Worldwide: $0.99 : Rs. 12 November 9-22, 2005 Vol 1 Issue 4


g]kfnLx?nfO{ xªsªdf /fhg}lts cj;/ xªsª ;/sf/sf] ;+j}wflgs ljsf;sf nflu ul7t sfo{bnn] k|fKt u/]sf] k|ltj]bgsf] cfwf/df ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf k|:tfj cg';f/ /fhgLlts lgsfox?df ca cNk;+Vosx?sf] ;d]t ;xeflutf /xg] k|jn ;+efjgf /x]sf sf/0f g]kfnL nufot cNk;+Vos hfltx?n] ;s/ fTds ?kdf lnPsf5g\ . Page 6 ANUP PRAKASH X-Treme Rock Show @)^@ A Weekend In The A rock show gives away free SIM cards with every ticket and reserves an empty Lives of Nepali Students football field between the stage and the cordoned [real] audience for His Majesty Crown Prince Paras to grace. There’s a lot that amounts to a good audience turn out in a in a free SIM card for a mobile phone and add stadium concert, especially in a valley whose citizens have some of Nepal’s best rock acts on the bill, and been living under a lingering dark cloud of political and social you have a massive turn out for a stadium show. turmoil and are looking for a release of some kind. Throw Page 17 g]kfn Oltxf;s} ;+uLg df]8df Jazzmandu 2005 An Avalanche of Jazz sweeps through g]kfnLx?sf b'O{ 7"nf rf8 bz} / ltxf/ csf]{ jif{ cfpg] jfrf as the “biggest jazz party in the ub}{ ev{/} ljbfjf/L ePsf 5g\ . cfof] bz}+ 9f]n ahfO{, uof] bz} Himalayas” takes place in the valley for the C0f af]sfO{– rf8af8sf] of] k/Dk/fut wËwËLaf6 cfd g]kfnL 4th time. Page 14 hghLjg qmdzM 5'6\sf/f lnO/x]sf] 5 . 8fo:kf]/faf6 rf8jf8 Party with celebrities in London’s dfGg :jb]z kms]{sfx? klg cj ljbfjf/L eP/ cf–cfkm\gf] hippest club and and work for charity sd{If]qlt/ nfUg yfn]sf 5g\ . dfcf]jfbLsf] o'4lj/fdsf sf/0f the next day. Get drunk in Cyprus. zx/af6 bz}ltxf/ dfGg ufpFlt/ nfu]sfx? klg zx/lt/ kms{g] Go out for dinner with family in Hong qmd hf/L 5 . Kong. Live it large and take care of z/b Ct'sf] ;'Gb/ a]nf cf]/fnf] nfu/x]sf] olta]nf bfFtL h: your hangover when you wake up the tf ;]tf lxd>[+vnfx?n] kmflnd nfu]/ ko{6sx?nfO{ cfdGq0f next evening in . Nostalgically ug{ 5f]l8;s]sf 5}gg\ . dfcf]jfbLsf] Pstlkm{ o'4lj/fdsf sf/0f enjoy a traditional festival from home, kf]xf]/eGbf clxn] ;os8f !% n] ko{6sx? a9L cfPsf] ;dfrf/ far away from home. These are the lg:s]sf] 5 . t/, of] v'zLdf ;fd]n x'g gkfpb} dfcf]jfbLx?sf] weekends of young Nepali students, Pstlkm{ o'4lj/fd ;dfKt x'g] lbguGtL z'? eO;s]sf] 5 . a demography that is increasingly kmntM cfd g]kfnL hgdfg;df km]l/ Psk6s pgLx?sf] lz/}dfly traveling abroad for college ;Gqf;sf] sfnf] afbn d8fl//x]sf] 68\sf/f] cg'e"lt x'g yfn]sf] education and finding out what being

5 . Page 21 ANUP PRAKASH independent means, for now. Page 10


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NEPALI AAWAZ | AN INTERNATIONAL FORTNIGHTLY Letters Contents Dear Nepali Aawaz, NEWS • 4 New York Bureau Just want to say thanks for the great poster of Lauryn Editor: Kashish Das Shrestha Hill and Melissa Ethridge. It’s good to know that Correspondents and/ or Regional Representatives: Nepali journalists are able to take photos just as good Features Bhaskar Rai (MN), Dawa F Sherpa (IN), Neelam Sunwar (San as any international photographer. I guess that’s the Francisco), Neeha Shrestha (NC), Sakar Bhushal (TX), Santosh beauty of art, it breaks all barriers. Congratulations Basnet (CA) and Shreeja Shrestha (MD), Shiva Bista (Baltimore), k'j{df ;'/Iff kmf}h / dfcf]jfbL p:t}: dfcf]jfbLsf] Bel Bhujel (NY) on a great start! Samrat, Kathmandu. o'4 lj/fddf ;'/Iff kmf}h cfqmds • 8 Nepal Bureau Nepali Desk Editor: Dr. Pradeep Bhattarai A Weekend In The Lives of Nepali Students • 10 Editorial Staff: Preena Shrestha (KTM), Sahara Shrestha (KTM), Hello Nepali Aawaz team, Tsu C.B (KTM) I have heard Kutumba, I got their two albums when g]kfn Oltxf;s} ;+uLg df]8df • 21 Photo Contributor: Anup Prakash (KTM), Bhushan Shilpakar I was in Kathmandu in spring this year. I completely (KTM) Marketing: Jaison Chalise (KTM), Krishna Raj Sharma Belbase agree with your write up. They are absolutely (KTM) deserving of international promotion, and what better Distribution: Safal Media (Western Nepal), Birat Media (Eastern place than an international Nepali paper. I can’t wait Nepal) to listen to their new album. I’ll have to get my friend ENTERTAINMENT in KTM to send it to me. New York Corporate Office Susan T., UK. Pin Up: Santana and Michelle Branch • 13 Publisher & Distributor: Moonlight Records Corporation Executive Director: Chandra Prakash Sharma Jazzmandu 2005 • 14 External Relations & Marketing Manager: Gambu Sherpa Hi Nepali Aawaz, I can’t believe Nepal has had it’s own women rock Jazz for the Next Generation• concert for three years! Thanks for updating us 16 Contact Information: on it. Congratulations to all the performers and X-Treme Rock Show 2062 • 17 organisers. Website: Sujata Sharma, . Music Downtown Special • 18 Emails: General Information: [email protected] Hi Nepali Aawaz, Music News • 19 Comments/Feedback: [email protected] It’s good to see a budding newspaper that boldly Advertising: [email protected] publishes the kind of political articles and views that Event listing: [email protected] SPORTS • Models: [email protected] are right, but prohibited in Nepali media by the current 20 government. This kind of growth in Nepali media and the voice it has is perhaps just what the government Mail: PHOTO FEATURE • 24 Nepali Aawaz is trying to stop altogether. 51-01 39AV CC42 Raman Bhakta Shrestha, Nepal. Long Island City, NY 11104

Nepali Aawaz: An International fortnightly is publiished by Hi Nepali Aawaz, Moonlight Records Corporation, NY,USA. Nepali Aawaz Just wanted to congratulate you on a wonderful 3rd and Moonlight Records Corporation are both registered issue. Keep up the good work. trademarks. K. Shrestha, California.

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NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 NEPALI AAWAZ |  News 8f= k|sfrGb| nf]xgLsf] lgisif{ Go"of]s{ b]p;L / e}nf]n] u'~hfodfg …/fhf, bn / dfcf]jfbLaLr jftf{ cfjZosÚ uug lj/xL …g]kfndf ljut !@ jif{b]lv rNb} cfPsf] x|f; cfO{ l;+uf] b]z g} cfly{s ?kn] ;+s6 uPsf] xKtf cd]l/sfdf /x]sf d'ZnLdx?n] ;f+:s[lts sfo{qmdsf] cfof]hgf u/L ut dfcf]jfbL lx+;fTds åGåsf] cGTo / d'n'sdf / c;kmn /fi6« x'g] af6f]lt/ nfu]sf] wf/0ff cfkm\gf] dxfg kj{ æObÆ dgfPh:t} cd]l/ gf]e]Dj/ % tfl/v eJo?kdf dgfOof] . JofKt /fhg}lts ult/f]w ;dfKt x'g /fhf JoQm ug'{x'b} 8f= nf]xgLn] eGg'eof]– …/fhfn] sLx?n] klg æxnf]OgÆ dgfP . ;+:s[ltdf sl/a % 306f nfdf] ;fËLlts sfo{qmdsf ,/fhg}lts / dfcf]jfbL bnx?aLr lgo'Qm u/]sf dGqLkl/ifb\sf pkfWoIf 8f= wgL g]kfnLx? klg s] sd, cd]l/sfd} ;fy cfof]lht z'ebLkfjnL ;fFem–@)^@ ;dembf/L sfod x'g lgtfGt cfjZos t'n;L uL/Ln] /fh;+:yf / k|hftGq ;+u;+u} /xL pgLx?n] klg pHofnf]sf] rf8 ltxf/ g]kfndf em}+ b]p;L / e}nf]sf] efsfn] 5.Ú hfg ;+ljwfg afws /x]sf] e|dk"0f{ syg TolQs} xiff]{Nnf;k"j{s w'dwfd;Fu dgfP . u'~hfodfg eof] . JoQm ubf{ klg /fhfåf/f sfjf{xL gul/g' cd]l/sfsf ljleGg /fHox?df 5l/P/ /x]sf of] lgisif{ xf], /fli6«o hgzlQm kf6L{sf crDdnfUbf] ljifo ePsf] 5 .Ú ;x–cWoIf 8f= k|sfzrGb| nf]xgLsf] . pxfF ut gf]e]Dj/ @ tfl/v aflN6df]/df 5nkmn sfo{qmddf ;+jfb g]kfnsf cWoIf cfof]lht Ps 5nkmn sfo{qmddf ;Djf]wg tyf g]kfn dfgj clwsf/ ;+u7gsf s]Gb|Lo ub}{ x'g'x'GYof] . pxfFn] cufl8 eGg'eof]– ;b:o lgns07 zdf{n] ;}Go kIf / ljb|f]xL …b]zleqsf ;+;bjfbL /fhg}lts bnx?sf] kIfjLrsf] aGb"ssf] n8fO{n] g]kfnLx?sf] cf—cfkm\gf] :jfy{sf sf/0f clxn] b]zsf] dfgj clwsf/ xgg ePsf] pNn]v ub}{ cl:tTj g} vt/fdf k/]sf] 5, /fhg}lts aGb'såf/f g]kfndf slxNo} klg s;}sf] bnx? zlQmxLg x'b} hfFbf pgLx?sf] o; hLt x'g g;Sg] Oltxf;sf] :d/0f u/fpg' sdhf]/Laf6 kmfObf p7fpg ljb]zL zlQmsf] eof] . if8oGq z'? eO;s]sf] 5 . o;}n] d"nssf] lxtsf] nflu slQ klg l9nf] gu/L /fhf, affN6Ldf]/ cd]l/sg g]klnh ;f];fO6Lsf CHANDRA PRAKASH bn / ljb|f]]xL kIfjLr jftf{ ckl/xfo{ ;+/Ifs Pj+ a'l4hLlj u0f]z dn]s"sf] eO;s]sf] 5 . ;efkltTjdf ;DkGg sfo{qmddf 8f= cg'k g]kfnLx?n] o;k6ssf] ltxf/df bfh'–jlxgL, sfo{qmddf Vofltk|fKt snfsf/ g/axfb'/ kxf8L, k|]d/fhf dxt, s[i0f s8]nnufotsf lbbL–efO{sf] ;fOgf] ufF:b} ;Kt/ËL efO6Lsf bfxfn, pHHjn d}gfnL, uf]df u'?Ë, uDa' /fi6«df ca 5 dlxgfeGbf a9L wfGg ;Sg] jQmfx?n] klg cf—cfkm\gf] wf/0ff nufP . x/]s jif{ xhf/f}+sf] ;+Vofdf al9/ z]kf{, t]lGhË nfdf, ofËhL z]kf{ / gLdf ;l~rlt g/x]sf]n] g]kfnsf] cy{tGqdf 7"nf] /fVg'ePsf] lyof] . x]sf] g]kfnL hg;+Vofsf sf/0f ca cd]l/ nfdfn] cf—cfkm\gf s0f{lk|o uLtx? k|:t't sfdf ;d]t bz}–ltxf/ afSn};Fu nfUg u/]sf lyP eg] ;+;f/f Aof08åf/f /f]rs yfln;s]sf] cg'ej o;k6s c? al9 ul/ ;fËLlts em+sf/ k|:t't ul/Psf] lyof] . of] . ;]n/f]6L ksfpg], h'jf–tf;df hDg], b]p;L e}nf] v]Ng], efO6Lsf nufP/ sfo{qmdsf] cfof]hs lxdfnog ofs chDj/L x'g] cflzif cfbfgk|bfg ug]{ /]i6'/]G6sf k|f]k|fO6/ Pj+ ;dfh;]jL ;f]gfd nufotsf g]kfnLx?sf oL hGdhft nfdf cfof]hgfsf] cf}lrTodfly k|sfz kfb}{ ;+:sf/ rngx? pgLx?;Fu} cd]l/sfdf eGg'x'G5– hxfF /x]klg xfdL g]kfnLn] cfkm\gf kfOnf] ;f/] . k/Dk/fut rf8kj{x?nfO{ la;{g' x'b}g eg]/ o; jif{b]lv xfdLn] xfd|f dxfg rf8 bz} ;]n/f]6L ksfP/ xf];\ ls gfrufg u/]/ / ltxf/ eJo?kdf dgfpg of] sfo{qmdsf] xf];\, cfcfkm\gf ldqx?df z'esfdgf yfngL u/]sf xf}+ . o;kfnLsf] sfo{qmddf ;f6f;f6f u/]/ xiff]{Nnf;sf ;fy lbbL ;xefuL snfsf/ tyf bz{sx?sf sf/0f alxgL / bfh'efO{nfO{ cflzif lbP/ dgfpg] xfd|f] xf};nf a9]sf] 5 . g]kfnLx?sf] cfkm\g} h'g k/Dk/f lyof], tL ofjft k/Dk/fut efG5f3/sf ?kdf /x]sf] lxdfnog ofs ;+:sf/ eJo?kdf Go"of]s{df ;DkGg eof] . /]i6'/]G6sf] p4]Zo dfq k};f sdfpg' dfq Go'of]s{sf] HofS;gxfO6l:yt lxdfnog ofs xf]Og eGg'x'b} ;f]gfd eGg'x'G5– xfdLn] /]i6'/]G6df eg] ;fd'lxs ?kd} Ps eJo cfkm"nfO{ ;f+:s[lts?kdf wgL b]vfpg ;Sg'k5{ .

