FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 30 • NUMBER 133 Tuesday, July 13,1965 • Washington, D.C. Pages 8769-8813 Agencies in this issue— The President Agricultural Research Service Agriculture Department Atomic Energy Commission Civil Aeronautics Board Consumer and Marketing Service Federal Aviation Agency Federal Communications Commission Federal Power Commission Food and Drug Administration Internal Revenue Service Interstate Commerce Commission Labor Department Land Management Bureau Maritime Administration Public Health Service Securities and Exchange Commission Small Business Administration Î Wage and Hour Division Detailed list of Contents appears inside. Latest Edition Guide to Record Retention Requirements [Revised as of January 1, 1965] This useful reference tool is designed keep them, and (3) how long they to keep industry and the general must be kept. Each digest also public informed concerning published includes a reference to the full text requirements in laws and regulations of the basic law or regulation govern­ relating to records-retention,. It con­ ing such retention. tains about 900.digests detailing the retention periods for the many types of records required to be kept under The booklet’s index, numbering over Federal laws and rules. 2,000 items, lists for ready reference the categories of persons, companies, The “ Guide” tells the user (1) what and products affected by Federal records must be kept, (2) who must record-retention requirements. Price: 40 cents Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,D.C.,20402 r r n r n 11 V ifw T IF f'IC T i? ® Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mon^ . s’^ F F I lr A W & H H l I M fcn on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federa Renter, Nat on^ 1 L U L I I i l L | i » I l L U I O l U l Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (maU address National Area Code 202 \ -f« ^ *hone 963-3261 Archives Building, Washington, D.C. 20408), pursuant to the authority of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. *i w m- *1RM Der vear payable In The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $l-50 per “ °nth ot *15.^per ney advance. The charge for individual copies (minimum 15 cents) varies m ^portion to the.size of the 1« ^ Remit check or order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein Is keyed to the Code op Federal Re g u l a r s , which is Polished under-50U g g jS of suant to sectionll of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The C ode o p F ederm. R egulations sold by « i e up Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first F ederal Register Issue of each mo t • o v u lat io n s. There are no restrictions on the republlcatlon of material appearing In the F ederal R egister or the C od Contents THE PRESIDENT - Proposed Rule Making INTERSTATE COMMERCE Airworthiness directives: COMMISSION PROCLAMATION Boeing Models 707 and 720 World Law Day___________________ 8773 Series airplanes_____________ _ 8798 Rules and Regulations Boeing Models 707B, 707C, and Car service; Brimstone and New 720B Series airplanes; cor­ River Railway Corp______ i_____ 8793 EXECUTIVE AGENCIES rection» -1 _»i. _ __•; 8798 Consumption of alcoholic bever­ Notices AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ages by crewmembers before Fourth section applications for re­ SERVICE operation of aircraft__________ 8799 lief___________________ _____ •_____ 8809 Control zone and transition a^ea; Manion, R. R.; statement of finan- Rules and Regulations alterations j _/ 8798 i cial. interests_____________{______ 8809 Insecticides,. fungicides, and ro- Transition area; alteration:...:__* 8799 Motor carrier temporary authority denticides; advertising__________ 8775 applications____________ ________ 8809 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS* AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT COMMISSION 5 LABOR DEPARTMENT See also Wage and Hour Division. See also Agricultural Research Notices Service; Consumer and Market­ Rules and Regulations ing Service. Standard broadcast applications ready and available for proc­ Adjustment assistance for workers Notices essing. ______ ___________________ 8804 after certification; miscellane­ Designation of areas for emer­ Hearings, etc.: ous amendments^.________ ;_____ 8792 gency loans: Pike-Mo Broadcasting Co. et al_ 8803 California!__________ 8801 Smiles of Virginia, Inc., and LAND MANAGEMENT! BUREAU Montana ___ t_____ 8801 Petersburg Broadcasting Co.; Rules and Regulations Inc --------- __________ 8803 Public Land Orders; ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Alaska: . Notices FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Partial revocation of previous Byproduct, source, and special nu­ Notices orders.»