S5496 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 11, 1997 Even the Clinton administration has COMMEMORATING THE 30TH ANNI- My Jerusalem is the tears of the para- recognized the value of promoting en- VERSARY OF THE REUNIFICA- troopers at the Western Wall in 1967 and the vironmental self-auditing when it TION OF JERUSALEM flag which once more waved above the rem- nant of the Temple. issued a policy statement in December Mr. MACK. Mr. President, I rise My Jerusalem is the changing colors of its of 1995. It was a good first step forward, today to commemorate the 30th anni- walls, the smells of its markets and the faces but in 2 years, we’ve seen only intimi- versary of the reunification of Jeru- of the members of every community and dation. salem and to congratulate the people of every faith, where all have freedom of thought and freedom of worship in the city Basically, the administration policy Israel on their commitment to free- says that if companies come forward where holiness envelops every stone, every dom. word, every glance. and voluntarily disclose violations, Jerusalem, Mr. President, is a city And my Jerusalem is the City of Peace, then EPA will not prosecute them as unique in all the world. We know much which will bear great tidings to all faiths, to aggressively as they could otherwise. of its 3,000 year history. We know that all nations, ‘‘For the Torah shall come forth Not a real bonus. No evidentiary pro- Jerusalem has been a great city for from Zion and the word of the Lord from Je- tection, no protection against citizen many people; we know that it remains rusalem . Peace be within thy walls and prosperity within thy palaces.’’ suits, and it is only a policy, not a rule, a holy city for people throughout the so it does not have the force of law nor We differ in our opinions, left and right. world; we know that it is an insepa- We disagree on the means and the objective. does it have any impact on what the rable part of the Jewish state, a funda- In Israel, we all agree on one issue: the Justice Department or the FBI can do. mental part of Jewish identity; and we wholeness of Jerusalem, the continuation of And this policy can and will vary from know that it is the undivided capital of its existence as capital of the State of Israel. State to State and company to com- the State of Israel. There are no two Jerusalems. There is only one Jerusalem. For us, Jerusalem is not sub- pany. It was on the hill which we call the It is now time for legislation. Sen- ject to compromise, and there is no peace Temple Mount that overlooked the Je- without Jerusalem. ator KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON has accept- rusalem of Abraham, where God called Jerusalem, which was destroyed eight ed the challenge and introduced a upon Abraham to bring his son to be times, where for years we had no access to sound bill yesterday. This bill fully sacrificed; it was here that God made the remnants of our Temple, was ours, is recognizes the sovereignty of the His covenant with man. Jerusalem ours, and will be ours—forever. State. Mr. President, Senator holds the remains of the first and sec- ‘‘Here tears do not weaken eyes,’’ wrote the Jerusalem poet Yehuda Amichai. ‘‘They HUTCHISON’s bill, S. 866, will encourage ond temples including the Western only polish and shine the hardness of faces environmental self-auditing by setting Wall of the temple’s courtyard, Juda- like stone.’’ Jerusalem is that stone. up incentives at the Federal level for ism’s holiest site. It is to Jerusalem those States with the provision. Noth- Mr. President, Jerusalem is more that Jews everywhere in the world turn than the heart of the Jewish people. It ing more. in prayer and, no matter where they is sacred throughout the world. Jesus Americans get better environmental live, they conclude their celebrations was crucified inside today’s city, and compliance. I urge my colleagues to with the refrain ‘‘next year in Jeru- Mohammed was said to have ascended give serious consideration to the pro- salem.’’ into Heaven from the Temple Mount. posal being advanced by Senator Mr. President, I would like to read Mr. President, Jerusalem indeed is a HUTCHISON. from perhaps the most moving descrip- great city; it is a city of the world, a tion of this great city delivered by one city revered by the world, and a city f of Israel’s greatest leaders and states- for the world. Its freedom is invaluable. men. In 1995, the late Prime Minister Unfortunately, from 1948 to 1967, be- Yitzak Rabin delivered the following THE VERY BAD DEBT BOXSCORE ginning with the war waged against the remarks here in the U.S. Capitol: new State of Israel and ending with Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, at the Jerusalem is the heart of the Jewish people Israel’s victory in the Six-Day War, Je- close of business yesterday, Tuesday, and a deep source of our pride. On this fes- rusalem was a divided city. During this June 10, 1997, the Federal debt stood at tive occasion, thousands of miles from home, time, Israelis of all faiths and Jews $5,351,973,547,710.08. (Five trillion, three here and now, we once again are raising Je- from around the world were prohibited hundred fifty-one billion, nine hundred rusalem above our highest joy, just like our from entering the eastern part of the seventy-three million, five hundred fathers and our fathers’ fathers did. city and from praying at the holy sites forty-seven thousand, seven hundred Jerusalem has a thousand faces—and each there. Jerusalem had lost its freedom, one of us has his own Jerusalem. ten dollars and eight cents.) My Jerusalem is Dr. Moshe Wallach of Ger- and the world had lost its Jerusalem. One year ago, June 10, 1992, the Fed- many, the doctor of the sick of Israel and Je- This week, Mr. President, marks the eral debt stood at $5,134,653,000,000. rusalem, who built Sha’arei Zedek hospital anniversary of the liberation of the (Five trillion, one hundred thirty-four and had his home in its courtyard so as to be holy city and its return to freedom. billion, six hundred fifty-three mil- close to his patients day and night. I was That is why we are congratulating the lion.) born in his hospital . people of Jerusalem. My Jerusalem is the focus of the Jewish Five years ago, June 10, 1992, the Fed- Today, Jerusalem is a city of growth, people’s yearnings, the city of its visions, prosperity, and freedom. Upon their eral debt stood at $3,939,456,000,000. the cradle of its prayers. It is the dream of (Three trillion, nine hundred thirty- victory in 1967, those denied the city the return to Zion. It is the name millions for so long did not deny it to the de- nine billion, four hundred fifty-six mil- murmur, even on their death bed. It is the feated. To this day, perhaps the most lion.) place where eyes are raised and prayers are holy site for all three major religions Ten years ago, June 10, 1987, the Fed- uttered. My Jerusalem is the jerrycan of water of the city remains housed in a Moslem eral debt stood at $2,294,202,000,000. mosque, the Dome of the Rock. But it (Two trillion, two hundred ninety-four measured out to the besieged in 1948, the faces of its anxious citizens quietly waiting is a place which can be visited by any- billion, two hundred two million.) in line for bread, the sky whose blackness one who desires. Fifteen years ago, June 10, 1972, the was torn by flares. So, beyond honoring the freedom of Federal debt stood at $1,073,704,000,000 My Jerusalem is Bab el-Wad—the road to this great city, I want to congratulate (One trillion, seventy-three billion, the city—which cries out, ‘‘Remember our the people of Jerusalem and of Israel seven hundred four million) which re- names forever.’’ It is the ashen faces of dead for their commitment to religious free- flects a debt increase of more than $4 comrades from the War of Independence, and dom and the principle that religious trillion—$4,278,269,547,710.08 (Four tril- the searing cold of the rusting armored cars faiths should not pay the price of polit- among the pines on the side of the road. lion, two hundred seventy-eight billion, My Jerusalem is the great mountain, the ical disputes. The Jews of Israel know two hundred sixty-nine million, five military cemetery on Mount Herzl, the city very well the importance of religious hundred forty-seven thousand, seven of silence whose earth holds the treasured freedom, and the pain of its denial. hundred ten dollars and eight cents) thousands of those who went to bitter bat- Today, as we remember Jerusalem’s during the past 15 years. tle—and did not return. proud and turbulent past, and honor its VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:04 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S11JN7.REC S11JN7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY June 11, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5497 freedom-loving residents, we must ap- United Nations became a chamber of The world was silent while the his- preciate the continuing threat to the hypocrisy and proxy aggression.’’ toric Jewish Quarter of the city was city’s future.
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