2015 年第 51 期憲報第 4 號特別副刊 S. S. NO. 4 TO GAZETTE NO. 51/2015 D10993 ENGLISH AUTHOR INDEX, 2014 A8 Digital Music Holdings Limited 2442 Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants 9524-9525 A8 New Media Group 5716 Asian Citrus Holdings Limited 9526 abc Multiactive Limited 2443, 5717-5718, Asian Growth Properties Limited 2476, 5740 9489 ASR Holdings Limited 2477 Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare ASR Logistics Holdings Limited 9528 Association Social Service 10 Au, Alex Tin-yung 22 Adamson, Bob 130 Au, Hoi Lam 3344 Against Child Abuse Limited 9491 Aurum Pacific (China) Agency for Volunteer Service 5725 Group Limited 2480-2481, 9532 Agile Property Holdings Limited 2444 Austin, Todd 10700 agldeas 9492 Auto Italia Holdings Limited 2482 Agricultural Bank of China Limited 2445, Automated Systems Holdings 9493 Limited 2483, 9538 Agriculture, Fisheries and AV Concept Holdings Limited 27, 5744 Conservation Department 2446 Azada, A. M. 2484 AGTech Holdings Limited 2447-2449, b.wing 28-29 9494-9495 Bailey, Fletcher 2486 Ahmad, Mira 221 Baillieu, Clare 5749 Air China Limited 2450 Baioo Family Interactive Limited 2487, 9547 Al, Stefan 6787 Balpe, Anne-Gaelle 30 Alco Holdings Limited 11, 9496 Bamboos Health Care Holdings Alexander, Nadja 12, 6730 Limited 9548-9549 Alexeyeff, Kalissa 6055 Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ali, Abdul Azeem 23-26, 5742-5743, Limited 2488, 5750 9533-9537 Bank of China Limited 2489, 5751 Allied Cement Holdings Limited 2451, 5726 Bank of Chongqing Co., Ltd. 2490, 9550 Allied Group Limited 2452, 9497 Baoxin Auto Group Limited 2491, 9551 Allied Properties (H.K.) Limited 2453, 9498 Baoye Group Company Limited 5752, 9552 Allison, David 13-14 Bardill, Linard 32 Alltronics Holdings Limited 2454, 9499 Bardini, Bruno 5753 American Society of Heating, Bauhaus International (Holdings) Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Limited 35, 5754 Engineers 2455 Bayston, Amelia 481-484, 2492-2496, Amerikaner, Susan 162-163, 169 5755-5765 Amicis, Edmondo de 5728 Beautiful China Holdings AMS Public Transport Company Limited 2497, 9556 Holdings Limited 15, 5729-5730 Beijing Development (Hong Kong) Ananthanarayan, Aditya 607 Limited 2498, 9557 Anastasia 5949 Beijing Enterprises Holdings Andersen, Hans Christian 5731 Limited 2499, 9558 Anonymous 16 Beijing Enterprises Water Anxian Yuan China Holdings Limited 18, Group Limited 5766, 9559 9513 Beijing North Star Company Ao, S. I. 334-335, 6817-6818, Limited 2500 10817-10818 Beijing Properties (Holdings) Apps, Victor Edward 9514 Limited 2501, 9560 APT Satellite Holdings Limited 5736, 9515 BeijingWest Industries International Armstrong, J. 5983, 9805 Limited 2502, 9561 Arnold, Wendy 6444-6449 Bell, Anthea 255, 9581-9584, 10874 Art Textile Technology International Bentley, F. P. 5982, 9804 Company Limited 2472, 9519 BEP International Holdings Artawan, Dodit 9520 Limited 37, 5767 Artgo Mining Holdings Limited 9521 Berenson, Mark L. 9563 Arthur, Gordon 3063-3086, Berg, Cecilie Gamst 2503 10161-10172 Berry, Simon 17 Artini China Company Limited 20, Bertram, George 3416 9522-9523 Besnier, Niko 6055 Arts Optical International Best Pacific International Holdings Holdings Limited 2473 Limited 5768 Asia Monitor Resource