DETAIL OF ORGANIC AND INORGANIC SCIENCE, HERMAN VOLZ PROGRAMS COURSES AND 68 Programs and Courses successfully petition for a Certificate of Accomplishment will not have PROGRAMS AND COURSES the name of the certificate appear on their transcript. Credit that students earn in a certificate curriculum may also be Institutional Learning Outcomes used toward satisfaction of the requirements for graduation from the Students who successfully complete their educational programs College with an Associate Degree. at CCSF will achieve all or an appropriate set of the following Certificate Curricula — Noncredit Institutional Learning Outcomes: City College offers two types of noncredit certificates, Certificate of 1. Critical Thinking and Information Competency Completion and Certificate of Competency, which prepare students for • Apply quantitative reasoning to questions or problems entry-level employment or further study. A Certificate of Completion • Locate, evaluate, and use information appropriately is a sequence of courses designed to prepare students to progress in a career path or to undertake degree-applicable or non-degree applicable • Use critical or creative reasoning, including diverse perspectives. credit courses. A Certificate of Competency is a sequence of courses 2. Communication preparing students to demonstrate achievement in a set of compe- • Communicate effectively tencies that prepares the student to progress in a career path or to • Demonstrate respectful interpersonal and intercultural undertake degree-applicable or non-degree applicable credit courses. communication Some noncredit certificate programs meet required guidelines for stu- dent financial assistance. • Recognize and interpret creative expression 3. Cultural, Social, and Environmental Awareness Course Information Course Identifiers • Demonstrate an understanding of the history and values of Courses are identified by a subject and a number (for example, MATH diverse cultures 97), a subject and a number/letter combination (for example, CS • Evaluate the impact of civic, social, and/or environmental choices 110A), or by a subject and a letter (for example, ENGL L). • Collaborate effectively in diverse social and cultural settings Units 4. Personal and Career Development The number or numbers in parentheses following the title of a course • Assess one’s own achievements and cultivate resources for edu- indicate its semester unit (s.u.) value. Note that the semester unit is not cational and /or career growth equal to a quarter unit (q.u.). (2 s.u. = 3 q.u.) • Maintain and improve one’s health and safety and/or that of Method of Delivery others For credit courses, the total number of hours of lecture (lec), labora- tory (lab), and/or work experience (work) are given. • Use technology in pursuit of intellectual growth and/or career development Grading Some courses may be taken on a pass/no pass or a letter grade basis. Degree and Certificate Curricula Others may be taken only on a pass/no pass basis. This is indicated by City College of San Francisco offers degree, credit certificate, and non- “P/NP available” and “P/NP only” respectively on the same line as the credit certificate courses of study. delivery pattern. In this symbolism “available” means the “P” (pass) or Degree Curricula “NP” (no pass) grades are available for the course instead of the regular A degree curriculum requires completion of 60 or more semester grades of “A” through “F” if the election to take the course for pass/no units (normally two years of full-time work) in conformance with the pass is made at registration or by the end of the first 30% of the term of requirements of a particular department of instruction. (Students who offering for the course. If no notation occurs regarding pass/no pass, have not satisfied course prerequisites may need more than two years the course is a “letter grade only” course. to complete a degree curriculum.) Students who satisfy these require- Prerequisites, Corequisites, and Advisories ments receive the degree of Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T), Some courses may require students to have taken a course prior to Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T), Associate in Arts (AA), or enrollment (prerequisite), or may require courses to be taken simul- Associate in Science (AS). General requirements for these degrees are taneously (corequisite). Others may have recommended, but not outlined in the Associate Degree Graduation Requirements section required, preparation (advisory). See the “Challenge of a Prerequisite of this catalog; information on requirements for the degree majors is or a Corequisite” section of the Academic Policies section of this detailed in this Programs and Courses section. Catalog for information about challenging prerequisites. Certificate Curricula — Credit Repeatability City College offers two types of credit certificates, Certificate of Some credit courses may be repeated even if a student has taken the Achievement and Certificate of Accomplishment, which prepare course previously. Repeatability limits are typically expressed as a maxi- students for entry-level employment or further study, add special mum number of units that a student can accumulate in the same course knowledge and skills to existing occupational competence, or mark an (original enrollment plus any repetitions). In some cases, the repetition accomplishment in a particular area. limit is expressed as a total number of enrollments (original enrollment A Certificate of Achievement is a sequence of courses usually consist- plus any repetitions). When a department offers a series of courses on ing of 16 or more units of degree-applicable coursework that has been the same topic, and a repetition limit applies across the series of courses, approved by the State Chancellor’s Office. Students who successfully the limit is expressed in terms of a combination of units across the set of petition for a Certificate of Achievement will have the name of the cer- courses (e.g., Repeat: ASAM 61-62-63 combined, maximum 15 units). tificate appear on their transcript. Field Trips A Certificate of Accomplishment is a sequence of courses consisting Some courses may require field trips; others have optional field trips. The of fewer than 16 units of degree-applicable coursework. Students who instructor will specify details about any field trips in the course syllabus. City College of San Francisco 2021–2022 Catalog Administration of Justice and Fire Science 69 Transferability Administration of Justice A basic description of the course content generally concludes the Degree Curriculum course announcement. At the end of this description, the abbrevia- tion CSU indicates that the course transfers for elective credit to any The curriculum in Administration of Justice is arranged to meet the needs California State University, and the abbreviation UC indicates that the of three groups of students: those who plan to seek employment with course is acceptable for elective credit at all campuses of the University public and private agencies concerned with maintaining public safety, of California. Courses designated as “UC upon review” are indepen- crime prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and research; those who are dent studies or variable topics courses which may earn UC elective employed by a correctional or law-enforcement agency and desire to credit, but which must be evaluated by the UC campus at the time the obtain training for promotion; and those who desire to obtain background student is admitted for transfer before credit can be granted. in administration of justice in preparation for the study of policing, proba- tion and parole, social welfare, law, and non-profit community corrections. Course Offering Frequency Unless otherwise noted, courses are generally offered in both Fall and Admission. Enrollment is open to all interested students. Spring semesters. Course of Study. The two-year course of study includes instruction in Course History the following: introduction to administration of justice, principles and If the course recently had a different CCSF course number or if an procedures of the justice system, criminal identification, criminal law, equivalent CCSF course exists, that information will be the last item in organized crime and gangs, criminal investigation, physical evidence, the announcement, for example “Formerly ENGL 5A” or “SPAN 2A-2B narcotic investigation, probation and parole, juvenile procedures, and = SPAN 2.” If the course has been taken under its former number and law enforcement field work. Beside instruction in administration of jus- a grade of “C” or better or of P has been earned, the newly numbered tice, the curriculum includes course work in general education so that course may not be taken because the two are really the same. In addition, students may satisfy the College graduation requirements in this area. if two courses are listed as equivalent, only one of the two may be taken. Credit for Preservice Training in Administration of Justice. C-ID Number. Administration of Justice majors who have completed a minimum The Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID) is a statewide of 12 semester units at City College, and who have also completed numbering system independent from the course numbers assigned by a preservice administration of justice -training program certified by individual California community colleges. A C-ID number next to a the Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training of the course signals that participating California
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