Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84302-7 - Between Spenser and Swift: English Writing in Seventeenth-Century Ireland Deana Rankin Index More information Index Abraham, 35 Annesley, Robert, 255 Absalom, 129 Antichrist, 64, 205 absolutism, 183 Apelles, 129, 195, 196, 226 An Accompt of a Bloody Massacre, 231 An Aphorismical Discovery of Treasonable An Account of the Public Affairs in Ireland, 231 Faction, 13, 18, 117–48, 154–56, 191, 194, 207, Act of Indemnity and Oblivion, 146, 176, 177, 218, 237, 239, 259, 260, 264, 278 184, 204, 235, 236, 267 aphorisms and structure of, 118–22, 131–37 Adolphus, Gustavus, 2 authorship of, 120–21 Adventurers, 15, 47, 61, 188–90, 237, 238, 240, 281 bardic aspirations of, 117–22, 122–31 Adventurers’ Act, 34 on Bellings, 228 Aeneas, 129 on Cromwell, 137–48 Agricola, Rudolphus, 132 on Ormond, 140–41 Alenc¸on, Franc¸ois-Hercule, Duc de, 198 as military history, 123–25 Alexander, 122–23 use of English language, 119–20 Alexander, William, first Earl of Stirling, 195 see also Sir Robert Dallington; Owen Roe alexandrines, 168, 169 O’Neill almanacks, 39, 192 Apollo, 202 Amazons, 105, 106–07, 217 Apuleius, 93 Anabaptists, 63, 178 Aristotle, 125 Anderson, Benedict, 22–23 Armagh, 24, 143, 182 ‘Anglo-Irish’, 13, 160, 173, 177, 187, 274 Armourer, Sir Nicholas, 160 literature, 3, 17 Arras, 259 Anglo-Norman inheritance, 14, 18, 84, 86, Ascendancy, 63, 160 167, 173 Ashbury, Joseph, 159 Annesley, Arthur, first Earl of Anglesey, 193, 238, astrology, 39 239, 244, 257, 265, 267, 268, 270 Athlone, 140 Heads and Memorandums for an intended History of Ireland, 244–45, 247–48, 251, Bacon, Sir Francis, 134 252–55, 270 Baker, Sir Richard, 58 Letter from a Person of Honour, 234, 245–47, Ballinekilly, siege of, 223, 224 248, 251, 252, 261 barbarians and the barbarous, 23, 25, 31, 34, 36, Letter from the Right Honourable Earl of 41, 43, 45, 47, 51, 52, 57, 86, 126, 178–79, Anglesey, 234, 249–50 201, 204, 226, 238, 245, 259, 280 True account of the State of the Government bards, 21–22, 72, 102, 103, 121, 122–23, 199 and Kingdom, 248 Barnard, Toby, 7 True account of the Whole Proceedings, 234, Barry, David fitz David, first Earl of 252, 255 Barrymore, 111 and Castlehaven, 246, 251, 252, 262 Barry, Captain Gerrat (also Gerat), 83, 108–16, and Ormond, 234, 244–55, 256, 270 119, 125, 133, 150, 154, 156, 182, 185, 213, library of, 247, 253, 257 214, 259 Annesley, Francis, second Viscount Valentia, 255 Military Discipline, 109, 111–15 284 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84302-7 - Between Spenser and Swift: English Writing in Seventeenth-Century Ireland Deana Rankin Index More information Index 285 The Siege of Breda, 109–11 Boston Tea Party, 277 Bellings’s opinion of, 115 Boyle, Elizabeth, 169 A Bartholomew Fairing, 147 Boyle family, 67 Baxter, Richard, 70 Boyle, Mary, 180 Bellings, Christopher, 209, 210–15 Boyle, Richard, first Earl of Cork, 78, 92, 111, as soldier, 210–13 152, 160, 179 Bellings, Henry, 193 Boyle, Robert, 180 Bellings, Richard (Solicitor-General 1576–84), Boyle, Roger, first Earl of Orrery, 10, 49–50, 193, 194 167, 168, 174–86, 187, 190, 238, 253, 270 Bellings, Richard (Secretary to the Catholic Altemira/The Generall, 101, 163, 174–75, Confederation, 1642–51) 18, 20, 27, 93, 186, 190 96, 115, 129, 162, 177, 191–29, 241, 243, An Answer to a