Index Please note that most of the topics listed refer to the Heisei era. For those specifi cally about the Showa era, please look under “Showa era”. Page numbers in bold refer to the glossary. 1955 system 9, 99–102 Akihito, Emperor 161, 223–4, 239 1995 terrorist gas attacks 30 conservatives, distancing from 3/11 earthquake and tsunami 20, 226 198–200, 216–17, 264 Daijosai rite 226–7 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster fl ag-and-anthem issue 228 see Fukushima Daiichi nuclear Korean ancestry 230–1 disaster popularity 239–40 government response 200–1 reconciliation diplomacy 224–5, impact on survivors 217 225–6, 230–1 media coverage 28 Akishino, Prince 237 post-3/11 changes 265 Akita suicide prevention program 75 post-disaster restraint 218 amakudari (descent from heaven) 31, reconstruction 214–16 98, 103, 146, 193–4, 266, 270 relief efforts 215–16 Article 9 of Constitution 5, 10, 116, 117–18, 270 abductees in North Korea 124–30, contesting 101, 116–17, 122–4 133 support for 106, 117, 121, 123 Abe, Shinzo 122–3, 124, 127, 169–70, weakening of 121–2 233 COPYRIGHTEDAsahara, MATERIAL Shoko 30 Akahata JCP newspaper 105–6 Asahi newspaper 118–19, 230, 232 Akaishi, Chieko 65–6 Asia Women’s Fund (AWF) 154, Akihabara rampage 79 166–9, 170–1, 173 Contemporary Japan: History, Politics, and Social Change since the 1980s, Second Edition. Jeff Kingston. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Index 303 Atarashi Rekishi Kyokasho oTsukuru- scarcity of 41, 43–7, 58–9 kai 164, 270 in single-parent households 64, 65, Aum Shinrikyo (Supreme Truth 66–7 Sect) 30, 270 China immigrants from 144–6 baby boomers 24, 35, 41, 53, 83, 270 and Japanese war memory 157, 158, balance sheet recession 26 171 Big Bang 83–4, 270 relations with 12, 110, 131–4, 166 big business 266 security risk 19, 115, 116, 122 citizens fi ghting back 188 trade with 132, 144 Iron Triangle 3, 9, 97, 99–100, 103, Chinese immigrants 144–6 251, 265–6, 272 Chisso Corporation 188 botaiho 252–3, 271 choiwaru oyaji (cool older man) 110, Brazilian immigrants 141–3 271 bubble economy 14–16, 24, 271 Chong Hyang Gyun 140 bursting of 23, 24–5 Chongryon 139, 271 and yakuza 245, 249 Chubu Electric 202 bunraku 239, 271 civil action burakumin (hamlet people) 244, 271 against yakuza 254–6 bureaucracy 8, 10, 13, 97–8, 103, 266 over abductees in North Iron Triangle 3, 97, 100, 103, 251, Korea 125–6, 126–7 265–6, 272 over Koizumi’s visits to Yasukuni 162 Bush (G.W.) administration 109, 125, over Minamata disease 188 129, 130, 131 over nuclear safety 210, 220 over unemployment 80–2, 85–6 caregivers over US–Japan Security Treaty 101 abuse by 54 civil society 29, 32, 76, 82, 264, 267, family-based 52 268 foreign 58, 146–9 Class-A war criminals 6, 157, 159–60, professional 52–3 160, 163, 271 shortage of 50–1, 53 Clinton administrations 122 Centers for the Elimination of Clinton, Hillary 131 Boryokudan 253 CO2 emissions 177, 178 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 10, Cold War 10, 100, 105, 115 100 Japan as capitalistic showcase 8, 118 Charles, Prince of Wales 236 comfort women system 154, 166–71, Chidorigafuchi war monument 161–2 173, 232–4 child