Volume 8 | Issue 40 | Number 2 | Article ID 3420 | Oct 04, 2010 The Asia-Pacific Journal | Japan Focus The Art and Life of Korean Poet Ko Un: Cross-cultural Communication 韓国詩人高銀の芸術と生涯ーー通文化的コミュニケ イション Brother Anthony of Taize The Art and Life of Korean Poet Ko Un: Cross-cultural Communication Brother Anthony of Taizé (An Sonjae) Ko Un was born in 1933, which means that today he is nearer 80 than 70. He is surely Korea's most prolific writer and he himself cannot say for sure how many books he has published in all. He guesses that it must be about 140, volumes of many different kinds of poetry, epic, narrative, and lyric, as well as novels, plays, essays, and translations from classical Chinese. In the last two decades he has made journeys to many parts of the world, including Australia, Vietnam, the Netherlands, Mexico, Sweden, Venice, Istanbul . He makes a deep impression wherever he goes, especially when Ko Un's ability to communicate beyond he is reading his poems in the husky, tense, language is a gift that other Korean writers can dramatic manner he favors. It seems to make only envy him for. There are some people who little or no difference that most of his audience do not seem to need words in order to cannot understand a word he is saying. He communicate, it is part of their charisma. There speaks little or no English but time after time a are many barriers to communication and many deep communication is established before are the arts by which people have tried to anyone reads an English translation or overcome them. In the case of Ko Un, who summary of what he had been saying. After the cannot be every day giving readings, there is drama of his own performance, the translations an urgent need to make translations of his work usually sound rather flat. available. In bringing Ko Un's writings to a world audience, I am acting to make cross- cultural communication possible in one particular case. It may be good to begin with a summary of Ko Un’s life story, since that in turn may help to pinpoint some of the difficulties we encounter 1 8 | 40 | 2 APJ | JF in translating his writings. He was born in 1933 rapidly became known in Buddhist circles and and grew up in Gunsan, a town on the west after the Korean War ended he was given coast of North Jeolla Province. Echoes of his responsibilities. More important to Ko Un were childhood experiences in the Korea of the his experience of life on the road as he 1930s and 1940s can be found in the earlier accompanied his master, the famous monk volumes of the great 30-volume series known Hyobong, on endless journeys around the as Maninbo, the final volumes of which were ravaged country. Hyobong had been a judge published early in 2010. The traditional life of during the Japanese period and had quit the the farming villages, the intense awareness of world to become a monk after being forced to extended family relationships, the poverty and condemn someone to death. the high level of infant mortality all make this a world far removed even from modern Korea, Ko Un's character is intense, uncompromising, and very unfamiliar to non-Korean readers. he is easily driven to emotional extremes and Readers are expected to know that when Ko Un he soon began to react against what he felt was was a child, Korea was under Japanese rule, the excessively formal religiosity of many and to know what that signifies for Koreans still monks. The reader of his work has sometimes today. to follow him through shadows cast by intense despair. He felt obliged to stop living as a monk In 1950, war broke out and Ko Un was caught and in the early 1960s he became a teacher in up in almost unimaginably painful situations, Jeju Island. Later in the decade he moved to which were in strong contradiction with the Seoul. For several years he lived as a bohemian warm human community he had grown up in, nihilist while Korea was brought toward its as Koreans and outside forces slaughtered each modern industrial development under the other mercilessly. As a child, Ko Un had been increasingly fierce dictatorship of Park Chung- something of a prodigy, learning classical hee. The climax came early in 1970 when Ko Chinese at an early age with great facility, and Un went up into the hills behind Seoul and encountering the world of poetry as adrank poison. He nearly died but was found and schoolboy through the chance discovery of a brought down to hospital. book of poems written by a famous leper-poet. His sensitivity was not that of an ordinary 18- In November 1970 a young textile-worker, Jeon year-old and he experienced a deep crisis when Tae-il, killed himself during a demonstration in confronted with the reality of humansupport of workers' rights. Ko Un read about wickedness and cruelty. His experiences his death in a newspaper he picked up by included the murder of members of his family chance from the floor of a bar where he had and the death of his first love as well as days spent the night. The impact of such a selfless spent carrying corpses to burial. He poured death changed his life radically. He says that acid into his ears in an attempt to block out the from that moment on he lost all inclination to "noise" of this dreadful world, an act that left kill himself. The declaration of the Yushin him permanently deaf in one ear. reforms in 1972, by which Park Chung-hee became president for life and abolished The traumas of war might have destroyed him democratic institutions, sparked strong completely but he took refuge in a temple and protests among writers and intellectuals as well the monk caring for him decided that his only as among the students who have always acted hope of finding a way out of his torment would as Korea's conscience. In the years of be by becoming a Buddhist monk, leaving the demonstrations and protests that followed, Ko world at a time when the world was a very ugly Un's voice rang out and he became the place. His great intellectual skills meant that he recognized spokesman of the 'dissident' artists 2 8 | 40 | 2 APJ | JF and writers opposed to the Park regime. He his life and social options. In particular, the was often arrested and is today hard of hearing Korean literary establishment has for a long from beatings he received then. time been divided about the general question of the social responsibilities of the writer. Many When Chun Doo-hwan rose to power in 1980, noted writers avoided trouble under Ko Un was arrested along with Kim Dae-jung dictatorship by refraining from commenting on and many hundreds of Korea's 'dissidents' and social issues, writing poetry of intense self- he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. It was centeredness, private ponderings full of there, as he faced the possibility of arbitrary abstruse symbolism, uniquely concerned with execution, that he formed the project of writing cultivating aesthetic dimensions. poems in commemoration or celebration of every person he had ever encountered. No one, Ko Un and many others chose not to follow he reckoned, should ever be simply forgotten, them but instead defied censorship to write and since every life has immense value and is speak out. For many years Ko Un could not get equally precious as historical record. This was a passport. He was blacklisted as a dangerously the origin of the poems in theManinbo (Ten subversive dissident. Because the military Thousand Lives) series. Once the new regime regimes claimed to represent true Korean felt sure of its hold on power, most of the democracy, any one who criticized them was by prisoners were amnestied. Ko Un was freed in definition taking sides with the Communist August 1982, in May 1983 he married Lee enemy in the North! Older literary critics are Sang-Wha, and in 1985 a daughter was born. often still unwilling to admit the value or He went to live in Anseong, two hours from interest of Ko Un's writing. They have grown up Seoul, and began a new life as a householder, with fixed ideas about what constitutes literary husband, and father, while continuing to play a excellence and he does not fit in. leading role in the struggle for democracy and for a socially committed literature. The topic of this paper can perhaps best be encapsulated in a question: What meaning can There are people who say that a poet's life has Ko Un's work, and much modern Korean nothing to do with the poems he or she writes literature, have for people who have not but that is hardly tenable. It is a theory that experienced Korean history? Within any literary considers poetry uniquely from a formal work we find not only the writer but also an standpoint and excludes every aspect of implied audience. A Korean writer is not, personal, social, or historical context. Yet every usually, consciously writing for a uniquely word Ko Un writes is rooted in and informed by Korean readership, but writers inevitably the experience of life I have just outlined. It is assume a certain shared level of experience in inconceivable that a man with such a life-story their readers. This is reflected, most obviously, should not write poems deeply marked by it.
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