NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1984 ~ AItIERICAM UW[] o~ 0QD[?[]ITll]@0B'U ~ :3 ~ BIAN HI CUP VI ENOS WINS BIG! RTV AT 8es'ol,he CONVERSION UNit'S DO YOUREA....Y NEE; "HOUSE.45? I 'll~ " 173595 67522 Ruger Presents a New .22- Bolt-Action Rifle And Ruger Design Leadership Makes it the World's Finest The first time you see the new Ruger 77/22 ™ bolt-action Specifications: Caliber/Ammunition: .22 Long Rifle; rifle, you'll agree it's an amazing .22 rimfire, with the Barrel Length: 20"; Overall Length: 391f4"; Sights: Gold quality and precision you've always associated with the Bead Front Sight and Adjustable Folding Leaf Rear finest big-game rifles. The light weight, elegant lines, Sight; Weight (without scope, magazine empty:) .~P/4 smooth mechanism, and outstanding accuracy of the Lbs.; Catalog Number: 77/22S. Plain Barrel Model has 77/22 ™ will restore the pure pleasure of smallbore rifle no iron sights, but includes one inch Ruger scope rings. shooting. This is the rifle that was made to inspire the Catalog Number: 77/22R. pride ofany experienced owner, and to prove again that Ruger stands for advanced design, superior perfor­ mance, and exceptional value. Stock is select, straight-grain Unique new 3 -Position Safety New Bolt Locking System en­ Solid steel receiver incorpo­ In addition to scope mounts, American walnut, hand gives positive security. With sures positive lock-up by two rates integral scope mounts of Gold Bead Front Sight and checkered, with durable poly­ safety in "safe" position, large locking lugs on rotating the patented Ruger Scope Adjustable Folding LeafRear urethane satin finish. Sporting action is locked closed and part ofbolt which engage pre­ Mounting System, with one Sight are provided as a scope type Nylon buttplate, pistol bolt cannot be flipped open ac­ cision machined surfaces in inch Ruger scope rings. back-up on 77/22S model. grip cap, and sling swivel cidentally. receiver immcdiately behind studs are standard. magazine. ~-- ~ ------l - All mechanical components Exclusive Ruger Dual-Screw Ruger IO-Shot Rotary Maga­ are heat-treated chrome­ Barrel Attachment System in zine, proven in concept by molybdenum steel, with mu­ which two longitudinal Non-adjustable Trigger Mech­ years ofdependable service in sic wire coil springs. Metal screws, working through a anism is set for crisp, medium the Ruger 10/22$ autoloader, surfaces are finished in deep, heavy V-block barrel retainer, Simplified Bolt Stop fits flush weight trigger pull. Mecha­ provides smooth, reliable lustrous blue with non-glare pull barrel tightly into re­ in left side ofreceiver and per­ nism includes a single coil feed.ing and easy reloading. surfaces on top of receiver. ceiver, rigidly locking these· mits bolt to be withdrawn spring for both sear recovery parts together. from receiver by prcssing and trigger return. down lightly. 77/22 is a trademark ofSturm. Ruger & Company. Inc. e 1984 by SlUrm. Ruger & Company, Inc. WRITE FOR A FREE COLOR CATALOG OF THE ENTIRE LINE OF FINE RUGER FIREARMS. SINGLE COPIES OF INSTRUCTION MANUALS FOR ALL MODELS OF RUGER FIREARMS ARE AVAILABLE ON REQUE6T -PLEASE SPECIFY MODEL FOR WHICH YOU REQUIRE A MANUAL. STURM, RUGER & COlOpany, Ine. 2 Lacey Place Southport., {;onneeticut 06490 U.S.A. ALL RUGER FIREARMS ARE DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED IN RUGER FACTORIES IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA HOYI!M9EAIDEClIM81!A 1'84 ~ EI NOVEMBER/DECEMBER, 1984 Vol. 9, No. 49 FEAtURES MYTHS OF REVOLVER TUNE-UPS, William R. Moore 34 Some straight facts on critical measurements Brian Enos at Bianchi VI, photo by Massad SHOGnNG At NIGHT, Robert S. McKay. .............. .. ............... .. 36 New teaching method works-without sights AUTOS THAT DIDN'T MAKE IT, lB. Wood. ............................. .. 38 Designs before and after their time STAFF BIANCHI CUP VI, Massad Ayoob 41 GEORGE E. von ROSEN. Publisher JEROME RAKUSAN, Editorial Director Enos wins this high-scoring match SYDNEY BARKER, Art Director TOM HOLLANDER, Circulation Director NICK SOULELES, Advertising Sales Manager MASTER TIPS, Jon Winokur 45 NATIONAL ADV. OFFICE: 591 Camino de la Stances for women shooters Reina, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 297-8520 THE H&R USRA PISTOL, Walter Rickell .,................................. 46 WEST COAST REPS.: Media Sales Associates, A test report from the past 23232 Peralta Drive (Suite 218), Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (714) 859-4448 EAST COAST ADV. REPS.: Buchmayr Associ­ CUSTbM GUN GIVEAWAY. ........................................... .. 4B ates, 980 Post Rd, Darien, CT 06820 (203) Win an Aimpoint Hunter's Redhawk 655-1639 AMERICAN HANDGUNNER (ISSN 0145-4250) is DAy VS. KART, Stephen Petrick . so published bi-monthly by Publishers Development Corp., 591 Camino de la Reina, San Diego, CA 92108. Two fine conversion units are tested Second class postage paid at San Diego, CA 92108, and at additional mailing oftices. Subscriptions: One year (6 issues) $11.95. Single monthly copies $2.00 (in Canada $2.50). Change at Address: Four weeks' THE MULTI-MAG REVOLVER, AI Pickles. ............................... .. 