Noviembre 29, 2020 | Primer Domingo de Adviento MASKS REQUIRED BEFORE ENTERING BUILDINGS masks/face coverings need to cover nose and mouth at all times when inside building DEBEN PONERSE LA MASCARILLA PARA ENTRAR A LOS EDIFICIOS DE LA IGLESIA Por favor, aun si usan protector de plástico, también usen una máscara que les cubra la nariz y la boca todo el tiempo. Solemnidad de la Natividaddel Señor Christmas Masses Christmas Eve - Dec. 24 Diciembre 24 – Nochebuena Noon** English 12:00 mediodía** Inglés 4 p.m. Englsih 4:00 p.m. Inglés 6:30 p.m. English 6:30 p.m. Inglés 9 p.m. Spanish 9:00 p.m. Español Tickets required for entry. Christmas Day - Dec. 25 Tickets available after Mass beginning Diciembre 25 - Navidad Midnight English Nov. 28, 2020. Limit 10 per family. Medianoche Inglés 9:00 a.m. Inglés 9 a.m. English Entrega de boletos para las Misas Nov. 28-29 antes y después ** Reserved for Seniors 70 and older. de todas las Misas ** Personas de 70 + St. Joseph, Arlington, Texas 3 First Sunday of Advent Readings for the Week of Nov. 29, 2020 1st Sunday of Advent: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2- 7/Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 [4]/1 Cor 1:3-9/Mk 13:33-37 Monday: Rom 10:9-18/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [10]/ Mt 4:18-22 Tuesday: Is 11:1-10/ Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17 [cf. 7]/Lk 10:21-24 Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [6cd]/Mt 15:29-37 %ursday: Is 26:1-6/Ps 118:1 and 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a [26a]/Mt 7:21, 24-27 Friday: Is 29:17-24/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14 [1a]/Mt 9:27-31 Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26/Ps 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [cf. Is 30:18d]/Mt 9:35—10:1, 5a, 6-8 2nd Sunday of Advent: Is 40:1-5, 9-11/Ps 85:9- 10, 11-12, 13-14 [8]/2 Pt 3:8-14/Mk 1:1-8 RCIA: Preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Communion and Con$rmation) Individuals who would like to learn more about becoming Catholic and Catholics who are missing one or two of the sacraments of initiation are invited to contact our Parish. "e process can take from several months to a couple years to complete. Coordinator: Michelle Ebambi [email protected] or call 817.472.5254 Están interesados en RICA ... para completar sus Sacramentos? para entrar a la Iglesia Católica? para crecer en la fe? Consideren participar en el grupo del programa de catequesis, educación sacramental y comprensión de la fe. Comuníquense con Michelle Ebambi, Coordinadora de RICA: [email protected] o 817 472 5254 Mass Intentions Sat., Nov. 28 Tues., Dec. 1 Fri., Dec. 4 8:30 a.m. .............................Anna Lan Le + 8:30 a.m. .........................Richard Singleton + 8:30 a.m. .................................Teresa Rusk + 5:30 p.m. ..................... Martha M. Dzuong 6 p.m. .....................Family of Chukwuelve 6 p.m. .................................Chifond Tran + Sun., Nov. 29 Wed., Dec. 2 Sat., Dec. 5 8:30 a.m. ...............................Bobby Alaniz 8:30 a.m. ..............Edith Okundoye & Family 8:30 a.m. ...........................Martha Dzuong 11 a.m. ............Patricia Olvera Leissner + 6 p.m. ..................Douglas Sanni-%omas + 5:30 p.m. ......................Ru'no Mondragon 1 p.m. .......................... Maria De La Luz & .......................................... Adan Santillan + Sun., Dec. 6 "u., Dec. 3 8:30 a.m. .......................Jesus Hernandez + 8:30 a.m. ....................Charlotte Koranteng Mon., Nov. 30 11 a.m. ...............................Martha Dzuong 6 p.m. .................................Michael Badejo 8:30 a.m. ..............................Esther Ighodaro 1 p.m. ............................... Simon Bentley + 6 p.m. ........................... %angma Joseph + First Sunday of Advent | Nov. 29, 2020 % e U.S. Catholic Church’s Giving Day celebrates all aspects of On Dec. 1, -- #IGiveCatholic Giving Day -- your gift will our Catholic faith. " e #iGiveCatholic Giving Day inspires help us with the extra funds needed for our work both in the faithful stewards to “Give Catholic” on #GivingTuesday, parish and community. By clicking ‘donate,’ you can make a a global day of generosity and kindness. di= erence with your gift to our parish. " is is the ' rst year the Diocese of Fort Worth Help us make an impact by your extra support! will participate in this event. #iGiveCatholic se celebra anualmente el martes después del Celebrated annually on the Tuesday following % anksgiving, Día de Acción de Gracias, del Viernes Negro y del Lunes Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, #iGiveCatholic kicks o= the Cibernético, inicia la temporada de generosidad y une a la charitable season and brings the Catholic community together comunidad católica para dar gracias y donar más. to give thanks and give back. As the ' rst-ever giving day created to celebrate our unique Catholic heritage, #iGiveCatholic in- Su apoyo hace una diferencia signi' cativa en las necesidades spires faithful stewards to “Give Catholic” on #GivingTuesday, de nuestra parroquia durante esta temporada de pandemia y nos a global day of giving. permite conitnuar nuestro trabajo por medio de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl, nuestra ayuda a Arlington Life Shelter % e mission of #iGiveCatholic is to unite Catholic communi- y otros ministerios – incluyendo nuestro ministerio tecnológico ties and donors throughout the country to give back in support de transmisión en vivo de las Misas, la educación religiosa de of the organizations that have always given to us: Our parishes, niños y adultos por conferencias vía ZOOM, y otros más. schools, and nonpro' t ministries. El 1o. de diciembre—su donación a #IGiveCatholic Giving Your support makes a signi' cant di= erence to our parish needs Day—nos dará los fondos extra necesarios para continuar during this pandemic time and enables us to continue our nuestra labor en la parroquia y la comunidad. works of through the St. Vincent de Paul Society, outreach to Arlington Life Shelter and other ministries – including our Por favor opriman ´donate now´ con su regalo extra a nuestra technology ministry of live-streaming of Masses, children’s parroquia. and adult religious education via video conferencing through ZOOM, and others. St. Joseph, Arlington, Texas 5 First Sunday of Advent Parroquia de San José Arlington, TX )LHVWDGH1XHVWUD 6HxRUDGH*XDGDOXSH Diciembre 2020 Novena Acompáñenos en el rezo del Rosario comenzando a las 7pm, del día 3 al día 11 de Diciembre por Zoom. 12 de Diciembre x No habrá mañanitas. x Misa de la Festividad a las 10 de la mañana en la Iglesia. x Solo se podrá entrar a misa con boleto. Information de Zoom: meeting ID: 2352059491; password: josue Aviso: Les pedimos no traer flores el día 12 de Diciembre. Disculpen la inconveniencia. St. Joseph, Arlington, Texas 6 First Sunday of Advent All Masses will continue to be live streamed. Daily Mass is open to the public. PARISH OFFICE: Attendance limited to ' rst 40 people. 817#472#5181 Temperatures will be checked at the door. Please maintain social distance from others. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: Parish OX ce now has limited oX ce hours: $682% 429#8231 9-11 a.m. Monday-Friday. Call the Hotline and leave a message 9-11:30 a.m. Saturday 9:30 -11:30 a.m Sunday Parishioners may schedule Mass intentions, purchase a candle or re' ll Holy Water. Most sta= will continue to work from home, and are available via direct dial oX ce phone and email 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Todas las Misas están siendo transmitidas, 40 personas pueden asistir a las Misas diarias. Se toma la temperatura, usen mascarillas, y guarden la distancia social. BAPTISMAL CLASSES FOR PARENTS AND GODPARENTS El personal sigue trabajando desde sus casas en el horario normal We are now having Baptismal Class on line. Call 817 472 5181 for more information. de 9 a.m. a 5 p.m. CLASES BAUTISMALES PARA PADRES Y PADRINOS Ahora contamos con clases en línea. También la o' cina está abierta: Para más información comuníquese al 817 472 51 81. 9:00 – 11:00 lunes a viernes %HSUHSDUHGɇ(VWpQSUHSDUDGRV 9:00 – 11:30 sábados 9:30 – 11:30 domingos AUGUSTINE INSTITUTE ©2015 Augustine Institute. All rights reserved Ustedes pueden solicitar su Misa, comprar veladoras o llevar Agua Bendita. Rev. Daniel Kelley Pastor [email protected] Rev. Tom Kennedy Parochial Vicar [email protected] Deacon Bill Johnson Pastoral Minister [email protected] Deacon Rodney Asebedo Pastoral Minister [email protected] Deacon Jimmy Garcia Pastoral Minister [email protected] Deacon Jose Roman Pastoral Minister John Sgro Business Manager 817.468.8724 [email protected] Alejandra Terrones Front OX ce [email protected] Daisy Finnegan Front OX ce d' [email protected] Loretta Williams Bookkeeper [email protected] Jenise Diaz Accounts Receiveable | Facility Scheduler | Notary 682.326.5365 [email protected] Tim Jacquet Director of Worship 817.472.0532 [email protected] Jose' na Martinez Coordinator of Children’s Formation 682.326.5348 [email protected] Stephanie Gonzalez Coordinator of Youth Ministry 682.326.5347 [email protected] Michelle Ebambi RCIA Coordinator 817.472.5254 [email protected] Martín Peña Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry 682.318.1915 [email protected] Mercedes I. Vivoni Hispanic Ministry Assistant/Quinceañeras Program Coordinator 682.326.5364 [email protected] Jessica Biagini Safe Environment Coordinator | Notary 817.472.0577 [email protected] Herica Esquer Baptism/Funeral Coordinator 682.712.2043 [email protected] Rebecca Bosquez Parish Communications 817.472.5182 [email protected] Reyna Castelán Bulletin Assistant rcastelá[email protected] St. Joseph, Arlington, Texas 7 Nov. 29, 2020 If you already have a Virtus pro'le and wish to participate in a re- Safe Environment Certi'cation for Employees mote session, you must register for the session by clicking the and Adult Volunteers “I HAVE A VIRTUS PROFILE” button below or logging onto is required prior to serving VIRTUS at in Ministry and must be renewed every two years.
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