Environmental Monitoring Report October 2013 Loan 2313-TAJ: Rural Development Project INFRASTRUCTURE SUBPROJECTS ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING REPORT March – September 2013 Rural Development Project - Management Unit, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank ALMGC Committee (ex Agency) for Land Management, Geodesy and Cartography CACILM Central Asian Initiative for Land Management CBO Community Based Organization CIS Community of Independent States EA Executing Agency GEF Global Environmental Facility GoT Government of Tajikistan HR Human Resources IA Implementing Agency IEE Initial Environmental Examination LPDP Livestock and Pasture Development Project (IFAD) MoA Ministry of Agriculture M & E Monitoring and Evaluation NGO Non Governmental Organization PMU Project Management Unit PPMS Project Performance Monitoring System RDP Rural Development Project RRP Report and Recommendations of the President of ADB SES Sanitary and Epidemic Station SLM Sustainable Land Management component (= Contract 3) TA Technical Assistance TJS Tajik Somoni TL Team Leader TORs Terms of Reference UN United Nations USD United States Dollar WB World Bank WUA Water Users Association 1 CONTENTS PROJECT SYNOPSIS I. INTRODUCTION II. STATUS OF INFRASTRUCTURE SUBPROJECTS 1. Commissioned infrastructures 2. Sub projects under construction 3. Sub projects awarded and launching works 4. Sub projects tendered and expecting ADB approval on awarding 5. Sub projects implementation schedule III. SCHEDULE OF INTERVENTIONS OF THE PMU AND ADB ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SPECIALISTS IV. ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESETTLEMENT STATUS OF INFRASTRUCTURE SUBPROJECTS 1. Reporting documentation 2. Key features of the environmental and resettlement status of the subprojects APPENDIXES: 1 STATUS OF INFRASTRUCTURE SUBPROJECTS AS AT END SEPTEMBER 2013 2 STATUS OF INFRASTRCTURE SUBPROJECTS BENEFICIARIES AND COSTS AS AT END SEPTEMBER 2013 3 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT FIELD TRIPS (JANUARY TO SEPTEMBER 2013) 4 INFRASTRUCTURE SUB PROJECTS ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SHEETS 1 PROJECT SYNOPSIS Prepared in 2005-2006 and designed to be implemented during the 2007-2014 period, the Rural Development Project (RDP) targets five hilly to mountainous raions not producing cotton, north and close to Dushanbe. Indicator Rudaki Varzob Vahdat Faizabod Rogun TOTAL % Country Population 2005 301 58 252 75 33 719 10,0 (000 inhab) Area (sq. km) 1 520 1 630 3 670 870 660 8 350 5,8 Arable land (sq km) 69 30 150 85 24 358 4,9 Irrigated land (% 53,6 13,3 70,7 44,7 12,5 52,5 3,7 arable) Pastures (sq km) 800 865 880 467 487 3 499 9,3 Altitude agricultural 650 900 750 1 000 1 000 650 300 land (mini/maxi) (m) 1 200 2 500 2 000 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 Rainfalls (mm/year) 585 1 189 704 797 767 - - Jamoats (number) 13 5 10 9 2 39 10,6 Rayon Proper Budget 32,0 10,4 25,0 12,0 11,0 90,4 - 2009 (Million TJS) State-subsidised 0 13 17 58 80 23,6 - budget (%) Taking a holistic and coordinated approach of rural development and economy, the RDP global objective is to increase the farm and non-farm incomes of rural households, through an enhanced productivity of individual and cooperative dekhan farms, households and rural enterprises, within an environmentally sustainable management framework. Structured into five components Policy and Institutional Development and Reform, Sustainable Land Management (Pasture, Arable, and Forest), Agriculture and Rural Business Support, Rural Infrastructure Development, Project Management (through a PMU), the RDP is implemented under the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) as Executing Agency (EA), the Agency for Land Management, Geodesy and Cartography (ALMGC - formerly the State Land Committee) being an Implementing Agency (IA) of the second component. A multi-institutional Steering Committee headed by a representative from the Executing Agency (MoA) endorses the RDP strategy and relevant proposals prior to any submission and agreement with the Asian Development Bank. The co-financing scheme involves the Tajik Government, the Asian Development Bank (Loan and Grant of Special Operations effective since 14/09/2007 and expiring on 31/03/2014), the Global Environment Facility (Grant signed on 08/05/2009, expiring on 31/03/2014) and the Beneficiaries: Investment Plan (USD million) Financing Plan (USD million) Item Cost % Source Cost % Base Cost 1. Policy and Institutional Development and Reform 2.10 9,01 1. Government 1.65 7.10 2. Sustainable Land Management 4.17 17,90 2. ADB 3. Agriculture and Rural Business Support 6.27 26,91 Loan 8.80 37.80 4. Rural Infrastructure Improvement 6.18 26,52 Grant 8.30 35.60 5. Project Management 3.05 13,09 3. GEF Grant 3.50 15.00 Sub total Base Cost 21.77 93,43 4. Beneficiaries 1.05 4.50 Contingencies 1.16 4,98 Financing charges during implementation 0.37 1,59 TOTAL 23.30 100.00 TOTAL 23.30 100.00 Initially envisaged, the allocation of an additional separate ADB Grant (USD 0,6 million) to develop capacity for planning and budgeting in local government has been cancelled in March 2010 by the ADB in order to avoid overlaps with interventions from other funding institutions. 