FIINf ...l really have enjoyed every issue of the Back To The Future Fan Club magazine. I Farewell From The Club particularly appreciated the Gale/Zemeckis article the interest of space, I will comment on the most "The Most Frequently Asked Questions About fundamentally important one. With this issue, #4, the Official Back To The Back To The Future." All my doubts concerning the While many scientists do consider time travel to Future Fan Club closes its doors. The club was time-travel logic of the trilogy were eliminated by be impossible because of "time paradoxes" (more initially set up to run for one year and to their thorough explanations. It's the kind of informa­ properly termed Violation of Casuality), several produce four issues of the club magazine. With tion that makes a fan club special, extra knowledge scientists, in the wake of recent research in black the end of the Back To The Future movies, the to enhance our enjoyment of these great movies. hole cosmology and quantum physics, have begun cast and crew of the films are moving on to I was privileged to attend the May 24 "Back to to concede that in certain circumstances, time travel new things -so are we here at the club. We've Back to Back" screening of the trilogy at the Cine­ might indeed be possible. Among these visionary greatly enjoyed spending time in the Back To rama Dome in Hollywood. In the audience were scientists are Dr. Robert L. Forward of the Hughes The Future universe and it goes without saying Robert Zemeckis, Bob Gale, Neil Canton and Lea Research Laboratories, Professor Kip Thorne of that we'll miss Marty and Doc. We hope Thompson. In front of the theater on display was the Cal tech, and Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, who has taught at you've enjoyed being a member in the club time machine, and while waiting in line, we were San Diego State University, the University of Paris, and reading the behind-the-scene stories on the entertained by a "Wild West Celebration." Some of and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, among cast and crew of the trilogy. We've enjoyed all the fans added to the fun by dressing up like charac­ other colleges and universities around the world. Dr. your wonderful letters and comments, some of ters from the films. Wolfs book, Parallel Universes: The Search For which were printed in the pages of our letter It was great watching the complete trilogy with an Other Worlds, actually used Back To The Future as column. enthusiastic audience, they picked up on things that one example of how time travel paradoxes are Back issues of the club magazine are still are not apparent when you watch any one film by resolved by the quantum physics theory of parallel available and will be until we are sold out. itself. universes. Prices are $3.50 US/$4.00 CAN./$4.50 FOR. I know we don't have any more BTTF movies to each (postage paid) and can be purchased look forward to, but I wonder if Universal Pictures Scott Jarrett through the Back To The Future Fan Club and has considered continuing the adventures through Lakeland, FL The Lucasfilm Fan Club. some other medium, such as a spin-off TV series, ·If you would like more information on cartoon series or a comic book? I would even enjoy .. .It may come as a surprise to you, but there are a lot some of the other projects Fan Clubs, Inc. is a follow-up novel by Craig Shaw Gardner. One ofBa ck To The Future fans here in Russia. I am only involved with, please write us at PO Box thing we fans can look forward to is the upcoming one of them. I understand that the way I get to enjoy 111000, Aurora, Colorado 80011 . Back To The Future ride at Universal Studios Flor­ the adventures of Doc Brown and Marty McFiy are Special thanks go to Bob Gale and Robert ida. Thanks again for a great club! not completely legal: our country did not buy this Zemeckis for their help and assistance as well film so I have only seen it on other people's videos. It as for creating the trilogy of films that we all Richard H. Giblin is too bad it is not playing here because we would love to watch time and time again. Of course, Valencia, CA pay with pleasure to see this film on the big screen. I we couldn't end this all without a special ...Bob Gale's and Robert Zemeckis' article, "The and my friends have seen all three films of the series "thank you" to you, the fans. Your support and Most Frequently Asked Questions From Back To and enjoyed them very much. encouragement has been most appreciated. The Future," is the best article yet published by ihe We hope you enjoy this last issue. And re­ fan club magazine. For the