Religion and Politics in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa In the early twenty- first century, it is now clear that religion is increasingly influ- ential in the political realm in ways which call into question the principles and practices of secularism. The Iranian revolution of 1978–9 marked the decisive ‘reappearance’ of political religion in global politics, highlighting a major devel- opment which is the subject of this edited volume. Addressing a highly salient and timely topic, this book examines the con- sequences of political interactions involving the state and religious actors in Christian, Muslim and Judaist contexts. Building on research, the basic premise of this text is that religious actors – including Islamist groups, the Roman Cath- olic and the Orthodox churches – pose various challenges for citizenship, demo- cracy and secularisation in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The key questions on which the book focuses are: Why, how, and when do reli- gious actors seek to influence political outcomes in these regions? Providing a survey of what is happening in relation to the interaction of reli- gion and politics, both domestically and internationally, this book will be of interest to students and scholars of politics, religion, European and Middle East studies. Jeffrey Haynes is Associate Head of Department (Research and Postgraduate Studies) and Professor of Politics at London Metropolitan University, UK. Routledge/ECPR studies in European political science Edited by Thomas Poguntke Ruhr University Bochum, Germany on behalf of the European Consortium for Political Research The Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science series is published in association with the European Consortium for Political Research – the leading organisation concerned with the growth and development of political science in Europe. The series presents high- quality edited volumes on topics at the leading edge of current interest in political science and related fields, with contributions from European scholars and others who have presented work at ECPR work- shops or research groups. 1 Regionalist Parties in Western 6 Social Capital and European Europe Democracy Edited by Lieven de Winter and Edited by Jan van Deth, Huri Türsan Marco Maraffi, Ken Newton and Paul Whiteley 2 Comparing Party System Change 7 Party Elites in Divided Societies Edited by Jan-Erik Lane and Edited by Kurt Richard Luther Paul Pennings and Kris Deschouwer 3 Political Theory and European 8 Citizenship and Welfare State Union Reform in Europe Edited by Albert Weale and Edited by Jet Bussemaker Michael Nentwich 9 Democratic Governance and 4 Politics of Sexuality New Technology Edited by Terrell Carver and Technologically mediated Véronique Mottier innovations in political practice in Western Europe 5 Autonomous Policy Making by Edited by Ivan Horrocks, International Organizations Jens Hoff and Pieter Tops Edited by Bob Reinalda and Bertjan Verbeek 10 Democracy without Borders 18 Public Opinion and the Transnationalisation and International Use of Force conditionality in new democracies Edited by Philip Everts and Edited by Jean Grugel Pierangelo Isernia 11 Cultural Theory as Political 19 Religion and Mass Electoral Science Behaviour in Europe Edited by Michael Thompson, Edited by David Broughton and Gunnar Grendstad and Per Selle Hans- Martien ten Napel 12 The Transformation of 20 Estimating the Policy Position of Governance in the European Political Actors Union Edited by Michael Laver Edited by Beate Kohler-Koch and Rainer Eising 21 Democracy and Political Change in the ‘Third World’ 13 Parliamentary Party Groups in Edited by Jeff Haynes European Democracies Political parties behind closed 22 Politicians, Bureaucrats and doors Administrative Reform Edited by Knut Heidar and Edited by B. Guy Peters and Ruud Koole Jon Pierre 14 Survival of the European 23 Social Capital and Participation Welfare State in Everyday Life Edited by Stein Kuhnle Edited by Paul Dekker and Eric M. Uslaner 15 Private Organisations in Global Politics 24 Development and Democracy Edited by Karsten Ronit and What do we know and how? Volker Schneider Edited by Ole Elgström and Goran Hyden 16 Federalism and Political Performance 25 Do Political Campaigns Matter? Edited by Campaign effects in elections and Ute Wachendorfer- Schmidt referendums Edited by David M. Farrell and 17 Democratic Innovation Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck Deliberation, representation and association 26 Political Journalism Edited by Michael Saward New challenges, new practices Edited by Raymond Kuhn and Erik Neveu 27 Economic Voting 35 Political Theory and the Edited by Han Dorussen and European Constitution Michaell Taylor Edited by Lynn Dobson and Andreas Follesdal 