Jahns 1954P59.Pdf

Jahns 1954P59.Pdf

OLOGY [Bull. 170 1can 7. MARINE-NONMARINE RELATIONSHIPS IN THE CENOZOIC SECTION OF CALIFORNIA* .c, Childs, 1921, op. cit. BY J. WYATT DURHAM,t RICHARD H . JAHNS, t ltz, J. R., 1037, A late Cenozoic vertebrate fauna from the Coso Mountains, AND DONALD E . SAVAGE§ yo County, California : Carnegie Inst. Washington Pub. No. 487, pp. 75-109. INTRODUCTION Latest Highly fossiliferous marine sediments of Cenozoic age are widely 1gtonian 111•', 1' k, Childs, 1921, op. cit. distributed in the coastal parts of central and southern California, C'_q·,~/, FR E </;,:'!lo as well as in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley region farther in­ · ~ cholabrean 0-?~ 1ey, R. ,V., and Mason, H . L., 1933, A Pleistocene flora from the asphalt land. Even more widespread are nonmarine, chiefly terrestrial, ) •'8 1'/ ' posits at Carpinteria, California: Carnegie Inst. 'Vnshington Pub. No. 415, sequences of Cenozoic strata, many of which contain vertebrate .\)~ I N Y 0 . 4u-79. faunas characterized by a dominance of mammalian forms. These <I '""'...', k, Chester, 1953, Rancho La Bren: Los Angeles County l\Iuseum, Science strata are most abundant in the Mojave Desert region and in the r., no. 5, Paleontology no. 9, 5th ed., pp. 1-81. interior parts of areas that lie nearer the coast. Marine and nonmarine strata are in juxtaposition or interfinger with one another at many places, especially in the southern Coast S A N Ranges and the San Joaquin basin to the east, in the Transverse 8ERNAROINO Ranges and adjacent basins, and in several parts of the Peninsular K E R N Range region and the Coachella-Imperial Valley to the east. These ,/.---;;. occurrences of closely related marine and nonmarine deposits permit critical comparisons between the Pacific Coast mammalian ( ter­ ' restrial) and invertebrate (marine) chronologies, and it is with these comparisons-examined in the light of known stratigraphic relations-that this paper is primarily concerned. Ventura ( ,- The writers have drawn freely upon the published record for geologic and paleontologic data. In addition, Durham has reviewed LOCAL I T I ES I . M1n1on Son 0 1eQo 2. Son Pedro area many of the invertebrate faunas and has checked the field relations 3. Puente Hill s of marine strata in parts of the Ventura and Soledad basins, the 4. Ventura area 5 Los Posas Hills Tejon Hills, and the Cammatta Ranch ; Jahns has studied new verte­ 6 North side of Simi Volley 1 .' South Mountain 0 brate material from the Soledad basin and has mapped this area and 8. Soledad Mountain C' ~ 9, Sespe Creek ~,,,. ·7 critical areas. in the vicinity of San Diego, in the Ventura basin, 10 Quatal and Apache Canyons 11 Tecuya Creek 12. Te1on Hiiis and in the Caliente Range ; and Savage has made a detailed ap­ 13. Caliente Ronoe 14. Crocker Sprinos ,.. praisal of the vertebrate assemblages, and has mapped critical areas 15. Cammotto Ranch (Commat11) 16. Ketflemon Hiiis 11eo in the Tejon Hills. The areas and loc-alities that have been most care­ 17. South Coolln9a district 18, North Coahn9a district l fully scrutinized are shown in figure 1. 0 20 40 60 • • •.--l...