Gillespie, Little, Sheppard, the motion. The Chair will submit the request for unanimous Glass, Livingston, Shober, consent, if the gentleman desires that to be submitted. NAYS-104. Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi. Aparliamentaryinquiry,Mr. Adams, Wis. Butler, Pa. Fordney, Hermann, Alexander, Campbell, Foss, Hill, Conn. Speaker. Would it not be in order to move that at the expiration Allen, Cooper,Pa.. Foster, Vt. Hogg, of a certain time the House adjourn? Then if that be true, is it not Babcock, Curri.er, Fuller, Holliday, in order that at the expiration of a certain contingency the House Beidle;~ Curtis, Gibson Humphrey, Wash.. Birdsn.u, Cushman, Gillet, k Y. Hunter, adjourn? Bonynge, Dalzell, Gillett, Mass. Jenkin..<~, The SPEAKER. There are these motions: To adjourn, to ad- Boutell, Daniels, Goebel, Jones, Wash. journ to a day certain, and a motion to take a recess. Bradley, Davidson. Groff, Kinkaid, .Brandegee, Davis, Minn. Grosvenor, Knapl!, Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi. Now, Mr. Speaker, I move Brick, Deemer, Hamilton, Knopf, that the House do adjourn. Pending that, I submit my request Brown, Wis. Dovener, Haugen, Lacey, for unanimous consent. I ask unanimous consent that the Clerk Buckman, Draper, Hedge, Lanning, Burke, Dresser, Hemenway, La.wrer.ce, may read-- Burkett, Dunwell, Henry, Conn. Lilley, The SPEAKER. The Chair will submit the request for unani- Burton, Esch, Hepburn, Loud. 1904. OONGRESSION.A.L RECORD-HOUSE. 2209 Lovering, Murdock, Scott, Stafford, Mr. ACHESON with Mr. BADGER. McCall, Olmsted, Shiras, Steenerson McCleary, Minn. Overstreet, Slemp, Stevens, Minn.1 Mr. SAMUEL W. SMITH with Mr. RANDELL of Texas. McLachlan, Parker, Smith, Iowa Sulloway, Mr. WM. ALDEN SMITH with Mr. ROBERTSON of Louisiana. McMorran, Payne, Smith, Nt"Y. Tawney, Mr. BARTHOLDT with Mr. JAMES. Mn.rshs.ll, Pearre, Smith, Pa. Thomas, Iowa 1\fetcaJ.f, Perkins, Southard, Volstead, Mr. KETCHAM with Mr. CLARK. :Minor, Powers, Mass. Southwick, Watson, Mr. BINGHAM with Mr. MADDOX. Mondell, Prince, Spalding, Wilson, llL Mr. WOODYARD with Mr. LIVERNASH. Mudd, Roberts, Sperry, Young. Mr. LrrrA.UER with Mr. SULLIVAN of New York. ANSWERED "PRESENT "-10. Mr. ADAMS of Pennsylvania with Mr. KETJHER. Adamson, Kehoe, Lucking, Powers, Me. Mr. BURTON with Mr. RICHARDSON of Tennessee. Cassel, Kr.le, Mahon, Cassingham, Littlefield, Meyer, La. Mr. LILLEY with Mr. KLUTTz. NOT VOTING-175. Mr. BROWN of Pennsylvania with Mr. BELL of California. Acheson Dixon, Kitchin, Claude Rider, Mr. DICK with Mr. BURNETT. Adams, Pa. Dougherty, Kluttz, Robertson, La. Mr. COUSINS with Mr. WADE. Ames, Douglas, Lafean, Rodenberg, Mr. HUFF with Mr. Il.ARRISON. BMger, Driscoll, Lamb, Rucker, Baker, Dwight. Landis,Chas.B. Ruppert, Mr. HoWELL of New Jersey with' Mr. SULZAR. Bankhead, Emerich, Landis,Frederick Scudder, Mr. MANN with Mr. SwANSON. Bartholdt, Evans, Legare, Sherley, Mr. MORRELL with Mr. RIDER. Bates, Finley, Lester, Sherman, Bede, Flack, Lindsay, Slayden, Mr. HINsHAw with Mr. GRIGGS. Bell, CaL Foster, ill. Littauer Small, Until further notice: Bingham, Fowler, Livernash Smith, ill. Mr. BURLEIGH with Mr. BRANTLEY, Bishop, French, Longworth, Smith, Samuel W. Bowersock, Gaines, Tenn. Lorimer, Smith, Wm. Alden Mr. STERLING with Mr. MACON. Bmntley, Gaines, W.Va. Loudenslager, Snapp, Mr. KYLE with Mr.
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