441441 IndexIndex 1st Ave 167, 171, 194, 333, 356 Aitchison (cont’d) Harold Keith 259; Americans, United States xx, 20, 34, 357, 371 Ida May 259; Irvin Thomas 39, 44, 63, 6566, 88, 108, 3rd Ave. 90, 165, 182, 189, 216, 259; James 252, 258260; 114, 127, 172, 188, 195197, 228, 241, 371 Joyce Juanita 259; Lorne (James) 209, 219, 225, 233234, 249, 4th Ave. 243 ii, 259260, 425; Mabel 254, 276, 286, 300, 318, 5th Ave. 240 (Lillian) 259; Mary Olive 259; 322, 327, 344, 347, 356, 6th Ave. 22 Olive 252, 258260; Ruth Lois 369, 380, 404, 420, 423; see 6 Mile, see Six Mile 259 also names of states (Alaska, 7th Ave. 241 Aitchison Road 258260 Arkansas, etc.). 8th Ave. 22, 87 Aizelwood, Wilfred and Mrs. 153 Amsterdam, S.S. (ship) 163 10th Ave. 22, 169 Alameda, Sask. 195 Andersen, Anna (Johnson) 45 11th Ave. 155 Alaska 11, 21, 266 Anderson farm 42; Alfred 99; Andy 14th Ave. 22 Alberta xix, 2, 4, 56, 64, 78, 80, 358, 368; Anne 68; Doris, see 15th Ave. 169, 171, 242 101, 114, 126, 128129, 139, Jarvis; Ernie 335; Ethel 153; 15 Mile Road 337 141, 150, 170, 181182, 186 Eugene 68; George 151, 153; 17th Ave. 22, 155 189, 195, 208, 229, 250251, Hans 128, 149, 152153; Jim 100 Mile House 114, 341 277, 287, 292, 306, 318, iii; Larry ii, 334, 434; Matt 297 Aase, Ilse iii, 262; Mons iii, 262 325, 331, 333, 344, 358359, 299; Ole 234236; Olive Abbott family 79 377378, 380, 394395, 412, (Clifford) 128, 152; Pete 276; Accidents, animal attack 10; 414; see also Calgary; Reinert 297; Shirley 153 automobile 38, 246, 264, 402; Edmonton; Jasper; Medicine Hat Anderson’s Lumber Yard 59, 228 avalanches 21; axe 100, 360; Albertville, Sask. 34 Andrew, O. 18, 39 bicycle 162; drowning 5, 12, Alcohol, drinking 19, 91, 106, 129, Androlang, Matt 175176, 178179 30, 78, 82, 89, 101102, 177, 155, 214, 233, 237, 242, Anglicans 39, 54, 226, 276277, 137, 205, 279, 293, 297, 246, 260, 308, 331, 339, 404 413; fall from hay chute 106; 360, 405, 413, 416 Angusville, Manitoba 185 falling tree 234; fires, burning Alderson, Mary, see McCabe Animal Hospital, Olsen’s 246 14, 68, 236, 412; gored by Aleutian Islands 256 Animals, see Bats; Bears; Beavers; bull 352; guns, shooting 95, Alexander, Bob 209 Buffalo; Caribou; Cats; Cattle; 253, 255; horses, riding 120, Alexander, Minnesota 233 Cougars; Coyotes; Deer; Dogs; 125, 293, 357, 361362; Aleza Lake 167, 403, 411413 Fisher; Foxes; Goats; Grizzly; lightning 380; lost in bush 68; Aleza Lake sawmill 164 Horses; Lynx; Martens; Mice; mills 65, 120, 399, 412; Alford, Cyrus E. 7 Mink; Moose; Muskrats; Otters; mining 299; plane crash 377; Alger, Johnny 231, 238 Porcupines; Rabbits; Reindeer; scissors 259; ship wrecks 12; Allen, Andrew 110111; Annabelle Sheep; Skunks; Squirrels; skiing 97, 385; stabbing 385; 111; Arlene iii; Art 110, 114; Weasels; Wolves train 113, 122 Arthur ii, 425; Bob 41, 4344, Annegene Road 70 Accordions 34, 46, 327328 64, 72, 101, 107, 173; Clyde Anchikoski, Mr. 329, 332, 335; Africa 4041, 73, 291 110111; Ed 110111; Frank Sveya ii, 329331, 425; Walter Agricultural Settlement (article) xvi 110111; Fred 110; George ii, 330331, 335, 425 xxiv 72, 110111, 114; Gus 415; Anthem, Canadian 123, 165 Air Force 246 Ida (Johnson) ii, 111, 114, 