Report prepared by Agnes Venema Copyright © 2013 EastWest Institute On the cover: An Afghan girl works at a brick factory on the outskirts of Jalalabad. Photos: Reporters.be/AP The EastWest Institute is an international, non-partisan, not-for-profit policy organization focused solely on confronting critical challenges that endanger peace. EWI was established in 1980 as a catalyst to build trust, develop leadership, and promote collaboration for positive change. The institute has offices in New York, Brussels, and Moscow. For more information about the EastWest Institute or this paper, please contact: The EastWest Institute 11 East 26th Street, 20th Floor New York, NY 10010 U.S.A. 1-212-824-4100 [email protected] www.ewi.info WOMEN AND POST-2014 AFGHANIstan REport oN AfghAN ParlIAmentarians’ VISIT To BrusselS 4 EWI • WomEN AND poST-2014 AFGHANISTAN Introduction This proved not only to be a valuable experi- ence in terms of personal he same week that the EastWest Insti- Currently, women make up 27 percent of the Af- tute’s parliamentarians Network for Con- ghan parliament, which has 249 members. By growth, but flict prevention convened a study visit for comparison, women make up approximately 33 also encour- a delegation of Afghan parliamentarians, percent of the European Parliament, which has T aged a greater two-thirds of whom were women, to Brussels, 754 members. The parliamentarians Network the Taliban tried to kill malala Yousafzai. A 14-year is constantly seeking opportunities for female role for Afghan old pakistani schoolgirl, Yousafzai was shot in the members to increase their effectiveness as par- head simply because she was standing up for the liamentarians working for peace and security, as women legisla- right of all girls to get an education. Miraculously, well as to enlarge their network in the region be- tors in other Yousafzai survived the assassination attempt, yond Afghanistan and Pakistan. and she was dispatched to England for surgery areas of public that has allowed her to begin the road to recovery. The parliamentarians Network has already fa- life—particu- But the attack exemplified the brutality girls and cilitated two historic meetings between women women face as they struggle to secure their most parliamentarians from Afghanistan and Pakistan. larly, engaging basic freedoms in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. In June 2011, the network arranged the first-ever in discussions visit of a delegation of Afghan women parliamen- In partnership with the office for promotion for tarians to Islamabad—a valuable opportunity to on the future parliamentary Democracy (oppD) of the Europe- forge new ties between these countries. Presi- of stability and an Parliament and the European External Action dent Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan welcomed the Service (EEAS), the parliamentarians Network delegation to Islamabad. In April 2012, the first security in arranged for the Afghan delegation to visit some official delegation ofp akistani women parliamen- Afghanistan. of the most prominent international institutions tarians visited Afghanistan, where they met with from october 8-12, 2012. Under the auspices of high-ranking officials, including president hamid the Working group on Women, peace and Secu- Karzai. W • EWI rity (WpS), the visit presented an opportunity for Afghan women parliamentarians to take part in Building on the outcome of these two meetings high-level consultations with international and and recognizing the need for Afghan women to om European institutions with the goal of promoting increase their visibility in international delega- AND EN their role in international political bodies and en- tions, the parliamentarians Network and its part- gaging in discussions on peace and security with ners facilitated the study visit for Afghan parlia- regard to the future of Afghanistan. mentarians to Brussels. During this week-long po visit, the parliamentarians were able to meet with A ST-2014 The EastWest Institute’s parliamentarians Net- stakeholders and voice their hopes and concerns work for Conflict prevention created WpS in as representatives of the people of Afghanistan. 