GLEN EIRA CITY COUNCIL ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY 11 JUNE 2019 MINUTES Meeting was held in the Council Chambers, Corner Hawthorn & Glen Eira Roads, Caulfield at 7.30pm Present The Mayor, Councillor Jamie Hyams Councillor Tony Athanasopoulos Councillor Anne-Marie Cade Councillor Clare Davey Councillor Mary Delahunty Councillor Dan Sztrajt ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 11 JUNE 2019 INDEX 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................... 4 3. OATH OF OFFICE AND DISCLOSURES OF INTERESTS ..................................... 4 4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS COUNCIL MEETINGS ................. 5 5. RECEPTION AND READING OF PETITIONS AND JOINT LETTERS .................... 5 5.1 Petition: Objection to the Safe Cycling Corridor Pilot ....................................... 5 6. DOCUMENTS FOR SEALING ................................................................................. 6 Nil 7. REPORTS BY DELEGATES APPOINTED BY COUNCIL TO VARIOUS ORGANISATIONS ................................................................................................... 6 8. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES ............................................................................ 6 8.1 Advisory Committees ................................................................................... 6 8.1.1 Advisory Committee Minutes ........................................................................... 6 8.2 Records of Assembly .................................................................................... 6 8.2.1 Records of Assemblies of Councillors ............................................................. 6 9. PRESENTATION OF OFFICER REPORTS ............................................................. 7 9.1 12 Field Street Bentleigh ................................................................................. 7 9.2 VCAT Watch ................................................................................................... 8 9.3 Public Submissions on the 2019-20 Draft Budget ............................................ 9 9.4 Submissions on the 2019-20 Council and Community Plan and the Draft Strategic Resource Plan 2019-20 to 2028-29 .................................................. 9 9.5 Strategic Transport Projects Update .............................................................. 10 9.6 Glen Eira Youth Strategy 2019-2023 and Youth Strategy Action Plan 2019- 2020 .............................................................................................................. 11 9.7 Glen Eira Volunteer Framework and Action Plan ........................................... 11 9.8 Draft Social and Affordable Housing Strategy 2019-2023 .............................. 11 9.9 Foundation for Youth Excellence Application Recommendations Quarter 2, 2019 .............................................................................................................. 12 9.10 Local Law Review ......................................................................................... 12 9.11 Public Toilets Carnegie and Murrumbeena Stations - Lease Metro Trains Melbourne ..................................................................................................... 13 9.12 Council Procurement Policy - Annual Review ................................................ 13 GLEN EIRA CITY COUNCIL Page 2 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 11 JUNE 2019 9.13 Financial Management Report for the Period Ending 30 April 2019 ............... 14 9.14 Future of Sport and Active Recreation ........................................................... 14 10. URGENT BUSINESS ............................................................................................. 15 11. ORDINARY BUSINESS ......................................................................................... 15 11.1 Requests for reports from Officers - Nil .................................................... 15 11.2 Right of reply - Nil ....................................................................................... 15 11.3 Councillor questions - Nil ........................................................................... 15 11.4 Public question to Council ......................................................................... 15 12. CONSIDERATION OF IN CAMERA ITEMS ........................................................... 16 12.1 Contract 2018.052 - Tender Recommendation for the Provision of Telecommunication Services ......................................................................... 17 12.2 Tender 2019.145 Supply and Delivery of Ready Made Meals (Meals on Wheels) and Centre-Based Bulk Meals ......................................................... 17 13. CLOSURE OF MEETING ....................................................................................... 