RULES FOR CLASSIFICATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SHIPS (RCCS) Part 0 CLASSIFICATION 4 RCCS. Part 0 “Classification” 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 The present Part of the Rules for the materials for the ships except for small craft Classification and Construction of Inland and used for non-for-profit purposes. The re- Combined (River-Sea) Navigation Ships (here quirements of the present Rules are applicable and in all other Parts — Rules) defines the to passenger ships, tankers, pushboats, tug- basic terms and definitions applicable for all boats, ice breakers and industrial ships of Parts of the Rules, general procedure of ship‘s overall length less than 20 m. class adjudication and composing of class The requirements of the present Rules are formula, as well as contains information on not applicable to small craft, pleasure ships, the documents issued by Russian River Regis- sports sailing ships, military and border- ter (hereinafter — River Register) and on the security ships, ships with nuclear power units, areas and seasons of operation of the ships floating drill rigs and other floating facilities. with the River Register class. However, the River Register develops and 1.2 When performing its classification and issues corresponding regulations and other survey activities the River Register is governed standards being part of the Rules for particu- by the requirements of applicable interna- lar types of ships (small craft used for com- tional agreements of Russian Federation, mercial purposes, pleasure and sports sailing Regulations on Classification and Survey of ships, ekranoplans etc.) and other floating Ships, as well as the Rules specified in Clause facilities (pontoon bridges etc.). 2 of Article 35 of Inland Water Transport Code of Russian Federation which contain the requirements for the ships and their com- 1.5 In order to verify the compliance with ponents specified in 1.4, in regard to their the requirements of the Rules the River Reg- ister approves the technical documentation on designing, manufacturing, modernization, refitting and repair, as well as the require- construction, repair, modernization and refit- ments for products and materials intended for ting of ships, manufacturing of products and materials for installation onboard the ships. use onboard the ship. 1.3 The purpose of classification and survey Ships, materials and products, which tech- nical documentation is submitted to the River of the ships is the performance of works (ren- dering services) on evaluation of compliance Register for approval after the Rules or of ships, materials and products intended for amendments thereto have come into force, are to meet the requirements of those Rules installation onboard the ships, organizations, which design, manufacture, modernize, refit and amendments. To ships under construc- and repair the ships as well as products and tion, materials and products, which technical documentation had been approved by River materials for ships, with the Rules. Register before the Rules came into force, the 1.4 The requirements of the present Rules Rules’ version is applied which was in force at are applicable to the ships subject to official the moment of its approval unless otherwise registration as well as to the products and stated in the Rules. 1 General provisions 5 1.6 If the technical documentation contains 1.7 If the ship with the River Register class equivalents to the Rules’ requirements, the does not comply with the requirements of the organization developer of such technical Rules, then the corresponding documents shall documentation shall provide to the River not be issued for such ship or the already is- Register a list of the equivalents with their sued documents shall be withdrawn by the detailed description and technical evaluation. River Register. 6 RCCS. Part 0 “Classification” 2 BASIC TERMS 2.1 The following terms and abbreviations regulatory legal act of the Ministry of Trans- related to the classification activity are used in port of Russian Federation which specifies the the present Rules: procedure of ships classification by organiza- .1 R i v e r R e g i s t e r — FAI “Russian tions authorized to carry out classification and River Register” as organization in general or survey of ships; its particular structural subdivision (Head Of- .6 Rules of the River Regis- fice, Branch Offices) if otherwise specified; ter (Rules) — an integrated technical standard document(s) of the River Register. .2 Head Office of River Reg- The Rules specify the requirements for ships, ister (Head Office) — part of River Register located at the legal (actual) address materials and products to be used on board the ships when designing and manufacturing of River Register and executing inter alia such (construction); the requirements for the pro- functions as arrangement and coordination of Branch Offices’ activity; cedures of technical supervision over con- struction, modernization, refitting and repair .3 Branch Office — standalone of ships, manufacturing, mounting, testing of subdivision of the River Register specified in materials and products to be installed onboard its Statute and executing part of River Regis- the ships as well as the requirements for the ter’s functions on the basis of the guidelines survey procedures applied to ships, their com- approved by the River Register and within the ponents and facilities in service. specified scope of activity; .4 E x p e r t — authorized person of 2.2 The following terms and definitions are River Register executing one or more of the used in the Rules. following functions in accordance with the .1 Withdrawal of class — can- Rules: cellation of the documents issued by the River Register for a ship and removal of this ship consideration and approval of technical from the Register book of ships; documentation; .2 T u g b o a t — self-propelled ship technical supervision over construction, equipped with a towing gear and intended for modernization, refitting, repair of ships and towing of other ships and floating facilities; their components, manufacturing of materials .3 Light-ship displacement — and products intended for installation onboard ship displacement in tons without cargo, fuel, the ships; lubrication oil, ballast, fresh and boiler waters survey of the ships in service and the or- in the tanks, waste waters, ship’s stores, pas- ganizations which carry out works (render sengers, crew members and their belongings, services) or manufacture products in accor- but with water, fuel and oil in boilers, engines dance with the requirements of Rules; and pipelines; issuance of the documents of the River .4 Renewal of class — issuance of Register; Classification Certificate for a ship, which had .5 Regulations on Classifica- a class before but its validity period has ex- tion and Survey of Ships — pired; 2 Basic terms 7 .5 Restoration of class — issu- .12 Date of ship construction ance of Classification Certificate for a ship — the date of issuance of the River Register the class of which was suspended; documents for the ship when the results of .6 Random inspection — one of initial survey of the ship after construction are the River Register’s methods of technical su- positive. For the ships built not under techni- pervision or survey. During the random in- cal supervision of the River Register the date spection when performing the technical su- of ship construction is the date of issuance of pervision the object’s compliance with the the documents by a classification society requirements of the Rules is examined on the which carried out technical supervision over basis of control inspection of particular pa- ship construction. If such supervision was not rameters, dimensions, properties or character- carried out at all the date of ship construction istics of the object or on the basis of inspec- is the date of issuance of the documents by tion of one or more samples from a batch as the organization manufacturer of the ship; well as particular manufacturing operations, .13 D e a d w e i g h t — difference be- conditions or other parameters. During the tween ship displacement at freeboard mark random inspection when performing the tech- drought and light-ship displacement; nical supervision of a ship the compliance of .14 Flammable liquids — oil, oil ship’s components and ship’s technical facili- products and other liquids equivalent to them ties with the requirements of the Rules is ex- (hereinafter – oil products) capable to create amined on the basis of the random inspection explosive and inflammable concentrations of of particular dimensions, properties, parame- vapor and with vapor flash point specified ters and characteristics; according to national standards1; .7 High-speed ship — a ship ca- .15 Products — ship’s technical facili- pable to move at a maximum speed v, m/s, ties (engines, generators, compressors, pumps, equal or more than vV 3, 7 0.1667 , where V deck machinery, steering engines etc.), boil- — volume displacement of the ship at the ers, components of ship facilities, electrical, design waterline draught, m3. The definition is radio, navigational and other equipment, components of ship’s technical facilities, boil- applicable for ships with V 150 m3; ers and equipment, appliances, consumables, .8 W a v e h e i g h t — a characteristic of fixtures and other objects which are subject waves specified as height of wind waves the to the requirements of the Rules; probability of which complies with that ap- .16 D o m e s t i c v o y a g e — any voyage proved
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