
NEPALI AAWAZ | AN INTERNATIONAL FORTNIGHTLY Worldwide: $0.99 Nepal: Rs. 12 www.nepaliaawaz.com November 9-22, 2005 Vol 1 Issue 4 WIN TICKETS! MUSIC DOWNTOWN, NEW YORK g]kfnLx?nfO{ xªsªdf /fhg}lts cj;/ xªsª ;/sf/sf] ;+j}wflgs ljsf;sf nflu ul7t sfo{bnn] k|fKt u/]sf] k|ltj]bgsf] cfwf/df ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf k|:tfj cg';f/ /fhgLlts lgsfox?df ca cNk;+Vosx?sf] ;d]t ;xeflutf /xg] k|jn ;+efjgf /x]sf sf/0f g]kfnL nufot cNk;+Vos hfltx?n] ;s/ fTds ?kdf lnPsf5g\ . Page 6 ANUP PRAKASH A Weekend In The X-Treme Rock Show @)^@ A rock show gives away free SIM cards with every ticket and reserves an empty Lives of Nepali Students football field between the stage and the cordoned [real] audience for His Majesty Crown Prince Paras to grace. There’s a lot that amounts to a good audience turn out in a in a free SIM card for a mobile phone and add stadium concert, especially in a valley whose citizens have some of Nepal’s best rock acts on the bill, and been living under a lingering dark cloud of political and social you have a massive turn out for a stadium show. turmoil and are looking for a release of some kind. Throw Page 17 g]kfn Oltxf;s} ;+uLg df]8df Jazzmandu 2005 An Avalanche of Jazz sweeps through g]kfnLx?sf b'O{ 7"nf rf8 bz} / ltxf/ csf]{ jif{ cfpg] jfrf Kathmandu as the “biggest jazz party in the ub}{ ev{/} ljbfjf/L ePsf 5g\ . cfof] bz}+ 9f]n ahfO{, uof] bz} Himalayas” takes place in the valley for the C0f af]sfO{– rf8af8sf] of] k/Dk/fut wËwËLaf6 cfd g]kfnL 4th time. Page 14 hghLjg qmdzM 5'6\sf/f lnO/x]sf] 5 . 8fo:kf]/faf6 rf8jf8 Party with celebrities in London’s dfGg :jb]z kms]{sfx? klg cj ljbfjf/L eP/ cf–cfkm\gf] hippest club and and work for charity sd{If]qlt/ nfUg yfn]sf 5g\ . dfcf]jfbLsf] o'4lj/fdsf sf/0f the next day. Get drunk in Cyprus. zx/af6 bz}ltxf/ dfGg ufpFlt/ nfu]sfx? klg zx/lt/ kms{g] Go out for dinner with family in Hong qmd hf/L 5 . Kong. Live it large and take care of z/b Ct'sf] ;'Gb/ a]nf cf]/fnf] nfu/x]sf] olta]nf bfFtL h: your hangover when you wake up the tf ;]tf lxd>[+vnfx?n] kmflnd nfu]/ ko{6sx?nfO{ cfdGq0f next evening in Delhi. Nostalgically ug{ 5f]l8;s]sf 5}gg\ . dfcf]jfbLsf] Pstlkm{ o'4lj/fdsf sf/0f enjoy a traditional festival from home, kf]xf]/eGbf clxn] ;os8f !% n] ko{6sx? a9L cfPsf] ;dfrf/ far away from home. These are the lg:s]sf] 5 . t/, of] v'zLdf ;fd]n x'g gkfpb} dfcf]jfbLx?sf] weekends of young Nepali students, Pstlkm{ o'4lj/fd ;dfKt x'g] lbguGtL z'? eO;s]sf] 5 . a demography that is increasingly kmntM cfd g]kfnL hgdfg;df km]l/ Psk6s pgLx?sf] lz/}dfly traveling abroad for college ;Gqf;sf] sfnf] afbn d8fl//x]sf] 68\sf/f] cg'e"lt x'g yfn]sf] education and finding out what being 5 . Page 21 ANUP PRAKASH independent means, for now. Page 10 NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 NEPALI AAWAZ | For the best deals in mobile phones for your family, come down to Tibet Mobile. It’s never been easier to stay in touch, even if you live in or live out! We also do money transfer! Email: [email protected] . Address: 