most part, I agree with Victor Belan member, "For better or worse, your future is their answers. Still, I do have a few reservations. In Leningrad, USSR what you make it. So make it a good one!" • Fall 1990 President & Publisher - Dan Madsen Associate Editor -John S. Davis Typography - Terry Zugates Proofreader - Susan Mulvihill Photographer - Mark Streed Fan Club Address-PO Box 111000, Aurora, CO 80011 USA Contributors This Issue - Nancy Cushing­ Jones, Michael J. Fox, Bob Gale, Desire' Gonzales, John Hornick, Sid Kaufman, Michael Klastorin, Michael Lantieri, Lea Thompson & Robert Zemeckis. Issue #4, Fall 1990. Back To The Fu1ure Fan Club Magazme (ISS:\ I049555X) is published quarterly for $9.95 per year b) Fan Clubs, Inc., 537 Olathe St., Suite C, Aurora. Colorado 80011 USA Seeond·elass postage paid at Aurora, Colorado. POSTMASTER: Send addrHS changes to Back To The Future Fan Club. PO Box 11 1000. Aurora, Colorado 80011. Back To The FUiure Parr II TM and co 1989 Universal City Studios, Inc. and Amblm . All Rights Re>crved. licensed by Merchandising Corporatton of America, Inc. Printed in the USA. Reprint or (eproducllon m part or m whole 1S strictly forbidden. Single copies ofthe latest JSSue are available for $3.00 ppd. Rat~ are subject to change without notice. Behind-The-Scenes ichael Klastorin, Unit Publicist and co-author of Back To The M Future: The Official Book of the Complete Movie Trilogy, shares a few behind­ the-scene secrets from Back To The Future Part Ill And, even though the cast and crew maintained a very professional environ­ ment...they had their moments of hijinx. In the scene where Seamus McAy comes into the cabin with the fresh catch of the day - rabbit - Klastorin says, "When the camera rolled for the first time, Michael showed up with a five foot stuffed Roger Time Travel Adventure Preview! Rabbit! magine being right in the center of hydraulically-activated - dynamic mo­ "Tom Wilson has told the story that in all the most thrilling motion picture tion creates a total sensory experience the riding and rop­ I experience ever created. Blasting never before possible. ing and wild horses through the ages. Breaking every barrier The ride has unprecedented, break­ that he rode - the of time and space. Riding a river of through technology, in which Omnimax only time he got thrown was from a molten lava. Erupting through a vol­ 70 mm film format with two towering ladder!" Klastorin cano. Catapulting, careening, flying and 80 ft. diameter hemispherical screens, explains that, "they falling through the past, present and multi-channel surround sound and incre­ do close-ups on a future in your own Delorean to stop a dible special effects - hot, cold, wind, ladder because villain and save tomorrow. The Back To fog - are synchronized with the power­ horses have been The Future attraction opening at Uni­ ful, hydraulically-activated dynamic known to move - versal studios Florida in 1991 goes motion of your DeLorean, pushing the take the actor out of beyond anything you can imagine. very limits of human sensory capacity. frame. So, he made Inspired by the Back To The Future Every aspect of image motion, simulator a move as if to get trilogy, the ride puts you in the driver's vehicle motion and sound motion has his horse really mov­ seat on the most mind-blowing, pulse­ been fully integrated to produce more ing, and ... he fell off." racing, barrier-breaking journey you've excitement per second than was ever The first two weeks of shooting at ever taken. With dizzying speed you dreamed possible. location in Sonora, thunder through caverns, crevasses and The magical depth and realism of a California, were BITF Unit Publicist canyons of sheer,jagged ice, collide with three-dimensional image projected on a done at night. The Michael Klastorin, a glacier and explode into the Volcanic vast, all-encompassing, domelike surface scenes involved were seen here in western garb during the shoot­ Era. Up, up you fly, erupting through a causes the screen to vanish and the expe­ for the festival with ing of B1TF m. volcano, propelled through the immense rience to engulf and involve the viewer. the rock group ZZ open mouth of Tyrannosaurus Rex. The total visual impact of this pheno­ Top performing. "They were pretty cool," The Back To The Future Ride is the menon sends you soaring into the strat­ says Klastorin. "They would do little im­ result of extraordinary and unique break­ osphere of cinematic excitement. It's promptu jam sessions between takes. through technology, never achieved never been done before.
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