mat Uhxtft. #••••• •"* -»-*« •*-w • <. ,"• - ^.__ ; •-- _—,.•>•••• '••-•, _ • sK^'f/ V 'v-r";'7__v- LAS VEGAS WEATHER A _# BOULDER DAM PROJECT The Pronress of this Vast Engineer- April 27—Maximum. 70: minimum, 35. Partly cloudy. cz3y tnr Work is Fully and Accurately Covered. Associated Press and United METAL MARKETS Press Wire Service Bring News of NEW YORK. April 27. (U.P>—Bar the World to This Paper—A Leader 7 Grist from the silver, 27 H cents an ouncr. Copper, •SOUTHERN cNGVADA'J' LEADING c^EW-iPAPEH For More Than a Quarter of a 5*i cents a pound, /ine, 2.60 cents a Daily Grind pound. Lead, 2.90 cents a pound. Century. VOL. XXVIII LAS VEGAS. CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA, THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 28, 1932 No. 102 -By C. P. S.: DARROW Clarence Darrow had drawn the J public Interest ln thc sensational j trial at Honolulu in a greater de- • grec than those unfortunates being | tried for murder have done. The old man is still a fighter. His personality still Is vivid with thc brilliance he first brought to the "fight for the under dog." And all his life he has been carrying i on that fight and standing in the j white spot of publicity, but never JURY HOLDS FATE OF MASSIE * more prominently than now. ir-= THE TRIAL BANKERS LEARN FINE POINTS OF GOLD Last night the Massie murder Talesmen Locked Up After trial was submitted to the jury and there probably will be nothing to report from the jury room until some time today. Nevertheless there are many con­ Four Hours Of Deliberation jectures. There are those who be­ lieve that the confessed killers should, and will, be convicted. Oth­ ers think the killing was justified j and can see nothing but an acquit­ tal. PSYCIATRIST The most probable thing i.s a fail­ EXPECTS JURY ure to agree upon a verdict. The trial is not so much a conflict be­ TO BE HUNG tween right and wrong or justice and crime as it is an inter-racial SAN FRANCISCO. April 27. conflict. It is the white race vs. Government Cost Is UP'—The Massie-Fortescue mur­ F thc brown. der trial will be unable to reach The Massie jury includes persons Entirely Too Much, a verdict, in thc opinion of Dr. of several different nationalities Edward Williams, defense psycia- and the question of race superiority Says President trist. POSSIBLE Is doubtless much more important Dr. Williams arrived from Hon­ to some of them than is the en­ olulu tcday enroute to his home forcement of the law. SPEECH IS TERSE In Los Angeles. "My hunch is the six whites LYNCH LAW VERDICTS MASSIE will vote for acquittal, with the The defense in the Massie case HT-mr-D nwAs tltat State, County and City natives cn the other side," he admits the killing and seeks acquit­ vataameomwm :—mil ***•*—*—* said. tal on the ground that the killing I T Williamson (left), Chico banker, and H. E. Welch (right). Sacramento banker, are taking lessons from Governments Must Brings Tears To Eyes =11 Deliberation To Be was justified and therefore no crime ' Sam Beach veteran Oroville, Calif., gold hunter, in the fine art of prospecting for gold>nuggets. The Which may be true. We make bankers attending a convention in Oroville, seem to know plenty about handling gold in the finished Help Cut Cost Of Spectators In Resumed Today By much of the necessity of upholding product.' but Beach, a prospector since 1879, showed them the secret of getting the precious metal li­ law and order and then observe Crowded Court Mixed Jury the raw statc. By HENRY F. MISSELWITZ justice constantly being perverted OPPONENTS OF I'nited Press Staff Correspondent and the law and the courts failing RICHMOND. Va., April 27. (U.R)— often to function. KELLEY CLOSES HONOR OR LAW.' ii President Hoover journeyed into the And it is brought to mind that frontiers of the Old South today there is a higher law than that and in this historic old capital, rich FE PH Judge Clears Court written In the statute books. And SE -ii the nation's tradition, earnestly Law Before Pity, Is sometimes lt is necessary and whole­ urged the governors of the states some for people, aroused to right­ here in annual conference to co­ Plea Of State To After Jury Takes eous indignation, to take the power operate in making the cost of gov­ Case In Hand into their own hands as in the dayrs STREET. ernment cheaper to the taxpayers. Jury SLASH UN of the San Francisco vigilantes. The President bit off his words as There is danger always that lynch he bluntly told the governors tlie By DAN CAMPBELL WASHINGTON. April 27. (U.R\— which is to decide upon the conduct By DAN CAMPBELL law may result in mistakes and of the inquiry, had held an