37-50, 74St., Jackson Heights, NY 11371 Tel: 718- 205- 2339 and 917- 605- 0973 2 | NEPALI AAWAZ NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 NEPALI AAWAZ | AN INTERNATIONAL FORTNIGHTLY Letters Contents Dear Nepali Aawaz, NEWS • 4 New York Bureau Just want to say thanks for the great poster of Lauryn Editor: Kashish Das Shrestha Hill and Melissa Ethridge. It’s good to know that Correspondents and/ or Regional Representatives: Nepali journalists are able to take photos just as good FEATURES Bhaskar Rai (MN), Dawa F Sherpa (IN), Neelam Sunwar (San as any international photographer. I guess that’s the Francisco), Neeha Shrestha (NC), Sakar Bhushal (TX), Santosh beauty of art, it breaks all barriers. Congratulations Basnet (CA) and Shreeja Shrestha (MD), Shiva Bista (Baltimore), k'j{df ;'/Iff kmf}h / dfcf]jfbL p:t}: dfcf]jfbLsf] Bel Bhujel (NY) on a great start! Samrat, Kathmandu. o'4 lj/fddf ;'/Iff kmf}h cfqmds • 8 Nepal Bureau Nepali Desk Editor: Dr. Pradeep Bhattarai A Weekend In The Lives of Nepali Students • 10 Editorial Staff: Preena Shrestha (KTM), Sahara Shrestha (KTM), Hello Nepali Aawaz team, Tsu C.B (KTM) I have heard Kutumba, I got their two albums when g]kfn Oltxf;s} ;+uLg df]8df • 21 Photo Contributor: Anup Prakash (KTM), Bhushan Shilpakar I was in Kathmandu in spring this year. I completely (KTM) Marketing: Jaison Chalise (KTM), Krishna Raj Sharma Belbase agree with your write up. They are absolutely (KTM) deserving of international promotion, and what better Distribution: Safal Media (Western Nepal), Birat Media (Eastern place than an international Nepali paper. I can’t wait Nepal) to listen to their new album. I’ll have to get my friend ENTERTAINMENT in KTM to send it to me. New York Corporate Office Susan T., UK. Pin Up: Santana and Michelle Branch • 13 Publisher & Distributor: Moonlight Records Corporation Executive Director: Chandra Prakash Sharma Jazzmandu 2005 • 14 External Relations & Marketing Manager: Gambu Sherpa Hi Nepali Aawaz, I can’t believe Nepal has had it’s own women rock Jazz for the Next Generation• concert for three years! Thanks for updating us 16 Contact Information: on it. Congratulations to all the performers and X-Treme Rock Show 2062 • 17 organisers. Website: www.nepaliaawaz.com Sujata Sharma, Canada. Music Downtown Special • 18 Emails: General Information: [email protected] Hi Nepali Aawaz, Music News • 19 Comments/Feedback: [email protected] It’s good to see a budding newspaper that boldly Advertising: [email protected] publishes the kind of political articles and views that Event listing: [email protected] SPORTS • Models: [email protected] are right, but prohibited in Nepali media by the current 20 www.moonlightrecords.org government. This kind of growth in Nepali media and the voice it has is perhaps just what the government Mail: PHOTO FEATURE • 24 Nepali Aawaz is trying to stop altogether. 