National Lawyer’s Guild To Investigate Nepal’s HR Violations

Held through October 27- 31, Portland was and how a large number of court orders the host for this year’s convention of the have been disrespected by the Royal National Lawyers Guild. Amongst the 600 regime. The advocate also highlighted the participants, mostly lawyers, law professors fact that Nepal’s court system is “functioning and legal academics from across the US, under the growing shadow of militarization.” guest experts from Japan, Philippines, During the event, he appealed to the interna- Belgium and Nepal were also invited at the tional community to give due attention and event. “There is massive and systematic support to Nepal’s growing socio-political human rights violation taking place in problems that have escalated since the Nepal,” Advocate Dinesh Tripathi who King’s take over on 1 feb. 05. He urged the represented Nepal, said during the event. international civil society and global human “The King himself showed disrespect to the rights community to continue supporting the law and constitutional provisions when he human rights movement and the struggle imposed his personal and direct rule in the for democracy in Nepal. The Guild has country.” He also went on to talk about how also decided to organise an international the independence and authority of judicial fact finding mission on and a delegation to branch of Nepal is seriously undermined Nepal.

 | NEPALI AAWAZ NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 News ;u/dfyf kj{tf/f]xL xl/ axfb'/ a:g]t Go"of]s{df (&cf}+ nIdLhoGtL ;DkGg uug lj/xL ;Fusf] hDsfe]6 ljgf]b /f]Ssf ag] ;jf]{Ts[i6 slj

ljZjsf] ;jf]{Rr lzv/ ;u/dfyf Pj+ em]Ng'kg]{ x'G5 . t}klg k|To]s If0f—If0fdf cd]l/sfsf] pRr lzv/ dfp06 d]sGnL, gofF÷gofF dgf]/d b[Zo b]Vg kfOg] x'Fbf b'j} lzv/x? cf/f]x0f ug]{ ;DejtM klxnf] cfk\mgf] nIodf gk'u'Gh]n;Dd k|of; ug{ / Psdfq g]kfnL x'g'x'G5– xl/axfb'/ a: dg nfUg] /x]5 . g]t . lj=;+= @)!& >fj0f # ut] a'af b]jL axfb'/ a:g]t / dftf dw'dfof a:g]tsf] xf]rf] lzv/ r9\g t ;lhnf] xf]nf lg, sf]vaf6 tgx' lhNnfsf] v}/]gL6f/–$df x}g / < hGdg'ePsf a:g]tn] hLjgsf dxTjk"0f{ @& xf]rf] xf];\ of cUnf]– ;a} lxdfn r9\g jif{ zfxL g]kfnL ;]gfdf /x]/ /fi6«;]jfdf plQs} k|of; ug'{k5{, t/ sd prfO{ ePsf] ;dk{0f ug'{ePsf] 5 . lzv/ r9\g ;xh x'g] /x]5 .

xfn cd]l/sfdf a:b} cfpg' ePsf kj{tf/ s] sf nflu lzv/ r9\g] cfF6 ug'{eof] < f]xL a:g]t;Fu g]kfnL cfjfhsf nflu lzj g]kfn cfdfsf] pRr lzv/df w]/} lzv/ lji6sf] o;k6s hDsfe]6 eof] . k|:t''t 5, cf/f]xL km'nx? km'ln;s]sf 5g\, cem} Ps CHANDRA PRAKASH ;f]xL hDsfe]6sf] s]xL c+zM km'n yk]/ ;Kt/ÍL agfpg] rfxgf g} d]/f] g]kfnL jfËdosf >i6f÷;flxTofg'/fuL cfF6 / xf};nf aGof] . xfdL j'4 df/]/ zflGt vf]Hb}5f}+ slxn] cfpg'eof] cd]l/sf < g]kfn leq /x'g\ of aflx/, hxfF /x]klg Ps jif{ hlt eof] . rGb|dfdf klg hfg] dg 5 ls < dxfslj nIdLk|;fb b]jsf]6f / pgsf] -cGt/f{li6«o g]kfnL ;flxTo ;dfh Go"of]s{åf/f (&cf}+ dxfslj nIdL hoGtLsf] pknIodf cfof]lht rGb|dfdf hfg] dg s;nfO{ gxf]nf / < hGdhoGtL pgLx?sf nflu ;b}j Ps s] ub}{ x'g'x'G5 < dxfg rf8sf ?kdf /xg] u5{ . sljtf k|ltof]lutfdf ;jf]{Ts[i6 7xl/Psf] of] sljtf o;sf ljhoL >i6fnfO{ xflb{s jwfO{ 1fkg ub}{ cd]l/sfdf SnfOlDaÍ :s"nx? vf]h]/ cfkm\ tkfO{ t ljZjs} ;jf]{Rr lzv/ r'd]sf] cd]l/sfdf /x]sf g]kfnL >i6f tyf k|sfzg ul/Psf] 5 . -;Dkfbs_ gf] cg'ej afF8\g] of]hgfdf 5' . o;aLrdf dfG5], hLjg s] h:tf] nfUof] < ;flxTofg'/fuLx?n] ut cS6f]j/ @( b}lgs u'hf/fsf nflu ;fgf] sfd klg xfdL a'4 df/]/ zflGt vf]Hb}5f}+ ;fd'lb|s hn– slxn] lgZrn clg zfGt, tfl/v Go"of]s{df sljtf k|ltof]lutfsf] ub}{5' . c?x? ;8s / af6f] lx8]/ nIodf k'lu;s] slxn] 5fnem}+ j]ujfg clg czfGt . cfof]hgf u/L (&cf}+ nIdL hoGtL t/ xfdL eg] cem} af6f] vf]Hb}5f}}+ >4fk"j{s dgfP . cGt/f{li6«o g]kfnL sfd klg ;fgf]÷7"nf] x'G5 / < tkfO{ clxn] cd]l/sfdf x'g'x'G5, cfkm\gf] ;flxTo ;dfh Go"of]s{sf] cfof]hgfdf xfdL k"j{sf] e[mNs] 3fd clg ÛTo;f] eGg vf]h]sf] xf]Og < t/, eljiodf blIf0f / klZrdsf pj{/f kmfF6 / v'Nnf cfsfz hGde"ldb]lv 6f9f s:tf] nfU5 < ;DkGg pQm sljtf k|ltof]lutfdf w]/} 7"nf sfd ug]{ ;f]rfO{ ePsfn] k|;+ujz 5f]8L 5flQdfly xft /fv]/ eGg] xf] eg] of] pd]/ k|ltof]uL / ck|ltof]uL u/L sl/j b'O{ dfq of] s'/f cfPsf] . pQ/sf] s7\oflª\u|g] hf8f] / cfsfz 5]Sg] kxf8 df cfkm\gf] hGdel"d 5f]8]/ ljb]zdf a:bf bh{g sljtfx? ;dfj]z ul/Psf] lyof] /f]Hb}5f}+ s;sf] dg v'zL xf]nf / < t/, s] ug]{ . nfU5 cem} xfdL a]xf];L d} 5f}+ slxn] kms{b}{ x'g'x'G5 g]kfn < b]zsf] kl/l:yltn] afWo agfof] . cfkm\g} To;}n] xf]nf o:tf] pN6f]–sfd ub}{5f}+ clxn] to e};s]sf] 5}g . u|Lgsf8{ b]zdf eljio ePsf] eP===o;/L ;f]R5' . k|ltof]uL sljtfx?tkm{ slj ljgf]b / k|f];];df 5, kfPkl5 kms{g'knf{ . lzv/ f]Ssfsf] xfdL a'4 df/]/ zflGt vf]Hb}5f}+ xfdL bfO{ / efO{ df/L eo / cft+s km}nfP/ t/, efljsf] n]vfGt g} o:t} /x]5 eg]/ kf}/vL xft / pj{/f dl:tisx? ljb]z wkfO{ r9\bfsf] 5f]6f] cg'ej atfO{lbgf];\ g . d v'zL x'g vf]H5' . zLif{ssf] sljtf ;jf]{Ts[i6 x'g ;kmn eof] jfns, ljwjf / a"9fa"9Lx? ?jfP/ zfxL ;]gfdf x'Fbf clwsf+z ;do kj{tf/ eg] sjlolq /fwf kf}8]nnfO{ låtLo / b]zdf k|hftGq, zflGt / ljsf;sf ;kgf b]Vb}5f}+ f]x0f;DaGwL sfdd} latfPF . tflnd k|z: c? s]xL eGg' lyof] ls < ;Gtf]if yklnofsf] l;h{gfnfO{ t[tLo :yfg t dfqfdf lnPsf]n] r9\g vf;} sl7g k|fKt eof] . af]i6g, afN6Ldf]/, jflzÍ6g xfdL ;dosf] tfn / efsfdf gfFRg 5f]8L vf; s]xL 5}g . g]kfnL cfjfh klqsf cf–cfkm\g} tfn / efsf ldnfO{ cfugdf gfFRb}5f}+ ePg . o;sf] dtnj lzv/ cf/f]x0f ug'{ ;j{JofkL xf];\ . ljb]zaf6 k|sfzg ePklg l8=;L= / gy{ Sof/f]lngfaf6;d]t sljx? slxn] 7f]lSsG5f}, slxn] n8]/ l8nd'lg hf]lQG5f+} eg]sf] ;xh / ;lhnf] sfd klg xf]Og . ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnLx?sf nflu ;~rf/sf] b"t ;xefuL x'g'ePsf] ;df/f]xdf g]kfnL 7f]lSsg' / hf]lQg'sf] sf/0f xfdLn] slxNo} t/, ofqf hlt;'s} sl7g eP klg lzv/ aGg ;sf];\ . hxfF /x]sf eP klg ;a} jfËdodf :yflkt slj tyf sjlolqx? vf]h]gf} r'd]kl5 x'g] cfgGb eg] :juL{o g} xF'bf]/ g]kfnLnfO{ :jb]z / /fli6«otfk|lt ;b}j /d]z vs'/]n, uug lj/xL, uf]ljGb lu/ To;}n], slxn] cfug 6]9f] ePsf] cf/f]k nufof}+ slxn] c?sf] lgotdf z+sf p7fof}+ x]5 . To;sf] cg'ej eg] dnfO{ /fd|};Fu pRr efjgf l;h{gf ug{ clek]|l/t u/f];\ L k|]/0ff, a;Gt >]i7, df]xg l;6f}nf, ePsf] 5 . ;Ltf kf08], emngfy vgfn / g/axfb'/ slxn] ;dosf] tfn / efsf g} . ;a}eGbf dxTjk"0f{ s'/f, g]kfnL cfjfhn] clgoldt /x]sf] bf]if nufO{ g]kfn / cd]l/sfsf g]kfnLx?aLrsf] bfxfnn] klg cf–cfkm\gf ck|ltof]uL Pskl5 csf]{ lgod agfof} lzv/ r'Dg ufx|f] x'G5 eG5g\ lg < ;DjGw–;]t"sf] sfd u/f];\ Û sljtfx? jfrg ug'{ePsf] lyof] . t/ cfkmgf] uNtL x]g]{ ;+:sf/ prfOsf] sf/0f cK7]/f] / hf]lvd ;a} slxn] a;fPgf}==== g]kfnL /fhlgtLsf rlr{t JolQmTj 8f= To;}n] cfh xfdL b]zdf a'4 df/]/ /fdz/0f dxt, emngfy vgfn, 8f= ljb]zdf cfkm\gf nflu zflGt vf]Hb}5f} ldg]Gb| l/hfn, sfg"gljb\ vu]Gb| lh=;L=, c?x? ;8s / af6f] lx8]/ nIodf k'lu;s] ;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+3sf nflu cfjfl;o t/ xfdL eg] cem}klg ;8s / af6f] /f]Hb}5f} . Do you have news related to the Nepali diaspora? k|ltlglw dw'/d0f cfrfo{, ;+o'Qm /fi6« Are you a musician or an artist? ;+3sf ;xfos dxf;lrj s'nrGb| uf}td -cfO{tjf/, !^ cS6f]j/ @))% ld8nlen]h , a;:6k . [email protected] pkl:yt x'g'ePsf] ;f] sljtf k|ltof]lutf Go"of]s{df clxn];Dd cfof]hgf ul/Psf] eJo k|ltof]lutf dflgof] .


