BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AERONAUTICS 1925 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON 1928 INTRODUCTION This work covers the literature published from January 1 to December 31, 1925, and continues the work of the Smithsonian Institution issued as volume 55 of the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, which covered the material published prior to June 30, 1909, and the work of the National Advisory Committee for Aero- nautics as published in the Bibliography of Aeronautics for the years 1909 to 1916, 1917 to 1919, 1920 to 1921, 1922, 1923, and 1924. As in the previous volumes, citations of the publications of all nations have been included in the languages in which these publica- tions originally appeared. The arrangement is in dictionary form with author and subject entry and one alphabetical arrangement. Detail in the matter of subject reference has been omitted on account of the cost of presentation, but an attempt has been made to give sufficient cross-references to facilitate research in special lines. Joseph S. Ames, Chairman, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. March 20, 1928. ABBREVIATIONS Aer. Eng. Suppl. The Aeroplane The Aeroplane— . Aeronautical En- gineering Supplement to The Aero- plane, London. Aeron, Journ Aeronautical Journal, London. Amer. Mach American Machinist, New York. Amer. Gas. Eng. Journ American Gas Engineering Journal, New York. Atti Assoc. Ital. Aerotecn Atti dell' Associazione Italiana di Aero- technica, Roma. Aut. Eng Automotive Engineering, New York. Aut. Mot. Flugw ^_- Automobil-Motorrad-Flugwesen, Berlin. Ann. Soc. Met. France Annuaire, Socifite' MSteorologique de France, Paris. Automobile-Automotive Ind The Automobile and Automotive Indus- tries, New York. Aviat. Aer. Eng Aviation and Aeronautical Engineering, New York. Bull. Aero-Club Suisse The Bulletin, Aero Club Suisse, Berne. Bull. Exper. Depart. Airplane Eng. The Bulletin of the Experimental De- Div. partment, Airplane Engineering Divi- sion, U. S. A., Dayton, Ohio. Bull. Soc. Enc. Ind. Nat Bulletin de la Soei6t6 d' Encouragement pour ^Industrie Nationale, Paris. C. R. Acad. Sci Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Stances de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris. Deutsche Luftf. Zeitschr Deutsche Luftfahrer Zeitschrift, Berlin. Electr. Railw. Jour Electric Railway Journal, New York. Journ. Amer. Soc. Mech. Eng Journal of the American Society of Me- chanical Engineers, New York. Journ. Amer. Water Works Ass'n Journal of the American Water Works Association, Baltimore. Journ. Inst. Electrical Engineers Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, New York. Journ. Frankl. Inst Journal of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. Journ. Mil. Serv. Inst Journal of the Military Service Institu- tion, Governors Island, New York. Journ. Roy. Aer. Soc Journal of the Royal Aeronautical So- ciety, London. Journ. Roy. Soc. Arts Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, London. Journ. Soc. Automotive Engineers Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers, New York. Journ. Soc. Mech. Eng Journal of the Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tokyo. Journ. United States Art Journal of the United States Artillery; Fortress Monroe, Va. La Conq. l'Air La Conquete de l'Air, Brussels. v VI ABBREVIATIONS Le Techn. Aeron La Technicque Aeronautique, Paris. Pop. Mech Popular Mechanics, Chicago. Pop. Sci. Monthly Popular Science Monthly, New York. Proc. Amer. Inst. Electr. Eng Proceedings of the American Society of Electrical Engineers, New York. Proc. U. S. Naval Inst Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md. Quart. Journ. Roy. Met. Soc Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteor- ological Society, London. Rend. Instituto Sper. Aer Rendiconte dell' Istituto Sperimentale Aeronautico, Roma. Rend. Teen. Dir. Sup. Genio. Costr. Commissariato dell' Aeronautica. In- Aeron. tendenza Generate. Rendiconti Tec- nici della Direzione Superiore del Genio e delle Costruzioni Aeronau- tiche. Roma. ReV. G6n. Scien ReVue Generate Scientifique, Paris. Riv. Ital. Aeron Rivista Italiana Aeronautica, Roma. Scient. Amer Scientific American, New York. Techn. Berichte Technische Berichte, Charlottenburg. Tech. Rept. Advis. Com. Aeronautics.. Technical Report of the Advisory Com- mittee on Aeronautics, London. Zeitschr. Plugt. Mot Zeitschrift fur Flugtechnik und Motor- luftschifffahrt, Munchen. Zeit. Osterr. Ing. Arch. Ver Zeitschrift des Oesterreichischen Inge- nieuer- und Architekten - Vereines, Wien. Zeitschr. Ver. deutsch. Ing Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Inge- nieure, Berlin. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AERONAUTICS 1925 By PAUL BROCKETT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AERONAUTICS, 1925 By Paul Brockett A. D. 1. See Bradfield, F. B., and A. S. Hartshorn: Test of three aerofoils suitable for high speed. A. D. 1, Sloane, and R. A. F. 26. A. G. L'aviation sanitaire au Val-de-Grace et au Bourget L'Aerophile, 33e annfie, Nos. 9-10 (ler-15 mai 1925), Paris, pp. 132-134, ill. —— Une exposition d'aviation sanitaire. L'Aerophile, 33e ann6e, Nos. 7-8 (ler-15 avrU 1925), Paris, p. 111. Abeelen, van den. De Amerikaansohe luchtpostdienst. Het Vliegveld, 9de Jaarg., No. 8 (Aug. 1925), Amsterdam, pp. 211-213,map. De Engelsche luchtvaartbegrooting. Het Vliegveld, 9de Jaarg., No. 4 (April 1925), Amsterdam, pp. 104-105. Een nieuwe positieregeling voor niilitaire vliegers. Het Vliegveld, 9de Jaarg., No. 2 (Feb. 1925), Amsterdam, pp. 49-50. Abercbon. Die Deutsche Verkehrsausstellung. Raum 7. Freiballon. Zeitschr. Flugt. Mot., 10. Jahrg., 17. u. 18. Heft (9. Sept. 1925), Mlinchen, pp. 357-358, ill. Abbial, Georges. Note sur les essais eomparatifs, effectues en vol et au tunnel, avec le planeur Abrial "Vautour." L'Aerotechnique (L'Aeronautique, 7me annSe, No. 77), 3me annee, Num. 34 (oct. 1925), Paris, pp. 377-380, ill. Acceleration. See Doolittle, J. H.: Accelerations in flight. Accelehometers. See Meredith, F. W.: Determination of lift and drag coeffi- cients during a stall by means of accelerometers. Accessories. Les accessoires d'aeronautique au dernier Salon. L'Aerotechnique (L'Aeronautique, 7me annSe, No. 69), 3me annee, Num. 26 (lev. 1925), Paris, pp. 58-64, ill. Accidents. Accidents. Aeronautics. Techn. Bep. Aer. Res. Com., 1923-24, Vol. 1, London, 1925, pp. 40-42. Hazards of the air. Independent, Vol. 115 (Sept. 19, 1926), New York, pp. 315-316, ill. Lessons from a tragedy. Scientific American, Vol. 131 (Dec. 1924), New York, p. 388. On making the most of accidents. The Aeroplane, Vol. 28, No. 2 (Jan. 14, 1925), London, p. 30. See Croydon: The Croydon accident. Official report. See Page, Frederick Handley: Prevention of accidents in commercial aviation. See Seilkopf, Heinrich: tJber Luftverkehrsunfalle. See Shenandoah: The "Shenandoah" disaster. I BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AERONAUTICS, 1925 Ackeret, J. Air forces on airfoils moving faster than sound. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Technical Memorandums No. 317, June 1925, Washington, pp. 8, ill. From "Zeitschrift fur Flugtechnik und Motorluftschiffahrt, " February 14, 1926. Luftkrafte auf Fliigel, die mit grosserer als Schallgeschwindigkeit bewegt werden. Zeitschr. Flugt. Mot., 16. Jahrg., 3. Heft (W.Feb. 1925), Mlinchen, pp. 72-74, ill. Neuere Untersuchungen der Aerodynamischen Versuchsanstalt, Gottingen. Vorgetragen auf der Frankfurter Tagung der WGL am 4. September 1924. Zeitschr. Flugt. Mot., 16. Jahrg., 3. Heft (14.Feb. 1925), Mtinchen, pp. 44-52, ill., diagrs. Recent experiments at the Gottingen aerodynamic institute. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Technical Memorandums No. 323, July 1925, Washington, pp. 21, ills. From "Zeitschrift ftir Flugtechnik und Motorluftschiflahrt" Feb. 14, 1925. Das Rotorschiff und seine physikalischen Grundlagen. Mit einem Vorwort von L. Prandtl. Gottingen, Verlag Vandenhoeck & Euprecht, 1925, pp. 48, ill. Acoustics. See Esclangon, Ernest: L'accoustique des canons et projectiles. Adams, T. H. N. The modern flying carpet. Slipstream, Vol. 6, No. 4 (April 1925), Dayton, Ohio, p. 8, ill. Ader, Clement. Clement Ader and the aeroplane. Science n. s. Vol. 61, (May 22, 1925). Garrison, N. Y., p. 633. Slipstream, Vol. 6, No. 6 (June 1925), Dayton, pp. 5-6. Les obs&ques de Clement Ader. L'Aerophtle, 33e annee, Nos. 9-10 (Ier-15 mai 1925), Paris, p. 130. See Dollfus, Charles: Clement Ader. See May, Jacques: Ader n'est plus. Advertising. On advertising aircraft. The Aeroplane, Vol. 28, No. 17 (Apr. 29, 1926), London, pp. 401-402. Aero-Club de France. Annuaire 1925, de l'Ae>o-Club de France et de ses Soctetes affiliees. Paris, Edits par l'Aero-Club de France, 1926, pp. 80. Atlas des aerodromes et terrains d'atterrissage. Paris, Aero-Club de France, Blondel La Eongery, editeur, 1926, atlas. 1 Le grand prix de ' Agro-Club de France pour ballons libres. L'Aerophile, 33e annee, Nos. 13-14 (ler-15 juil. 1925), Paris, pp. 196-196, ill., map. Le Hie Congres des Soci6t6s affilees a l'Ad.C. F. L'Aerophile, 33e annee, Nos. 1-2 (ler-16 Jan. 1926), Paris, pp. 17-19. Aero-Lloyd. Deutscher Aero-Lloyd A.-G. Aut. Mot. Flugw., 7.Jahrg., Nr. 13 (16.Juli 1926), Berlin, pp. 368-369, ill., map. Aerodromes. Aerodrome conditions and the getting-off problem. The Aeroplane, Vol. 28, No. 7 (Feb. 18, 1925), London, pp. 150, 152. See Rynine, N.: Graphique du travail d'un aerodrome. Aerodynamics. Aerodynamics Subcommittee. Aeronautics. Techn. Bep. Aer. Ees. Com., 1923-24, Vol. 1, London, 1925, p. 20. Playing with air shows new laws to aid aviation. Popular Mechanics, Vol. 43, (May 1925), Chicago, pp. 723-728. See Ackeret, J.: Luftkrafte auf Fliigel, die mit grosserer als Schallgesch- windigkeit
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