Abandoned Mine Drainage Stream Monitoring FIELD BINDER Based on Conference Field Binder from the proceedings of the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference - June 12, 2004 Indiana, PA; Updated November 2, 2011 (v2) and March 7, 2021 (v3) CONTENTS SECTION 1: FIELD DATA COLLECTION FORMS A: Stream Quality and Quantity Field Sampling Datasheets (PA DEP BWS & WVSOS) B: Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats Classification Chart (Cowardin et al.) C: General Passive Treatment System O&M Inspection Form and Instructions (Datashed.org) D: Aquatic Connectivity Stream Crossing Survey Data Form (NAACC) SECTION 2: CHEMISTRY Chemistry Monitoring Protocols SECTION 3: FLOW Measure and Calculate Flows: Small & Large Streams/Discharges and Weirs SECTION 4: HABITAT VISUAL ASSESSMENT A: Stream Visual Assessment Protocol (USDA NWCC Technical Note 99-1) B: Stream Crossing for Aquatic Passability Assessments in Non-tidal Stream and Rivers (NAACC) SECTION 5: MACROINVERTEBRATES A: Macroinvertebrate Sampling Protocols B: Macroinvertebrate Identification Keys SECTION 6: RESOURCES Calculate Your Ecological Footprint Macroinvertebrate Links (Online Keys for Identification, Picture Sources, Books & Equipment Suppliers) Section 1A: Stream Quality & Quantity Field Sampling Datasheets (Updated 1/2021) Page 1 of 4 Station Information (adapted from PA DEP Bureau of Water Standards Form 3800-FM-WSFR0086 Rev. 12/2008) Date-Time-Initials: - - Station ID: ___ Location (ex. Latitude/Longitude, directions, landmarks...): ___ ___ County: Municipality: Topo Quad: __ Watershed (HUC8): Stream (HUC12): Tributary (HUC14): ___ Waterbody Class*: ____ Ch. 93 Use¥: Weather - Current: _ - Past Week: ____________ *Riverine, Lacustrine, Palustrine or Non-classified manmade ¥Warm Water Fish, Trout Stock Fish, Cold Water Fish, Migratory Fish, High Quality, or Exceptional Value. Reminder to take (3) photos (of site, upstream & downstream with people for scale) & sketch site (in-stream attributes like riffles, fallen trees, pools, etc.) Physical Conditions (circle one or more): (adapted from WV SOS Level 1 Survey 18373 Rev. 11/2009 and EPA Rapid Bioassessment 841-B-99-002) Water Clarity: clear, murky, milky, muddy, other Water Color: none, brown, black, green, gray /white, orange/red Streambed Color: brown, black, green, white/gray, orange/red Surface Foam/Oil: none, slight, moderate, high Water Odor: none, fishy, musky, sewage, chemical, rotten egg Algae Abundance: none, scattered, moderate, heavy Algae Growth Habit: even coating, hairy, matted, floating Algae Color: light green, dark green, brown, other Field Chemistry Result/Unit Result/Unit Describe Type Result/Unit Temperature: Total Alkalinity: Metals: Dissolved Oxygen: Conductivity: Nutrients: pH: Turbidity: Redox (ORP): Additional tests (describe and record results): Flow Calculation (adapted from WV SOS Level one Survey Datasheet 18373 Rev. 11/2009) Channel Width/Pipe Diameter(ft): Method Used (circle one): flow meter, float, pipe, velocity head rod (VHR) VHR Values Chart Tape distance (ft) Depth (ft) X Velocity (ft/sec) or Float (sec) or VHR (Rise-in.) = Discharge (CFS) Rise Velocity Rise Velocity 1 ¼” 1.2 f/s 3 ¼” 4.2 f/s 2 ½” 1.6 f/s 3 ½” 4.3 f/s 3 ¾” 2.0 f/s 3 ¾” 4.5 f/s 4 1” 2.3 f/s 4” 4.6 f/s 5 1 ¼” 2.6 f/s 4 ¼” 4.8 f/s 6 1 ½” 2.8 f/s 4 ½” 4.9 f/s 7 1 ¾” 3.1 f/s 4 ¾” 5.0 f/s 8 2” 3.3 f/s 5” 5.2 f/s 9 2 ¼” 3.5 f/s 5 ¼” 5.3 f/s 10 2 ½” 3.7 f/s 5 ½” 5.4 f/s 2 ¾” 3.8 f/s 5 ¾” 5.5 f/s Totals/Averages Basic Calculation: Discharge (CFS)= Width (ft) x Depth(ft) x Velocity (ft/sec.) 3” 4.0 f/s 6” 5.7 f/s If you use the “float method” record your float distance here _____ (ft) and multiply by the time (recorded above) to get velocity. If you use the “VHR method” record the rise in inches and select velocity in the chart to the right. 1 CFS = 448.83 gpm = 1.858 MGD Section 1A: Stream Quality & Quantity Field Sampling Datasheets (Updated 1/2021) Page 2 of 4 Habitat Visual Assessment (adapted from PA DEP BWS Form 3800-FM-WSFR0402 Rev. 10/2008 and EPA Rapid Bioassessment 841-B-99-002) Particle Size Descriptors: Silt (slick feel), Sand (grainy feel), Gravel ( > pea), Cobble ( > tennis ball), Boulder ( > basketball), and Bedrock ( > car). Habitat Parameter Category Part 1 Optimal Suboptimal Marginal Poor 1. Instream Cover Greater than 50% mix of 30-50% mix of boulder, 10-30% mix of boulder, Less than 10% mix of (Fish) boulder, cobble, sub-merged cobble, or other stable habitat; cobble, or other stable boulder, cobble, or other logs, undercut banks, or other adequate habitat. habitat; habitat avail- stable habitat; lack of stable habitat. ability less than habitat is