INDEX A Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett, 40 Anderson, John (physician, fl. Kingston, Surrey, Abbadie, Antoine d', 59n, 64 1783), 370 Abbadie, Arnauld d', 63, 64n Anderson, John (surgeon, fl. Newcastle upon Abbebe, Berhanou, 64n-65n Tyne, 1783), 370 Abernethy, John, 95 Andromachus the younger, 345 abortion, 345, 346 animals, humane treatment of, 204-208 Abram, A., 23n Annaratone, C., 58n, 67, 68n, 69n, 70n AbCrl QasTm, 47-48 Anne, Queen, 140n, 441 Acheson, R. M., 210 Anne, 2nd queen of Henry VIII, the alleged acupuncture, 99-100 miscarriages of, 49-56 Adams, Thomas, 365 Annear, Marshall, 330 Addington, Anthony, 365 Anning, S. T.: A medical case book: Leeds, Addison, C., 58n, 71n 1781-84,420-431 Ahmad II, sultan ofTurkey, 325 Anslinger, Harry, 89 Ahmad III, sultan ofTurkey, 325 anthropology, 444 Aikin, John, 230 antibiotics, 213 al-Amirt;'447 antiquity, tuberculosis and leprosy in, 162-173 al-Farabr, 447 Apicius, M. Gavius, 195 Alanson, Edward, 422 Apothecaries' Act ( 1815), 40 Albert ofCarpi, 51-52 Appert, Nicholas, 195 Albert, Charlotte Louise Henrietta, see Apsley, Sir Allen, 24 Papendiek, Mrs Charlotte Apte, R., 124n Albert, Frederick, 306 Arabic medicine and science, 446,447 Albinus, Bernard Siegfried, and the Florentine archaeology, 42-48; see also, palaeopathology collection at La Specola, 432-437 Arderne, John, 7-8, 26 Albucasis, 47 Aretaeus ofCappadocia, 168 Albury, W. R. (rev.), 88-89 Aristotle, 135n, 145n, 218, 225, 326, 416, 446 alchemy, 440 441; a medieval tregtise on the Arkwright, Sir Richard, 233 quinta essentia, 308-323 Armstrong, B. J., 266n Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 179n Armstrong, David, 335-336, 374n-375n Alexander III the great, king ofMacedonia, 168 Armstrong, David (rev.), 90 Alexander ofAphrodisias, 447 Armstrong, John, 362 Alexander de Norfolk, 12-13 Arney, William Rey, 90-92 Alexander, Franz G., 455 Arnold, Thomas, 365 Aleyn, Sir Robert, 2 Arnott, Neil, 263 Alice de Chalvedon [Chaldon], 3n art, 73-80, 85-86, 105-106, 202-209 Allan, Nigel: A Jewish physician in the Arundel, John, 8 seventeenth century, 324-328 as-Sijistini, 447 Allbutt, Sir Thomas Clifford, 376 Asclepiades, 345 Allison, V. D., 453 Ash, Mitchell G., 222-223 Alston, Charles, 95 Asher, Richard, 215-216 Alvares, Francisco, 57, 62 Ashley, K., 213 Ambrosinus, Bartholomaeus, 179n Askew, Sir Christopher, 18 Ambrosius (physician, fl. Pozzuoli), 345 Aston, J., 228n American Association for the History of astrology: a Middle English verse compendium Medicine, 329, 439 of astrological medicine, 406-419 American Physiological Society, 339-340 asylums, 1-21 passim, 111-128 passim, 357, 362, American Polish Typhus Relief Expedition, 349 365; see also, hospitals, psychiatric Ames, Mrs Julian, 36 Attenhofer, Heinrich Ludwig, 226 amputation, 422-423 Atwell, J. D., 330 anaesthesiology, 108, 391, 402 Aubrey, John, 34 anatomy, 98, 326-327, 350, 440-4441; origin of the Austin, Frances, 350-351 Wellcome anatomical waxes, 432-437 Austin, Roger T., 351 Andersen, J. G., 168 Avicenna, 174, 309 Anderson, Annie, 419 Azzaroli, Maria Louisa, 432-433,436 459 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 04 Oct 2021 at 