_____.________ 1_____ 8788 clear materials in quantities not Hearings, etc.: * Revocations, whole arid in sufficient to form critical mass; Natural Gas Pipeline Company part, of previous orders____ 8791 Revocation of withdrawal for criteria foir guidance of States of America.------------ 8805 and AEC.;_______________________ 8802 Northern Natural Gas Co— ___ 8806 detention center____\______ 8791 Texas Gas Transmission Corp_ 8806 California; elimination of lands CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD United Natural Gas Co_________ 8806 from Havasu Lake National Wildlife Refuge______ :______ 8791 Rules and Regulations FOOD AND DRUG Colorado: Exemption of air carriers for Partial revocation of reclama­ short-notice military contracts ADMINISTRATION tion withdrawal; opening of and substitute service; piston Rules and Regulations lands.____1_________ i_ _ __ 8790 rates in certain geographical Withdrawal of lands in Arap­ Bakery products; sodium stearyl areas-------------------- 8784 ahoe National Forest._____ 8790 fumarate.______________ 8784 Montana; r revocation of re­ Notices I Drugs; tetracycline______ _____ 8787 clamation withdrawals._____ 8788 Hearings, etc.: Food additives: Eastern Air Lines, Inc__________ 8802 New Mexico: Adhesives_______________________ 8786 Addition of lands to Agricul­ Panama Aeronauttca, S A _______ 8803 Sodium stearyl fumarate______ 8784 ture Department adminis­ Reopened New England regional Adjuvants for pesticide chem­ trative site_________________ 8790 airport investigation__________ 8803 icals--------------------------------------- 8785 Exclusion of lands from Car- SA. Empresa de Viacao Aerea Propophyllite___________________ 8785 Rio Grandense________________ 8802 son N a t i o n a l Forest; Butylene glycol_________________ 8785 amendment of previous or­ Antioxidants and/or stabilizers der------------------------------------ 8788 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT for polymers__________________ 8786 Oregon: See Maritime Administration. Sodium pentachlorophenate___ 8786 Correction of previous order__ 8788 Proposed Rule Making Partial revocation of previous CONSUMER AND MARKETING Food additives; olefin polymers._ 8794 order_______________________ 8789 SERVICE Notices Revocation of withdrawals for Rules and Regulations National Forest administra­ British Cellophanes, Ltd.; filing of tive sites and campsite____ 8790 Export apples and pears , not sub­ petition for food additive._____ 8802 South Dakota; partial revoca­ ject to regulation________ g tion of Stock driveway___l__'_ 8789 HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND Texas; revocation of previous FEDERAL a v ia t io n a g e n c y WELFARE DEPARTMENT orders. _ _T 8791 Rules and Regulations Utah; partial revocation of pub­ See Food and Drug Administra­ lic water reserve__..-I __£_i’_ v 8789 Airworthiness standards, trans­ tion; Public Health Service. port category rotorcraft; 2 Yz Washington and Montana; Cor­ minute and 30 minute power for rection of previous orders-— 8791 multiengine, turbine engine INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Wyoming; partial revocation of ^Powered helicopters_:____,___ 8 Rules and Regulations phosphate reserves.^________ 8792 rpR altitudes; miscellaneous Income taxes; identification of Notices amendments _________________ o bonds __ 8787 Grazing District Advisory Board Transition areas: Spirits, distilled ^traffic in con­ elections; f general procedures; Designation; correction __ g tainers; miscellaneous amend­ correction___8801 Revocation and. alteration»_____ 8 ments_________ ________ ______ _ 8787 ( Continued on next page). 8771 8772 CONTENTS MARITIME ADMINISTRATION SMALL BUSINESS Notices ADMINISTRATION American E x p o rt Isbrandtsen Rules and Regulations Lines, Inc.; application for ap­ Investment companies; miscel­ proval of certain cruises----------- 8801 laneous amendments---------------- 8775 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Proposed Rule Making TREASURY DEPARTMENT Preedmen’s Hospital; admission and out-patient treatment-.--- 8797 See Internal Revenue Service. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION Notices Notices Hearings, etc.: Certificates authorizing employ­ Cotter & Co____________________ 8806 ment of learners at special mini­ Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Co^ 8807 mum rates___,------——;------„«r* 8808 List of CFR Parts Affected (Codification Guide) The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date, appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each
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