Centre 3345 D10994 2015 年第 51 期憲報第 4 號特別副刊 S. S. NO. 4 TO GAZETTE NO. 51/2015 Bestway International Holdings Carrianna Group Holdings Limited 38, 5769 Company Limited 48, 5804 Bettinson, Gary 9564 Carroll, Lewis 49 Bickley, Verner 10535 Carry Wealth Holdings Limited 2528, 9593 Bilbow, Angie 3039-3062 Cartland, Rachel 2529 Bilbow, Ellie 10153-10160 Casper, Matt 50-53 Bilbow, Grahame 3039-3062 Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. Biosino Bio-Technology and Tridentine Liturgy Community 2530 Science Incorporation 2504, 5772, 9568 Cato, Ken 9492 Biostime International CCID Consulting Company Holdings Limited 2505, 5773 Limited 2531, 5805, 9594 Bird, N. 3365 CCT Fortis Holdings Limited 5806, 9595 Birmingham International Holdings CCT Land Holdings Limited 5807, 9596 Limited 39, 2506 Celebrate International Bishop, Kathryn 10680 Holdings Limited 54, 2532, 9597-9598 Bliss, Harper 40, 5774-5775 Ceneric (Holdings) Limited 5808-5809 Blue, Cheyenne 9913 Census and Statistics Department 56 BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Century City International Limited 41, 2507-2509, 5776 Holdings Limited 5810, 9600 Bohrin, Widari 10261 Century Ginwa Retail Holdings Bokhary, Kemal 6258 Limited 5811, 9601 Bokhary, N. P. J. 5738, 5785, 6764, 9517 Century Sage Scientific Holdings Boultwood, Matthew 10153-10160 Limited 9602 Bowring, Philip 9572 CGN Mining Company Limited 57-58, Brackley, Paul 3112 2534-2535, Bradburne, James M. 9859 5812, 9603-9604 Brainrental 9573 Chabot, Nicole 2536 Bray, Mark 130, 2510 Chai, Y. C. 212-214 Brennan, Sarah 42, 9576 Champion Real Estate Bright Smart Securities & Investment Trust 2537-2538, 5813 Commodities Group Limited 43, 5778 Chan 6369, 6371 Brilliance Worldwide Chan, Alan 9608 Holdings Limited 44-46, 2511, 5779, 9577 Chan, Alice 2811 Brilliant Circle Holdings Chan, C. 5944 International Limited 2512, 9578 Chan, C. K. 5796-5797, 6368, 6370, 10570 Broad Greenstate International Chan, C. S. 5799 Company Limited 5780, 9579 Chan, C. W. 2897 Brockman Mining Limited 2513, 9580 Chan, Caroline T. W. 59 Brothers Grimm 9581-9584 Chan, Cecilia Lai-wan 9605-9606, 10111 Brown, Adrienne 154 Chan, Chi-man 3292-3297 Brown, Jeff 3112 Chan, Dennis W. K. 3514 Brown, Lance Jay 9585 Chan, Esther 6211-6216 Brown, Mimi J. P. 47, 515 Chan, Grace 5999-6004 Bruce, Andrew 2706-2708, 5971, 9782-9783 Chan, H. M. 439, 3314, 3316-3317 Brychta, Alex 2666, 2956-3003, 3398 Chan, Ian 186, 326, 644 Budwill, Dirk 2514 Chan, Janet K. M. 5814-5831, 9607 Build King Holdings Limited 2515, 5782 Chan, Joanne 6316-6317 Building Services Operation and Chan, Johannes 2943 Maintenance Executives Society 514 Chan, Kara 6057 Bushell, Maureen 3418 Chan, Katrina 535, 6686 Butler, Judy J. 10089 Chan, Keith 6574 Byrnes, Andrew 2943 Chan, Koonchung 9608 C Cheng Holdings Limited 2520-2521, Chan, L. K. 3247-3264 5787, 9589 Chan, Michael 186, 326, 644 C.P. Lotus Corporation 2522-2524, 5788 Chan, Michelle Wai-yee 5832-5833 C Y Foundation Group Limited 9590 Chan, Molly Wing-woon 5832-5833 CAA Resources Limited 2525, 9591 Chan, Natalie 10744 Cabbeen Fashion Limited 2526 Chan, Rachel Hoi Sze 60 Campbell, Brooks 160 Chan, Raymond W. N. 2673-2682, 5705, Cao, Xiaoyang 5803 6355-6363, Capital VC Limited 2527, 9592 6655-6658 