425; Anthony family 405; Kim 335 Air raids 321 Isabel 110; Jerry 114; Joan Antiques, Blackburn house 354; Airlines, Northern Mountain 55; (Bailey) 113114; Judy 111; Dorothy’s 291, 294, 297298; Northern Thunderbird 55; Larry 114; Linda 111; Lizzie Mead’s 305 Thunderbird 55 111; May 110111; Richard Anzac 5 Airplanes 378; bush planes 243; 111; Robert 75; Robert (Bobbie) Anzac River 6 crash 377; mail plane 4, 21 114 Architect 162 Airport 239, 242, 256, 259260, Allison, Mrs. 160 Arctic Divide 11 266, 338, 357, 397 Alnwick, Northumberland 325 Arkansas 118119 Airport Hill 351 Aluminum boats 380 Arline Road 7576 Airport School 141, 250 Alward St. 177, 242 Armella, Debbie 271; Dennis ii, 371 Aitchison, Betty (Elizabeth Hazel) Alzheimer’s 350 372, 425; Diane 371; Evelyn 259; Blanche Doreen 259; Amager, Copenhagen 228 371; Jan ii, 371372, 425; John Dorothy (Dawcie) 259; (cont’d) 228, 368, 371372; (cont’d) 442442 IndexIndex Armella (cont’d) Karen 371; Laureen Bailey (cont’d) Leota 113114; Rose, Bear Creek 39 371; Lavinia 371; Mary 369, see Williams; Sadie 113114; Bear Lake 9 361372; Molly 371; Randy see also perhaps Bayley Bear Lake School 185 371; Richard 371; Roger 371 Bain, Eleanor 124 Beardstown, Illinois 394 Armories 371 Baity, Earl S. 423 Bearhead 347 Armstrong, BC 40 Baker, Mr. 16; Winifred, see Lochyer Bearman, Bill 409412; Bill Jr. 409; Armstrong, Ed ii, 145, 425; Pat Bakery, Prince George 173 Chrissy 412; George 412; (Douglas) ii, 144145, 425 Balaski, Nick 317 Kathy 412; Lillian 412; May Army 45, 52, 56, 67, 91, 106, Balazic, Ivan 417; Theresa 417 412; Ruby, see Wippfli 108, 121, 128, 133, 157, Baldy Hughes 423 Bears ivv, 12, 910, 1415, 32, 66, 164, 171, 178, 204205, 256 Baldy Mountain 292 78, 99, 116, 172, 178, 183, 257, 288, 348, 352, 378; see Balfe, Thomas P. 212213 185, 205, 216, 236, 241, also War Balkans 251 250, 253, 265266, 280281, Arrow Lakes 197 Ball games, baseball iv, 4, 36, 165 313, 342, 398, 400401, 408, Arseniuk, George 367 166, 377378, 383, 405 415 Art Knapps Plantland 164, 262 Band, Billy Burns 348 Beatty, Jim 3 Arthritis 347, 396 Banjo 328 Beauregard, Alfred 37; Antoinette Artists 91, 328 Bank, Royal 123; Vancouver 91 40; Charles 40; Fred 40; Sinai Ash Flat, Arkansas 118 Bannock 3, 24, 43 3435, 37 Ashby, Ada 301 Bannock Road 297 Beaver Bridge 402 Ashcroft 39, 104, 240, 306 Banzer family 335; Joan ii, 35, 182, Beaver Forestry Road 402 Assman, Adina 200; Arnold 200; 211, 431 Beaver Road 376377, 402403 Christine 200; Gertie 200; Baptists 159, 163, 349, 405 Beaverley xvii, xxii, 181200, 206, Harold 151, 200, 213, 335; Barber, Bert iii, 70 407 Harold (Mrs.) 200; John 200; Barbershop, Hazelton 11 Beaverley Creek 186, 194 June 200; Susie 200 Barkerville 53, 155, 285, 343, 395, Beaverley School 187188, 196 Asthma 94, 215 398 Beavers v, 6, 89, 17, 68, 73, 92, Astoria Hotel 228 Barr colonists 147 102, 221, 224, 290, 310, Atkins, Janice iii, 231232, 237; Ron Barr, Mary Elizabeth, see White; Rev. 319, 347 iii, 231232, 237 125 Bednesti Lake 227 Atlantic Ocean 44, 219220, 266 Barrett, Jim 261; Len 117, 140 Bedwell, Francis 114; Jim 114; Tom Atlin 11 Bartkowski, Otto 369 114; W.G. 114 Auctioneer 260 Baseball, see Ball games Beer, see