54 notice required on all changes. Send old address as A truely caliber-convertible system well as new. Contributors submitting manuscripts, photographs or drawings do so at their own risk. Mate­ rial cannot be returned unless accompanied by suffi­ cient postage. Payment will be made at rates current THE .38 SUPER TODAY, Russ Gaertner. :' ............................... .. 56 at time of publication and will cover reproduction In any or all AMERICAN HANDGUNNER Magazine edi­ Don't sell this cartridge short tions. Advertising rates furnished on request. Repro­ duction or use at any portion of this magazine in any manner, without written permission, is prohibited. All rights reserved. Title to this publication passes to sub­ DO YOU NEED A FULL-HOUSE .451, Jim Weller . 58 scriber only on delivery to his address. SUBSCRIP­ TION PROBLEMS: For immediate action write to Add up the costs and the benefits AMERICAN HANDGUNNER, Attention Christi McCombs-591 Camino de la Reina, Suite 200, San ~i;8~m1,~ ~;~~~o~~~~~~~~) 297-8524 Ask for Christ PISTOLSMITH PROFILE, Len Davis. .................................... .. 83 Postmaster: Send address changes to American A look at the guns of Ed Banks Handgunner, 591 Camino de la Reina, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92108 DEPARTMENI'S HANDLOADING, Dan Cotterman ". ............ 6 SIWnAS, Philip Briggs " 1. COPTAI.K, Massad Ayoob 22 e HANDGUN LEATHER, Bob Arganb~ight ................................. .. 24 SPEAK OUT .......................................................... .. 79 CONVERSAnON WITH A CHAMPION, Jon Winokur 84 Ii WHAT'S NEW ........................................................ .. 90 4 AMERICAN HANDGUNNER • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1984 AIIODlCIII'1I ornCIAL OU are invited to send for the free Please send free color prospectus for the Yfull color prospectus detailing the official Buffalo Bill Centennial Pistol Buffalo Bill Centennial Pistol based I on Col. William F. Cody's own 1860 I Na..... Army Colt and decorated in 24 karat . .I gold. Original issue price of$J. ,850 I includes gold plated powderflask, I City Zip Merrill lindsay, Chainnan, Antique Arms Committee bullet mold, screwdriver/nipple I UnitedStatesHistoricalSociety wrench, percussion-cap box and caps I Dept K, First and Main Streets Richmond, Virginia 23219 and gold-tooled walnut displaycase. I CaB ToR Free 800-....6-7968 I HAND10ADING DAN ConERMAN COMMENTS ON POWDER BURNING RATES AND LOADS FROM READERS he first burning-rate Hst, established a mere with standard primers. Magnum primers tend T 20 years ago, included 60 powders then to give more erratic velocity readings. available to handloaders. RougWy two thirds of "At the moment we have another pair of that number represented powders that were suit­ powders in development that will be suitable for able to the stoking ofat least a few of the many use in handguns. Hopefully, one or both ofthem handgun cartridges. Since then, others have will be suitable for target-load .38s. Currently, ;evol(jti~narynevidual. been introduced and the ladder, from Bullseye our powders are too slow for that use." ·/\ on down, has been extended. That's great, but Liggins included a brief table of handgun reticle system which anyone who is aware of the countless circum­ loads so we could scan the performance of the allows you to illuminate the crosswires in stances the handloader encounters in terms of three powders mentioned. poor light. This case sizes, case designs, bullet weights, barrel The foregoing is just a sample ofhandgun load­ Thompson/Center lengths, and so on and on, also is aware that ing data available from Accurate Arms. Ifyou'd Recoil Proof'· even this generous selection of powders is like to see more, drop Marty Liggins a line at Scope system fraught with gaps. The problem, as concerns the address given. Meanwhile, tests will con­ offers the fu II specific performance in every type ofhandload­ tinue with #7, #9, and MP-5744. Also, I'll be magnification, ing situation, may never be solved to everyone's working on bringing my original powder burn­ clarity and light satisfaction. Still, it's reassuring to know the ing rate list up to date, for publication in a future gathering power industry is trying. issue ofAmerican Handgunner. of a top quality instrument Which leads to a letter from Marty Liggins, Gaylord D. Gorham, pistolsmith at the plus the R&D man at Accurate Arms Co., Rt. 1, Box Vanishing Brook Gun Shop, 370 East St., Electra Dot'" 167, McEwen, TN 37101. He writes: "The easi­ Sharon, CT 06069, was interested in our com­ Reticle for est way to explain the burning rates (of A.A.'s ments on loading the .38 Super and the .45 auto. dawn to dusk handgun powders) is to tell you which current He writes: "I would like to pass along my loads precision commercial .powders are closest in charge and findings. In regard to cast bullets, I have aim! weight/velocity ratio to ours. The cw/v ratio for been using several styles in .45 and .38 that are Blue Dot is quite similar to our #7; our #9 is hard cast, moly lube<! and wax lube<! by Bob close to 2400; our MP-5744 is an orphan in that Foster, of Foster's Bullets, RD 10, Kent Shore nothing is really close, but IMR-4227 and Dr., Carmel, NY 10512.
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