Scandalous Letter, 177 253, 258, 278 The Irish Colours Displayed, 177–78, 178–79 The Eighth Day, 204–07, 227 Parthenissa, 50, 151–54, 180–81 History of the Confederation, 13, 14, 121, 193, A Treatise on the Art of War, 50, 177, 194, 204, 257, 278 182–86, 187 Aphorismical Discovery on, 228 as Restoration literature, 183 alterations to, 213–14 Ireland in, 186 circumstances of writing, 207 and Cromwellian Campaigns, 49–50, 56, 57, history writing in, 224–27 176–77, 180–81 images of civilisation in, 223–24 French’s attack on, 238–39 as manuscript, 229 Morrice’s account of, 180 personal history in, 210–15, 219 pamphlet wars with Walsh, 177–79, 236, 256 sword incident, 219–23 Boyne, 212 Sixth Book, 11, 18, 191–92, 194, 200–04, 205, Braganza, Catherine of, 194 208, 219, 222, 226, 227 Breda, siege of, see Gerrat Barry Eclogues, 196, 203 Brian, Captain, 155 Helen and Amphialus in, 195–204, ‘British History’, 6–10, 11, 99 197, 214, 219, 228 British Library, 243, 244 Sidney’s Irish legacy, 197–200 Brutus myth, 107 as ambassador, 193, 202, 209, 211, 215–19, Brydges (ne´e Stanley), Anne, 260 228, 241 Brydges, Elizabeth, 260 biography, 193–95 Buckingham, see George Villiers and Ormond, 193–94, 207, 222–23, 224, 227 Burford, 46 Bellings, Richard (son), 194 Burke, Edmund, 8 Benburb, battle of, 58, 126–28, 130, 144, 218 Burke (de Burgh), Ulick, Marquess of poem about, 127–28 Clanricard, 57, 141, 156, 198, 263 Bhabha, Homi, 24 Burkehead, Henry, Cola’s Furie, 147 Blake, Sir Richard, 142 Burnell, Henry, 82, 95, 105–08, 154, 162, 163, 170, Bletchingdon, 251, 252 182, 217 Blount, Charles, eighth Baron Mountjoy, 240 Landgartha 96, 99, 150–51, 152 Boate, Arnold and Gerald, Irelands Naturall Butler, Elizabeth (ne´e Preston), Duchess of History, 49, 61, 277 Ormond, 167, 210, 212 bonnyclabber, 37 Butler, James, first Duke of Ormond, 2, 38, Booker, John, 39 46, 47, 48, 53, 57, 63, 91, 117, 121, 129, Borlase, Edmund, 234, 238, 240, 245, 246, 253, 139, 149, 156, 159, 162, 166, 167, 171, 173, 264, 268, 270 174, 176, 177, 179, 184, 192, 193–94, 212, Brief Reflections and Castlehaven, 233, 222–23, 224, 228, 236, 238, 242, 258, 242–44, 262 264–66, 270 The History of the Execrable Irish Rebellion, and Anglesey, 234, 244–55, 256, 270 232–35, 241–42, 243 anti-Ormond writing, 41–42, 120, 137, 142, The Reduction of Ireland, 239 155, 239, 246 and Anglesey, 233–34 comparison with Cromwell, 138–39 use of Clarendon’s manuscript, 241–42, 270 correspondence with Jones, 144–45 Borlase, John, 233, 240–41, 242 Protestantism of, 141 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84302-7 - Between Spenser and Swift: English Writing in Seventeenth-Century Ireland Deana Rankin Index More information 286 Index Butler, James, first Duke of Ormond (cont.) first Ormond cessation, 2, 37–38, 140, 224, A Letter from his grace James, Duke of Ormond, 228, 243, 265 234, 247–49 O’Neill’s 1649 cessation, 144–48 drafting of, 248–49 second Ormond cessation, 126, 141, 146–48 see also French 149, 218, 222, 250 Butler, James, seventh Earl of Ossory (later Chamberlain, John, 21 second Duke of Ormond) 63, 70 Charles I, 1, 2, 20, 33, 46, 49, 55, 63, 64, 73, 82, Butler, Margaret (Mountgarret), 85, 97, 99, 105, 117, 133, 137, 145, 165, 170, (ne´e O’Neill), 193 177, 191, 192, 214, 220, 225, 236, 260, 261, Butler, Richard, third Viscount Mountgarret, 193 262, 