28 Organized Crime and the Challenge to Democracy 36 Politics and the European Edited by Felia Allum and Commission Renate Siebert Actors, interdependence, legitimacy 29 Understanding the European Edited by Andy Smith Union’s External Relations Edited by Michèle Knodt and 37 Metropolitan Governance Sebastiaan Princen Capacity, democracy and the dynamics of place 30 Social Democratic Party Policies Edited by Hubert Heinelt and in Contemporary Europe Daniel Kübler Edited by Giuliano Bonoli and Martin Powell 38 Democracy and the Role of Associations 31 Decision Making within Political, organizational and social International Organisations contexts Edited by Bob Reinalda and Edited by Sigrid Roßteutscher Bertjan Verbeek 39 The Territorial Politics of 32 Comparative Biomedical Policy Welfare Governing assisted reproductive Edited by Nicola McEwen and technologies Luis Moreno Edited by Ivar Bleiklie, Malcolm L. Goggin and 40 Health Governance in Europe Christine Rothmayr Issues, challenges and theories Edited by Monika Steffen 33 Electronic Democracy Mobilisation, organisation and 41 Republicanism in Theory and participation via new ICTs Practice Edited by Rachel K. Gibson, Edited by Iseult Honohan and Andrea Römmele and Jeremy Jennings Stephen J. Ward 42 Mass Media and Political 34 Liberal Democracy and Communication in New Environmentalism Democracies The end of environmentalism? Edited by Katrin Voltmer Edited by Marcel Wissenburg and Yoram Levy 43 Delegation in Contemporary 51 Transnational Private Democracies Governance and its Limits Edited by Dietmar Braun and Edited by Jean-Christophe Graz Fabrizio Gilardi and Andreas Nölke 44 Governance and Democracy 52 International Organizations and Comparing national, European and Implementation international experiences Enforcers, managers, authorities? Edited by Yannis Papadopoulos Edited by Jutta Joachim, and Arthur Benz Bob Reinalda and Bertjan Verbeek 45 The European Union’s Roles in 53 New Parties in Government International Politics Edited by Kris Deschouwer Concepts and analysis Edited by Ole Elgström and 54 In Pursuit of Sustainable Michael Smith Development New governance practices at the 46 Policy-making Processes and the sub- national level in Europe European Constitution Edited by Susan Baker and A comparative study of member Katarina Eckerberg states and accession countries Edited by Thomas König and 55 Governments, NGOs and Anti- Simon Hug Corruption The new integrity warriors 47 Democratic Politics and Party Edited by Luís de Sousa, Competition Barry Hindess and Peter Larmour Edited by Judith Bara and Albert Weale 56 Intra- Party Politics and Coalition Governments 48 Participatory Democracy and Edited by Daniela Giannetti and Political Participation Kenneth Benoit Can participatory engineering bring citizens back in? 57 Political Parties and Edited by Thomas Zittel and Partisanship Dieter Fuchs Social identity and individual attitudes 49 Civil Societies and Social Edited by John Bartle and Movements Paolo Belucci Potentials and problems Edited by Derrick Purdue 58 The Future of Political Community 50 Resources, Governance and Edited by Gideon Baker and Civil Conflict Jens Bartelson Edited by Magnus Öberg and Kaare Strøm 59 The Discursive Politics of 62 Referendums and Gender Equality Representative Democracy Stretching, bending and policy Responsiveness, accountability making and deliberation Edited by Emanuela Lombardo, Edited by Maija Setälä and Petra Meier and Mieke Verloo Theo Schiller 60 Another Europe 63 Education in Political Science Conceptions and practices of Discovering a neglected field democracy in the European Edited by Anja P. Jakobi, social forums Kerstin Martens and Edited by Donatella Della Porta Klaus Dieter Wolf 61 European and North American 64 Religion and Politics in Europe, Policy Change the Middle East and North Drivers and dynamics Africa Edited by Giliberto Capano and Edited by Jeffrey Haynes Michael Howlett Also available from Routledge in association with the ECPR: Sex Equality Policy in Western Europe, Edited by Frances Gardiner; Demo- cracy and Green Political Thought, Edited by Brian Doherty and Marius de Geus; The New Politics of Unemployment, Edited by Hugh Compston; Cit- izenship, Democracy and Justice in the New Europe Edited by Percy B. Lehning and Albert Weale; Private Groups and Public Life, Edited by Jan W. van Deth; The Political Context of Collective Action, Edited by Ricca Edmondson; Theories of Secession, Edited by Percy Lehning; Regionalism Across the North/South Divide, Edited by Jean Grugel and Wil Hout. Religion and Politics in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa Edited by Jeffrey Haynes First published 2010 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Routledge
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