oges Oisiee Saisikk ekke (Saisique Oiciee e a oège sie X.) ekke X. yk 19 Nr. 101. Norske skip i utenriksfart 1938 og 1939. (Navigation extérieure de la marine marchande nortigienne.) - 102. Nasjonalinntekten i Norge 1935-1943. (Revenu national en Norvège.) - 103. Arbeidslønninger i industrien 1943 og 1944. (Salaires des ouvriers industriels.) - 104. Industriarbeidertrygden 1940-42. (Assurances de l'État contre Its accidents pour lea travailleurs de l'industrie.) - 105. Norges bergverksdrift 1944. (Mines et usinea.) - 106. Norges private aksjebanker og sparebanker 1942. (Statistique des banques privées par actions et des caisses d'épargne.) - 107. Forsikringsselskaper 1944. (Sociétés d'assurances.) - 108. Norges industri 1943. (Statistique industrielle.) - 109. Norges private aksjebanker og sparebanker 1943. (Statistique des banques privées par actions et des caisses d'épargne.) - 110. Meieribruket i Norge 1944. (L'industrie laitière de la Norvège.) - 111. Norges handel 1944. (Commerce.) - 112. Norges kommunale finanser 1941-42. (Finances des communes.) - 113. Norges private aksjebanker og sparebanker 1944. (Statistique des banques privées par actions et des caisses d'épargne.) - 114. Kommunenes gjeld m. v. 1945. (Dette etc. des communes.) - 115. Norges Brannkasse 1941-43. (Statistique de l'office national d'assurance contre l'incendie.) - 116. Norges postverk 1945. (Statistique postale.) - 117. Jordbruksstatistikk 1945. (Superficies agricoles et élevage du bétail. Récoltes etc.) - 118. Sinnssykehusenes virksomhet 1942. (Statistique des hospices d'aliénés.) - 119. Veterinærvesenet 1944. (Service vétérinaire.) - 120. Telegrafverket 1944-45. (Télégraphes et téléphones de l'Etal.) - 121. Syketrygden 1943. (Assurance-maladie nationale.) ekke X. yk 197 Nr. 122. Kriminalstatistikk 1943 og 1944. (Statistique de la criminalité pour les annee 1943 et 1944.) - 123. Statistisk-økonomisk oversikt over året 1946. (Aperçu de la situation économique) - 124. Norges handel 1945, (Commerce.) - 125. Norges fiskerier 1943. (Grandes péches maritimes.) - 126. Norges private aksjebanker og sparebanker 1945. (Statistique des banques privies par actions et des caisses d'épargne.) - 127. Veterinærvesenet 1945. (Service vétérinaire.) - 128. Arbeidslønninger 1945. (Salaires des ouvriers.) - 129. Forsikringsselskaper 1945. (Sociétés d'assurances.) - 130. Norges bergverksdrift 1945. (Mines et usines.) OGES OISIEE SAISIKK 151 ESYEIGE I OGE 1 SEEME 19 Êlv dnx à frrr au e seeme 46 UGI A SAISISK SEAYÅ OSO I KOMMISO OS ASCEOUG & CO 19 GRØNDAHL & SØNS BOKTRYKKERI. OSLO Io Side For ord V Engelsk resymé VII Fransk resymé IX Pelsdyrtellingens organisasjon. Det statistiske materiale 1 Tellingsresultatene 1 De enkelte pelsdyrslag 9 Sølvrev 9 Blårev 13 Platinarev og hovbrenderplatina 17 Andre rever 19 Mink 20 Andre pelsdyr 24 Pelsdyrgårdene fordelt etter størrelse og eierforhold 24 Pelsdyroppdrett forbundet med gårdsbruk 28 Arbeidshjelpen 29 Pelsdyrgårdene fordelt etter anleggsår 31 Pelsdyrgårdenes verdi 32 Fôrforbruket i pelsdyrgårdene 34 Tabeller. Tabell 1. Samlet tall av de forskjellige slags pelsdyr og tallet på pelsdyrgårder pr. 1. september 1946 42 » 2. Tallet på pelsdyr pr. 1. september 1946 fordelt etter alder og kjønn m. v 60 ». 3. Revegårdene fordelt etter størrelse og eierforhold 63 Bilag. Skjema, rundskriv og instruks 67 Coes Page Preface V Summary in English VII Summary in French IX Organization of census of fur-bearing animals. The statistical material 1 Results of the census 1 Different kinds of fur-bearing animals 9 Silver fox 9 Blue fox 13 Platinum fox and dlovbrender* fox 17 Other kinds of foxes 19 Mink 20 Other fur-bearers 24 Classification of fur farms according to size and ownership 24 Raising of fur-bearers combined with farming 28 Employees 29 Classification ',mpg according to year of foundation 31 Value of fur 32 Consumption of forage in the fur farms 34 Tables. Table no. I. Total number of the different kinds of fur-bearing animals and number of fur farms on September 1. 1946 42 » no. 2. Number of fur-bearing animals on September 1. 1946, classified according to age and sex etc. 60 » no. 3. Fox farms, classified according to size and ownership 63 Appendixes. Inquiry form, circular, and instructions 67 ae es maièes Pages Préface V Résumé en anglais VII Résumé en français IX L'organisation du recensement. Matériaux statistiques 1 Résultats du recensement 1 Espèce 9 Renard argenté 9 Renard bleu 13 Renard platine et renard de «Hovbrender» 17 Autres renards 19 Vison 20 Autres animaux à fourrure 24 Les fermes d'animaux à fourrure réparties par grandeur et formes de propriété. .. 