g]kfnLx?nfO{ xªsªdf /fhg}lts cj;/ b]j/fh /fO{, xªsªdf

xªsª ;/sf/sf] ;+j}wflgs ljsf;sf nflu pxfFsf cg';f/ jflns dtflwsf/sf] lj:tf/ ul/g] 5 . ;g\ @))* df x'g] o;sf nflu ef}uf]lns -lhof]u|flkmsn_ ul7t sfo{bnn] k|fKt u/]sf] k|ltj]bgsf] ljifodf cfwf/e"t sfg'g -j]l;s n_df : ljBfos kl/ifb\ lj:tf/sf nflu csf]{ jif{ / sfo{ut -kmª\;gn_ lgjf{rg If]qdf cfwf/df ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf k|:tfj cg';f/ ki6 JofVof ul/Psf]n] To;sf] k|flKt tyf k|:tfj k]z ul/g] 5 . kfFr—kfFr a[l4 ul/g] . /fhgLlts lgsfox?df ca cNk;+Vosx?sf] ;+/If0fsf nflu ;/sf/ hjfkmb]xL /x]sf] • jflns dtflwsf/ -o'lge;{n ;km/]h_ ;/sf/sf] k|:tfjnfO{ xªsª dfOgf]l/l6h ;d]t ;xeflutf /xg] k|jn ;+efjgf /x]sf 5 . o;sf nflu ;do tf]lsg' 7"nf] s'/f sf nflu lglZrt ;do gtf]lsPsf] eP sDo'lgl6 Pzf]l;o;gsf cWoIf Ps/fh / sf/0f g]kfnL nufot cNk;+Vos hfltx?n] xf]Og To;sf] k|flKtsf nflu ;a} Ps x'g' klg ;f] k|flKt s;/L ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] fO{n] :jfut ug{‘ePsf] 5 . pxfFsf cg';f/ ;s/fTds ?kdf lnPsf5g\ . d'Vo s'/f /x]sf] 5 . ljifodf sfd ug{sf nflu ;ldltsf] o; ljifonfO{ ca hg:t/df k|rf/—k|;f/ dftxtdf /xg] u/L Pp6f h"/L tof/ tTsflng d'Vo ;lrj 8f]gfN8 rfªsf] jflns dtflwsf/ ;DaGwL sfjf{xL cufl8 ug{ nflu k/]sf] hgfpg' ePsf] 5 . ul/g] . ;+of]hsTjdf ul7t pQm sfo{bndf tTsflng a9fpgsf nflu Ps 5'§} ;ldltsf] lgdf{0f • cjlw k"/f geO{ lgjf{lrt ePsf] sfg'g ;lrj OlN; Nof]ª / ;+j}wflgs ul/g] k|:tfjdf pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . k|:tfjdf k/]sf d'Vo a'Fbfx? sfo{sf/L k|d'vnfO{ klg ljBfos kl/ dfldnf ljefusf ;lrj :6]kmg nfd / ;f]xL ;ldltn] jflns dtflwsf/sf nflu • ;g\ @))& sf] sfo{sf/L k|d'v ifb\ lj36g ug]{ clwsf/ /xg], aflxl/ xg' ePsf] lyof] . sfo{bn ;dIf ljleGg cfjZosLo jftfj/0f tof/ ug{ sfd ug]{ rogsf nflu xfnsf] * ;o hgfsf] g] sfo{sf/L k|d'vn] p sfo{/t x'Fbf /fhgLlts bn, ;+3;+:yf tyf JolQmx?n] 5 . k|:tfj cg';f/ 8]df]qm]l6s kf6L{n] lgjf{rg ;ldltnfO{ lj:tf/ u/L !^ pQm clwsf/ k|of]u ug{ rfx]sf] cyjf sl/j % ;o ;'emfjx? k]z u/]sf lyP . d'Vo ?kdf p7fO/x]sf] ;g\ @))& df ;o k'¥ofOg] . pQm ;ldltdf lhNnf grfx]sf] eP klg . xªsª dfOgf]l/l6h sDo'lg6L Pzf]l;ogsf sfo{sf/L k|d'v / ;g\ @))* df ljBfos kl/ifb\sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox?nfO{ ;d]t • dWofjlwdf lgo'Qm sfo{sf/L k|d'vnfO{ tkm{af6 Ps/fh /fO{n] k]z ug{‘ ePsf] kl/ifb\sf] u7g jflnsdtflwsf/sf] cfwf/ ;d]l6g] . klg ljwfg kl/ifb\ lj36g ug]{ clwsf/ ;'emfj klg sfo{bnsf] k|fyldstfdf k/]sf] df x'g' k5{ eGg] dfu k"/f gx'g] ePsf] • xfn /x]sf] ^) hgfsf] ljBfg kl/ . 5 . sDo'lg6Lsf tkm{af6 k]z ul/Psf] 5 . ifb\nfO{ lj:tf/ u/L &) k'¥ofOg] .

8fS6/x?sf] snf k|bz{gL lrlsT;f k]zf / k]lG6Ësf] ;DaGwsf] :ki6 cWoog/t ljBfyL{, g;{x?n] tof/ kf/]/ JofVof ug{ g;s]klg 8f= /f]zg cof{n b'j} k|bz{gLdf /flvPsf clwsf+z lrqx? j]n'sf If]qdf plQs} bvn /fVg k|of;/t 5g\ . agfOPsf 5g\ . …lbp;f] t Jo:ttfn] lrq jgfpg Eofpb} EofOGg, ljbfsf] j]nf / Joj;flos / :yflkt snfsf/x?n] tof/ /ftL dfq xf] .Ú snfsf/ 8f cof{nn] eg] kf/]sf cfsif{s k]lG6Ë ;+u} pgsf klg . k|bz{gLdf /flvPsf lyP . jL=kL= sf]O/fnf :jf:Yo lj1fg k|lti7fgsf kl/qmdf snf snf k|bz{gLdf 8f= tgjL/ /xdfg, 8f= d~rn] k|lti7fgsf] !@ cf}+ jflif{sLsf] cj;/ clez]s zfx, Pd=jL=jL=P;= / jL=8L=P;\ df xfn} cfof]hgf u/]sf] snf k|bz{gL{df =df cWoog/t ljBfyL{x? w|'j >]i7, ;+ud lrlsT;s / :jf:YosdL{sf lrqx?klg / /fodfemL, ;Ltf, ;dL/ >]i7, dlgtf/f flvPsf lyP . …sn;{ ckm nfOkmÚ gfd zfSo, hof /]UdL ;Gtf]if bxfn, /fhs'df/

ANUSHIL SHRESTHA lbOPsf] pQm k|bz{gLdf jfnjflnsfsf kGt, /rgf u'Ktf, lbkfnL uf]on nufotsf lrqx? klg /flvPsf lyP . lrqx? k|bz{gLdf /flvPsf lyP . ;/sf/sf tkm{af6 pQm k|:tfj cfpbf] ;'emfjdf cNk;+Vosx?nfO{ klg d"nwf/sf] l8;]Dj/df ljBfg kl/ifb\df k]z ug]{ tof/L lrlsT;f k]zfeP klg k]lG6Ë Pp6f ;du| k|lti7fgsf lrlsT;sx?nfO{ ;fy lbg jl/ /fhgLltdf ;fd]n u/fpg' kg]{ / o;sf eO/x]sf] / oxL d'tfljs k|:tfjsf] ;dy{gsf efjgf JoQm ug]{ dfWod ePsf] jtfpg] i7 snfsf/ s0f{ df:s], k|bz{gL :yn nflu x]ª lo s's -ufpF :t/Lo lgsfo_b]lv nflu ;Dk"0f{ ljBfosx?df cg'/f]w ;d]t jL=8L=P;\= clGtd jif{sf csf{ snfsf/ k'u]sf lyP . pxf+sf s]xL kl5Nnf cd"t{ ljBfg kl/ifb\ nufot sfo{sfl/0fL kl/ifb\ ul/Psf] 5 . o;sf nflu ljBfos kl/ ;?0f sf]O/fnfn] eg], …k9fO kl5 c?n] s] k]lG6Ëx? klg Toxf+ ;hfOPsf lyP . o'jf / lgjf{rg ;ldlt ;d]tdf slDtdf % ifb\sf] b'O{ ltxfO{ ;b:ox?n] ;dy{g ug{ s] u5{g\ t/ d}n] k]lG6ËnfO{ lghL ;f}v snfsf/x? :jod\ k|sfz >]i7, Zod 7s'/ k|ltzt lgo'lQm ul/g' kg]{ /x]sf] lyof] . kg]{ x'G5 . clxn]sf] l:yltdf o;sf nflu agfP .Ú k|lti7fgdf sfo{/t lrlsT;s, L, k|gf]b bQ, dx]Gb| /fO{ nufot :yflkt o;sf ;fy} ljBfg kl/ifb\ cGtu{t sfo{ut ;/sf/sf] ljifIfdf /x]sf slDtdf ^ hgf !% snfsf/sf u/L !;o %) k]lG6Ë lgj{frg If]q -kmª\;gn slG:6Ro';g_ df ;b:ox?sf] ;dy{g cfjZos /x]sf] 5 . k|bz{gLdf /flvPsf lyP . cNk;+Vossf nflu 5'§} If]qsf] Joj:yf x'g'kg]{ ;d]t ;'emfjdf ;d]l6Psf] lyof] . sfo{bnsf] o; k|:tfjk|lt ;/sf/sf] ljkIfdf ltdWo] :jod\ k|sfz >]i7, Zofd 7s'/L utxKtf sfo{bnsf tkm{af6 d'Vo ;lrj /x]sf k|hftflGqs ;d"xsf ljBfosx?n] / k|gf]b bQsf clwsf+; lrq :qL ljifodf /fkm]n x'On] -tTsflng d'Vo ;lrj l8;]Dj/ $ sf lbg lj/f]w k|bz{g ug]{ s]Gb|Lt …Go'8Ú z}nLsf lyP . k]lG6Ë ;+u} 8f]gfN8 rfª sfo{sf/L k|d'vdf lgo'Qm sfo{qmd to u/]sf 5g\ . pQm ;d"xsf snfTds :yL/ kmf]6f]x? klg k|bz{gLdf / x'g'ePkl5 d'Vo ;lrjdf /fkm]n x'O lgo'Qm cg';f/ k|:tfjdf jflns dtflwsf/sf nflu flvPsf lyP . kmf]6f] k|bz{gLdf ldnL sf]O/ ePkl5 ;]K6]Dj/ !( ;Dddf ;'emfjx?sf] ;/sf/n] ;do lgwf{/0f gu/];Dd k|:tfjsf] fnf, /fh]z zfSo, ljsf; uf}rg, c?0ff, cfwf/df ;+j}wflgs ljsf;sf k|:tfj k]z ;dy{g gug]{ hgfPsf] 5 . ljsf; jT:ofn / /f]zg cof{nsf kmf]6fx? ug{‘x'b} pQm k|:tfj jflns dtflwsf/sf /flvPsf lyP . -o'lge;{n ;km/]h_ nflu dxTjk"0f{ x'g] ;/sf/L of]hgf cg';f/ r'gfj ;ldlt lj: atfpFg' ePsf] 5 . tf/sf nflu cfufdL hgj/Ldf k|:tfj k]z ul/g]5 eg] ;g\ @))^ sf] dWo;Dddf ANUSHIL SHRESTHA

 | NEPALI AAWAZ NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 News ;fgf] k/L w/fg eO{g\ ;hgf Go"of]s{df g]kfnsf] /fhgLlts lgsf;sf] vf]hL

sf6{/ kmfp08];gsf] lgdGq0ffdf åGå Pdfn] :yfoL ;ldlt ;b:o czf]s /fO{n]

