Thursday, April 24, 1986 Eighth Series1R. 39 Vaisakha 4, 1908 (Saka) /2.6$%+$ '(%$7(6 Fifth Session Eighth/RN6DEKD /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 New Delhi CONTENTS No. 39, Thurlda~, April 24. 1986, "fakha 4, 1908 (Saka) COLUMNS ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1-33 ·Starred Quellionl Nos. 783 to 788, '191, 793 and 795 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 33-285 Starred Questions No. 782, 189, 790, 792, 794 and 796 to 102 Unltarred Questions Nos. 7445 to 7596 and 7598 to 9675 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 286-288 MESSAGE FROM RAJYA SABHA 288 SUPREME COURT (NUMBER OF JADGES) AMENDMENT BILL. 1986 289 COMMITTEE PRIVATE MEMBERS BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 289 Bilhteentb Report ESTIMATES COMMITI'BE 289 Thirty-Second Report and Minutes COMMITTEE ON ABSENECE OF MEMBERS FROM THE SITTINGS OF THE HOUSE Fourth Report • The lign + marked above the name of a Member indicate. that tbo questieD w" aetuallJ asked on the floor of tho Qquso b1 that MOIIlber. ( ii ) COLUMNS R.B RAILWAYS BILL, 1985 .... 290-29' MATI'ERS UNDER RULE 37'1 295-299 (i) Demand for pensionary and other benefits to the employees of "Banvasi Seva Manda)" in Madhya Pradesh. Shri M. L. Jhikram 29S (ii) Need to provide S.T.D. facility in Gondia, Bbandara and Tumsar Telephone Exchanges. Sbri Keshao Rao Pardhi 296 (iii) Need to fill up the existing vacancies of Judges in the High Court of Andhra Pradesh. Sbri C. Janga Reddy 296 (iv) Need to extend relief to people affected by hailstorm in Monteswar, Purbasthali and Nandagbat block. of Kal na sub-division in West Bengal. Shri Saifuddin Cbowdhary 297 (y) Need to connect Cbittorgarb in Rajasthan with the Vayudoot Service. Prof. Nirmala Kumari Shaktawat 298 (vi) Need to open at leaat ten purchase centres in each Deve)opment Block of Uttar Pradesh for the purchase of Rabi Crop. Shri Umakant Mishra FINANCB BILL •••• ..299-424 Motion to coosider Sbri Vi.hwanatb Pratap Siogh Shri C. Madhav Reddi (Ul) COI:.UMNS Sbri V"reDdra PatD 31' Prof. Madhu Dand•• a. 324 Sbri Y. S. Mahajan .... :wcs Shrimati Krishna Sabi 3S1 Shri Somnath Chatterjee 356 Sbri Balasabeb Vikbe Padl 3d, Sbri K. D. SultaDPuri 3VO Sbri A. C. Shanmuaam 374 Dr. G. S. Rajhans 380 Sbrl Anandi Cbaras Du 386 Shri N. V. N. SOIDa 392 Sbri P. Namayal 396 Sbri Mool Chand D_ .... 399 Dr. Datta Samant 402 Shri Sbantaram Nail .11 Sbrl Banwarl LaI Purohit .... 41 • Shri Sontash Mohan Dov 421 LOK SABRA DEBATE 1 2 LOK SABHA (b) if so, whether any effort is beiDI made in this direction; and (c) if so, the details thereof '1 Thursday, Apr1l24" 1986/ Vai3Qkha 4, 1908 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (Saka) DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE (SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI): (a) to (c) No Sir. The The Lok Sabha mel at Eleven of the existing film certification rules are sufficiently Clock comprehensive and meet the requirements. [MR. SPEAKER In the Chair) SHRI K. KUNJAMBU: I want to know whether the Government is aware of the fact tbat there is an overdose of [English] unrealistic and unhealthy violence acd sex in many films made in India. This happens PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: I in spite of the comprebensive censorship think from the agenda papers the obituary rules being in force. This trend in films referonce is missing. Yesterday, so many adversely affects the young minds There- Ministries were massacred. fore, I would like to know whether the Government would like to have a fresh look MR. SPEAKER: Was that the reason at the whole matter. for your absence that you did not want to be a witness to that '1 SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI: Yea, somethings, this type of films do come up and some of them do have an adverse ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS affect on the yonng mind. The guidelines and the safeguards that have been outlined [En,Ii.rh) under the Cinematographic Act make it absolutely clear that certain safeguards and Amendment of Film Censorship Rules objectives have to be foUowed. The only dichotomy lies that the certification is dane *783. SHRI K. KUNJAMBU: Will by the Board of Censorship, which is under the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE us, but the enforcement is done and penal DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state : clauses are imposed by tbe State Govern- ments. While the Central Board c:ertifiea a (a) wbetherG ovemment feel the need film, the exhibition powers lie with the State for amending the film censorship rules/ Governments. That is why, sometimes. luidelines in order to prom?te. greatc:r even when certain parts are cut out and they realism in tbe films without sacrdic1D8 tbeIr are not certified, in interpolation they are aestbotic value ; exhibited, because tbat faUs within tbo APR.IL 24, 19" Orat An.