hour's tederal administration was not alone (United Press Staff Correspondent! I'nited Press Staff Correspondent terrible injustices. Yet we notice The senate committee investigating in running up expenses. conference. He also revealed that COURTROOM, HONOLULU. T. COURTROOM. HONOLULU, T. that once in a long time the wrong the New York stock exchange does SPEECH TERSE not believe Wall street is a "second Senator Walcott, Repn.. Conn., con­ H., April 27. (U.P — One of those! H., April 27. (U.R)-—The jury holding man is sent to prison by the law; sidered President Hoover's spokes­ "The economic safety of the re­masterful performances that gave heaven," and will recall Richard f By THOMAS L. STOKES, ,the fate of four white persons ac- and very, very often, the ugllty es­ man in the investigation, had not public," he said, "depends upon the him the reputation of being the' Whitney, president of the exchange, : Unite- Press Stiff Co-respondent • cused of the second degree murder cape entirely because of the law'6 been named to the inner council. joint financial -stability of all our greatest showman of tiie American for further questioning. Chairman WASHINGTON. April 27. (U.P> — of Joseph Kahahawai. halfcaste and peculiarities. governments. That stability is to bar came today from rugged, old I Peter Norbeck said today. Instead. Norbeck chose Senator Opponents of a federal salary cut asserted assaulter of the wife of a be attained not alone by the finan­ Clarence Darrow as he exhorted a '"These fellows like Mr. Whitney Townsend, Repn., Del., for the fifth won a decisive victory tonight when naval officer, was locked up for the CROSS ARMS place on the strategy board. GENEVA. April 27. (U.2*-—Japan to­ cial integrity of the federal govern­ jury not to penalize four persons night at 10 p. tn. In one state where crime was came down here and told us that day accepted the League of Na­ the house exempted all employes Wall street was a second heaven Commenting on testimony by Rep. ment. It lies equally in the finan­ ' accused of second degree murder rampant and it had been found tions secretariat that it accept the with salaries of less than $2,500 from After deliberating a little over an and as near perfect as it could be F. W. LaGuardia. Repn., N. Y.. be­ cial integrity of every state, county in an "honor slaying." necessary to resort frequently to proposed compromise on plans for and municipal government." the 11 per cent wage reduction in 'hour the jury was taken to dinner made," Norbeck said. fore the committee yesterday to the Every pose he ever used in his the omnibus economy bill. I at 5:40 p. m. '8:10 p. m.. P. S. T.i lynch law. It is related that a tele­ effect that a publicity man named a truce agreement in the Shanghai "Gentlemen." he said, "the pur­ 50 years as "counsel for the de­ "The first witness we called after This reduced from $67,302,000 to and returned an hour later to re­ graph company was roundly con­ "Newton Plummer'' had distributed warfare. pose of my address is to express a fense" was brought into play on Mr. Whitney ruined his testimony $12,000,000 the amount of salary re­ sume deliberations. demned for building a pole line approximately $286,000 among the The compromise was reached yes­ desire for greater cooperation and the jury of whites, orientals and without cross arms. in five minutes. That witness was ductions provided by the measure, In his Instructions Judge Davis Matt Brush. We had to listen to writers of financial news in return terday at Shanghai, where it was coordination of mutual problems." islanders for those accused of kill­ for favorable publicity about cer­ agreed that all hostilities would ing Joseph Kahahawai. a half-caste and cut from $200,000,000 to $145,- said they might return any one of PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEES the others, but we knew better. The The President then told the gov- 000.000 the total savings to be ef­ three verdicts against those charged worst things we suspected are grad­ tain stocks, Norbeck said: cease. Japanese troops would with­ who assertedly led a gang assault Already there are candidates duly I ernors they we**e spending too much fected by the bill. with shooting Kahahawai to avenge ually developing now." "I beliece Plummer is a piker draw to the international settlement , on Mrs. Thalia Massie. attractive' nominated for President and Vice j money—that the federal govern­ assaults upon Mrs. Thalia Fortescue Norbeck made this statement after compared with what will be shown and Chinese would not advance wife of a naval officer.
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