51-01 39AV CC42 Raman Bhakta Shrestha, Nepal. Long Island City, NY 11104 Nepali Aawaz: An International fortnightly is publiished by Hi Nepali Aawaz, Moonlight Records Corporation, NY,USA. Nepali Aawaz Just wanted to congratulate you on a wonderful 3rd and Moonlight Records Corporation are both registered issue. Keep up the good work. trademarks. K. Shrestha, California. WIN TICKETS TO ____ 6 Months: $ 18 (13 issues) MUSIC DOWNTOWN ____ 1 Year: $34 (26 issues) Watch Grammy winner and Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame Inductee ____ 2 Year: $60 (52 issues) blues legend Buddy Guy and Grammy Winners Blind Boys of ____ Life time: $500 (unlimited issues) Alabama live in New York!!! Details on Page 18. NAME: __________________________________________ AGE: _____ ADDRESS: ______________STREET: ______ APT# _____ CITY: ________________________ STATE: ___________ ZIP: __________________ COUNTRY: ________________ EMAIL: __________________________________________ PHONE: (Off.) ______________ (Res.) _________________ PAYMENT ENCLOSED CHEQUE: $___________________ CHARGE MY: VISA ______ MC ______ AMEX ______ CARD NO: _________________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE [MM/ YYYY]:_____________________ SUBSCRIPTION FORM FOR NEPALI AAWAZ: SUBSCRIPTION FORM FOR NEPALI NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 NEPALI AAWAZ | NEWS 8f= k|sfrGb| nf]xgLsf] lgisif{ Go"of]s{ b]p;L / e}nf]n] u'~hfodfg …/fhf, bn / dfcf]jfbLaLr jftf{ cfjZosÚ uug lj/xL …g]kfndf ljut !@ jif{b]lv rNb} cfPsf] x|f; cfO{ l;+uf] b]z g} cfly{s ?kn] ;+s6 uPsf] xKtf cd]l/sfdf /x]sf d'ZnLdx?n] ;f+:s[lts sfo{qmdsf] cfof]hgf u/L ut dfcf]jfbL lx+;fTds åGåsf] cGTo / d'n'sdf / c;kmn /fi6« x'g] af6f]lt/ nfu]sf] wf/0ff cfkm\gf] dxfg kj{ æObÆ dgfPh:t} cd]l/ gf]e]Dj/ % tfl/v eJo?kdf dgfOof] . JofKt /fhg}lts ult/f]w ;dfKt x'g /fhf JoQm ug'{x'b} 8f= nf]xgLn] eGg'eof]– …/fhfn] sLx?n] klg æxnf]OgÆ dgfP . ;+:s[ltdf sl/a % 306f nfdf] ;fËLlts sfo{qmdsf ,/fhg}lts / dfcf]jfbL bnx?aLr lgo'Qm u/]sf dGqLkl/ifb\sf pkfWoIf 8f= wgL g]kfnLx? klg s] sd, cd]l/sfd} ;fy cfof]lht z'ebLkfjnL ;fFem–@)^@ ;dembf/L sfod x'g lgtfGt cfjZos t'n;L uL/Ln] /fh;+:yf / k|hftGq ;+u;+u} /xL pgLx?n] klg pHofnf]sf] rf8 ltxf/ g]kfndf em}+ b]p;L / e}nf]sf] efsfn] 5.Ú hfg ;+ljwfg afws /x]sf] e|dk"0f{ syg TolQs} xiff]{Nnf;k"j{s w'dwfd;Fu dgfP . u'~hfodfg eof] . JoQm ubf{ klg /fhfåf/f sfjf{xL gul/g' cd]l/sfsf ljleGg /fHox?df 5l/P/ /x]sf of] lgisif{ xf], /fli6«o hgzlQm kf6L{sf crDdnfUbf] ljifo ePsf] 5 .Ú ;x–cWoIf 8f= k|sfzrGb| nf]xgLsf] . pxfF ut gf]e]Dj/ @ tfl/v aflN6df]/df 5nkmn sfo{qmddf ;+jfb g]kfnsf cWoIf cfof]lht Ps 5nkmn sfo{qmddf ;Djf]wg tyf g]kfn dfgj clwsf/ ;+u7gsf s]Gb|Lo ub}{ x'g'x'GYof] . pxfFn] cufl8 eGg'eof]– ;b:o lgns07 zdf{n] ;}Go kIf / ljb|f]xL …b]zleqsf ;+;bjfbL /fhg}lts bnx?sf] kIfjLrsf] aGb"ssf] n8fO{n] g]kfnLx?sf] cf—cfkm\gf] :jfy{sf sf/0f clxn] b]zsf] dfgj clwsf/ xgg ePsf] pNn]v ub}{ cl:tTj g} vt/fdf k/]sf] 5, /fhg}lts aGb'såf/f g]kfndf slxNo} klg s;}sf] bnx? zlQmxLg x'b} hfFbf pgLx?sf] o; hLt x'g g;Sg] Oltxf;sf] :d/0f u/fpg' sdhf]/Laf6 kmfObf p7fpg ljb]zL zlQmsf] eof] .
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