266, 268 Butler, Thomas, eleventh Earl of Ormond, 91 Eikon Basilike, 270 Butler, Thomas, sixth Earl of Ossory, 70, 71–73, letters of, 38, 49 173, 265 marriage of, 78–79, 111, 200 Charles II, 53, 121, 138, 162, 174, 175, 178, 181, 182, Caesar, Julius, 47, 126, 131, 139, 142, 153, 164, 168, 185, 186, 188, 194, 207, 230, 232, 234, 236, 169, 170, 250 238, 245, 251, 256, 258, 259, 262 Callan, 192, 193 Charlesfort, 182 Calver, Edmund, Zions thankfull Echoes, 1, 129 C. H. G., The Siege of Breda, 110–11 Calvin, Jean, 108 Cicero, 144 Camden, William, 40, 277 Cinthio, Giraldi, 160 Campion, Edmund, 82, 85, 87–88, 197, 258, 280 citizenship, 6, 43–46, 47, 51–52, 79, 82, 95, 162, Hanmer’s attack on, 88 172, 194, 212 cannibalism, 25, 41, 238, 279–83 civil war, 199–200, 263 Capel, Arthur, first Earl of Essex, 184, 239 see also English civil wars Capua see Hannibal civility, 194, 200, 208 Carew, Sir George, 75, 240, 268 Clanricard see Ulick Burke library of, 75 Clarendon, see Douglas Hyde Carpenter, John, Archbishop of Dublin, 204 Claudianus, Claudius, 84 Carr, Robert, 20 Cleopatra, 164, 170, 190 Carrick-on-Suir, 50, 58 Clonmacnoise, Conventicle of, 50, 53, 54 Carte, Thomas, History of . Ormonde, 120, 270 Clonmel, 51, 58–60, 130 Cary, Elizabeth, 200 republican accounts of, 59 Cary, Henry, first Viscount Falkland, 78–79, Clotworthy, Sir John, 44, 238 193, 200 Cockpit Theatre, 98 catechisms, 69, 71 Coke, Sir John, 81 Catholic Confederation, 3, 11, 13, 57, 58, 99, 108, A Collection of Horrid Murthers in several 116, 118, 124, 128, 129, 131, 135, 141, 146, 149, Counties of Ireland, 231 173, 177, 191, 192, 207, 209, 210, 215, 217, colonial nationalism, 23, 66, 173, 276, 277, 283 223–24, 227, 246, 258, 261, 265, 272 colony, Ireland as, 15–16, 34–35, 93–94, 107 break with nuncio, 218–219 Commonwealth, 42–46, 51, 166, 283 foundation of, 225, 243, 246, 261, 262–63, 270 see also English Republic; Protectorate Irish lawyers and, 245–46 Connaught, 34–68, 69 military reputation of, 115, 246 Conroy, Florence, Archbishop of Tuam, 111 royalism of, 2, 37, 185, 249, 258, 262 continuity, 4 as theatre, 143–44, 175 Cooper, Dru., 96, 97 versions of history, 232, 235–44, 253 Coote, Sir Charles, 117, 130, 144, 146, 147, Catholicism, 6–7, 17, 53, 54, 56, 113, 129–31, 181, 238 140–42, 155, 159, 178, 182, 200, 210, 214, 216, Cork, 56, 67 230, 262, 269 Corneille, Pierre, 163, 165, 168, 170, 173 in England, 11–12, 20–21 Le Cid and the ‘Querelle du Cid’, 107, 167 legislation against, 78, 193, 194, 207 La Mort de Pompe´e, 164, 165, 171 perceived threat of, 34–68, 179, 260, 267 Nicome`de, 171 Cavendish, William, first Duke of Cornelia, 164, 169–70 Newcastle, 99 Cotterell, Sir Charles, 166, 171 cessations, 130 Coughlan, Patricia, 8 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84302-7 - Between Spenser and Swift: English Writing in Seventeenth-Century Ireland Deana Rankin Index More information Index 287 Counter Reformation, 109, 113, 120, 159, 218, digression, 41–42 237, 257 Dillon family, 155 Cox, Richard, 268–70, 271, 275 Dillon, Wentworth, fourth Earl of Hibernia Anglicana, 4, 270 Roscommon, 167 Cromwell, Oliver, 32, 46–61, 63, 85, 101, 137, 144, A Discourse concerning the Affairs of Ireland, 61 146, 147, 180–81, 184, 235, 238, 240, 263, 265 Dorislaus, Isaac, 46 A Declaration .
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