COLLEUb "Alt MORNINGSIDE 26 " LIBRARY _IOWA B R O A D C° ` N G TE' 1 CASTI N G st g- a3dNdSIhBN oafl 6L££2 QOi q esol THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF RADIO AND TELE 2ki6t,£At 9 .A43 pY 1:roz5 98°IIoz 1 s. aPbe2,Iu tu re CBS Radio gets $5.5 million of Ford budget Page 31 Intramural differences stall Celler report Page 53 Celler report HI._ snag WAAM (TV) to Westinghouse for $4.4 million Page 112 Major case for access The Graham trial: Case for radio -tv access Page 136 3urwoyod Facts drove Doriinance! *WXEX -T V is your best buy - by far -- to cover the whole Richmond TV area. A 35- county Grade B area survey made by ARB proved conclusively: *WXEX -TV leads any other Richmond station in total area rating points by 33'/3 %. *WXEX -TV leads any other Richmond area station in more quarter hours by 33'h %,. *WXEX -TV leads any other Richmond area station in total share of audience. Don't project urban ratings to the Grade B set count. You get faulty cost -per -thousand figures. Use the facts in the ARB area study. Get them in full from Select, Forjoe or WXEX -TV. VWXEXTom Tinsley, President TVIrvin G. Abeloff, Vice-Pres. NBC BASIC - CHANNEL 8 National Representatives: Select Station Representatives in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington. Forjoe 8 Co. In Chicago, Seattle, Son Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta there are 175 counties and over Eil 9000 radio homes under Big Aggie's Umbrella That's a sizable chunk of these United States three to seven times a week. That's 66.4% and a mighty important market. Over two share of audience. It's a safe bet that these million people live under Big Aggie's um- prosperous people spend a good amount on brella. The last time anyone counted the dol- products advertised on WNAX -570. lars they spend, it amounted to 2.8 billion a Yes, Big Aggie is important year. Land an market. And nothing covers it all- delivers it all - Where do they spend it? Let's look to Big Ag- except WNAX -570. gie for that answer. For the vast expanse of Big Aggie Land is defined by the power of one Ask your Katz man for details. radio station-WNAX -570. 80% of Big Aggie's 609,590 radio families tune to WNAX -570 * 1956 Nielsen Coverage Service 35th ANNIVERSARY OF WNAX - 1922 -1951 BIG ACME LAND WNAX-5 10 Yankton, South Dakota CBS Radio. A Cowles Station. Don D. Sullivan, General Manager foi qiita(nowaiukI46vtce 5Th A PLUS ÀAAA& 1 6)ku2 ace avtiotli Pukeitt Uri lone Vut Soge 3/14 /Viola Am retet, Motak At ,?itsitA4 ( ati4 9ndi'vdaa a e6;01,, 9.,E GA astat Eckas l4«0. Can you suggest any other way to say "First "? WCHS -TV is first in West Virginia's ton), plus a sizable hunk of Ohio and No. I market. This fact is again confirmed Kentucky (including Ashland) thrown in by the most recent (Feb.) COMBINED for good measure. WCHS -TV blankets ARB* Charleston- Huntington -Ashland with the The area served by WCHS -TV contains biggest market as home base. The Bran- West Virginia's first market (Charleston), ham rep (or we) will he happy to provide West Virginia's second market (Hunting- complete details. WG H S -TV Serving Charleston- Huntington -Ashland -from the biggest market Charlestown's Only TV Station Maximum power Channel 'Ratings accomplished without our new tower atop Coal Mountain. When completed this month it will be 2,049feet above sea level Published every Monday, with Yearbook Numbers (53rd and 54th issues) published in January and July by BROADCASTING POafSGTrous, Itac., 1735 DeSales St.. N.W.. Washington 6, D. C. Entered as second class matter March 14, 1933, at Post Office at Washington, D. C., under act of March 3, 1879. This one television station delivers four standard metropolitan area markets plus 917,320 TV sets CHANNEL 8 MULTI -CITY MARKET 1,015,655 families 5,1010, 51 12 31/2 million people .N1E,C.1E billion retail $334 sales ..uO.I. $61/4 billion annual income -p uu... HARRISBURG WGALTV1 CARIN. _ .,,...... ..I ...... Y.O ....1 YORK LANCASTER, PENNA. .AM.,.. amrsuo' °^' NBC and CBS ........ \ .. e F.G...YI. STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. -A E, EEEESON e MEEKER Company, Inc. ¡'0500 York Chicago,. San;Fra c_sc Page 4 May 13, 1957 BROADCASTING TELECASTING closed circuit; BRAKE ON FORD BUY? Though it's week. Advertiser has not yet determined posure for extravaganza being planned by one of biggest network radio transactions show that will be presented in time period Milberg Productions, probably in Septem- in decade, that $5.5 million Ford package (Wed., 8:30 -9 p.m. EDT) but expects to ber. While network, talent and other con- buy on CBS Radio (see page 31) is getting buy "adventure action" series, either live siderations not yet resolved, co -star is defi- careful critical appraisal by affiliates. Some or film. Young & Rubicam, New York, is nitely set -none other than Edsel itself. queston whether they should clear for it, agency. it's understood car is earmarked for leading primarily because it eats into early- morning BT role in what is described as unusual copy and late -afternoon times that are especially TELEVISION & HOUSE Rep. Celler, approach to entertainment. FC &B nego- lucrative for stations. Network officials. chairman of House Antitrust Subcommit- tiations being conducted by John Simpson, however, maintain confidence that they'll tee, reportedly got heated up over report vice president in charge of radio -tv produc- get close to unanimous clearance. that one member of subcommittee already tion, and Homer Heck, account supervisor. BT had draft of "minority" report on television BT IT'S only one of several items on agenda, industry investigation compiled with `but - FACT that auto manufacturers now have but it seems reasonable bet that Ford sale side" aid (story page 53). At last Wednes- greater control over what kind of national (see above) will rank high in discussions day's meeting of committee, which covered advertising should be used is said to have at meeting of CBS Radio Affiliates Assn.'s number of subjects in addition to television important role in decision of Ford Divi- hoard of directors, called for Wednesday - report, some members understood to have sion of Ford Motor Co. to use network Thursday in New York. Board, headed by declared that committee should express radio next season (story page 31). Before John M. Rivers of WCSC Charleston, S. C., hope for expeditious action on matters recent change in advertising policy, dealers' will meet privately Wednesday (at Savoy - being studied by FCC Network Study staff funds influenced.control over good portion Plaza hotel), then confer with network of- and by Dept. of Justice. of ad budget plans. With hands free, Ford's ficials Thursday. Another likely subject is BT marketing- advertising group was able to more or less perennial agenda item for THERE's strong feeling on Capitol Hill consider all media without being hampered such meetings: effort to gel increase in rate that if Chairman Celler tries force -feeding by conflicting tastes of dealers throughout of compensation by network. other members on proposed staff-written country. B.T television report, there's likely to be a BT TELEVISION & SENATE Senate Com- strong, hard -hitting minority report. Mr. RENDER UNTO CAESAR Though his merce Committee within next fortnight is Celler disclaims intention of ramming re- NBC contract still has about seven years to expected to give consideration to report port down throats of colleagues, but staff run (counting options), comic Sid Caesar submitted by its majority counsel, Kenneth indubitably will fight to justify strong posi- probably can become free agent if he wants Cox of Seattle, on tv allocations and regula- tion on several aspects. to. He and NBC were reported Friday to tion. Report, now in hands of Committee B.T be at seemingly total impasse on fall plans, Chairman Magnuson (D-Wash.) was to RESIGNATION Ex -NARTB board with Mr. Caesar demanding minimum of have been printed purely as views of coun- member, Lester L. Gould, KFMA Daven- 20 one -hours programs in same format as sel. It now develops, however, that corn- port, Iowa, has quietly resigned from asso- present show (Sat., 9 -10 p.m. EDT) but mittee may be called upon to consider re- ciation. He's known to feel strongly that with NBC officials showing no sign of will- port and possibly adopt it as its own with radio stations are getting scant attention ingness to go. along. Unofficial word was modifications. from association headquarters. When he that if he should request release from his BT left NARTB Chicago convention day early contract, NBC probably would oblige. SENATOR Bricker (R- Ohio), ranking last April, he told friends convention pro- BT minority member of the committee, wants gramming offered him little help in op- SUBSCRIPTION tv is due to get a going to take hard look at report, notably provi- erating station and slighted radio segment over when top FCC Commissioners and sions dealing with networks. Himself an of industry. He served term on radio board pay iv staf =experts meet with Rep. Oren advocate of direct licensing of networks by (1954 -56) as at -large director for small Harris (D- Ark.), chairman of House Com- government (they are now regulated only stations. merce Committee tomorrow (Tuesday) at as to their owned and operated stations), BT 4 p.m. Subject of discussion will be contents Sen.
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