ANUSHIL SHRESTHA ;dfwfg ;DaGwL ltglbg] uf]i7Ldf efulng k|hftGq ;a}sf] nflu ePsfn] clxn] xfdL af]i6g cfPsf g]kfnsf k|d'v /fhgLlts To;}sf] nflu nl8/x]sf atfpg'eof] . / kf6L{sf g]tfx? Toltdf dfq ;Lldt / w/fgdf sflt{ssf] bf];|f] ;ftf ;DkGg ;fgf] sfo{qmddf ljh]tf ;fgf] k/L / ;fgf] fHodf k'g;{+/rgf h?/L ePsf] atfpFb} g]tf x]gg\, cd]l/sfsf ljleGg /fHodf a;f]af; k/L–;fgf] afa' k|ltof]uLtf @))% df afX afa'x?nfO{ ;df/f]xsf k|d'v cltyL c~rn /fO{n] eGg'eof]– …;ft kf6L{ Pp6} :j/ ul//x]sf g]kfnLx?;Fu g]kfnsf] jt{dfg / hgf k|lt:kwL{nfO{ pl5Gb} gjHof]tL :s'n k|x/L sfof{no w/fgsf k|x/L jl/i7 pkl/ df cfpg'sf] d"nsf/0f g]kfnnfO{ cfjZos fhgLlts cj:yfaf/] cGt/lqmof Pj+ 5nkmn w/fgdf sIff % df cWoofg/t !) jlif{of Ifs s'j]/ l;+x /fgfn] tfh klx¥ofpb} k'/: k/]sf] ;dfj]zL nf]stGq g} xf] .Ú sfo{qmdx?df klg Jo:t /x] . ;[hgf ubfn æ;fgf] k/L w/fg @))%Æ sf/ / k|df0f kq k|bfg ug'{ ePsf] lyof] . 3f]ifLt ePsL l5g . k|ltof]uLtfsf] lg0ff{osx?df kqsf/ 8Da/ g]kfnL sf+u|]; k|hftflGqssf ljdn]Gb| lgwLn] Go"of]s{l:yt g]kfn k|hftflGqs o'jf kl/ifb\ s[i0f >]i7, o'/]sf af]l8{ªsf lk|G;Lkn /fh]Gb| eGg'eof]— …/fhfn] c;f]h !* / df3 ;'nIo P l8eLhg ckm hLt xfd|f] k|fnLsf] n] cfof]hgf u/]sf] cGt/lqmof sfo{qmddf u'?ª, ;dfh;]jL laBf zfSo / s]zj >]i7 !( ut] u/]sf] uNtLsf] ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg k|:t'tLdf sf7df08f} / kf]v/f kl5 w/fgdf ;xefuL g]kfnL sf+u|];sf jl/i7 g]tf / /xg' ePsf] lyof] eg] ;xhstf{df ;Dos eg]sf] ;+ljwfg;ef xf] . o;sf] nflu : ;DkGg cfof]hgfdf gjHof]tL :s'ns} # fdz/0f dxtn] eGg'eof]— …g]kfnL hgtf lzIff ;d'xsf df]xg >]i7 x'g'x'GYof] . jb]z tyf ljb]zdf a;]sf ;a} g]kfnLx?sf] sIffdf cWofg/t * jlif{of /df lnDa' clxn] aLrdf k]lnPsf 5g\ . of] b'ef{Uo ;xof]usf] vfFrf] 5 . / clGtddf ljho kmi6 /g/ck / :Kn]08/ af]l8{ª :s'ndf ! klgtf tfdfªn] ;+~rfng u/]sf] % 306f eg]sf] /fhfsf] dxTjsf+Iff xf] / /fhfn] g} eg]sf] hgtfs} x'g]5 .Ú sIffsL & jif{of /f]hLgf /fO{ ;]s]08 /g/ nfdf] ;f] sfo{qmdsf] sf]/Lof] u|fkmL ;'lzn k|hftGq df;]sf 5g\ . g]kfnsf] Oltxf;sf] ck 3f]lift ePsL l5g . ;fgf] k/Lsf] tfh bfxfnn] / ;xefuLnfO{ k|zfGt tfdfªn] @$) jif{df g]kfnn] kl5Nnf] !@ jif{df hgdf]rf{ g]kfnsf pkfWoIf k/L yfkfn] xfd|f] klxl/P k5L ;[hgfn] k|df0f kq / cfsif{s g[Tosf] k|lzIf0f lbPsf lyP . sfo{qmdsf] hlt pknJwL o;cl3 slxNo} k|fKt gePsf] b]zsf] ;d:of eg]sf] /fhf / hgtfaLrsf] k'/:sf/x? k|fKt u/]sL l5g . kmf]6f]] u|fkm/df sn/ kmf]6f] :6'l8of]sf k|]d atfpg'x'b} 8f= dxtn] eGg'eof]– …g]kfndf e]befj ePsf] atfpg'x'b} To;}n] clxn]sf] zfSon] /x]sf lyP eg] sfo{qmdsf] nfO{6 dfcf]jfbL eP;Dd /fhfnfO{ ;Qf rnfpg n8fO{ u'l0fnf] k|hftGq / ultnf] ax'bnsf] w/fgsf] la|l6i6 uf]vf{ ;fd'bfoLs ejgdf / ;fp08 Aofj:yfkg dNn /]l8of]n] u/]sf] ;lhnf] x'G5 t/ ef]lnsf] g]kfnsf] /fhgLlt nflu ePsf] ljr/ JoQm ug'{eof] . ;DkGg sfo{qmddf ;fgf] kl/ tkm{sf lyof] . sfo{qmddf ufoLsf xif'{ /fO{, ;'lgtf/ eg]sf] clt lx+;fo'Qm x'G5 .Ú pkfwLx?df d:6 6\ofn]06 / j]i6 :dfO{nsf] fO{n] uLt k|:t't u/]sf lyP eg] l:dtf sfo{qmddf g]kfn ;b\efjgf kf6L{ -cfgGbb]jL_ pkfwL gjHof]tL :s'nsL k|1f /fO{n] k|fKt lnDa', :g]xf >]i7 / /f]o;f lnDa' ;xLt g]kfnL sf+u|];s} csf{ g]tf rqmk|;fb jf: sf clgn emfn] eGg'eof]— …dfcf]jfbLx? u/]sL lyO{g . cGo pkfwLx?df j]i6 x]o/ o'/]sf af]l8{ª :s'nsf afn aflnsfx?n] tf]nfn] eGg'eof] — g]kfnL hgtf clxn] clxn] ;ft kfl6{;Fu ldn]/ Ps};fy cl3 a9\ lgzf lnDa', rfdL{ª k;{gfnL6L g]xf / g[To k|:t't u/]sf lyP . bf]xf/f] df/df k/]sf 5g\ . /fhfn] s] g] d'2f p7fO{ /x]sf 5g\, o;sf] cy{ xfdL fO{, a]:6 kkm{d]G; sf]/f]lngf lnDa', j]:6 ug{ vf]h]sf] yfxf 5}g, zflGt axfnL ug{ ;a}sf] nIo k|hftGq eGg] g} xf] .Ú cS6f]a/ jfs ;'la|gf lnDa', j]i6 k|]m08zLk ;f/fx ljutsf] jif{x?df sfo{qmdn] kfPsf] ;kmntf lnPsf] eg]sf] ;Qf clxn] r'gfjdf kl/ #) tfl/v ;DkGg sfo{qmddf ;efkltTj yfkf, j]i6 kmf]6f] h]lgs cl:dtf /fO{ , k5L /fhwfgL aflx/ ;fgf afnafnLsfsf] jt{g ePsf] 5 . g]kfnsf /fhf ;+j}wflgs cfof]hs ;+:yf g]kfn k|hftflGqs o'jf l8;LKn]g l;df]k /fO{, l:j6 d]l/ lnDa'n] AoflQmTj lasf; ug]{ pb]Zosf ;fy /fhf x'g'k5{, /fhgLlt ug]{ /fhf xf]Og . kl/ifb\sf cWoIf cfgGb lji6n] ug'{ ePsf] k|fKt u/]sf5g . ;fgf]afa' tkm{ ;xefuL cfof]hgf ul/Psf]] k|:t'tstf{ /fh]z hf]zLn] lyof] eg] sfo{qmd ;~rfng z}n]z >]i7 / rf/ hgf afnsx?df di6 6\ofn]06 ;'ed atfP . k|ltof]uLtfsf nfuL ut c;f]h @$ Pdfn] :yfoL ;ldltsf ;b:o emngfy 8f= tf/f lg/f}nfn] ug'{ePsf] lylof] . >]i7, l8;LKn]g dgf]h /fO{, k|km{d]G; o'df; ut] b]lv g} w/fg h];L;sf] ejgdf gfgL / vgfnn] k|hftGqsf] lj/f]wL eg]sf] @ nfv /fO{ tyf kmf]6f] h]lgs / k;{gfnL6Lsf] afa'x?sf] b}gLs $ 306f k|lzIf0f lbO{Psf]] ;]gf lnP/ a;]sf] lg/+s'z /fhtGq xf] ;f]xL lbg g]kfnL k|hftflGqs PsLs[t d~r, pkfwL df}zd /fO{n] k|fKt u/]sf lyP . lyof] . h;df & j6f :s"nsf !@ hgf eGg'x'b} /fhfsf] ck|hflGqs z}nLn] ubf{ g} Go"of]s{n] klg g]kfndf 5fPsf] jt{dfg / gfgL tyf $ hgf afa'x? u/L hDdf !^ lbg k|ltlbg cGt/f{li6«o hutdf g]kfnsf] fhgLlts ;d:of ;dfwfgsf] af6f] vf]Hg Any kind of COMPUTER hgf ;xefuL lyP . PROBLEMS 5lj wldlnb} uPsf] ljrf/ k|s6 ug'{eof] tLg g]tf 8f= /fdz/0f dxt, emngfy Please call DASGUPTA International distributor wanted for . clxn] ;ft kf6L{sf] Pstf eg]sf] kl/ vgfn / czf]s /fO{af6 b]zsf] kl/l: MSc, MCP, A+ certified Nepalis music and movies. l:yltsf] pkh xf] / ;femf Pstf xf] ylt a'em\g cGt/lqmof sfo{qmdsf] cfof]hgf Professional eGg'x'b} g]tf vgfnn] eGg'eof] – …of] Pstf u/]sf] lyof] . ;+:yfsf ;efklt 6]s u'?ªsf] Tel: 718 - 899 - 2506 Contact: 718 271 3066 Cell phone: 646- 344- 9954 g]kfndf nf]stGq :yfkgf geP;Dd sfod ;efkltTjdf ;DkGg sfo{qmd /Tg k|;fb Email: [email protected] /xG5 . Ú ;~Hofnn] ;~rfng ug'{ ePsf] lyof] .

NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 NEPALI AAWAZ |  features k'j{df ;'/Iff kmf}h / dfcf]jfbL p:t}: dfcf]jfbLsf] o'4 lj/fddf ;'/Iff kmf}h cfqmds cg'zLn >]i7, k'jf{~rndf

dfcf]jfbLn] tLg dlxg] o'4 lj/fdsf 36gfsf] k'li6 dfcf]jfbL df]/ª–;'g;/ * sflt{sdf tfKn]h'ª l;s}rfsL dfcf]jfbL zfxL g]kfnL ;]gfsf] rf/cfnL Aof/]s 5]p qmddf k'jL{ If]qdf dfcf]jfbLx? ;ef ;df/ L lhNnf ;+u7gsf ;]qm]6/L ;Gtf]ifn] Ps ;]S;g sdf08/ sljtf ;'Aafn] dfcf]jfbLsf] ;fl/g] ePsf] 5 . dGqL :t/sf] lg0f{on] f]x, k|lzIf0f ;+~rfng ug]{ qmddf lzIfs k|]; lj1KtL hf/L u/]sf lyP . lj1KtLdf egfO{ / u/fO{df 7'nf] cGt/ ePsf] cf/ ;fg{ nfuLPsf] atfO{g] lt sfof{nox?df laBfyL{ / ;j{ ;fwf/0f ckx/0f ;+u} rGbf ;'/IffsdL{n] lgz:q g]tf sfo{stf{nfO{ f]k nufpb} Onfddf cfTd;dk{0f ul/g . c~rn k|zf;g, k|x/L, oftfoft, vfB ;+: ;+sng / ;+u7g la:tf/df Ao:t /x]sf5g xTof ul/ dfgjclwsf/sf] pNn3+g u/]sf] ^ sflt{sdf l;/fxf Pl/of sdL6L ;b:o yfg cfbL /x]sf5g . ;nf{xLdf eg] b'O{ jif{ eg] ;'/Iff kmf}hsf] ;lqmotf cem a9]sf] pNn]v ub}{ of] 36gfn] o'4lj/fd eª\u k|df]b ofbjn] , @ sflt{sdf tfKn]h'ªdf cl3 b]vL lg/Gt/ nufO{b} cfPsf] a]n'sL kfO{Psf] 5 . ug]{ l:ytL ;[hgf u/fPsf] atfPsf] 5 . dfcf]jfbL 5}7f}+ la|u]8 ;f]Xf} a6flnogsf ( ah] b]vL laxfg $ ah] ;Ddsf] sk\mo{‘ zfxL g]kfnL ;]gfsf] k'jL{ k[tgf x]8Sjf6{/ Knf6'g sdf08/ v]d/fh e08f/Ln] / ;'/Iff l:ytL ;fdfGo /x]sf] eGb} x6fO{Psf] dfcf]jfbLn] o'4 lj/fd u/]k5L ;/sf/L O{6x/Ln] eg] df]/ªsf] ;'/Iff sfjf{xLdf ;f]n'–! gDa/ Pl/of ;b:o /ljs'df/ /fO{ 5 . kIfaf6 klg bz} ltxf/sf] ;dodf o'4 rf/ dfcf]jfbL dfl/Psf] hfgsf/L lbPsf] æpT;fxÆn] / To; cl3 kfFry/df rGb| ANUSHIL SHRESTHA KASHISH DAS SHRESTHA DAS KASHISH Royal Nepali Army patrols the streets of Dharan, Easter Nepal; Right: People's Liberation Army (Maoists) photgraphed in the hills of Eastern Nepal, Spring 2005 ;]Gr'/L æla:kmf]6Æ / /fh' bfxfn ælazfnÆ o'4 lj/fdsf ;dodf ;'/IffsdL{n] lgxTyf lj/fd xf]nf eGg] cfzf u/]sf hgtfdf lyof] . O{G;]s k'jf{~rn If]lqo sfof{non] gfdsf b'O{ hgfn] cfTd;dk{0f u/]sf5g . sfo{stf{x? df/]sf] eGb} pQ/L df]/ªsf] lg/fzf sfod} /x]sf] :yLtLdf k'jL{ If]qdf 36gfsf] 5fgjLgk5L la1KtL k|sfzLt ub}{ emfkfdf sf/fuf/af6 gh/aGb d'Qm % dw'dNnfdf # sftL{sdf Dffcf]jfbLsf] ;'/Iff kmf}hn]] u/]sf sfjf{xL rrf{df cfPsf] rf/ lgz:q dfcf]jfbLnfO{ lgoGq0fdf lnP/ dfcf]jfbLnfO{ @ sflt{sdf k'gM kqmfp ul/ d]rL sf]zL qmflGtsf/L kqsf/ ;+3n] Ps 5 . xTof ul/Psf]n] bf]ifLdf yL sfjf{xLsf] dfu Psf] 5 . o;/L kqmfp kg]{x?df k'?iff]Qd cGt/lqmof sfo{qmd ub}{ o'4lj/fd eª\u u/]sf] 5 . To:t} ;f] 36gfsf] ;+o'Qm /fi6« r'8fn æ/fh'Æ, k'ikf pk|]tL, vu]Gb| k|;fb ug]{ r]tfjgL lbPsf] 5 . ;+3sf cWoIf ;'/Iff kmf}hn] @( c;f]hdf df]/ªsf] a]njf/ ;+l3o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]usf] g]kfn l: bfxfn, lxd axfb'/ /fgf du/ / k|]d zzLls/0fn] ;'/Iff kmf}h o'4lj/fddf cem L–^, t]ns'8L, lnDa' rf}sdf u/]sf] sfjf{xldf yt sfof{nosf] 6f]nLn] 5fgljg ug]{ qmddf rfkfufO{ /x]sf5g . To:t} kfFry/ lhNnfsf cfqmds ePsf] atfPsflyP . dfcf]jfbLsf pkAo'/f] ;b:o ;lxt lgz:q dfgj clwsf/ clws[t of]g d]l8g / dfs{ tLg uflj; / tfKn]h'Ë b'O{ uflj;sf cj:yfdf /x]sf rf/hgfsf] xTof u/]sf] :n'd/;]N6n] 36gf:ynsf] cjnf]sg u/L lzIfs tyf ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ dfcf]jfbLsf] eGb} dfgjclwsf/jfbL ;+3–;+37gx?n] / Dffcf]jfbL klg p:t} ;]gfsf] k'jL{ k[tgf x]8Sjf6{/af6 cfjZos sfo{qmddf uPsf] eGb} ;'/Iffkmf}hn] tfl/ fHo kIfaf6 h]g]ef dxf ;GwL:sf] pNn3+g Dfcf]jfbLsf] wDsLsf sf/0f aGb k'j{ If]qsf hfgsf/L lng] sfd u/]sf] 5 . vdf af]nfPsf] 5 . kfFry/df Rofª\yfk', ePsf] hgfPsf] 5 . laBfnox? cem} ;+~rfng x'g ;ls/x]sf kmn}+rf, cf]ofd / tfKn]h'Ësf sflnvf]nf @ sflt{sdf tfKn]h'ªsf] 8'd|L;]–&, a8x/]df 5}gg . ;d'bfodf Aofj:yfkg x:tfGt/ ;fbf kf]zfsdf /x]sf ;'/IffsdL{n] df]/ªsf] / ;fb]jf uflj;sf lzIfs / ;j{;fwf/ ;'/Iff kmf}hsf] cfqmd0fdf k/L dfcf]jfbLsf 0f ul/Psf laBfnon] Aofj:yfkg lkmtf{ a]njf/L ^ sf] t]ns'8L eGg] 7fFpsf] cfk\mg} 0fnfO{ dfcf]jfbLsf] lgb{]zgdf >ddf uPsf], lhNnf g]tf ch'{g Dofª\uaf] æ/d0fÆ dfl/ gu/]sf] hgfpb} pQ/L df]/ªsf 8]9 bh{g 3/df /x]sf dfcf]jfbL Pl/of ;b:o b'uf{ sfo{qmddf uPsf] nufotsf cf/f]k nufpb} Psf5g eg] hLNnf hg ;/sf/ pk k|d'v laBfnox?df clvn qmflGtsf/Ln] sflt{s /fO{nfO{ 3/}df k'u]sf ;'/IffsdL{nfO{ b]v]/ ;+o'Qm ;'/Iff a]; SofDk Rofª\yfk'n] tfl/ sdfg ;L++x egLg] ;'/]Gb| sfsL{, /d]z klxnf] ;ftf b]vL k'gM tfnfaGbL ul/Psf] efUbf uf]nL k|xf/ ul/Psf] lyof] . /fO{sf] vdf /fv]df /fv]sf] >f]tn] hgfPsf] 5 . 5 . clwsf/L æa;GtÆ, y/ axfb'/ tfdfª xTofk5L ;'/IffsdL{n] pgs} df]jfO{n kmf]g ærGb|Æ kqmfp k/]sf5g . To;sf] cl3Nnf] Psflt/ ;'/Iff kmf}hn] dfcf]jfbL lj?4 ;lqmo k|of]u u/]/ pgsf ;fyLx?nfO{ e'SofP/ Dfcf]jfbL wDsLaf6 aGb /x]sf] emfkfsf] bds lbg ePsf] csf]{ sfjf{xLdf Pl/of ;b: sfjf{xL hf/L /fv]sf] 5 eg] ufpF 3/df af]nfO{ xTof u/]sf] atfO{Psf] 5 . df]6/ l:yt ;'of]{bo af]l8{ª :s'nsf aLBfyL{x?n] o lai0f' d]ofª\af] dfl/Psf lyP eg] ;'/IffsdL{sf] l:ytL ;'Gos} a/fa/df 5 . ;fO{sndf cfpb} u/]sf tLg dfcf]jfbL ;'/Iff cleefjssf] ;xof]udf @ sflt{sdf sIff 5fkfdf/ lvd k|;fb kf}8]n / dgs'df/ lhNnf ;b/d'sfd / ahf/ afx]s kxf8L kmf}hnfO{ b]v]/ efUg vf]Hbf dfl/Psf lyP sf]7f eLq} kqsf/ ;Dd]ng u/]/ laBfno z]kf{ kqmfp k/]sf5g . df]/ªsf] ynfxf If]qdf u:tL uPsf a]nf afx]s ;'/IffsdL{ . dfl/g] dfcf]jfbLx?df dfcf]jfbL a'l4hLjL gv'Nbf eljio g} cGof}n /x]sf] atfP . ufjL;sf k'j{ cWoIf gf/fo0f vltj8fnfO{ b]lvGg . t/fO{sf ufpFx?sf] l:ytL klg p: kmfF6sf df]/ª–;'g;/L cWoIf k'0f{ >]i7, ut ;fpgdf dfcf]jfbLn] la:kmf]6 ;d]t ;fbf kf]zfssf ;'/IffsdL{n] * sftL{sdf t} 5 sfjf{xLsf gfddf ;'/IffsdL{x? ;fbf dfcf]jfbL pkAo'/f] ;b:o tyf dfcf]jfbLsf] u/fPsf] ;f] laBfno @! c;f]h b]vL k'gM / ;'g;/Lsf] dxf]Gb| gu/af6 dfcf]jfbLsf] kf]zfsdf gkTofpbf] x'lnof agfP/ lx8\g] d'vkq hg lab|f]xsf k|sfzg ;ldyL ;b: aGb /x]sf] 5 . glhsLPsf] ;]06 ck kl/ cf/f]kdf /fdnfn p/fp / /fd d';x/nfO{ qmd a9]sf] 5 . c;'/Iffsf sf/0f emfkfsf o lagf]b elgg] df]xg vgfn / kf6L{ ;b: IffnfO{ Wofg lbP/ k9fO{ ;'rf? ug{ kxn # sflt{sdf kqmfp u/L a]kQf kfl/Psf] cQrn :t/sf ;Dk'0f{ sfof{nox? eg] o lab'/ e6\6/fO{ /x]sf5g . ul/bLg laBfyL{x?n] dfgjclwsf/jfbL, pgLx?sf kl/jf/n] hgfPsf5g .