2 I. INTRODUCTION Issue 52 of the March/April 2012 ADB review mission report introduced the ADB requirement for biannual environmental reports on each infrastructure subproject. The present report is the second specific environmental report produced by the Project. It covers the October 2012 - February 2013 period. At the end of the reporting period, the status of the infrastructure subprojects envisaged through two different criteria is the following: Number of Number of Progress Profile subprojects subprojects Completed 16 Water supply in villages 15 Under construction 9 Bridge rehabilitation 8 Awarding approved by ADB 2 Road rehabilitation 3 in September 2013 Irrigation network 5 Under examination by ADB rehabilitation 5 of awarding procedures Small hydro electric 1 power plant TOTAL 32 TOTAL 32 The relevant environmental monitoring and management interventions of the project are implemented according to the following plan: o Preparation: definition of environmental impact and of safeguards to be included in the contract and of eventual resettlement issues, o Construction: monitoring of the fulfillment of requirements by contractors until commissioning, o Maintenance: environmental monitoring of interventions from those in charge of maintenance (public institutions for roads and bridges, communities for others) and training of these targets. PMU staffing (environmental monitoring specialist) has been maintained but its financing has been shifted one year ago (03/08/2012) from the ADB Grant to the ADB Loan to control the exhaustion risk of Grant funding allocated to local staffing. This disposition has been kept during the present reporting period and the intervention schedule of the environmental monitoring specialist is designed accordingly. II. STATUS OF INFRASTRUCTURE SUBPROJECTS The status of the 32 infrastructure subprojects on which the Project is working is detailed in Appendixes 1 and 2. Annex 1 shows a classification / numbering / reference of subprojects which is used in the whole present document and its annexes. Out of 32 identified subprojects, 16 are completed, 9 are under construction, 2 are just after contract signature and launch works and 5 are expecting ADB approval for contracting. The profiles of these 32 subprojects are distributed as follows: Profile Number Subprojects ref. in the present report Water supply in villages 15 2,3,8,13,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,32 Bridge rehabilitation 8 4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14 Road rehabilitation 3 6,16,17 Irrigation network rehabilitation 5 1,18,29,30,31 Small hydro electric power plant 1 15 TOTAL 32 - Subprojects linked to roads, bridges and irrigation are rehabilitation of existing infrastructure whilst water catchments/supply and mini power plants are new infrastructure. The share of infrastructure subprojects per profile and per raion is the following (number of subprojects): Raion Rudaki Varzob Vahdat Faizabad Rogun TOTAL Profile Water supply in villages 4 2 7 2 15 Bridge rehabilitation 3 2 1 1 1 8 Road rehabilitation 2 1 3 Irrigation network 5 rehabilitation 2 2 1 Small hydro electric power 1 plant 1 TOTAL 9 4 7 8 4 32 The estimated share of costs and beneficiaries per rayon is distributed as follows for the 32 potential subprojects to be implemented (including the 27 already contracted). Number of Estim. contract value Estim. Beneficiaries Estim. ethnic minorities Rayon subprojects USD % Persons % Persons % Rudaki 9 1,481,919 26,9 86,076 53,2 3,886 49,3 Varzob 4 547,125 9,9 17,416 10,7 1,400 17,7 Vahdat 7 1,235,731 22,4 23,748 14,7 2,602 33,0 Faizabod 8 1,361,597 24,7 21,195 13,1 - - Rogun 4 881,789 16,1 13,380 8,3 - - TOTAL 32 5,508,163 100,0 161,815 100,0 7,888 100,0 At the end of September 2013, est. 10 % of the target region population is benefiting from 16 completed sub projects and est. 23 % % of the target region population will benefit from the 32 subprojects at completion. 1. Commissioned infrastructures 16 subprojects are already operational Project name Rayon Jamoat Status Sub-sector Cost (TJS) 1. Reconstruction of Dashti- Commissioned Vahdat Abdulvosiev Irrigation 446,178.00 Bed canal 15/09/2011 2. Construction of TahtiAlif Commissioned Faizabad Chasmasor Water supply 237 014,00 drinking water supply 26/12/2011 3. Supply of clean drinking Commissioned Rudaki Lohur Water supply 180,722.00 water for Lohur village 18/02/2012 4. Reconstruction of bridge Commissioned between Chorburgh- Varzob Chorbog Bridge 217,098.00 20/12/2012 Chormagsakoni Uzbek 5. Bridge construction at Commissioned Rudaki Esanboy Bridge 1,074,610.36 Shurmanka village 12/07/2012 6. Restoration of road in Javoni Commissioned Rogun Kadi-ob Road 1,114,222.31 village 29/03/2013 7.
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