Volume 73 No.ll ·Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem North Carolina Friday, November 10, 1989 ~ ' \ ' : WFU Begins Investigation of Racial Incident By Jeaale Vaughn affairs and executive secretary, announced "Any university action that comes about which a security guard has been racially dis­ several occasions. Assis11111 News EdiiOI' the inquiry Monday. Corbett said the univer­ because of the inquiry will be made public," criminate when enforcing the gym's no-tres­ Fisher said the officet asked the weight sity has dropped the charge of obstructing said Andrea Freeman, the director of media passing policy. The article in last week's Old room attendant if he routinely checked stu­ ' The .university began investigating an in­ and delaying an officer. The case was sched­ relations. · Gold and Black has prompted students to dents' I.D.s as they entered. The attendant cident in which John McLemore, a black uled to be heard in district court Wednesday. Corbett said: "If there are any problems, s~ out about incidents they have wit­ said he did not have to check identification Wake Forest law student, was arrested and University policy requires .students, fac­ we'll deal with the problems. It's my notion nessed or in which they have been involved. because he could usually tell when someone removed from Reynolds Gymnasium Oct. ulty and staff who use the gym and other that I should not reach a conclusion as to StevenFisher,aWakeForestlawstudent, was not a Wake Forest student, Fisher said. 27 afterrefusingtopresenthis studenti.D. to facilities on campus to provide Wake Forest whether tl!ere are or are not problems until · said he saw a similar incident. He said the officer approached the only a security guard. identification upon the request of a security · the case is reviewed." Fisher said he was lifting weights in the black person in the room and asked him if he McLemore said he the guard was racially officer. Robert Prince, the director of university gym one afternoon earlier this year. A young was a student. When the student said his discriminatory in checking for identifica­ Officers assigned to patrol the gyillnasium security, said he cannot comment about the white security officer came into the room Wake Forest I. D. was in his car, the officer tion. routinely expel individuals not associated incident until the inquiry ends. and watched those who were working out. asked him to retrieve it. Fisher said the Leon Corbett, the vice president for legal with Wake Forest, Corbett said. Apparently the incident is not the first in Fisher said he had seen the officer enter on See Racial, Page 4 Society Rush Play boy Interviews; To Be Shorter Police Dis ban Protest ·By One Week By Ryan McQueeny "We called the Journal, and channel Old Gold and Black Reporter 12 news,"Tucker said. Channels 2 and Old Gold and Black Staff Report 8 also showed up, she said. "The pro­ An attempted demonstration organ­ test itself was unsuccessful, but we Society rush will last two weeks next semes­ ized by Wake Forest's students pro­ succeeded in getting exposure." ter instead of three, said Dede Tucker, the testing the presence of Playboy pho­ The protest was organized by junior president of the Intersociety Council. tographer David Chan was broken up MauraRogersandTucker, who is also . Tuckersaidthechangesarepartofageneral by city police only 20 minutes after it thepresidentofthelntersociety Coun­ revamping of the rush system in response to started. cil. A meeting was held Sunday in feedback questionnaires that were distributed Chan arrived in Winston-Salem which interested students and faculty to and returned by new pledges, rushees that Monday to gather material for a "Girls membersfmalizedplansforMonday's didnotreceivebids, women whodroppedrush of the ACC' pictorial feature sched­ picket They also worked out a petition prematurely, society members of each aca­ uledtoappearinPlayboy' s Aprill990 that states signers' opposition to "the demic class and pledge counselors. issue. He stayed in the Holiday Inn on presence of Playboy in the Wake For­ ''We saw what they liked and disliked about University Parkway. est community." the system," Tucker said. The protest was halted because a "Theprotestwasjusttogrnbpeople's Tuckersaidthesocietiesaretryingarotation parn.de permit was not issued as ex­ attention. The petition is more ofalong system similar to that used by most universi­ pected. Senior Dorothy Bryan was the term goal," Tucker said. ties that will significantly shorten the first first to learn about the cancellation of "A lot of Wake Forest students tend roiDld of rush. The seven societies and the the protest. When she went 1o pick up to be apathetic," she said. "But as long national sorority, Delta Delta Delta, will be the permit at the police station early as we keep pressing and don't let the involved in the rotation. The Delta