 | NEPALI AAWAZ NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 News kqsf/, gful/s ;dfh, sfg'g Aofj;foL Former Ministers felicitated in New York cg'zLn >]i7, k'jf{~rndf ;dIf cfu|x u/]sf 5g . sIff & sf ;Gb]z ;'j]bL, nf]dL;f e6\6/fO{, sIff !) BEL BHUJEL

sf k|efj laqmd lai6 / /]ljsf vqL A brief welcome facilitation meeting was by indigenous people of Nepal. Mr. organized by Nepal Kirant Rai Associ- janajati and all Nepalese and requested nufotsf laBfyL{n] lzIff dfcf]jfbLsf Deepesh Subba, the General secretary them to foster the idea of unity among ation of America in honor of Mr Jhal of the Kirant Yakthung Chumlung nfuL klg cfjZos ePsfn] cfkm'x?sf] Nath Khanal and Mr Ashok Kumar Rai Nepalese. Founder member of Nepal America welcomed them by offering a Kirant Rai Association of America Mr. eljio dfyL v]njf8 gug{ cg'/f]w u/]sf on 31st Oct 2005. Representatives of souvenir, made his remarks by stating different (New York based) socio-cultural Sukra Rai also gave his remarks on that lyP . how Nepalese are compelled to leave occasion. organization of indigenous people the country for survival and how difficult (Janajati) of Nepal welcomed Mr. Jhal dfcf]jfbLn] k'jL{ sdf08 cGtu{tsf If]qdf life they are living outside country Prem Shrestha also welcomed the Nath Khanal and Mr Ashok Kumar Rai. including in United State. He also urged Both politburo members of Communist leaders by offering them the Kirant o'4 lj/fdk5L ;+u7gfTds sfo{qmd cGtu{t leaders to initiate coordination with inter- vests to them. Dr. Krishna Kumar Rai, Party of Nepal, United Marxist Leninist national organizations and requested laeLGg :yfgdf ;ef ;df/f]x, k|lzIf0f (CPN-UML) and former ministers were and Dr Kumar Rai also participated the ;+~rfng ug]{ qmddf lzIfs laBfyL{ / ;j{ them to facilitate the team work. Mr. welcome program. Mr. Dal Bahadur Magar, the president of the Magar ;fwf/0f ckx/0fsf 36gf ltj| agfPsf5g society, also sent his cordial welcome eg] ;'/Iff lgsfon] klg cfk\mgf] sfjf{xLnfO{ message on behalf of the Magar society lg/Gt/ cl3 a9fO{/x]sf] 5 . dfcf]jfbL of America. sfo{stf{n] o'4lj/fd u/]sf] b'O{ dlxgf Responding to the remarks made by the eO{;Sbf ;d]t ufpF–ufpFaf6 ;j{;fwf/0f, different janajati representatives, UML politburo member and former minister lzIfs, ljBfyL{x?sf] ckx/0f hf/L /fv]sf Mr. Khanal expressed his gratitude for 5g\ . dfcf]jfbLn] @ sflt{sdf O{nfdsf] the welcome facilitation by Nepalese expatriates in New York. He asked dfj' l:yt k|df]b dfjLsf laBfyL{ lazfn every Nepalese expatriate to contribute u'?ªnfO{ laBfno af6} ckx/0f u/]sf5g, to the movement for restoration of # sflt{sdf pbok'/af6 k|x/L hjfg a]g'k/ democracy. Likewise his colleague Mr. Ashok Kumar Rai also highlighted the fh e]6jfnnfO{ / & sflt{sdf ;Kt/L current people’s movement against the s~rgk'/ & sf lu/Lw/k|;fb u'KtfnfO{ unconstitutional autocratic rule of the current King Gyanendra in Nepal. He ckx/0fu/]sf 5g . assured all Nepalese expatriates that unconstitutional autocracy of the current dfcf]jfbLn] wgs'6fsf #@ ufjL;sf King Gyanendra will be overthrown very ;lrjx?nfO{ k]zfaf6 /flhgfdf gu/] soon probably in the coming winter by the strength of the people’s movement ef}lts sfjf{xL ug]{ r]tfjgL lbb} kfv|Ljf; SHAMBU MOKTAN led by seven political parties. He also ufFjL;sf ;lrj /]jts'df/ /fO{sf] d'uf appreciated the welcome facilitation l:yt 3/df $ sflt{sdf tfnf nufP organized by Nepal Kirant Rai Associ- in a month long visit in different states of ation of America for showing their k5L * sflt{sdf ;fd'lxs la1KtL hf/ Durga Rai, the president of Nepal Kirant immense love and respect to them. On USA. Representing one of the agitating Rai Association of America, welcomed L ub}{ dfcf]jfbLnfO{ lasNkxLg /fhLgfdf seven parties, both of them are accom- the same occasion, both leaders also them by offering a souvenir, made his expressed their “best wishes” to Nepal dfUg clkn u/]sf5g . emfkfdf ufjL; panying other political leaders from remark, giving the examples of the Nepal, scheduled to exchange ideas Kirant Rai Association of America for ;lrjx?nfO{ wDsL lbO{Pk5L ;'b'/k'jL{ ^ violation of human rights and state the bright future, team work, mutual with their US counterparts regarding terrorism by political extremists in Asian ufjL; sfof{no rf/cfnLdf ;fg]{ tof/L present political issues of Nepal. cooperation, and mutual understanding and south Asian countries, expressed in the welfare activities of all members. ePsf] 5 . t]x|y'dsf dfcf]jfbL lhNnf his concerned over the grievances Representing Sherpa kyidug, Mr Pasang The program was conducted by the hg;/sf/sf sfo{jfxs k|d'v lji0f' k|;fb faced by the jana jati indigenous people general secretary of Nepal Kirant Rai Sherpa, vice-president, welcomed of Nepal. He earnestly asked them to the leaders with flower garlands and Association of Nepal, Mr. Narad Mani bfxfnn] lhNnfdf u}/ ;/sf/L ;+:yfx?nfO{ realize their feeling, their grievances Rai. On behalf of Nepal Kirant Rai Associ- addressed the meeting by stressing the and hurdles, exploitation they are facing nufPsf] ;Dk'0f{ k|ltjGw km's'jf ub}{ Ps need of unity among Janajati of Nepal. ation of America, he finally expressed outside their own counties as Tibetan sincere gratitude to Miss Muna Rai and jif{sf nfuL lgw{Ss sfd ug{ cfu|x Mr Gambu Sherpa, secretary of Sherpa refugee as and Bhutanese refugees kyidug welcomed the leaders by Mr. Mekh Gurung and Mr. Tek Gurung u/]sf5g . in different parts of the world. He also (President of United Democratic Front) offering them Kirant caps, expressed his made remarks on the burning issues of concerns over the social and economic for their generous cooperation in facili- dfcf]jfbLsf gfddf n'6kf6 / 8s}ltsf socio- economic disparities, misdistribu- tating the program in their apartment adverse impacts of present political tions of national resources, corruption, 36gf lbgfg'lbg a9L/x]sf5g . ;'/IffsdL{ conflicts of Nepal. Likewise, President in Astoria. He also expressed sincere racial discrimination and exploitation gratitude to Mr. Sambhu Moktan for atfpg] 7'nf] ;d'xn] $ sflt{sdf emfkfsf] of Tamang Society, Mr Subash Lama by the state to the indigenous people welcomed them by offering flower conducting Photography and videog- h'/f]kfgL ufFp sAhf ul/ $, %, & / * of Nepal. Mr. Keshab Rai, member of raphy of the welcome program. garlands, reminded the leaders their Nepal Kirant Rai Association of Nepal, j8fsf gf} 3/ af6 ;f9] # nfv a/fa/ role in solving socio-economic disparity cordially welcomed both leaders and faced by rural people. He stressed the expressed his remarks by expressing sf wgdfn n'6]sf5g . n'6]/fx? xltof/ current crisis and extreme poverty faced ;lxt %) hgf htLsf] ;d'xdf cfPsf the strength and value of unity of all lyP . ^ sflt{sdf dfcf]jfbL atfpg] rf/ hgfn] wgs'6f (, kfgLkfTn]sf k|]d axfb'/ k/fh'nLsf] 3/af6 P3f/ xhf/ n'6]sf5g . #! c;f]hdf wg'iffsf] b'jfsf]6df !% Sherpa Kyidug to build new Gumba in New York hgfsf] 8fFsf ;d'xn] cfqmd0f ubf{ / New York. On 6 November, the Sherpa York and also talked to the gathered but the new one is expected to be much fhs'df/ dl/ssf] d[To' ePsf] 5 eg] % Kyidug organised a meeting to discuss 100 people about buddhism. The larger. Gumbas are a sacred part of the the plans of building a new gumba in organiser of the Gumba construction buddhist culture, a place where the hgf ufFpn] 3fO}t] ePsf5g . New York. The event was graced by the project have chosen the Rimpoche as offer prayers and hold many traditional 12th HH Jathrull Rimpochee. During the president of the project’s advisory rituals. the event, he expressed his view about committee. There is already a gumba building a new gumba here in New in New York, in 70-12, 37 AVE, Queens,

NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 NEPALI AAWAZ |  features Lifestyle Special: A Weekend In The Lives of Nepali Students

Party with celebrities in London’s hippest club and and work for charity the next day. Get drunk in Cyprus. Go out for dinner with family in Hong Kong. Live it large and take care of your hangover when you wake up the next evening in Delhi. Nostalgically enjoy a traditional festival from home, far away from home. These are the weekends of young Nepali students, a demography that is increasingly traveling abroad for college education and finding out what being independent means, for now.

This issue, Nepali Aawaz explores the weekends of Nepali students from London, Hong Kong, Cyprus, America and Nepal. Just how different can weekends be for students of the same age group? What is the lifestyle of a young Nepali from an urban area and a middle class or upper middle class family like today? And is it really fun having to work for the money you spend? We find out over a weekend in the Kanchan Limbu in Dharan college too. So maybe its not as fun as it is in Nepal? lives of a Nepali student. Friday night: I’m always anxiously waiting for Fridays to come. I usually just let lose, stay home, watch TV. Nabin Chaudhury in Alabama Sometimes I actually even do some Nijina Gurung in Dharan school work. for saturday. Some Saturdays I get tied Friday night: Not many parties and up with work, but I’m free then I find events happen here, so I usually spend Saturday: My college starts early in the out what party is happening and make Friday night at home watching TV. morning, so Saturday is always perfect sure I’m there. Otherwise catch with for sleeping till late. In the afternoon I friends in Nepal and US and clean up Saturday: Sleep till late, laundry, clean wash my clothes, clean up the house, my apartment. up around the house, you know, the work in the kitchen and relax in front of regular. the TV. Sunday: More or less the same as Saturday, really. Sunday: I go to college in the morning. Sunday: We have to go to college on But I am also a teacher, so my day Sundays too. But in the afternoon I Recent good time: On 29 Oct. I went usually ends after I’m done teaching. go to my computer classes and in the to Dallas, TX to meet my friends. Then evenings I usually go out with friends. the pumpkin carving and gathering with Recent good time: We had a get Friday: It’s usually outing with friends friends in Tihar was fun too. I can’t forget together of friends before Dasain, like a Recent good time: Dasain was fun, the or staying home watching movies. You swimming in the Tennessee river. pre-dasain party. That was loads of fun. never get the time to do those things whole family spending time together. during the week. Compared to Nepal: I had lots fun Compared to abroad: I’m actually not Compared to weekends abroad: I think in Nepal but not as much as i have in sure which would be more fun. Abroad, life is definitely more fun here in Nepal. Saturday: I never have special plans USA there are probably more places to go to Abroad, you have to get a job so you and things to see. But at the same time, are probably always running short here you don’t have to get a part time of time. I work here too, but it’s just job so that’s fun too. house chores. Abroad, you have to do your house chores, job-work and then

Prakriti Sherchan in Dharan, Eastern Nepal

Friday night: I end up spending most but it’s still weekend, you know! of my Fridays nights at home. But I do enjoy going shopping in the evening Recent good time: My entire family sometimes. travelled to Sikkim for Dasain, so that was the most fun I’ve had recently. Saturday: Saturday is quite well planned out for me. For the first half of the day I Compared to weekends abroad: Well do some chores at home, clean up the I know that Nepali student have to pay place a bit, help out in the kitchen. Then for college themselves so they have to in the afternoon I go out with my friends, work. So I’m guessing that because they just hang out in town. work they probably don’t have enough time to go out and have fun like here in Sunday: It’s a college day for us. But Nepal. But here in Nepal we enjoy our later in the day my friends and I go out freedom because the social structure is to town and just relax. It’s a college day, different and we don’t have to work.