Carino, Theresa C 5922 Chan, Ricky 10399-10400 2015 年第 51 期憲報第 4 號特別副刊 S. S. NO. 4 TO GAZETTE NO. 51/2015 D10995 Chan, Samuel 9798 Cheung, Dorcas 189 Chan, Stephen 2539, 3433 Cheung, Fanny 6438-6443 Chan, Thomas M. H. 5834 Cheung, Fanny M. 257, 637 Chan, Violin 6586 Cheung, Frederick Hok-ming 74 Chan, W. H. 2832 Cheung, Irving 6444-6449 Chan, W. K. 6111, 10006-10016 Cheung, Jason 6820 Chan, Warren 61 Cheung, Ka Wai 2904 Chanceton Financial Group Limited 62-63, Cheung, Leo 200, 203 5835-5836, Cheung, Mai Pui-ling 6253, 6255 9609 Cheung, Stanley 3444-3446, 10611 Chang, Tsong-zung 219, 650, 6352 Cheung, Y. F. 5984-5985 Channon, Janet 9610-9611 Chiang, Johnson 109-120 Chao, Hing 10204 Chiang, Samuel E. 9565-9566, 10456-10460 Chaplain, Ira 2536 Chiang, Tay Bak 2545 Chase, Becky Tarver 3416 Chigo Holding Limited 5846, 9618 Chau, Sabrina 2856-2859 China 33 Media Group Limited 2546-2547, Chau, Steve 5951-5953 9619 Chau, Yuk Lin 6121-6131, 10045 China Agri-Products Exchange Chekhov, Anton 5837 Limited 2548, 9620 Chen, Crystal 374 China Agroforestry Low-Carbon Chen, Dalie 6474 Holdings Limited 9621-9622 Chen Hsong Holdings Limited 68, 5843, China All Access (Holdings) 9615-9616 Limited 2549-2551, 9623 Chen, Lifei 6572 China Aluminum Cans Chen Sai Hua Kuan 2542 Holdings Limited 2552, 9624 Chen, Yangbin 418 China Aluminum International Cheng 6367 Engineering Corporation Cheng, Angel 197, 9851 Limited 2553, 5847 Cheng, C. W. 2896 China Animal Healthcare Limited 9625 Cheng, Cassandra 3359-3360, 6502-6503, China Assurance Finance 10137-10144 Group Limited 75, 2554-2555, Cheng, Charles 6473 9626-9627 Cheng, Chi Shing 6116 China Automation Group Cheng, Chi Wa 2897-2899 Limited 5848, 9628 Cheng, Chung-yi 10381 China Automotive Interior Cheng, Domingo 131, 3403, 3405, Decoration Holdings Limited 76, 2556, 5727, 6559, 9500, 5849, 9629 10541-10542 China Binary Sale Technology Cheng, E. 2900-2901, 10018-10024, Limited 2557 10026-10032 China Bio Cassava Holdings Cheng, Ethan 5844 Limited 77, 2558-2559, Cheng, Huan 2543 5850, 9630 Cheng, Joseph Y. S. 6470 China Bio-Med Regeneration Cheng, Kwong-li 3642 Technology Limited 78-79, 2560, Cheng, Louis 10392-10393 9631-9633 Cheng, Man-wai 9874-9877 China CBM Group Company Limited 9634 Cheng, Michelle 360 China Child Care Corporation Cheng, Teresa 69-70, 6407 Limited 9635 Cheng, Tommy 10198 China Chuanglian Education Cheng, W. K. 6366 Group Limited 2561-2562, 9636 Cheng, Wah-Yan 5845 China Citic Bank Corporation Cheng, Winnie 6009 Limited 2563, 9637 Cheong Ming Investments Limited 71, 9617 China Conch Venture Holdings Cheuk, Kai-chung 6365 Limited 2564, 5851 Cheung, Adam Ka-lok 72 China Construction Bank Cheung, Alexander Tai-chong 73 Corporation 9638 Cheung, Angela 6335 China Daye Non-Ferrous Metals Cheung, Bing-shan 6273-6275 Mining Limited 2565, 9639 Cheung, C. F. 10704 China Development Bank Cheung, Clara 10121 International Investment Cheung, Cyrus 2896, 2898-2899 Limited 2566-2567, 5852, Cheung, Delphine 2544 9640-9641 D10996 2015 年第 51 期憲報第 4 號特別副刊 S. S. NO. 4 TO GAZETTE NO. 51/2015 China Dynamics (Holdings) Limited 9642 China Machinery Engineering China E-Learning Group Limited 2568, 5853, Corporation 2590 9643-9644 China Merchants
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