--J The manuscript was reviewed in detail by G. Edward Lewis of SCALE IN MILES r 1110 the U. S. Geological Survey, who made numerous comments and suggestions that resulted in considerable improvement. It should FIGURE 1. Index map of a part of southern California, showing locations of marine-nonmarine tie-im; discussed in the text. be noted that his views are not wholly compatible with sqme of those expressed in this paper, and that his critical appraisal thus was particularly helpful. •A contribution from the Museum of Paleontology of the University of California, Berkeley ; Contribution No. 664, Division of the Geological Sciences, California Institute of Technology. t Professor of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley. t Professor of Geology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. § Assistant Professor of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley. ( 59) 60 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY [Bull. 170 Chapt. III] CENOZOIC MARINE-NONMARINE RI .c .c i 8_ Pacific Coast i 8. Pacific Coast S D . .2 u o u an 1ego Los Angeles ~ g microfounal ~ g meoafounol j Ventura County San Luis Obispo West side of Kern County County ~~ stage 8~ "staoe County County San Joaquin Valley ~ ~ 6t- I.LI Upper ,_6 LLI "Upp er • ' . ",. Posandl o1 4Vemar• d• n:•e~) X1 ~~ Hollian 1-- ~~ ~x x 1 SAN PEDRO ct. u Lower ~o "Lower• PLE ISTOC ENE un I Xi AREA Wheelerion --- LLI Son Joaquin PLI OCE NE LA~ , r~~AS PL;~~~~~~ ~E _______ ~ Venturion ~ Etcheooin VENTURA ~ g AREA 3 Repettian · ~ Jocolitos ~ Jocolitos 0.. I PLIO~N~ fm lmorine) / J MIOCENE -- Chcnoc Im ~ x Sonia I X t--_J Neroly C0$1!l ., ~~;~~,~- .. ~ I/ Fta x\ Morqorilo SOUTH l"Modek tmoru1e1 ~";,:-"'I.no,... -<;; ,,; Delmont ion i---- fm. lmorinel COALING, Puen te 11 Im Post~~ - ~""'' ~ Temblor D ----' OISTRICl Cierbo Im (mon111 11 lmor1ne) CROCKER Moocopo m:~I;: -s I ~1 SPRINGS J-....--. Moocopo Mohnion --- LtJz ~ T shale Ix • shale IX I emblor· (mo 1nly lmorinel ------i ___ LLI Monterey monnel 'I ~ 11-_L_u_is_ia_n_---t g Temblor beds (monne PUENTE HILLS TE JON CAM MATTA ~ Relizian / ~ Vaqueros ~queros Vaqueros HILLS RANCH Im (CO MM AT Tl) tmor1nel i I Vaqueros :-- ~' -~: lm.lmodnel ~, ~l: I L___ 11 OUATAL ANO APACHE Soucesion I / t-- Blakeley M 10CEN E. l I _ _ espe CANYONS , OLIGOCENE XI Im (UPPER MIOCENE CUYAMA OLIGOCENE ~ I ~ DRAINAGE) \ / ~ t-----4 s.... ~ 1 \ Zemorrion o '"'· SOUTH gUJ ~ Lincoln MOUNTAI N Sespe -z ~ Im. 6 ~ Refu9ion ° Sue>• x ....... _ OLIGOCENE hn. X - ~~ EOCENE -- XI OLJ§.Qgfil Keasey ------------ EOCENE I ? ? I xi h?---l xl Coldwoler sandstone Tejon ~ ~ SES PE ~ ~ Llojo1fm I O?? CREEK u.i H---1 w "Transition and 1oun9er c · -:...._·~ g g Eoctn• bed1 Llojos EX PLANA T ION W w . MISSION (morine) m. (morine) Oomengine SAN DIEGO -- Section oroken within o for motion -1 Pos1i. ons ot 1euestriot verlebfoles w1th1n sechon LAS POSAS NORTH SI OE HILLS SIMI VALLEY ~ ~ General pos111on of ve rretirore ossembloqe m lerms 1...,--- of the vertebrate chrono109y shown of r19hl on lhe chart Cop a~ I .;.-- Unconformity w1thm section Formolion boundary w1th1n section EOCENE r --- PAi£OCEN£ --- unconformity represenhrMJ mo1or time ntervol I ~ Meoonos Formation boundary w1thm section, opproxrmately I --- IOCoted . B --- Section broken al formo11on boundary ~---- Ver11col pos 111ons ol formot1ons 1n section ore shown gn ---1 1n lerms ol mverlebrote megolouool sequence ~ ~ Formo11ons ore nonmorme unless otherwise designated ':. ~ I Martinez . vertical spocmg of Terl1ory chronolo91c units s based on es11mo1ed durohons 1n years The Pleistocene epoch 1s orb1trorily expanded FIGURE 2. Summary of Cenozoic marine-nonmarine