10 | NEPALI AAWAZ NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 features Anisha Limbu in Hong Kong: Trishna Lama in London:

Friday night: It’s the end of a long week to town, meet relatives sometimes and for me so I just stay at home, go online we usually end up dining out. to check emails and chat. Then I spend Trishna was a TV show host and the evening watching television to catch Recent good time: Dasain and Tihar producer in Kathmandu, Nepal. She Sunday: The day starts with a big fry up on news and world affairs. was the most fun I’ve had recently. In was also once on the cover of WAVE up, a full English breakfast at our regular Tihar specially, during bhai tika. magazine. cafe! I’m a huge TV buff so I get back Saturday: My Saturdays are usually and catch up on all the TV shows I’ve planned with friends in school on Friday Compared to Nepal: Nepali students Friday night: Friday’s I tend to head missed during the week. And in between itself. We end up going out to inter- here have independence and freedom. to Chinawhite, which is this fabulous commercials on TV, I try and get my esting places to hang out in or just to Not all of the local students our age night club in Picadilly (any party animal laundry and apartment cleaning done. the bazaar if nothing else. have that kind of free time also because worth his/her salt will have been there The evening usually fills up with reading a lot of them generally work part time at one point or other). Getting in can be for classes, replying my e-mails, a quiet Sunday: It’s family time for me. My so they are quite busy. But for us Nepali tricky as its one of London’s exclusive meal with my faltmates before winding parents don’t have work on Sundays so students we have the time to go about members only clubs. I get in because it up in front of the idiot box. we spend the day together. We go out and have fun also. i am **ahem* “gorgeous”...and well, also because I do some part time PR for them. haha. Chinawhite is one of Recent good time: Oh, without doubt those places you go to so that you the International Student Cruise party see and are seen at Chinawhite, to on the Thames. My university organized Sarita Shrestha and friends in Cyprus: rub shoulders with A- list celebrities it for the 1st year students, so techni- and its always filled with premiership cally I wasn’t supposed to be there. But footballers! There isn’t a week that goes because I like going to all the parties, by when taboloids don’t print a picture I have contacts, so I managed to get of someone famous stumbling out from passes not only for myself but for my Chinahwite. Their music is off the hook, friend Aditi, who recently got here, and the crowd never disappoints you, the her sister. After a bottle of champagne, decor is brilliant and the drinks are paid few Sambukas and Tequilas, the music for. What more do you want when you made up for the lack of good looking all you want to do is let your hair down guys. I especially enjoyed the night after a hectic week of work and endless because it was the first night out for me university projects and essays! :) and Aditi, whom I hadn’t met for three years.

Saturday: I sleep in on Saturdays. I also make my weekly call back home, Compared to Nepal: I can’t really say to my darling mom and gorgeous that its the fact I can party and stay out brother. I work as a volunteer for Victim till late because my parents have always Support London which helps victims of been cool with that even back home. I crime. So i go see my clients if its been guess what makes the difference is arranged. If not then it really depends mainly the options of all the things you on what my flatmaes are doing or what can do and the general ambience. Friday night: Since Saturday is a Recent good time: Well the most recent plans I’ve made with my friends. We I mean, if you walk down Leicester holiday, most of the students in Cyprus fun we’ve had was during dasain when generally tend to do movies, a quick Square at 4 AM, you will see hundrends stay up till late. Those who drink, end up we got some bottles of wine and us girls drink in the local pub, a stroll in the park of people running about having a one drinking till they are out of their sense. started drinking till we were almost out if the weather permits, some shopping, big street party. The energy is just great Those who don’t drink usually watch of our sense. We were calling the nepali museum, art, plays, musical. There’s here. I love london. It might be one of movies. guys on their cell phones and to their always a lot happening here, so if you the most expensive city to live in, but it awakwardness, ragging them. are into it, then you can always find also one of the most exciting! Saturday: Well, if we have work we get something interesting to do in London. up for it on time. Otherwise most of us Compared to Nepal: The thing is sleep till 12 or 1 in the afternoon. Then in Nepal. we would always be in the we usually watch a movie or play cards shadow of our family. Here, we are Are you a Nepali student with friends. always amongst friends so we can go with an interesting story to tell? out, eat, have fun, and do anything with Sunday: It’s a holiday too, so we spend our friends or on our own. There is that [email protected] it relaxing unless we have work. We go sense of independence and freedom of to the pier or the beach sometimes. sorts.

NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 NEPALI AAWAZ | 11 features

you. In Delhi, you are just another guy to me. I love Kathmandu, and no matter looking to have a good time. In KTM, I how limited its night life is, I enjoy my don’t even have to wait for a weekend night outs there a thousand times more to party out mainly because I don’t than here. In Delhi, I usually go out with have to think about waking up the next a bunch of friends and we stick together morning, save up money to pay rent for the entire night. But the best thing or buy groceries to feed myself. I am a about Delhi is that you can get totally member at almost all the places I go to wasted and not have people tell you in KTM, so I get that extra little response about it wherever you go for the next from the staffs. That’s what home does one month!

Bhaskar and Alok in Minnesota

Bhaskar used to be the guitarist and what I used to do in Nepal. In Nepal I Mandil Pradhan in Delhi Alok the drummer, for Xmarica, a popular used to go to Chakupat, Patan to jam rock band in the local concert scene in Mandil is the Director of Nepal’s most get to bed by 2 or 3 AM. Dreading the with my bandmates, have some chyang Kathmandu, Nepal. popular party organising company and long week ahead. Luckily I don’t have and more than practice we used to the online party portal, to worry about cleaning up my place make plans for our band. Those plans and doing the laundry because I have Bhaskar never worked out of course. haha. We Friday night: Here in Delhi, Sunday a maid who comes every morning to do used to chat for a few hours and it used is the night off so the party night falls that for me. Friday: I get back from work only at 11 to be fun. On Sunday I used to stay at on Saturdays. Friday nights are mostly PM. After that though, I go to clubs or home or hang around with my college dinner with friends, a couple of drinks, a Recent good time: I was in Kathmandu get together with my friends and cook buddies. I don’t do any of those things movie and back home by midnight. last week for Project Peace 2005 bhat daal and maasu. here. I miss those days. The thing that I [PartyNepal’s annual street dance miss most is asking for money(Rs100.00 Saturday: Saturday for me is what festival], and I had a blast there, watching Saturday: Oh, that’s simple. Sleep till or Rs50.00) from my parents ;) Fridays must be for most people. Eat thousands of people dancing in the late afternoon, wake up eventually, have out, drink some, go clubbing, drink open streets of Thamel was an amazing some Ramen Noodles, surf the net, some more, go to an after clubbing sight. That day was mostly about work clean my car and finally start partying Alok joint, get something to eat and try to be though; co-ordinating things, taking till late night.. Friday: It’ definitely a night out or for back in my apartment by dawn. I don’t pictures [for the website], making sure Movies. Or both! really like to hop from one place to the things went smoothly. The night before Sunday: Most parts of the day is like other, but a few of my friends like to try that was awesome. I had gone to Latin a regular holiday with home chores. In Saturday: You can’t help but catch up out several places in one night, and Quarters at Babarmahal Revisited with the evening go to library to study for my on your sleep. Then of course during since there are so many options in Delhi, some friends and I had an amazing Graduate Management Admission Test. the day I do my laundry and some sometimes, I don’t really mind that. time. I really at home at LQ because I It’s usually almost midnight when I get cleaning up. know most of the people there. The back. So all that I have left to do is eat, Sunday: I haven’t seen a Sunday DJ was playing some good music, I find out what’s happening online and Sunday: It’s time to get back to school afternoon in Delhi for ages. Normally, was surrounded by people I know and sleep for the week ahead. work and take a quick road trip during by the time I wake up, its 5 or 6 in because it was a Nepal Bandh night, the day, if possible. the evening already. Then there is the the place wasn’t too crowded either. Recent good time: Few weeks ago I whole getting rid of the hang over bit. I had a great time there. Got home at went to Detroit Lakes with my friends. Recent good time: Definitely the road Get a dose of caffeine and nicotine and around 5 AM. We did some fishing, but dind’t catch trip with my friends to Ithaska State chill out in the terrace listening to some any. haha. Then we decided to go to a Park a few weeks back. soothing music, and then finish up Compared to Nepal: You can’t even Mexican restaurant. Food was alright, on some school work. Usually, I have compare weekends in KTM and Delhi. but the girls were mucho bonita! Compared to Nepal: I used to do a lot friends coming over to my place, so When I walk into a club in KTM, the DJ of mountain biking when I was in Nepal we order in, watch a couple of movies announces my name and it feels good Compared to Nepal: It’s totally different during the weekends but here there at home, go out for some drinks and to be at home, where people know from what I do here in weekends and are no mountainsारोुनद हेरे।

12 | NEPALI AAWAZ NOVEMBER 9-22 2005  Guitar rock legend Santana, performing here with Michelle Branch, helped Anniversary by performing 30th America’s Good Morning ABC’s celebrate York. Square studio, New Time live on the show outside their Photo by: Kashish Das Shrestha

NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 NEPALI AAWAZ | 13 Entertainment Jazzmandu 2005 An Avalanche of Jazz sweeps through Kathmandu as the “biggest jazz party in the Himalayas” takes place in the valley for the 4th time. PREENA SHRESTHA ANUP PRAKASH ANUP PRAKASH

GRAND OPENING! TIBETAN & NEPALI CUISINE. ANUP PRAKASH Carmen Genest (top left) and Cadenza perform at this year's jazz festival, Jazzmandu, in Kathmandu Jazzmandu has once again taken the city Jacques and Carmen Genest (Canada) by storm. The fourth annual Kathmandu and Nepali bands like Cadenza and Jazz Festival was held from the 4th to Dimple. Keeping in mind the quest to the 12th of November. Organized by broaden and popularize the jazz scene PH: 718 - 672- 3080 Upstairs Ideas and aptly labeled “the in Nepal, “Jazz for the Next Generation,” biggest jazz party in the Himalayas”, a competition that allows five under-24 40-05 , 73rd Street, the festival this year has proved to bands to perform in front of leading jazz be another mega-musical event. musicians from the international scene, Jackson Heights, NY-11372 Jazzmandu 2005 featured performances was also organized for the first time. by many acclaimed international acts including Soul Mate (Shillong), Groove Suppa (Bombay), Solid (Norway), David

14 | NEPALI AAWAZ NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 Entertainment ANUP PRAKASH Navin Chhetri of Cadenza jams with Groove Suppa at Jazzmandu, Kathmandu's jazz Act and Bernie’s London Jazz Groove, Striking the first chord: festival; Below: Mariano Aballa from Spain The annual Kathmandu Jazz Festival along with regionally acclaimed groups was launched in 2002 by Nepal’s jazz like Krish Masand and his Band, gave pioneer Navin Chhetri of Cadenza, Jazzmandu’s reputation a real boost. Chhedup of Upstairs bar and Susan, who Also performing were Prustaar and are now a part of the event management Gandharva, two Nepali classical bands, company “Upstairs Ideas.” It all began and of course, Cadenza. when Cadenza was invited to play at the Palmer Street Jazz Festival in The second annual Jazz Festival was Townsville, Australia, in June 2000. organized a year later in March 2003 Navin and Chhedup were so moved by and it caused quite a stir in the media. the show that they felt the need to have With improved sound quality and new something like that in Nepal too. Once acts, the stage was set for another back in Kathmandu, Cadenza, along memorable event. Eight international with Susan and Chhedup invited bands bands, including Jamie Baum Quartet, from London and Australia to play in Ralph Thomas, Natalie Williams and Nepal at the self-produced concert, the The Funky Homosapien were invited to first “Jazz at Patan” in October 2001, play, and the headliners this time round which was hugely successful. were master percussionist Trilok Gurtu and European jazz guitarist Jesse Van Still not satisfied, Navin wanted to do Ruller. Needless to say, an amazing something more significant, something show was put together for an audience that would make jazz more accessible of over 2600 people. Jazzmandu 2003 and more appealing to the Nepali was a certified hit. masses. When Suman Sachdev, who runs the upscale Gokarna Golf Resort, In 2004, the line-up consisted of six inter- asked Navin to play at his resort for national bands and three local bands. Shivaratri, Navin decided to take his With power-packed performances by Urban Connection, Hannah Vasanth Trio, Soul Mate, Max Lolo and Simak idea one up and invite other bands Dialog, and Louis Banks Brotherhood to perform with them. With Suman’s headlining the show, the festival made approval, a simple event turned into a it big. And in addition, a free concert for major jazz festival. The team, along with school students was also organized at considerable assistance from Shangri- Budhanilkantha School with the help La Hotel, Vidhea Shrestha, Singapore of SEBS (Students of Ex-Budhanil- Airlines and Nepal Tourism Board, then kantha School). The main intention for began putting together the details for the school event was to introduce jazz the biggest jazz gig Nepal had ever to a younger audience. The two-week witnessed. festival included a Jazzmandu Peace Parade in Lazimpat, with bands from With Kevin Hunt and Don Burrows, a the Nepali and international scene, leading jazz musician from Australia traditional dancers, Buddhist monks often referred to as a ‘National and vintage automobiles. Treasure,’ headlining the event, the first Jazzmandu festival held in March 2002 made quite an impact. The ability of the festival to draw major bands from the international jazz scene like Afro Dizzi ANUP PRAKASH

NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 NEPALI AAWAZ | 15 Entertainment Jazz for the Next Generation A music festival tries to create an appetite for jazz bands in an era of MTV hipsters. SAHARA SHRESTHA ANUP PRAKASH Karmavalanche, this year's winner of the Jazz for the Next Generation contest.