Alcohol Austen, Eddy 5556 Batard, Percy 24, 3941, 64 Bees 42, 60, 173, 237, 320321 Australia 225 Bates, Jewel iii Began, see Beigan Austria, Austrian 94, 155, 162 Bathy, Steve 39 Beich, see Biech Auto Wreckers, Pinedale 369; Prince Bats 329 Beigan, Mike (Began) 338339, 349 George 259 Battle Bridge 41 Belgium 5 Automobiles, see Cars Baxter family 231 Bell, Edith 279280; Hazel 277279; Averil Mountain 9 Bayfield, Wisconsin 65 Janet 278279; Jim 277279; Aylmer, Ontario 201 Bayley family 140; see also perhaps Orville 278279; Sharon 279 Babiche, see Rawhide Bailey 280 Bacchus, Cecelia 402403; Eleanor BC Agriculture Dept. xxiiixxiv Bella Coola 266 403; Emily 403; Tony 402403 BC Express (sternwheeler) 12 Bellos, Alexandra 267; Tom 267; Backelin, Ina (Sahlstrand) iii, 295 BC Forest Service, rangers, wardens Tony 267; William (Bill) 266 Badec, Eleanor ii, 425 10, 100, 117, 113, 139, 179, 267, 344 Badry, Jeanine iii; Vern iii 226, 290, 298, 398 Bellos Road 266267 Baehr, Alma 276; Anne 276277; BC Game Dept. 124 Bendixon Road 316318, 324, 335 Jean (Robertson) ii, 276, 425; BC Gazette xxi Bennett, Premier 371 Joe ii, 276, 425; John 276; BC Highways Dept. 7, 133, 267, Bentz, Charlie 5354 Julie 276278; Kate 276; Mary 320 Berg, Lars 233 276; Paul 276; William 276 BC Hydro, see Hydro Bergman, Carl 271 Bahamas 10 BC Lands xix, xxi, 5, 267 Berries iv, xvii, 1, 3, 8, 13, 3132, Bailey family 114; Art 113; C.H. BC Ministries of Sustainable Resource 36, 61, 6768, 70, 75, 78, 83, (Harry) 113114; George 114; Management – Registries and 92, 96, 9899, 102, 105, 109, Harry (Jr.) 113; Ida iii, 113; Titles iii 111, 115, 122, 129, 135, Jim 113; Jim (Mrs.) 113; Jim (Jr.) BC Rail 26, 294, 363, 371 143, 156157, 168, 170, 173, 113114; Joan, see Allen; BC Tel 129 175, 178, 204205, 215217, (cont’d) Beachon, Alberta 377 233, 240, 242, 247, (cont’d) IndexIndex 443443 Berries (cont’d) 264, 281, 302, 309, Blackburn (cont’d) Jessie, see Boulder family 405 319, 341, 352, 360, 367, Goodkey; John 351352, 354 Bowan, Annie, see Larem; Dorothy 371, 382, 410 355; Robert James 52, 351 232; Elizabeth 232; Frank 232 Bertilla, Sister 159 355; Susan (Birnie) 354355; 233, 332333; Inez 232; Irene Bertschi, Albert Fredrik 373376, Susie 253 (Rene) 232; Jim 232233; Jim 383, 385, 389, 391; Albert Blackburn Hall 252, 354355 (Jr.) 232; Lettie (Letitia; Taylor) (Jr.) ii, 374375, 384, 426; Blackburn illustration farm xxiii 328, 332333, 335; Marjorie Carl 373; Charlie ii, 374376, Blackburn Road, area xviii, 335, 232; Rose, see Simonson 383386, 426; Emma (Bruger) 351372 Bowers family 335 374375; Fern 375; Louis iii, Blackburn School 315, 355 Bowman, Mr. 318, 335 374375, 384385; Margaret Blacksmiths xiii, 13, 69, 93, 183, Bowron River 343 374375; Rose (Rosie) 374375, 208, 263, 274, 308309, 330, Bowyer apple (variety) 42 384 353, 408, 410, 420 Bowyer, Elsie (Grundy) 27, 4143; Besarabia 268 Blackwater Bridge 219 Erica 4143; Margaret 27, 41, Bevis Ranch 39 Blackwater Crossing 220 43; Mary, see Erickson; Robert Bexen Store 216 Blackwater River 219 4143; Will (Willie) 27, 4144 Biech, Emma ii, 331, 426; Gary Blackwater Road, area xvii,141, Boyd, Joe R.
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