abuse 70–2 Constitution 7, 123 Child Abuse Prevention Law 70 Article 9 see Article 9 of childcare problems 44–7, 58–9, 88–9 Constitution children freedom of conscience 228 child abuse 70–2 separation of state and religion 160, of nikkeijin 143 162, 226, 227 304 Index construction state (doken kokka) 104, deregulation 194–6, 251, 271 of trade and labor 18, 36, 78, 83–4, corruption 31, 99, 100, 102–4, 251 90–1, 106 crime 6, 138, 143, 145 of utilities 183 organized see yakuza Diet 95, 271 Criminal Investigations Wiretapping “twisted” 21, 96, 108 Law 253 discrimination of burakumin 244 Daijosai 226–7, 271 of ethnic minorities 138, 139–40, Das Kapital (Marx) 78 144, 145 defense spending 10, 115, 120, 133–4 of Fukushimans 220 dekichatta kekkon (shotgun of women 45, 88 marriages) 63, 271 disparities 34–6, 77, 84–5, 91, 96, 273 demilitarizing, post-WWII 5 Dispatched Manpower Business Democratic Party of Japan Act 85 (DPJ) 18–19, 99, 108, 113–14, divorce 61–4 271 doken kokka (construction state) 104, bureaucracy-taming agenda 97–8 194–6, 251, 271 disappointments in 21, 97, domestic violence 67–9 112–13 Domestic Violence Prevention Law hopes in 96–7 68 military issues 119 drug use, post-WWII 6 and nuclear weapons 119 promises of 31, 92 earthquakes prospects 114 3/11 see 3/11 earthquake and public works cuts 33, 195 tsunami rise of 95–6 Kobe 28, 29, 215, 247–8 school fees elimination 67 and nuclear safety 182–3, 184, 205 SIA, disbanding of 55 economic crisis war responsibility 171 current global 17, 25, 79–80, 85–6, and Yasukuni Shrine 161 272 demographics 57–8 Lost Decade see Lost Decade aging society 41–2 Economic Partnership Agreements consequences 42–3 (EPAs) 146, 147, 148 elder abuse 54–5 economy 17 elder care 51–4, 58 1970s oil shocks, responses elderly 47–8 to 15–16 fertility rates, falling 43–7, 58–9 bubble economy see bubble and healthcare 49–51, 57–8 economy managing impending crisis 48–51 demographic infl uences see pensions 55–6 demographics prospects 56–9 government failures 25–7 workforce impacts 83 keiretsu 13–14 Index 305 Koizumi’s policies 18, 36, 83–4, environmental issues 177, 196–7, 109–10, 112, 114 268–9 LDP policies 17, 18, 18–19, 96 CO2 emissions 178 Lehman shock 17, 25, 79–80, 85–6, construction 194–6 274 fossil fuel use 178 Lost Decade see Lost Decade Minamata disease 188–9 Plaza Accords 14 nuclear energy see nuclear post-WWII 13 energy public dissatisfaction 17–18 renewable energy 184–7, 202–3, risk 16–19 218–19 and social issues 17–18, 18–19 whaling 189–94 trade imbalances 14 Equal Employment Opportunity Law zaibatsu 13 (EEOL) 88 Edano, Yukio 203 ethnic diversity 137 education 87, 123, 269 fl ag-and-anthem issue 227–30 families 75–6, 268 of immigrants 138–9, 144–5, 152 child abuse 70–2 patriotic 123 childcare problems 44–7, 58–9 and poverty 66–7 divorce 61–4 elderly 268 domestic violence 67–9 abuse of 54–5 single mothers 64–7 caregiving 51–4, 58 and social welfare system 60–1 lifestyles 47–8 suicide 72–5 suicide rates 75 fertility rates, falling 43–7, 58–9, 90 electoral reform 107–8, 113–14 FIFA 2002 World Cup employment tournament 230–1 dual labor market 90 Filipino immigrants 146–7, 148 gender wage