24 L'élevage des animaux à fourrure attaché h l'exploitation agricole 28 Ouvriers 29 Les fermes h fourrure réparties par année de fondation 31 La valeur des fermes h fourrure 32 La consommation de fourrage des fermes à fourrure 31 Tableaux. Tableau 1. Nombre des animaux de diverses espèces et nombre des fermes h fourrure au 1. septembre 1946 42 2. Nombre des animaux h fourrure au 1. septembre 1946 réparti par Age et sexe etc 60 3. Les fermes de renards réparties par grandeur et formes de propriété... 63 Appendice. Questionnaires, circulaires et directives 67 Forord. En legger her fram de fullstendige oppgaver fra pelsdyrtellingen 1946. Statistiske Meddelelser for 1947, nr. 4-6 er det gitt en kort oversikt over hovedresultatene av tellingen. Arbeidet med tellingen har i forste hånd vært ledet av sekretær Norvald Ones. Oslo, i september 1947. Arne Skaug. Paul Barca. Summary. The first statistical data on the raising of furbearing animals in Norway were derived from the census of agriculture in 1929. The census of agriculture in 1939 also had statements regarding the raising of fur-bearing animals. Special censuses regarding fur-bearing animals have been held on September 1. 1934, 1936 and 1946. These special censuses contain very detailed information. Besides the number of different kinds of animals, classified according to sex and in adults and young, the censuses also give information as to how many of the females were teeming, how many aborted, number of young ones born and how many of these died. Further how many animals should be killed for pelts during the season, con- sumption of the different kinds of forage and a complete statement of forage expenses, ownership, year of foundation and value, employees etc. The number of fur farms was in 1929 about 2 500, increased to more than 10 000 in 1934, amounted to almost 17 000 in 1936, and culminated in 1939 with nearly 21 000. During the war many fur farms were given up, and in 1946 the number was 13 000, i. e. 37 per cent decrease since 1939. The silver fox has always been predominant in our raising of fur-bearers. In 1929 the number of silver foxes (adults and young ones) was nearly 30 000, increased to 214 000 in 1934, to 391 000 in 1936 and to 493 000 in 1939. In 1946 the number of silver-foxes was 217 000, 56 per cent decrease since 1939. Of blue foxes there existed in 1929 nearly 1700, in 1934 more than 8 000, in 1936 8 600, in 1939 more than 29 000. Wheras the number of silver fox has decreased since 1939, the number of blue fox has increased to more than 107 000 in 1946, 266 per cent increase since 1939. The platinum fox appeared for the first time in the census of 1936 with a total of 26. In 1939 the number had increased to 4 800, and in 1946 there were almost 13 000 platinum foxes, of which more than 3 000 were „Hovbrender" foxes. The total number of platinum foxes has increased by 166 per cent since 1939. Of other foxes (red fox, cross fox, and white fox) there were in 1929 few more than 1 800. The number of these foxes culminated in 1934 with 4 650, since that time the number has decreased rapidly to about 3 000 in 1936, 1 200 in 1939 and about 700 in 1946. Of mink there were in 1929 only 300, but in 1934 the number had in- creased to more than 4 000, in 1936 to almost 7 000, in 1939 to more than 26 000 and in 1946 to well over 39 000, 50 per cent increase since 1939. VIII Attempts have been made to raise other fur-bearing animals, chiefly fitch, marten, raccoon, nutria, badger, fisher and chinchilla, but there has never been a large number of these animals. The number of "other fur-bearing animals" culminated in 1934 with almost 3 000, of which about 2 300 were fitches. In 1936 the number of other fur-bearing animals was only about 1 000, in 1939 hardly 700 and in 1946 there were only 23. From 1939 to 1946 the total number of fur-bearing animals decreased from well over 555 000 to well over 377 000 or by 32 per cent. At the same time a considerable change has taken place with regard to the kinds of animals raised. The raising of blue fox, platinum fox and mink has greatly increased, whereas the cultivations of silver fox, has declined and the raising of fur- bearing animals other than these 4 types has become insignificant. For the season 1946-47 the plan was that well over 140 000 silver foxes, about 70 000 blue foxes, well over 7 000 platinum foxes and 19 000 minks should be killed for pelts. The value of the production for the season has been calculated at 31 million kroner, the value of the breeding stock on September 1. 1946 at about 18 million kroner and the value of the fur farms at about 15 million kroner. The forage expenses have been calculated at 20.6 million kroner. This amount, however, was chiefly in payment for Norwegian agricultural and fishery products. Most of the fur farms are small. 69 per cent of the fox farms had 25 foxes or even fewer. 75 per cent of the fur farms were operated in con- nection with farming.
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