obvious. desirable. SCORE ______ 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2. Epifaunal Well developed riffle and run, Riffle is as wide as stream but Run area may be lacking; Riffles or run virtually Substrate riffle is as wide as stream and length is less than two times riffle not as wide as nonexistent; large length extends two times the width; abundance of cobble; stream and its length is boulders and bedrock width of stream; abundance of boulders and gravel common. less than two times the prevalent; cobble lacking. cobble. stream width; gravel or large boulders and bed- rock prevalent; some cobble present. SCORE ______ 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3. Embeddedness Gravel, cobble, and boulder Gravel, cobble, and boulder Gravel, cobble, and Gravel, cobble, and particles are 0-25% surrounded particles are 25-50% boulder particles are 50- boulder particles are more by fine sediment (silt=slick or surrounded by fine sediment. 75% surrounded by fine than 75% surrounded by sand=grainy feel). sediment. fine sediment. SCORE ______ 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 4. Velocity/Depth All four velocity/depth Only 3 of the 4 regimes Only 2 of the 4 habitat Dominated by 1 Regimes regimes present (slow-deep, present (if fast-shallow is regimes present (if fast- velocity/depth regime slow-shallow, fast-deep, fast- missing, score lower than if shallow or slow-shallow (usually slow-deep). shallow). missing other regimes). are missing, score lower than if missing other regimes). SCORE ______ 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 5. Channel No channelization or dredging Some channelization present, New embankments Banks shored gabion or Alteration present. usually in areas of bridge present on both banks; cement; over 80% of the abutments; evidence of past and 40-80% of stream stream reach channelized channelization, i.e., dredging, reach channelized and and disrupted. (greater than past 20 yr) may disrupted. be present, but recent channelization is not present. SCORE ______ 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6. Sediment Little or no enlargement of Some new increase in bar Moderate deposition of Heavy deposits of fine Deposition islands or point bars and less formation, mostly from coarse new gravel, coarse sand material, increased bar than 5% of the bottom gravel; 5-30% of the bottom on old and new bars; 30- development; more than affected by sediment affected; slight deposition in 50% of the bottom 50% of the bottom deposition. pools. affected; sediment changing frequently; pools deposits at obstruction, almost absent due to constriction, and bends; substantial sediment moderate deposition of deposition. pools prevalent. SCORE ______ 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Total Part 1 _____ Habitat Parameter Category Section 1A: Stream Quality & Quantity Field Sampling Datasheets (Updated 1/2021) Page 3 of 4 Part 2 Optimal Suboptimal Marginal Poor 7. Frequency of Occurrence of riffles relatively Occurrence of riffles Occasional riffle or bend; Generally all flat water or Riffles frequent; distance between infrequent; distance between bottom contours provide shallow riffles; poor riffles divided by the width of riffles divided by the width of some habitat; distance habitat; distance between the stream equals 5 to 7; the stream equals 7 to 15. between riffles divided riffles divided by the variety of habitat. by the width of stream is width of the stream is between 15 to 25. between ratio >25. SCORE ______ 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8. Channel Flow Water reaches base of both Water fills > 75% of the Water fills 25-75% of the Very little water in Status lower banks and minimal available channel; or <25% of available channel and/or channel and mostly amount of channel substrate is channel substrate is exposed. riffle substrates are present as standing pools. exposed. mostly exposed. SCORE ______ 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9. Condition of Banks stable; no evidence of Moderately stable; infrequent, Moderately unstable; up Unstable; many eroded Banks erosion or bank failure. small areas of erosion mostly to 60% of banks in reach areas; “raw” areas healed over. have areas of erosion. frequent along straight sections and bends; on side slopes,60-100% of bank has erosional scars. SCORE ______ 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10. Bank More than 90% of the 70-90% of the stream-bank 50-70% of the stream- Less than 50% of the Vegetative streambank surface covered by surface covered by vegetation.
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