gap 35, 62, 88 fi sheries, global 189, 193 and identity 91–2 FIT (Feed-in Tariff) 185, 202, 272 immigrant workers 136–8, 141–3, fl ag issue 227–30 144, 145–6, 146–9, 149 foreign policy implications of 89–92 with China 12, 110, 132–4 job subsidy system 85 “heart-to-heart” diplomacy 12 non-regular employment see with North Korea 124–30, 133 non-regular employment with South Korea 11 older workers 43 Treaty of Peace and Friendship paternalistic system 82 12 women and childcare 44–7, 58–9, with the US 10–11, 14, 115–16, 66, 88–9 130–1 women, marginalization of 4, 59, fossil fuel use 178 83, 87–9 freeters 84, 272 in yakuza 244 Fukuda, Takeo 161 for young people 86–7 Fukushima 272 306 Index Fukushima Daiichi nuclear healthcare 49–51, 57–8 disaster 200, 204, 264–5 foreign caregivers 146–9 aftershocks and fallout 209–13 mental health 74 earthquake and tsunami Heisei era 272 damage 205 Hinomaru fl ag 106, 227–30, 272 evacuations 206–7 Hirohito, Emperor Showa 4, 223, 226, food safety 211–12 227 investigation’s conclusions 206 death of 122, 225 loss of public trust in and war crimes 6–7, 165, 231–2, government 211, 211–12, 212 233 post-disaster energy Yasukuni Shrine, boycott of 161, conservation 217–18, 218 163 post-disaster sentiments Hiroshima 117 219–20 Hisahito, Prince 237 reckoning 213–14 homelessness 27, 80–2 safety apathy 205 tsunami risk 207–8 identity, national 19, 77, 91, 224 workers’ heroics 205–6 of immigrants 139, 143 Furukawa, Yasushi 203 and peace 123 Futenma Marine Airbase 113, 119, and whaling 190, 191 130–1 and work 91–2 ie 4, 272 gaijin (foreigners) 150, 272 Ikeda, Hayato 14, 101 Gates, Robert 130 immigrants 136–8, 268 gender wage gap 35, 62, 88 attitudes towards 136, 137, 138, Genkai 203–4 145 Gifu Prefecture transparency Chinese 144–6 case 32–3 foreign caregivers 146–9 governance 268 monitoring 149–50 Government Revitalization Unit need for 151 (GRU) 98 nikkeijin 140–4 Great Hanshin–Awaji Earthquake 28, numbers of 137 29, 82, 215, 247–8 policies 149–53 Gulf War 124 zainichi 138–40 imperial family habatsu (factions) 102, 272 prospects 238–40 haken mura 80–2, 272 relations within 235–8 Hamaoka nuclear plant 202 relevance 224–5 Hashimoto, Ryutaro 68, 109 Imperial Household Agency Hata, Ikuhiko 168, 233 (IHA) 224, 235–8, 239, 272 Hatamura, Yotaro 207, 207–8 income distribution 4, 34–6, 77, 84–5, Hatoyama, Yukio 97, 113, 130, 161, 91, 96, 272 177 Indonesian immigrants 146–7 Index 307 Institute for Cetacean Research 189, Kashiwazaki nuclear plant 182–3, 196, 191 205 International Military Tribunal for the Kato, Tomohiro 79 Far East (IMTFE) 6–7, 157, 231, Katz, Richard 15–16 232 Kazokukai 125–6, 127, 128, 273 International Whaling Commission keiretsu 13–14, 273 (IWC) 189, 190–1, 192–3, 194 Keizai Doyukai 163–4, 273 Iraq 112, 116, 121, 124 Kiko, Princess 237 Iron Triangle 3, 97, 100, 103, 251, Kim Dae Jung 231 265–6, 272 Kim Jong-il 124, 125, 133 Ishihara, Shintaro 127, 140, 228 Kimigayo (national anthem) 106, Itami, Juzo 248 227–30, 273 Kishi, Nobusuke 4, 100, 101, 102, 249 Japan Communist Party (JCP) 105–7, Kobe earthquake 28, 29, 82, 215, 161 247–8 Japan, Inc.
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