2010, marking the 10th anniversary of U.N. Se- This proved not only to be a valuable experience curity Council resolution 1325. It calls for more in terms of personal growth, but also encouraged FGH inclusiveness of women and an active role for a greater role for Afghan women legislators in them in conflict resolution efforts, stressing their other areas of public life—particularly, engaging ANISTAN importance for the sustainability of peace initia- in discussions on the future of stability and se- tives. In pursuit of activities to strengthen the role curity in Afghanistan. given their fears that their of women, the Working group mainly focuses on rights may be eroded in a post-2014 Afghanistan, conflict prevention and peacebuilding efforts. the women parliamentarians feel that it is par- A white dove sits on the over these past two years, WpS’ primary focus ticularly important for them to participate in such 5 has been on female parliamentarians in Afghani- delegations and discussions. head of a boy in front stan and Pakistan. By bringing the two groups of the blue of women lawmakers closer together, this effort This report summarizes the priorities of both the mosque in forges ties that contribute to trust-building be- delegation and the representatives of various Eu- mazar-i-Sharif, tween these neighboring countries and regional ropean institutions in Brussels. December stability and security. 2012. Women par- The Role of liamentarians belonging to the network in Women in Politics Afghanistan and Pakistan have called for action to increase their visibility in security dia- logues and to press for in- creased partic- he EastWest Institute’s parliamentar- committed to implementing. Some of the ians Network for Conflict prevention most important milestones of this Action Plan ipation in their identified the issue of “Women,p eace are the recognition of the need for sustained respective Tand Security” as the overarching dialogue between Afghanistan and Pakistan theme on which to center a Working group. and the importance of including women in parliaments. The Working group was established in 2010, these dialogues. To further this process, the on the 10th anniversary of the United Nations members of the delegations committed to Security Council Resolution 1325. The aim of hosting Pakistani female parliamentarians the Working group is to promote and under- in Kabul as part of an official delegation. take activities geared towards the successful Furthermore, a commitment was made to implementation of Resolution 1325, such as strengthening the capacity of Afghan and increasing the substantive role of women in Pakistani women lawmakers through regular issues of conflict resolution, peace processes policy briefings and advocacy opportunities ANISTAN and in dialogues pertaining to peace and se- with regional and international lawmakers. curity. Women parliamentarians belonging to FGH the network in Afghanistan and Pakistan have In light of the sustained dialogue between called for action to increase their visibility in the two nations and the return visit that security dialogues and to press for increased was agreed upon in the Islamabad Action participation in their respective parliaments. plan, the parliamentarians Network and the ST-2014 A ST-2014 Women’s parliamentary Caucus of the paki- po In answering this call, the Parliamentarians stani parliament facilitated a return visit for Network arranged for two prior delegations women parliamentarians from Pakistan to to visit Islamabad and Kabul respectively, Kabul, Afghanistan. The five female members EN AND EN with the aim of increasing mutual under- were part of the first-ever official delegation standing between Pakistan and Afghanistan of Pakistani women parliamentarians to visit om and providing women parliamentarians in Afghanistan. The meeting took place in Kabul these countries with valuable experiences as from April 14-16, 2012 and built on the Islam- members of an official delegation. abad Action Plan. The report Women, Peace EWI • W • EWI and Security outlines the accomplishments The first official delegation meeting took of this visit and examines some of the com- 6 place on June 3-4, 2011. A delegation of eight mon challenges faced by female parliamen- female Afghan parliamentarians traveled to tarians in Afghanistan and pakistan. During Islamabad, Pakistan. The report forging New this meeting, the participants adopted the Ties published the achievements of this two- Kabul Action Plan. Key components of this day visit, as well as the Islamabad Action Plan, plan include the commitment to jointly sup- which the Afghan and Pakistani politicians port measures that will strengthen the capac- The mere pres- ence of these female parlia- mentarians on an official del- egation to these key institutions in Brussels pro- vides them with higher visibility in discussions on peace and security issues ity of women parliamentarians to enact leg- Committee on Women’s Rights and gender back in their islation in both countries and to re-energize Equality (fEmm) and followed up with several “friendship groups” as an avenue to further sessions with members of this committee parliaments parliamentary dialogue and understanding. on the role of women in the European Parlia- and strength- ment’s political groups. The European par- To this end, the EastWest Institute’s parlia- liament hosted discussions
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