\w~r8 4 jurisdiction of the State Governments. This by the bon. Minister, but the censoring of matter bas been taken up on more than~one the films is wjth the Centra] Government. occasion. Therefore, we feel that the But there are no proper officers for that. guidelines under the Cinematographic Act Even in Tamil Nadu, we are producing lot are really sufficient, but it is roally at the of films every year. More than bundred exhibiting and enforcing stage, whicb is done films we are producing, but censoring is tbe by tbc State Governments, that the real problem there. EVery producer who is action lies. producing a film there, is unable to have it censored immediately on tbe date wben be SHRI K. KUNJAMBU: I wan t to actually wants to release it. That is tbe know wbether a demand bas been made for problem. Even tbere is no proper officer. the setting up of an office of the Regional Only a deputed officer from the Information Censorsbip Board at Trivandrum; if so, Department bas been posted there. He is what decision bas been taken ? able to see only one film everyday. Hundreds of films are not being censored properly. So, I would )ike to know from tbe hon. Minister MR. SPEAKER: Have you got wbether steps will be taken immediately to writtcn supplementaries ? see that a proper officer is posted in tbat SHRI K. KUNJAMBU Yes, Sir. office in order to censor the films immedia tety. She bas lot written answers. MR. SPEAKER: Is it pre-thought or SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI: pre-planned ? Sir. we look into tbat side of the picture as to whether a particular office at a particular PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: If place is sufficient or not. Regarding the 10, please lay it on the Table of the House. delay part, I would like to assure the bon. Member tbat we examined the question and MR. SPEAKER: That will be better. we found that in the case of about 20 per cent films, there is some sort of delay but SHRIMATI SUSffiLA ROHTAGI: Sir, this delay is not on our part only and the can the answer be laid on the Table of tbe proportion is also not very high. He bas Houae ., mentioDed about a particular State and I will look in to it. MR. SPBAKER: I think I will have to devise some metbod whereby I will SHRI DINESH GOSW AMI : Sir, disallow aU the written supplementaries. apart from the rules and the guidelines, bas it come to the ootice of this Government PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: She tbat tbe complaint i. ofteo made that there lay the answer to this question also 00 can are producers who have sufficieot influence the Table. so as to get tbeir 'A' films passed into 'U' films, wbere tbere are many producers whoso MR. SPEAKER Later on you can films arc cut? For example, a film, I think do it. Ram Terl Ganga Maili, of Rajkapoor was given 'U' certificate thouab there are many SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI: nude scenes. Therefore, what is the Sir, I must say tbat there is already a Government's reaction in spite of the fact Regional Centre at Trivandrum. There are that tbis point bas been asked times witbout Rqional Centres at Bombay, Calcutta, number. botb inside the House and outside? Madras, Baogalore and Trivandrum and tbe May I also know from the Government ODe at Hyderabad will start functioning very anotber aspect which I raised during the very soon. discussions 00 the Demands of Information and Broadcasting Ministry, that you have SHRI P. KOLANDAIVELU: Sir, may got a children film witb an 'A' I know from the bon. Minister with rcaard trailer and in that •A' trailer all to ceMOrship. The exbibitioD riahts are nude scenes are there. Therefore, wben you with the State Governments, as riabtl, lUted take a 9hitd to a children film, well, 10 far $ Oral Answers VAISAKBA at. 1908 (SAK~) Olal Answers 6 as the film part is concerned, there may not dialogue, so that, ultimate)y what we really be anything objectionable, but you cannot want is improvement in tbe films and films sce it with the child so far as the trailer is which do not reaUy deprave tbe minds of concerned. Therefore, will the Government impressionable boys and girls. That is the do something to see that while showing a kind of criterian we have to apply we will children film, 'A't trailer will not be shown? apply this. But as we go along, 'his will have to be improved continuously. There is the PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: question whether aloDg with children's film. People complain about such films when they trailer for adult film or unlimited certificate do not aee anything in tbe film also. film is to be sbown or not shown.
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