Sigma Monday, officers said they had never issue slide, at least we keep it on (stu­ . Theta sorority will have its rush separately, received the request, Bryan said . dents') minds." Tucker said. "We thought we just had to send a The petition will be passed to resi­ In the rotation system, rushees are divided Jetter requesting (a permit), but it is dence halls, fraternities, societies and · ~lo fotii' tush groups. The groups will attend more involved than that," she said sororities and to the administration. :foui'50-rifui.utese!lsions eachdayfortwodays.. Withoutapermit, theprotesterswere After it is completed this weekend, "Its more efficient than before,"Tuckersaid. -barred from picketing·on public prop­ copies will be sent to President Tho.-. Therotati.onsystemwillbeusedonlyforthe erty. The group's only remaining op­ masK. Hearn Jr., the commissioner of first round ofrush. The old system will be used tionwastopicketonthegroundsowned· theACC and to the publishers ofPlay­ for later rounds, Tucker said. by the Holiday Inn, but an assistant boy, Tucker said. "By then the numbers get small enough so manager refused to grant pennission, DavidFouche,assistantchaplainand that it's manageable," she said Senior Dede Tucker said. Baptist campus minister, was active in Since women will travel in smaller groups When the manager was asked why planning the protest. instead of one large mass, they will feel like he refused, he said, "All we do is sell "Our goal is to letpeopleknow what individuals and not numbers, she said. rooms, and sell rooms is all we do." is going on. Wedon'twantWakeForest . 'The first round is so important ... Hope­ When asked if he knew that Chan had to be associated with Playboy in any fully this system will alleviate some of the used the motel's name and phone way. Individuals have the right, of · problems we have now," Tucker said. number in advertisements, the man­ comse. The troubling point is putting ''Usually during rush the girls are thinking ager shrugged his shoulders and re­ Wake Forest's name on it," Fouche only of that Now they won't have to commit fused to comment, Bryan said. said. so much time to rush," she. said. Although the protest was shortened, A student involved in the protest there was no shortage of coverage. See Playboy, Page 4 Residence Lif~ and Housing Investigates Allocation of Lounge, Living Space By Jennie Vaughn probably be finished by the end of the semester. Ken­ have some "flexible housing" that can expand or con­ dorm, and there is a lessening ofdesire to live on campus ~u~1News~ neth Zick, the vice president for student life and in­ tract with minimum difficulty. "Maybe using houses on - which has a history of coming in cycles - the structional resources, chairs the committee. the edge of campus is a more practical way to keep up enrollment could go up." · A residence hall feasibility study committee has Thomas Mullen, dean of the college, said the ques­ with the cycles. Gregory said: "There are always more people in the been formed to discuss the campus housing situation tion of constructing a new dorm must be viewed in a "Every time you build a dorm, the natural tendency is spring during housing sign-up than there are available and the appropriateness ofbuilding another dorm, said historical perspective. He said there was a period about to increase the number of students that are let in," he rooms on campus. In the fall there are always enough Dennis Gregory, the director of residence life and 10 years ago in which a large num her of students chose said. places. We do it to make sure there's a full house in the housing. The committee was formed as a response to - to move off campus. "I think it's likely there will "Alumni have told us again and again to make a real fall. It will happen again." the large number of sophomore students left unhoused be another phase like that- where students think it's effort not to lose the communication, friendliness and Although there is enough living space on campus, for the fall after spring housing sign-ups. more adult to make up their own rules and want to be close faculty-student relations that are a key part of lounge space for student organizations is at a minimum. A committee has also been formed to discuss the able to decide for themselves when to turn the music up Wake Forest. Gregory said the trend will continue even with the allocation of lounge space on the Reynolda campus. or down. It comes in cycles," he said. "No one is beating drums to increase undergraduate addition of the 100,000 square-foot Benson University Gregory said the housing committee's work will Mullen said he felt it would make better sense to enrollment. But if for some other reason we build a new See Residence, Page 5 Deford Says Sports, Studies Incompatible ByBoMardn merely reflect society's values.
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