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The author etains ownership of the copyright - L'auteur conserve la propriete du droit d'cuteur in his/her thesis. Neither the thesis nor qui protQe sa these. Ni la th&e ni des extraits substantial extracts from it may be,printed or substantiels de celle-ci ne doivent 6tfe , otherwise reproduced without hlslher per- imprimes ocr autrement repcoduits sans son mission. - ISBN - NAME : Ronald McGi ~ern .n DEGREE : Master of Arts TITLE THESIS : Catholic Ideals and '~opulist Self el p: ldeology . and Action .in the Antigonish Cooperative, Adult Education Movement in. Eastern Nova Scatia, 1920-190 - EXAMINING COMMITTEE: - Chai rperson : Michael Kenny - John hitw worth ' Sehior Supervise; Robert ~fllie- supervisory ~ommee - Rennie Warburton , External Examiner Dept. of Sociology The University of Victoria - DATE APPROVED: -4 1 hereby grant to f imon ,Fraser.. Univers ity the right to lend 1 * \ my thesi si prdject or. extended essay (the title of whrch ,is "shownp below) , . to users of the Simon ~ras~rlln iversity Libracy, and to mawartial or I # . I - 1 &ngle. cqp'ies only for buth users or in response to_ a reqlest frnorn th; library of any other university, or other educationql institution, on - ) i its own behalf, or for one of its users. I further agree that pern~issiun I - I far multiple copying of this'work for scholarly purposes day be granted I .+ - - - - A -- , by me or-the Dean of Graduate studies. I t i 5 understood tThat-copying @ IS or publication of this work for financial .gain shall not ,.be allowed t 1 without my written permission. -, 1 Title of Thesis/Project/Extended Essay ' 1 1 4I - 1 P ~atholii Ideals and ~opulist Sel f He1 p: Ideology ' j + - I and Action in the Antigonish Cooperative, Adult 1 t 'V ,Education Movement in Eastern Nova Scotia, 1920-1944 1 1 Author: Ronald MCG~vern -- (name) August. 16, 1990 (date) ABSTRACT - - i' I -. 'The focus of the thesi* is the Antig7 nish Movement, a - 1 Catholic inspired co-op'erative, adult education moveme"t in e i- +astern NO$ Scatia- that substantially altered the .socib-L * i ed ac.onomic relationships of the farmers, fishermen, and miners . - within the- - many communities it reached. %Thethesis explores- --&-- the relatalonship betugen th'e belief system of Catholic 0 - soclal theology and populist reform ideology =in the shaping 2 r~fthe Antigonlsh +Movement as a distinct kve-social movement. It examines the nature of the inter--relationship between ideology and organizational structure through an analysis of, C f how both the leaders, a cadre of priest-intellectuals from St Francis Xavier University, and the lay-members of the Ant igonish Movempnt : a) defined the socio-economic t problems . of eastern Nova Scotia; b) defined the solutions to these - - problems; c) acted as the agency of change in effecting w these solutions and; d) reacted, in differing ways at the Z , cornmunit? level, to the program of cooperative action and ad111t education-- offered . The introductory chapter situates the Antigonish Movement'within the social history of the region and within the framework of Catholic theology and related social act ion. Next, the analytical framework~employed in the thesis is located in the historico-sociological tradLtion of - studies f religiously inspired socialmovements. The substantive chapters utilize this framework in the analysis of the origins; development., and stru~t~ureof the * ' Antigonish Movement. First, the ideological baiis of. the \ '+&- - - .' i4 E I \ \ - -- - -- - - - - - - - - +i- - Antigoni3h Movement is $xamiped. Next. the speolfid social - -- technologies cadre of priest-intellebtw and Catholic to implemen \ ideological blueprint of Tociety are- analyze he fopus 1s 4L . I on they -t his vision of i - t .