0198_hsus_te_ch06_s02_su.fm Page 198 Wednesday, April 18, 2007 9:49 AM Step-by-Step WITNESS HISTORY AUDIO A Great Orator Speaks SECTION Instruction In 1792, government officials met with Native Americans in Philadelphia SECTION to discuss treaty issues and continuing skirmishes between settlers and Indians in the North- Objectives west. In response to a plea from President Washington As you teach this section, keep students for peace, a famous Seneca orator replied, focused on the following objectives to help “When you Americans and the king made peace them answer the Section Focus Question and [in 1783], he did not mention us, and showed us no master core content. compassion, notwithstanding all he said to us, and all • Explain how territorial expansion brought we had suffered . he never asked us for a delega- Americans into conflict with the British tion to attend our interests. Had he done this, a and with Native Americans. settlement of peace among all the western nations might have been effected....” • Describe American relations with Britain, —Red Jacket, 1792 France, and Spain. • Analyze how the political parties’ debates over foreign policy further divided them. ᮡ Washington presents Red Jacket with a peace medal (above right) at the 1792 meeting. Prepare to Read The Struggle Over Foreign Policy Background Knowledge L3 Objectives Why It Matters In addition to building a government, making • Explain how territorial expansion brought peace with Native Americans, and maintaining control over expanded Ask students to recall why the first borders, the young United States had to establish itself in the interna- political parties formed. Ask them to Americans into conflict with the British and with Native Americans. tional community during a volatile time. By 1793, Britain and France predict how well they think the parties had resumed war, and both threatened efforts by the United States to • Describe American relations with Britain, will work together during crises that stay neutral. Debate over America’s response to a war and to a France, and Spain. the nation will face. revolution in France affected the nation’s foreign policy as well as • Analyze how the political parties’ debates its domestic structure. Section Focus Question: How did foreign policy Set a Purpose L3 over foreign policy further divided them. challenges affect political debate and shape American government? ½ WITNESS HISTORY Read the selec- Terms and People tion aloud, or play the audio. Little Turtle Alien and Sedition Acts Conflict in the Ohio Valley Witness History Audio CD, Battle of Fallen Timbers Virginia and Kentucky Although the United States had gained a vast new territory west A Great Orator Speaks French Revolution resolutions of the Appalachians from the Treaty of Paris, the British kept their John Jay Aaron Burr forts on the American side of the Great Lakes. Hoping to limit Ask According to Red Jacket, XYZ Affair American settlement in the Northwest Territory, the British pro- how were the Native Americans vided arms and ammunition to the Miami Indians and their allies, treated in the peace treaty of who were actively resisting American expansion into their lands. In Reading Skill: Identify Supporting 1783? (They were not considered at 1790, Native Americans led by the war chief Little Turtle defeated a Details Record details about early U.S. foreign all.) What effect did this have on small force sent by President Washington to stop attacks against policies in a chart like this one. U.S. relations with Native Amer- settlers. In 1791 in the Ohio Valley, British guns helped a confeder- icans? (It prevented peace because U.S. Foreign Policy acy of many Indian nations, again led by Little Turtle, to crush a Native American interests were not larger American force commanded by General Arthur St. Clair. considered.) Native But the tide turned in August 1794 when federal troops led by Americans Britain France ½ General Anthony Wayne defeated the Native American confederacy Focus Point out the Section Focus at the Battle of Fallen Timbers, named for the fallen trees that Question and write it on the board. Tell students to refer to this ques- tion as they read. (Answer appears with Section 2 Assessment answers.) ½ Preview Have students preview Use the information below and the following resource to teach students the high-use word the Section Objectives and the list from this section. Teaching Resources, Vocabulary Builder, p. 11 of Terms and People. High-Use Word Definition and Sample Sentence ½ Using the Paragraph Shrinking strategy (TE, p. T20), unify v. to bring together; to make into one unit have students read this section. As At first, George Washington’s presidency was able to unify the country. they read, have students identify supporting details about early U.S. foreign policies. Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 198 The New Republic 0198_hsus_te_ch06_s02_su.fm Page 199 Wednesday, April 18, 2007 9:49 AM covered the battle site. Wayne’s decisive victory forced the Native Americans to accept his peace terms. In the Treaty of Greenville, Native American leaders ceded most of the present state of Ohio to the U.S. government. This also opened Teach the Northwest Territory to settlement. Why was the Battle of Fallen Timbers significant? Conflict in the Ohio Valley L3 American Relations With Europe While the British were helping Native Americans take a stand against the Instruct United States, the young nation struggled to chart a sure course in the area of ½ Introduce: Key Term Ask stu- foreign policy. dents to find the key term Battle of Fallen Timbers (in bold), and Responding to the French Revolution In 1789, Americans welcomed explain that it was a battle between news of the French Revolution, a republican uprising in France. Grateful for U.S. soldiers and Native Americans. French help during the American Revolution, Americans now saw the French Battle of Fallen Timbers Tell students to read to find out the as fellow republicans in a hostile world of aristocrats and kings. In 1793, how- An engraving from the mid-1800s shows the 1794 battle that weakened result of the Battle of Fallen ever, leaders of the French Revolution began executing thousands of opponents, Native American resistance. General Timbers. including the French king and his family. They also declared war on the monar- Anthony Wayne, commander in chief ½ chies of Europe, including Great Britain. of the United States Army, is shown Teach Using the Think-Write-Pair- In response, Americans divided along party lines. The Democratic Republi- below and on horse. Share strategy (TE p. T23), discuss cans regretted the executions but still preferred the French Republic to its the conflicts in the Northwest Terri- monarchical foes. Jefferson regarded the French Revolution as “the most sacred tory. Ask How did the British cause that ever man was engaged in.” But the Federalists decided that the encourage conflict in the North- French revolutionaries were bloody anarchists out to destroy religion and social west Territory? (They provided order. They suspected that the Democratic Republicans meant to do the same. arms and ammunition to Native Proclaiming Neutrality By 1793, Britain and France were at war. Both Amer- American groups opposing U.S. ican political parties agreed that the United States was too weak to get tangled settlement.) Why did the British in the war and too dependent on trade with Britain, which provided nearly want to limit U.S settlement in 90 percent of American imports. That trade generated most of the federal reve- the area? (Sample answer: The nue, which came primarily from tariffs and only secondarily from excise taxes. British hoped to regain control of the area or at least to limit U.S. expansion.) ½ Analyzing the Visuals Have stu- dents compare the images on this page and the previous page to apply what they have learned about the conflicts in the Northwest Territory. Ask students to describe each image and then summarize the events that led to the deteriorating relationship between Native Americans and the United States. Independent Practice Have students create a cause-and- effect chart to summarize the conflict between the United States and Native Americans in the Ohio Valley. Monitor Progress As students fill in their charts, circu- late to make sure that they understand U.S. foreign policy regarding Native American groups. For a completed ver- sion of the flow chart, see Note Taking The French and American Revolutions The desperate situation fueled the political instability and Transparencies, B-35. French and American Revolutions were linked in many public outrage that led to revolution. Like the Ameri- ways. French philosophers of the Enlightenment had can revolutionaries, the French rebels wrote a decla- inspired American Patriots with their views on liberty ration of independence. Called the Declaration of the and human rights. The French had also aided the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, it promoted many Patriots in their struggle. Without French help, the col- of the same ideals as the American Declaration of onists might not have won the war. However, the costs Independence, including the rights to liberty, equality, of the war strained the French economy, and the new and property. The revolutions of France and the U.S. government was in no position to pay back its United States shared many ideas, but had very differ- debts quickly. ent outcomes. Historians have often turned to these This financial strain, coupled with several bad har- two events to illustrate the sometimes fragile nature Answer vests in the late 1780s, left France on the verge of of political transformation. a widespread famine and economic collapse. The It opened the Northwest Territory for U.S. settlement. Chapter 6 Section 2 199 0198_hsus_te_ch06_s02_su.fm Page 200 Wednesday, April 18, 2007 9:49 AM If the United States entered the conflict, it could bankrupt the federal govern- American Relations ment.
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