relationships in California, showing ,·urious correhttions of microfuunal, megufoull lid IPrrestrinl \'ertehrate occurrences with the }Juropean reference section. Based ii 1 :::ltirton ( llKil), 1her8 noted in tPxt. OLOGY [Bull. 170 Chapt. III] CENOZOIC MARINE- NONMARINE RELATIONSHIPS-DURHAM, JAHNS, AND SAVAGE 61 North u "0" European Los Angeles West side of Son Francisco Amedcon Ventura County r Son Luis Obispo I provincia l ~~ reference Kern County o; c County ages section County Son Joaquin Valley Boy area ~~ (terrestrial oo; (stages) vertebrates) ~ Po1osverd 1 s~ X1 i-- 6 sond 1morin1) Ro ncholobrean .... .,, SAN PEDRO <llZ Llmllli!!!.L...~ xi? xi" ' AREA w"' I Xi lrvingtonion _,o Sicilian LAS POSAS - · PLEl~OC".!E;.!N;!-E!;_ _______________________ 0.. HILLS ~LIOCE N E Colobrion Bl oncon VEN TU RA Elchec;ioin I Astion AREA Im. tma';"I JX ,..----­ ,:N~n~;;;ri~; I ""z Ploisoncion ~ Joco litos I I JocolitoS' x vo ll"'""ey Im . x, f.rn lma ri no el X "" ,_ beds X• (marine} Hemphillion r---..?-... ? /" - I ~ Pont ion Santo Sonia Ix Sonia Coste,, ~ 1 SOUTH Margarito Neroly x \ w Mor9or110 Margarito l"Mode 1c 1morine} -2! ~ fm . lmorinel COALINGA Post- - ,,.~· I tm _____J ~~~'!!! Im. Temblor DISTRICT (m~7.-ne) \I ~ lmonnt . I Clorendonion Sormotion marine CROCKER MT. DIABLO Maricopa beds ~ I I :; I ~1 SPRINGS AREA a.. shale ~ IX -..cJ, "'c~E"N t...+--- -- {mo inly ( marine) non-marine 819 Blue Tortonion mtmber Borstovion marine) 'I Mini I PUENTE ~ I Conyc:. ~ xi Helvetian ~ HILLS Im TE JON CAM MATTA tmon r\9} ""z Vaqueros Vaqueros RANCH Vaqueros HILLS Heminofordion I ~ fm {marine) Im . (C OMMATT I) NORTH 0 Burdioolion lmonne) COALINGA 1--,,---- :i; ~ DISTRICT 1~-/'-~1 QUATAL I AND APACHE Ari koreeon I I Aquitonion I I CANYONS :1 _r1:1_ (UPPER - MIOCENE xi - Im v CUYAMA ---- - OLIGOCENE -- ORAi NAGE) Wh i tneyon Chottion Sespe ~ ""z fm SOUTH Orellon 1 ""0 Rupelion MOUNTAIN Sespe 0 Im. "':::; Sespe x ,o fm. Chodronion Tonorion OL IGOCENE ~I EOCENE - ~o -J XI Ouchesneon Ludion Cold waler --- ~ xi sandstone Uinton eartoni on ~ ~ ~ SES PE L lojos fm CREEK I ond younger EXPLANATION Auversion Eocene beds l.. IOJOS ""z Bridoerion {mari ne) tm (mari ne) I ""0 Section broken w1th1 n o formo l ion 0 ~ Lutetian x --~ Pos11tons of terrestrial ver1ebrotes wifh1n section "" NORTH SIDE LAS POSAS X Generol pos11ton of vertebrate assemblage 1n terms HILLS SIMI VALLEY 1---- of the vertebrole chronolooy shown at right on the chart I Cuision .;;....-- Unconformity within section Wosotchion ;, - -- Formolion boundary w1lh1n secl1on Ypresion OCENE [;3 {Spornocion) ~LEOCEN £ --- Un conformity represenl1ng mo1or lime mlervol --~---~p-;=~~~g~~~~E~~----------t--- - Clarkforkian II___ Formallon boundary within :section, approximately ~ --- ·i located - Thonetion L._ - --- Secl1on broken 01 formotton boundary Tiffan i on Vert1co t pos itions of formations tn secllon ore shawi'I z 1n terms of invertebrate megataunal sequence "" Torrejonion I ~ Formollons ore nonmanne unless otherwise designated 0 ~ Vert ica l spacing of Tertiary chronolog1c units •S based on Drogonion I ""~ esh moted durations in years The Pl eis tocene epoch is Monti on orb1trorily expanded_ Puercon foe relationships in California, showing variom; correlatiom; of microfuunal, megafllullfud tnrt>strial ,·ertehrutt> occurrences with the }Juropean reference section.

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