CITY OF DEXTER ARTS, CULTURE, AND HERITAGE COMMITTEE MEETING 02/06/2018 @ 6:30 PM Location: Dexter Senior Center, 7720 Ann Arbor St. A G E N D A 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL Cheryl Willoughby – Vice Chair Sanam Arab Lynn Babcock Rich Bellas Gini Davis Angie Noble Martha Gregg Wa Hubbard Phil Arbour Donna Fisher – Ex Officio 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES – January 9, 2018 (Motion) 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Motion) 5. CITIZENS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE COMMITTEE 6. REPORTS A. Chair B. Staff C. City Council D. Project Updates For Items Not On The Agenda 7. OLD BUSINESS ITEMS 8. NEW BUSINESS ITEMS A. Consideration of: By-Laws B. Discussion of: Sub-Committees and Work Groups C. Discussion of: 2018 Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival D. Discussion of: 2018 Temporary Sculpture Display 9. CITIZENS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE COMMITTEE 10. PROPOSED BUSINESS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS 11. ADJOURNMENT (Motion) The next meeting will be held on March 6th CITY OF DEXTER ARTS, CULTURE, AND HERITAGE COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 9, 2018 The regular meeting of the City of Dexter Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee was called to order at 6:35pm at the City Offices, 8123 Main St., 2nd Floor, Dexter, MI 48130 ROLL CALL Committee Members Present:, Lynn Babcock, Wa Hubbard, Martha Gregg, Sanam Arab, and Gini Davis, Rich Bellas, Cheryl Willoughby, Angie Noble, Donna Fisher (ex-officio)(arr. 6:41pm), Committee Members Absent: Phil Arbour Others Present: Justin Breyer, Assistant to the City Manager/Clerk; Wylie Elementary Teachers; Wylie Elementary Students; Cole Miller APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Motion by Bellas, Seconded by Babcock to approve the minutes from November 14, 2017 as presented with the following change: • Change Angie Noble to absent rather than voting nay Unanimous Voice Vote Motion Adopted APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Bellas, Seconded by Arab to approve the agenda as presented Unanimous Voice Vote Motion Adopted CITIZENS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE COMMITTEE None REPORTS AND COMMUNICATION A. CHAIR None B. STAFF REPORT Justin Breyer reported on: • The City’s marketing videos and YouTube Channel. C. CITY COUNCIL None D. PROJECT UPDATES FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION OF: RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE THE INSTALLATION OF AN INTERPRETIVE SIGN DEDICATED TO FREDRICK PELHAM Wylie Elementary 4th Grade Students gave a presentation on the Fredrick Pelham Interpretive Sign Project. Presented an updated design. The Committee asked questions of the students. Payschools – Dexter website, like a GoFundMe page Identifies under one of the pictures that the 4th grade class contributed to the project. Motion by Fisher, Seconded by Davis to recommend to City Council that the Fredrick Pelham interpretive sign as developed by Wylie Elementary 4th Grade Class be installed as presented in the location recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission. With the following changes: • Would like to see a video of the presentation put up on the City’s YouTube Channel. • Would like to see the 4th Graders recognized on the sign and some indication that the bridge is in front of them Ayes: Gregg, Arab, Davis, Bellas, Noble, Fisher, Hubbard, Babcock, and Willoughby Nays: None Absent: Arbour B. CONSIDERATION OF: BY-LAWS AND MASTER PLAN The Commission wished to postpone this item. Staff will develop a by-laws document for the next meeting. C. DISCUSSION OF: SUB-COMMITTEES AND WORK GROUPS The Committee discussed how work groups would be organized: • Executive Committee (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, City Official) • Finance and Fundraising Committee (Budget, Fundraising, Grant Writing) • Community Outreach (Volunteer Recruitment and Management, Children’s Program, coloring books, banners) • Marketing and Communications (website, social media) • Entertainment (Hospitality, Music, Party Planning, Refreshments) Project Reports from Project Managers D. DISCUSSION OF: 2018 PAINT DEXTER PLEIN AIR FESTIVAL The Committee discussed the following items related to the Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival: • Committee generally agreed that the City and Committee should host the Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival in 2018; • How the work of the Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival will be divided between sub- committees; • The tasks that need to be worked-on before the next meeting; • Need to discuss strategy for donations and how to divide up the list of potential sponsors CITIZENS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE COMMITTEE Cole Miller, 7654 Forest – Mr. Miller reported that he submitted an application to be on the Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee. He discussed his background and the Saturday Forum. PROPOSED BUSINESS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS • Discussion of By-Laws • Sub-Committee Work Groups • Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival • Re-visiting list of projects listed in the Master Plan • How can we contribute to existing Community Events/Organizations o Apple Daze – Scarecrow building contest (partner with Apple Daze) o Tecumseh – Apple Lumpkin, Stockbridge • Public bike racks ADJOURNMENT Motion by Fisher, Seconded by Hubbard to adjourn at 8:07pm Unanimous Voice Vote Motion Adopted Respectfully submitted, Justin Breyer Assistant to the City Manager OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER 8140 Main Street Dexter, Michigan 48130-1092 (734) 426-8303 Fax (734) 426-5614 Memorandum To: Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee From: Justin Breyer, Assistant to the City Manager Re: Consideration of: By-Laws Date: February 5, 2018 Introduction At the last meeting, staff presented a draft of the Arts, Culture, and Heritage Master Plan that incorporated a set of by-laws. Per the City Manager’s recommendation, staff pulled the by-laws items out of the Master Plan and placed them into a separate document. The by-laws document details duties of officers, election of officers, terms of appointment, and sets Robert’s Rules of Order as the basis of meeting procedure. A copy of the draft by-laws document is provided for consideration. CITY OF DEXTER ARTS, CULTURE, AND HERITAGE COMMITTEE Adopted on XXXXXX, 2018 ARTICLE I NAME The name of this Committee shall be the Dexter Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee. ARTICLE II OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Committee are set forth in the Arts, Culture, and Heritage Master Plan (originally adopted on February 27, 2017) and by Council Resolution 2008-23 of July 28, 2008 “Establishing the Village of Dexter Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee.” ARTICLE III MEETINGS OF THE COMMITTEE Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month at such time and place as the Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee shall establish. Section 2. All meetings of the Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee shall be held pursuant to the Michigan Open Meetings Act, 1967 PA 267, MCL 15.261 et seq (1976). Section 3. Parliamentary procedure in Committee meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order unless such rules are superseded by these Bylaws or suspended by a majority vote of Committee members attending. Section 4. All meetings shall he held in a location to be determined by the Committee. However, any meeting of the Committee can be adjourned to another location in order to accommodate the public. Section 5. All meetings of the Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee shall require a majority of the serving members for a quorum. An affirmative vote of the majority of current Committee members present shall be necessary to pass any motion. A tie vote shall not be sufficient to pass any motion. Section 6. Voting shall be by voice vote or by roll call, at the discretion of the Chair. All Committee members shall vote on all matters before the Committee, unless a Committee member has a conflict of interest in any matter before the Committee. In the case of a conflict of interest, the Committee member shall publicly state his/her conflict, remove him/herself from any proceedings, not participate in any discussions of the matter, and not vote. Section 7. During Committee discussion and debate, no member shall speak until recognized by the Chair. The member shall confine him/herself to the question at hand, and not allow personality conflicts to enter into the debate. The Committee, by majority vote, may limit the discussion on any item, as long as the limitations are placed equally on each Committee member. Section 8. The Committee shall determine if the behavior of any of its members, any City official, or any other person present is interfering with the business of the Committee. Upon the concurrence of a simple majority of the members present, any person present shall be excused from the meeting. ARTICLE IV MEMBERSHIP The City of Dexter Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee shall consist of a maximum of 10 members and an ex-officio City Council member. A minimum of four of those positions are reserved for residents of the City of Dexter. The terms of office are to be staggered three year terms with re-appointments made in June and no more than four terms expire in any given year. Any vacancies occurring in the membership of the Committee shall be filled by City Council appointment as provided for in the original appointment to the Committee. The ex-officio member appointed under this subsection shall have full voting rights. ARTICLE V OFFICERS, THEIR DUTIES, AND THEIR ELECTION Section 1. The officers shall be a Chair and Vice-Chair. Section 2. The Chair shall preside at all meetings and hearings of the Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee and shall have the duties normally conferred by parliamentary procedure. Section 3. The Vice-Chair shall act for the Chair in his/her absence. Section 4. The election of officers shall be held at the first regular meeting in July, or as needed to bring the Committee to operational status due to a lack or loss of officers. Section 5.
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