Jazz For The Next Generation was the Jocose opened up the show and did first of the music competition for Nepali quite good, although they seemed a musicians less than 24 years of age. It little nervous. It was Karmavalanche’s was held on 4 Nov. at Yala Maya Kendra, dynamic performance with Alan Patan, and marked the beginning of the on drums, Abhishek on keyboard, 4th annual Kathmandu Jazz Festival. Bibhushan on lead guitar and vocals There was actually supposed to be five and Bob on bass that really got the bands competing but due to undis- crowd going. They livened up the show closed reasons, two of them backed with their original compositions, two of out at the last minute. This left us and which were instrumentals and the other the judges Daniel Formo, Bjørn Vidar a song called “Smile Away.” Then came Solli and Hakon Mjaset Johansen of the In Between, which also put up a fairly band SOLID! with “Jocose”, “Karma- impressive show but there’s no denying valanche (Karma Avalanche)” and “In that Karmavalanche was a touch act to Between.” follow.

get your t-shirt at ANUP PRAKASH

Finally, the judges themselves got up on stage for a jam session in which Bob of Karmavalanche had the privilege of taking part. It’s no surprise Karma- valanche bagged the first prize; an opportunity to play at Jazz Bazaar in Gokarna with some of the top bands featured in the festival and to have an intensive workshop with the musicians. In Between came in second and Jocose, third. The winning band was also honored by an en core to close the contest, for which they performed another truly electrifying original instru- mental titled “Electric.” ANUP PRAKASH

16 | NEPALI AAWAZ NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 Entertainment X-Treme Rock Show 2062 A rock show gives away free SIM cards with every ticket and reserves an empty football field between the stage and the cordoned [real] audience for His Majesty Crown Prince Paras to grace. ANUP PRAKASH Robin Tamang of Robin and the New Revolution takes the stage as Prince Paras and friends squat on the grass for the show

There’s a lot that amounts to a good he is one of the few vocal pro-people/ major rock shows in a long time in audience turn out in a stadium concert, democracy singer songwriters in Nepal, Kathmandu. It was also a good PR event especially in a valley whose citizens and democracy being something the for Mero Mobile and a great photo-op have been living under a lingering dark King has currently suspended in Nepal. for the Crown Prince, who was once cloud of political and social turmoil and involved in a hit and run incident that are looking for a release of some kind. Nevertheless, Xtreme Rock Show, left renowned singer Pravin Gurung Throw in a free SIM card for a mobile organised by Dynamic Era Vision, was dead. Rock on. phone and add some of Nepal’s best one of the more successful and better rock acts on the bill, and you have a Dibesh Mumi of Cobweb does a Jimmy Page massive turn out for a stadium show. X- treme Rock Show 2062, held on 29 Oct., would be a perfect prototype. And by all

means, this is no disrespect to the some ANUP PRAKASH of the performing artists at the event, as 1974 AD, Robin and the New Revolution - were filled to capacity and fans even and Cobweb are more than capable of climbed on the stadium roof to watch drawing large audiences without the the show. help of a SIM card. Other performers included the British band The Hidden, Surely it wasn’t as fun as a stadium who recently set the record for the concert could be for the bands to have highest gig in the world by performing their audience, and for the audience at the Everest Base Camp, metal act X- to have the bands, quite literally, a Mantra and rock outfit The Axe. football field away from each other, just to ensure security for the royal guest, X-treme Rock Show 2062 drew close to Crown Prince Paras. Mero Mobile, who 22,000 people in the audience, filling up gave way the SIM cards with the tickets, the seats on one side of the Stadium. is owned by relatives of the Royal But it wasn’t close to matching the family. massive turn out of 1974AD’s Rock Yatra in 2002, the first true stadium concert in It must have also been somewhat Nepal where the entire venue- ground, surreal for Robin to perform with the seats including those behind the stage crown prince sitting in front of him, since ANUP PRAKASH

NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 NEPALI AAWAZ | 17 Entertainment Music Downtown: A series of concerts is all set to help Lower Manhattan.

Produced by Michael Dorf, Music Downtown is a 7- night Do you want to watch the legendary bluesman music concert series to be held at the BMCC Tribeca Buddy Guy and the legendary gospel group Blind Performing Arts Center from the 14- 20 Nov. The event , which features 12 artists in all, also includes a show by the Boys of Alabama live in New York next week? legendary Buddy Guy and Blind Boys of Alabama. Other famous acts in the event include Jeff Tweedy and New York native Ryan Adams who also performed at the the Downtown All you have to do is answer these 2 very simple questions: River To River Festival in 2003. The event has been organised by the non-profit organisation Wall Street Rising, founded in 1. Which one of the following artists doest not belong in a October 2001 to “help restore the vibrancy and vitality” that list of guitar/ blues icons? existed in Lower Manhattan before 9/11. • Jimi Hendrix • Eric Clapton • Buddy Guy Concert Schedule: • Bono 14 Nov: Blind Boys of Alabama and Cat Power 2. Blind Boys Of Alabama collaborated for a full length 15 Nov: Buddy Guy and Shemika Copeland album with: 16 Nov: Jeff Tweedy and Nels Cline • Ben Harper 17 Nov: Jeff Tweedy and Glenn Kotche • Ben Stiller 18 Nov: Ryan Adams and the Cardinals • The Big Ben 19 Nov: Vic Chesnutt and Rickie Lee Jones • The couple formerly known as Bennifer 20 Nov: Keren Ann and Aimee Mann Please send us your entries to For more event details and ticket information: [email protected] with the subject "Music Downtown" KASHISH DAS SHRESTHA DAS KASHISH Please mention the show you want to see, Buddy Guy your name, and the city you live in. Buddy Guy, the four time Grammy winning Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, and the BlindT-shirts available Boys at of Alabama reigning king of Chicago Multiple Grammy winners Blind Boys of Alabama are Blues, is more than just truly a landmark in the Gospel music map. The group, an artist; he is a living originally founded in 1939, has been performing for legend whose perfor- over 60 years. And now the founding members Clarence mances always enthrall Fountain, Jimmy Carter and George Scott along with newer or surprise audiences. recruits Joey Williams, Ricky McKinnie, Bobby Butler, and His distinct singing style Tracy Pierce are taking their vision higher by fusing the and guitaring has cap- traditional gospel sound with more contemporary styles. tivated blues and guitar And the move must have worked out well; in 2001 and 2002, enthusiasts for decades, they won two consecutive Grammy awards. In 2004, the and he is deservingly group collaborated with the young soulful folk-rock singer mentioned in the same Ben Harper for the amazing studio set There Will Be A Light, breath when blues enthu- which also won the team a Grammy. Take part in our Music siasts talk about guitar Downtown contest and win yourself a chance to watch The gods and blues legends Blind Boys of Alabama live next week! like Muddy Waters, B.B King, Steve Ray Vaughn or Jimi Hendrix. The icon who has been perform- ing for over 40 years hasn’t always lived large, spending many years as a struggling artist even after being famous. But the last decade, in which he won his Grammies, has treated him better. His latest album “Bring ‘Em In” was released in September this year. Take part in our Music Downtown contest and win yourself a chance to watch him live next week!

18 | NEPALI AAWAZ NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 Entertainment

Things are about to heat up in also trying to co-ordinate several Kathmandu this winter as the city smaller events in other venues around prepares to host the South Asian town. “The idea behind the fest is to Rock Fest 2005. For the first time in bring together the youth of the South the region, rock outfits from the South Asian region with rock music as the Asian countries are coming together medium,” said Yubakar, the founder of for two days of rock in Dashrath Enterprise Y and the project producer Stadium on 9th and 10th of December. and director. Proceeds from the According to the organizer Enterprise concerts will go towards educating Y, big time bands from , underprivileged children of Nepal. , and Nepal have Look out for details about the South

already confirmed their performance ANUP PRAKASH in the fest. And apart from the major Asian Rock Fest 2005 in the next issue The venue for upcoming South Asian Rock Fest has already hosted several stadium shows, the organisers are of Nepali Aawaz. rock concerts including 2002's sold out solo show Rock Yatra by 1974 AD

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NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 NEPALI AAWAZ | 19 Sports

Football founding members of CAN when it was — Gyanodaya School, Lincoln School, fund. Likewise, the council is to make financial statement on monthly basis in National League postponed established in 1948 AD, were felicitated Little Angels’ School, and Rato Bangala for their contribution in the development School are taking part in the seven- coordination with the auditor general’s of the game during the formative years day tournament. After the round-robin office for transparency. The National League, which was due in Nepal. Bhattarai informed that the league round, the top two teams will to restart November 07, has been training center has already trained 296 qualify for the final, slated for November postponed till December 20 as informed cricketers, 10 of whom have already 13 at the Lincoln School court. by ANFA speaker Lalit Krishna Shrestha. represented Nepal in various teams. Arjun Dhakal finishes 16th According to Shrestha, the busy inter- National coach Roy Dias, CAN president national calendar in November and in Frankfurt Marathon Jai Kumar Nath Shah, other early December prompted ANFA to officials and cricketers were present on South Siders wins title Arjun Prasad Dhakal of Nepal finished reschedule the proposed program. the occasion. 16th in the Frankfurt Marathon. The Nepal is participating at the U-19 and U- event, dominated by Kenyans, was held 17 Asia Cup and South Asian Football With Akash Chhantyal’s 20 points, in Germany on 30 Oct. The Gyanendra Championship in November and South Siders clinched the Second Armed Police Force Club athlete Dhakal, December. Open Men’s Basketball Tournament ACC Under-19 Cup 2005: after beating Gyan Niketan 61-46 who had no prior international marathon Nepal under way at Golfutar. Sanjay of South Siders experience, entered the field of more added 14 to his tally of 104 points to than 15,000 runners and finished ANFA announces Under-19 Teams participating in the Asian cricket be declared the Most Valuable Player the race in 2:26:16. He beat his own personal best time of 2:36:51 when he squad Council (ACC) Under-19 Cup cricket (MVP) of the tournament. The MVP tournament have already arrive in Sanjay was awarded a gift hamper won the Toyota Kathmandu Marathon Kathmandu. The 15-team event, also worth Rs 3,000 sponsored by Interactive in Kathmandu last year. Dhakal ran the The All Nepal Football Association including host Nepal, will start on Pvt Ltd and Saraswoti Music Company. first five kilometres in 16 minutes and (ANFA) has announced the second November 07 with the inaugural session The winning team received a cash prize maintained his speed to cross the 10-km selection for the Under-19 national at the Tribhuvan University Stadium, of Rs10,000 along with internet access mark in exact 32 minutes. He posted the team who will participate in the U-19 while the matches will begin at four worth Rs10,800 from Vianet where time of 1:09:06 at the half way mark. He Youth Championship Qualification in different venues from Nov 08. Crown each player of the team gets 25 hours ran the 30 kms in 1:40:02 and crossed Kryzgstan from November 23-27. The Prince Paras is scheduled to inaugurate of free internet. The runner up team the 40-km mark in 2:18:15. latest selection has narrowed down the tournament. He is the patron of received a cash prize of Rs 5,000 along the list from 31 players to 23. Those Nepal Sports Council, governing body with gift hampers. The tournament was Akkal Bahadur Bohara and Arjun Kumar named are Sangeet Kumar Rajak, of Nepali sports. organized by Chakrapath Youth Club. Basnet, also from Nepal, finished 41st Manij Hada, Sanjeev Shrestha, Nur Raj in 2:37:01 and 44th in 2:38:10, respec- Kafle, Suman Subedi, Santosh Gurung, The umpires and match officials have tively. Among the three athletes, Basnet Durga Lawati, Sandeep Rai, Pankaj already arrived in Kathmandu. The ACC from Tribhuvan Army Club had the Lama and Gopal Thapa. Similarly, has appointed 11 umpires ncluding one General best record. He had also won the silver Nirajan Khadka, Krishna Lama, Jeevan from Nepal — Buddhi Bahadur Pradhan medal in 9th SAF Games in 2:21:21. APF Sinkeman, Dipesh Thapa Magar, Rojit NAA announces National — and five match referees for the event. Club’s other athlete Bohara’s personal KC, Sunil Rawat, Sudeep Limbu, Man The other umpires are Zameer haider Championship dates best was 2 hour 36 minutes. All the three Sajan Rajbhandari, Rishi Rai, Arjun and Riazuddin of Pakistan; Ranmore runners finished in top 50, which is quite Rijal, Anil Gurung, Sishir Adhikari and Martinez and JWK Boteju of ; Nepal Athletics Association (NAA) has an achievement for Nepali Athletes. Santosh Sahukhala have also been Suhas Phadkar, KG Laxminarayan and announced the 35th National Athletics selected. Bhutan is the other team Jasbir Singh of India; and Nadir Shah, Championship and regional champion- Wilfred Kigen from Kenya finished first at for the qualification, but according to Md Jahangir Alam and Monzur Rahman ships on the last week of January 2006. 2:08:29 while Jason Mbote and Wilson reliable sources, they might be pulling of Bangladesh. NAA, in a press release, said that the Kigen grabbed the second and third out their team. association is conducting selection spots respectively in men’s section.. The match referees appointed by the tournaments in 60 districts prior to the Russian Alevtina (2:25:12) won top spot ACC are three ACC Development regional selection tournaments. The in women’s section. association also announced dates for Cricket officers — Iqbal Sikender (Pakistan), (Sri Lanka) and the regional selection tournaments. The Baluwatar awards cricketers Roger Binny (India) — and Azhar Khan tournaments host 15 events for men of Pakistana and ASM Roquibul Hassan and 12 events for women. The national Shrestha wins President’s Baluwatar Cricket Club Training of Bangladesh. championship will see 21 events for Cup golf Center awarded eight cricketers and men and 18 for women. honored five founding members of The participating 15 nations are divided Rabindra Man Shrestha won the Presi- Cricket Association of Nepal (CAN) into four pools and the top two from all dent’s Cup Golf Tournament held at amidst a ceremony organized to the pools will advance to the quarter- the Royal Nepal Golf Club (RNGC). mark its second anniversary. Upendra finals slated for November 16. NSC to set development Shrestha netted 38 points to edge Bhattarai, the founder chairperson fund Major Man Bahadur Limbu by a point in of the club, distributed cash prize to Kanishka Chaugain leads the ‘dream the tournament played in stableford 7/8 the best performers of the U-19 Youth team’ this year. is the National Sports Council (NSC), the handicap format. Similarly, Tashi Ghale World Cup in Bangladesh in 2004. vice , while other members are governing body of Nepali Sports under had the best gross of 30 while Shastika Kaniska Chaugai, Shakti Gauchan and Sharad Vesawkar, , Ministry of Sports and Education, has Shrestha (36) came top in the ladies’ Sarad Vesawkar received Rs 5,000, Rs Yeshwant Subedi, Prem Chaudhary, made an effort to institutionalize the category beating Sabitri Rai by two 5,500 and Rs 6,000 respectively. Other Basanta Regmi, Mahesh Chhetry, Raj development of sports and upgrade points. Likewise, Bishnu Bahadur Shahi recipients were: Former national captain Shrestha, Sashi Keshari, Bantu Bataju, Nepali sports in the international (30) won the seniors’ title to put off the Raju Khadka and national vice-captain Amrit Bhattarai and Ratan Rauniyar. arena. The move comes as per the challenge of Vinode SJB Rana (28). In Shakti Gauchan bagged the Best Player Avay Rana remains the lone player command of the patron of the council, super seniors’ section, Dal Bahadur of the Year Award for 2060 BS and 2061 without international experience. The Crown Prince Paras, as there was no Gurung (16 in nine holes) got the better BS respectively. The award carried a four players in the reserve list are such constructive effort in this aspect of second placed Khadga Jeet Baral cash prize of Rs 5,000. Similarly, Paras Akash Gupta, Nirmal Simangaida, Suraj for the last decade. The council will by four points. Meanwhile, Ang Tsering Khadka and Antim Thapa received the Timilsina and Deepen Shrestha. also construct sports infrastructure in Sherpa carded two birdies for the Best Youth Player of the Year award the country for holding regular sports most birdies while KC Gurung had the each carrying a cash prize of Rs 4,000. training and tournaments of interna- longest drive. Similarly, Madan Rana Dipen Shrestha and Sunam Gautam tional standard. Budget limitation has hit the closest to the pin while Deepak were declared the center’s best players Basketball been cited as one of the constraint for Rajbhandari got the best sportsmanship while Rikesh Lama and Avaya Rana IHS Basketball League the development. For this, special sports award. Sunil Ratna Dhakwa was were awarded as the best player of the development fund has been established declared the most elegant player of the Baluwatar Cricket Club. Each of them Lincoln School and CSSV, a volunteer as per the constitution of the council. event. The one-day tournament featured pocketed Rs 3,000. During the program, organisation, are jointly organising the According to Minister for education and 53 golfers including six females, five Mukunda Shamsher Thapa, Dr Dwarika Inter-High School Basketball League. sports, Radha Krishna Mainali, a five seniors and four super seniors. Nath Regmi, Sarada Bhakta Pant, Kumar According to the organizers, four teams member committee has been formed Mani Dixit and Krishna Raj Aryal, the for the establishment of the required