- four outlines the results $f the Ant It i critical examination of the reasons -- - - and- failures of the moveme*. The conclusions focus \oh the ab y of ideologically I insiired movements Po estab:l+sh and mpintaini divergent '9 1 t patterns of social and econbmia arrangements ,Githin the 8 with particular emphas/is on dhe importhce of recognizing b ideology 4s at once arlurcc of blueprlnts fr change and f - \, a stimulus towards posefui. #progrzimned suc a1 action. \>, I - I 7Y. e . l . - 0 t I \ * - , 14', 1 / 0 I .# 9 + - - 6 - N support - and prodding - provlded by Dr. .lohn Whi twnrth I:; a. % debt 'T' humbly aclcnawl~d~e.'iile input qf Pi-otessor. fi. ' - , - - - -Wyllle,,and Dr. M.irh_eal Kenny was lnstrurngntal ~rlthe Y I.. '", dcveJopment' of this +thk%is.- .Jesy ~ordanand f.hr1 s Ward . cheerfully gulded,' C me through the blireaucra t lc maze known rjs f by *graduate. studies . 'The lnancral support, provr~d~d t.h~ L A' A L. , * ' ~g~artmknt,of, Sociology and Anthropology, the U,fYlc~iok . -. B ':ontlnuing --Studies, 'the liftlce ot thG .'Dean c#f f;raduat,ta - . ii ,'i Studies; and S.F.1). Financial Aid and &wards allnwsd me 1 I: 4 \ , 91 - 'h feed mjr children- during thyis ordeanl. , . .. \. \ (-'hap tar One a INTRODUCTION TO THE THESlS QUESTION 1 Outline of the Early de~~elopmentof the 'p * Antigonish Movement 4 P Review of the Literature 13 / Method 27 I - - . F ('hapker I'wo THE IDEOLOGICAL BASIS-OE 'THE ANTIGONISH ! BP MOVEMENT f 39 ~recZnhitionsof the ~ntigonishModmen?' 58" - - P Th? Founding of the Antigonish Mouement 69- lT t,ar t~l-'i'hree ' IUEOL~GYAND ADULT DUCATI ION : THE, SOCIAL - - - - - - -- TECHNOLOGIES OF THE ANTIGONISfl HOVBHBNT 77 - ---- - --% - Adult Education as Ideological Purpose 9% \ r'hript er 'r our 1DEqOGY AND ACT1ON:'RESULTS AND NON'RESULTS OF THE ANTIGONISH HOVEHENT 103 4, Results 6f the Antigonish Movement -. - ' ' TP,~.Antigonish 'Mnv&rnent- ~ :~s~g;Pr~pulis+, . -. .Mc~vernent, l:,$li-- . '1 -L . - - >. - " , ' . * \ ~ k e r ct ri (2 i 1 i r~k; P r e v i 1-1 u Y; Id (:&I-k 5; Q 11 t, 1, c - e I .~ , - ~ Ant, i g~:~ri-ishMovement. 1 ij.15 -. The importance ob';&liglon in early twentieth century Cmadian society is Hell ocumented. 1 Hawever, this ' thes'is is a codtribution to a p eviously neg'lected area of the +-- - P- A - - - 3. - -- -- - - sd&iology 'of religion in Canada. It is an attempt to . - understand the relationshipb between the distinctive id&ologies of catholic social theory and-populist . - regionalism, and a co-operative reform aAd educational movement that floupished in eastern Nova Scotia from the 1920's'to.the 1940's. Known _as the ~ntigonishMovement, it a originated out of the Extension Department of St. Francis I - Xavier University in Antigonish,- Nova Sc0ti.a. At i-ts peak, P *' in 1938, it boasted over -10,000 members, 1,100 study clubs, 142 c'redit unions, and over 78 formal economic ventures -2 - 1 1) Beligion was a primary social force in Canada at the turn of the century and for several decades afterwards. The well known ' social, gospel ' 'movemgnt. that swept across North America, influenced the social fabric of the Canadian west in particular. This was aft-attempt by the Protestant churches to /inf;se Chgistiah,social principles into the new,. de&ederate, 'frontier' th&y pereeived around them. The - movement~quicklyturned to harsh-yriticism of society and * attempts 'to redress the abuses of ~apitalismon society and the worker. The Co-operative ~hmmonwea-yderation has honorable roots within the social~gospeeYtZitioii-Severala workston the social gospel are available .including Richard Passion, - - Gospel,-- Allen's The Sn-1 (197-lJ, and The-S-oeial k- C-, C-, 1975.
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