18 GLEN EIRA CITY COUNCIL Page 3 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 11 JUNE 2019 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Mayor read the acknowledgement. GLEN EIRA CITY COUNCIL RESPECTFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE BOON WURRUNG PEOPLE OF THE KULIN NATION ARE THE TRADITIONAL OWNERS OF THE LAND NOW KNOWN AS GLEN EIRA. WE PAY OUR RESPECTS TO THEIR ELDERS PAST, PRESENT AND EMERGING AND ACKNOWLEDGE AND UPHOLD THEIR CONTINUING RELATIONSHIP TO AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS LAND. 2. APOLOGIES Moved: Cr Delahunty Seconded: Cr Sztrajt That the apologies from Cr Margaret Esakoff, Cr Joel Silver and Cr Jim Magee be received and noted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3. OATH OF OFFICE AND DISCLOSURES OF INTERESTS Oath of Office The Mayor read the Oath of Office. Councillors are reminded that we remain bound by our Oath of Office to undertake the duties of the office of Councillor in the best interests of the people of the municipal district of Glen Eira and to faithfully and impartially carry out the functions, powers, authorities and discretions vested in us under the Local Government Act or any other Act, to the best of our skill and judgement. Councillors are also reminded of the requirement for disclosure of conflicts of interest in relation to items listed for consideration on the Agenda, or which are considered at this meeting, in accordance with Sections 77 to 79 of the Local Government Act. GLEN EIRA CITY COUNCIL Page 4 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 11 JUNE 2019 4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS COUNCIL MEETINGS Moved: Cr Delahunty Seconded: Cr Sztrajt That the minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 21 May 2019 be confirmed. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. RECEPTION AND READING OF PETITIONS AND JOINT LETTERS 5.1 PETITION: OBJECTION TO THE SAFE CYCLING CORRIDOR PILOT A petition containing 105 signatures was submitted to the Council Meeting. The petition read as follows: ‘This petition draws to the attention of the Council: Objection to the Inkerman Road Safe Cycling Corridor Pilot We, the undersigned, are concerned that the proposed Pilot will significantly and detrimentally affect the amenity of the residents of Caulfield North and St Kilda East who live on Inkerman Road/Street and adjacent streets. We request that Council: Reject the proposal of removing or limiting parking along Inkerman to put in a separated bicycle path as this would create accessibility, waste management and traffic safety issues for residents of these areas and their visitors, and for local businesses and their customers. Make the current bicycle lane safer by means which do not detrimentally impact on the residents of Inkerman in the enjoyment and use of their properties and businesses. Work with the State government to develop a safe link between the Djerring Trail and the St Kilda Road separated bicycle lane on a wider road, such as Dandenong Road, which more fully allows for safe separation of cyclists from moving and parked cars. Moved: Cr Delahunty Seconded: Cr Sztrajt That Council: 1. receives and notes the petition; and 2. considers the petition in conjunction with the Safe Cycling Corridor Pilot. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY GLEN EIRA CITY COUNCIL Page 5 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 11 JUNE 2019 6. DOCUMENTS FOR SEALING Nil 7. REPORTS BY DELEGATES APPOINTED BY COUNCIL TO VARIOUS ORGANISATIONS Nil 8. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES 8.1 Advisory Committees 8.1.1 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Moved: Cr Athanasopoulos Seconded: Cr Delahunty That the minutes of the Advisory Committee meetings as shown below be received and noted and that the recommendations of the Committees be adopted. a. 7 May 2019 – Community Grants Advisory Committee b. 24 May 2019 – Audit and Risk Advisory Committee CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8.2 Records of Assembly 8.2.1 RECORDS OF ASSEMBLIES OF COUNCILLORS Moved: Cr Delahunty Seconded: Cr Sztrajt That the Records of the Assemblies as shown below be received and noted. a. 7 May 2019 Assembly b. 14 May 2019 Assembly c. 21 May 2019 (pre-meeting) CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY GLEN EIRA CITY COUNCIL Page 6 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 11 JUNE 2019 Public Participation The Mayor advised that at this stage of the meeting,15 minutes is allowed for public participation in accordance with clause 230(1) of the Glen Eira Local Law. 9. PRESENTATION OF OFFICER REPORTS It is recorded that under section 79B of the Local Government Act, Cr Cade declared a conflicting personal interest in item 9.1 – 12 Field Street Bentleigh as a close relative lives in close proximity to the subject site and is an objector. Cr Cade requested Council grant her an exemption from voting in this matter as it is in conflict with her public duty as a Councillor. Moved: Cr Delahunty Seconded: Cr Athanasopoulos That Council grants Cr Cade an exemption
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