20 | NEPALI AAWAZ NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 Features g]kfn Oltxf;s} ;+uLg df]8df 8f= k|bLk e§/fO{

g]kfnLx?sf b'O{ 7"nf rf8 bz} / ltxf/ o; ;+ljwfgsf lgdf{tf /x]sf ;+j}wflgs tLo /fhwfgLdf x'g] oL b'O{ lzv/ g]tfx?sf] fVg] ldq/fi6«x? ;a} cf–cfkm\gf] uDeL/ csf]{ jif{ cfpg] jfrf ub}{ ev{/} ljbfjf/L bnx? klg dfcf]jfbLs} ;+ljwfg;efsf] e]63f6sf] ;dfrf/n] cg'dfgsf] /fhgLlts e"ldsfsf] t}of/Ldf h'6]sf] h:tf] b]lvPsf] ePsf 5g\ . cfof] bz}+ 9f]n ahfO{, uof] nfOgdf plePsf 5g\ . gful/s ;dfh ahf/ PSsf;L uld{Psf] 5 . 5 . t/, cfd hgtfdf eg] cem} klg bz} C0f af]sfO{– rf8af8sf] of] k/Dk/ t ;+ljwfg;efdfkm{t nf]stflGqs u0ftGqs} cfGbf]ngsf] d'8 alg;s]sf] cg'ej ug{ fut wËwËLaf6 cfd g]kfnL hghLjg gf/f p/fln/x]sf] 5 . clxn]sf] l:yltdf /fhfsf] tLg;ftf nfdf] ljb]z e|d0fs} ;lsPsf] 5}g . cyf{t\, g]kfn olta]nf qmdzM 5'6\sf/f lnO/x]sf] 5 . 8fo:kf]/ /fhfjfbLx? klg /fhfsf] nflu …:k];Úsf] a]nf otf ;ftbnn] cfGbf]ngsf] cfFwLa]x/ cf}+;Lsf] cGwsf/leq ls+st{Jod'8df 5, faf6 rf8jf8 dfGg :jb]z kms]{sfx? klg dfu ub}{ of] ;+ljwfg sfd gnfUg] kQ'/ L Nofpg] t}of/L ul//x]sf 5g\, gful/ zfob Pp6f 6x6x h"g nfUg] k"0f]{sf] cj ljbfjf/L eP/ cf–cfkm\gf] sd{If]qlt/ ePsf] cQf] yflk/x]sf 5g\ . t/, /fhf s ;dfhsf] cfGbf]ng klg df};d ttfpg kvf{Odf Jou| x'g'k5{ g]kfn . t/, clxn]sf] nfUg yfn]sf 5g\ . dfcf]jfbLsf] o'4lj/ eg] ;+;f/nfO{ b]vfpg ;xL, clxn] o; Jo:t 5 . ptf, ;~rf/ cWofb]z, kl/l:yltdf Tof] h"g Ps kIfd} cfpnf fdsf sf/0f zx/af6 bz}ltxf/ dfGg ;+ljwfgsf] ;a}eGbf a9L kfnssf ?kdf sflGtk'/ Pkm=Pd=dfly af]lnPsf] ;/sf/ eg]/ cg'dfg} ug{ g;lsg] l:ylt 5 . cem ufpFlt/ nfu]sfx? klg zx/lt/ kms{g] cfkm"nfO[ k|:t't ul//x]sf 5g\ . kl5Nnf] L wfjfnufotsf d'b\bfx?sf] u/dfu/d o;f] egf}+, g]kfnLx?sf] zflGtsf] d[ut[i0ff qmd hf/L 5 . l:ylt x]bf{, csf]{ jif{ of] ;+ljwfg zfob} ax;sf sf/0f g]kfnsf] Gofokflnsfsf] c? b"/Ldf ws]lnPsf] 5 . sfddf cfO/x]sf] x'g] 5 . cyf{t\ o;f] kf/f] klg PSsf;L uld{Psf] 5 . z/b Ct'sf] ;'Gb/ a]nf cf]/fnf] nfu/x]sf] eGbf zfob a9L gxf]nf ls, of] g} g]kfn olta]nf bfFtL h:tf ;]tf lxd>[+vnfx?n] clw/fHosf] ;+ljwfg @)$& sf] clGtd Psflt/ ;ft bnsf] hLjg–d/0fsf] kmflnd nfu]/ ko{6sx?nfO{ cfdGq0f ug{ ;f]Nnf; jif{ x'g] 5 . cfGbf]ngsf] 3f]if0ff csf]{tkm{ cfufdL 5f]l8;s]sf 5}gg\ . dfcf]jfbLsf] Pstlkm{ df3 @^ ut] h'g;'s} xfntdf klg : o'4lj/fdsf sf/0f kf]xf]/eGbf clxn] ;os8f /fhgLltsf] s'/f ubf{, /fhf 1fg]Gb| 7"n} yfgLo lgjf{rgsf] 3f]if0ff ul/5f8\g] ;/ !% n] ko{6sx? a9L cfPsf] ;dfrf/ lg: bnansf ;fy oxL sflt{s @% ut] - sf/sf] k|ltj4tf– oL b'O{ k/:k/ lj/ s]sf] 5 . t/, of] v'zLdf ;fd]n x'g gf]e]Dj/ !!_ sf lbg sl/j tLg;ftf f]wL ;f]rsf sf/0f g]kfn yk ;+s6df gkfpb} dfcf]jfbLx?sf] Pstlkm{ o'4lj/fd nfdf] ljb]z ofqfdf lg:sb} 5g\ . sflt{s ws]lnPsf]] 5 . r''gfjsf] t}of/Lsf qmddf ;dfKt x'g] lbguGtL z'? eO;s]sf] 5 @^–@& df 9fsfdf x'g] ;fs{ ;Dd]ngdf hlt;'s} 9f]n lkl6P klg /fhfsf] :jl: The world is just a click away! . kmntM cfd g]kfnL hgdfg;df km]l/ d'n'ssf] k|ltlglwTj u/]kl5 ;fpbL c/jsf] t ufpg] gfd} g;'lgPsf cfwf bh{g hlt We are living in a fast, modern Psk6s pgLx?sf] lz/}dfly ;Gqf;sf] l/ofb x'b} clk|msL /fi6«x?sf] e|d0f ;s]/ /fhgLlts bnx? lgjf{rg cfof]u k'u]sf] world and yet the irony is, the age old adage, ‘a picture is sfnf] afbn d8fl//x]sf] 68\sf/f] cg'e"lt vf8L d'n's ;+o'Qm c/j Old/]6\; x'b} ;dfrf/ cfOk'u]sf] 5 eg] 7"nf bnx? worth a thousand words’, still x'g yfn]sf] 5 . d+;L/ !& ut] /fhf 1fg]Gb| :jb]z kms{g] h'g;'s} d"Nodf klg r'gfj ljkmn kf/]/} holds true. The first impression is still the last impression and sfo{qmd 5 . otf, d+;L/b]lv cflwj]x/L 5f8\g] /0fgLltdf h'6]sf 5g\ . o;sf nflu IMAGE IS EVERYTHING. g]kfn clw/fHosf] ;+ljwfg @)$& oxL Nofpg] cfGbf]ngsf] 3f]if0ff u/]/ To;sf] pgLx? dcf]jfbL;Fu ;xsfo{ ug{ klg t}of/ sflt{s @# ut] -gf]e]Dj/ (_ sf lbg cfjZos jftfj/0f agfpg tLg;ftf ePh:tf] b]lvPsf] 5 . ljb]zL ldq/fi6«x? You have to make a mark, leave an impression. Your kGw| jif{ k'u]/ !^cf}+ jif{df 6]s]sf] 5 . klxnf ef/t e|d0fdf lg:sg'ePsf g]skf clxn]sf] kl/l:yltdf r'gfj lgikIf x'g} logo, stationary, website ufpF3/lt/ t eGg ;lsGg t/ otf zx/ -Pdfn]_ sf dxf;lrj dfwj g]kfnsf] ef/ g;Sg] lg0f{odf k'u]sf 5g\ t/ pgLx?nfO{ - every little thing is a reflection of who you are and what you df eg] !^cf}+ ;+ljwfg lbjz /dfOn};Fu t e|d0f nlDjP/ em08} Psdlxg] x'g ;ftbnn] dfcf]jfbL;Fu ;xsfo{ unf{ eg]/ do. dgfOof] . @)$& ;fn sflt{s @# ut] nflu;Sof], pxfF kms{g] s'g} ;+s]t ldn]sf] klg TolQs} 8/ 5 . s]xL ;do klxn] g]kfn clw/fHosf] ;+ljwfg @)$& sf 5}g . a?, g]kfnL sf+u|];sf ;efklt lul/ g]kfnsf nflu dxfdlxd cd]l/sL /fhb"tsf] The world has shrunk. Geographical barriers no ?kdf of] ;+ljwfg cfpFbf ljZjs} ;jf]{Ts[i6 hfk|;fb sf]O/fnf klg gf]e]Dj/ !) df k|ltlqmofn] g]kfnL /fhgLltdf NofPsf] 7"n} longer hold true. There is a ;+ljwfgsf ?kdf lbkfjnL u/]/ o;sf] ef/ttkm{ nfUb} x'g'x'G5, :jf:Yof]krf/sf t/ËnfO{ oxL d];f]df /fv]/ x]g'{k5{ . new world in the making – one :jfut ul/Psf] lyof] . t/, !% jif{ nflu elgPsf] of] e|d0fsf] bf}/fg Pdfn] driven by information. gljTb} of] ;+ljwfg dfq sfuhsf] vf]:6f]df dxf;lrj dfwj g]kfn / sf+u|]; ;efklt h] xf];\, olta]nf g]kfn Oltxf;s} cToGt} Do you need a presence? Do ?kfGt/0f ePsf] 5, s;}sf nflu klg of] sf]O/fnfaLr lbNnLd} e]63f6 x'g] sfo{qmd hf]lvdk"0f{ 38Ldf plePsf] 5 . /fhf, you want to make a statement, an expression? s'g} sfdsf] /x]sf] 5}g . g]skf -dfcf]jfbL_ to ePsf] 5 . g]kfnsf] /fhgLlt cToGt /fhgLlts bnx?, dfcf]jfbL / g]kfndf o; ;+ljwfgnfO{ gdfg]/ h+un k;]sf] 5, ltj|ultdf w|'jLs/0f eO/x]sf] olta]nf ef/ k|hftGqsf] k'g{jxfnLsf nflu z'e]R5f /

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NOVEMBER 9-22 2005 NEPALI AAWAZ | 21  North America Pokhara Scholarship

Wanted Nail specialist Fund Raising Nite 2005 weekends only This year, the proceeds will be distributed as follows: Children PINKY FINE NAIL SALON of Pokhara Camp, Victims of Hurricane Katrina and Victims of 1487 YORK AVE, 79TH ST. Central Asia Earthquake (Pakistan) NEW YORK,NY-10021 TEL: 212 517 2955 Join us for an exciting fun filled night with great music and dinner. Saturday, November 19, 2005 from 8PM to 2AM at the St. Illumina tor’s American Apostolic Cathedral (221 East, 27 St. NY, NY10016). Entrance fee: $20


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Left, top to bottom: A mandala for the newar new year celebrated last week; Every dog has it’s day, quite literally in the hindu festival of Tihar during which a day has been set aside to celebrate or worship dogs like this one in Dharan; Sukarma performs at this year’s Jazzmandu; Thapathali gets Xtremely crowded as people try to get into the stadium for the X-treme Rock Show.

Right, top to bottom: Tihar market in Ason; Human Rights activist addressing Nepalis in New York on 6 Nov. ANUP PRAKASH