18:47:18, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0025727300036565 Index B Bedell, William, bishop of Kilmore and Ardagh, 32 Bacharach, J., 325n Beeton, Mrs Isabella, 195 bacteriology, 129-150 passim, 162-173 passim, Beevor, John, 365 373,453-455 Beggs, Thomas, 286-287 Badoer, Andrea, 50-51, 52 Behlmer, G. K., 103-104 Baeteman, J., 59n Beijerinck, Martinus Willem, 457 Bagot, Lady, 368 Belke, Ingrid, 108 Bailey, H. Hamilton, 351 Belkin, J. S., 175n Baker, John, 358 Bell, Sir Charles, 203 Baker, T., 228n Bell, George, 231, 232, 234 Baker, Thomas, 363 Bell, John, 288 Balay, Ato, 70 Bella di Paija, 24 Baldrye, Cecily, 29 Bellingham, John, 295 Baldrye, Edmund, 29 Belloni, Luigi, 133n, 134, 136n Ballard, George, 34n Belon, Pierre, 175 Baly, Monica E. (rev.), 347-348 Belota the Jewess, 25 Banks, Sir Joseph, 142n, 195 Ben Yehuda, Eliezer, 312 Barber-Surgeons' Company, 26-27, 28 Bender, A., 157n Barberet, Denis, 147-148 Bendixen, H. C., 143n Bardsley, Samuel Argent, 241, 246 Bengoa, J. M., 157n Bardswell, N. D., 378n Bennett, A. E., 391 Barker, David, 215 Bennett, A. L., 39 In Barlow, Sir Montague, 379 Bennett, D. H., 124, 127 Barlow, Richard, 245 Bennett, H. S., 406n Barnes, Thomas, 229 Bent, J. T., 67 Barnet, Margaret, 29n, 38n Berg, Geri, 225 Barnett, Adolphus, 285 Bergman, T. O., 258 Baron, J., 306n Berhane Selassie, Tsehai, 69n Barrow, Sir James, 298n Berkenhout, John, 360 Bartleet, E. J., 58n Berman, Daniel M., 109 Barton, Henry, 5 Bernard, Claude, 13 In, 401 Basil, St, 60 Bernsdorff, see Bernstorff Basmajian, John V., 434n Bernstorff, Andreas Peter, count, 143n Bassano, Francesco da, 59n Berrios, G. E. (revs.), 86-87, 337 Bates, Thomas, 140, 141, 143, 144 Bertacchi, Domenico, 444 Bateson, Henry, 271 Berthold, Andreas, 176n, 177n, 178-179, 180- Bath, Somerset, 253-256, 356, 359-360, 371 182, 183-185, 188 Battersby, A. R., 399n, 404 Besanez, Eugen von Gorup, 219 Batty, R.B., 361-362 Bever, William, 18 Bauhin, Kaspar, 186 Bevilacqua, A., 58n Baxby, Derrick: A death from inoculated Bew, George, 236, 239, 240, 241, 248 smallpox in the English Royal Family, 303-307 Bible, 58, 59-61, 73, 82 Bayley, Cornelius, 227n, 243-244, 248 Bichat, Marie Frangois Xavier, 98 Bayley, Thomas Butterworth, 228, 233, 239, 247, Bickerton, T. H., 38n 248 Bienville, J. D. T. de, 109 Bayley, Walter, 180 Bifamon, Abba, 60 Bayne, Stanhope, 358 Biggs, Hermann M., 378 Bazalgette, Sir Joseph, 267 Bignall, J. R., 377n Beale, C. H., 39n Bill, John, 239n, 241 Beale, Lionel Smith, 276 Binns, J., 152n Bean, P., 115n biology, history, 220, 442-443 Beardmore, Harvey, 457 biometeorology, 100 Beaton, G. H., 157n Birch, R. C., 274n Beaufort, Margaret, countess of Richmond and Bishop, W. J., 34n, 351 Derby, 18 Black, Sir Douglas (rev.), 215-216 Beaumont, William, 226 Black, F. L., 163 Beck, R. Theodore, 27n Black, Joseph, 95 Becker, Bernard, 457 Black, Max, 108 Becket, Thomas a, archbishop of Canterbury, 5, Black, William H., 407, 408n 20 Blackburne, John, 357 Beckett, Samuel, 208 Blair, John, 212 Beckingham, C. F., 57n, 62n, 67n Blakemore, Sir Harold, 84 Beckyngton, Thomas, bishop of Bath and Wells, Blanc, H., 64-65 11 Bleuler, Paul Eugen, 97, 332 Beddoes, Thomas, 189 Bloch, Marc, 450 Bede, 410n, 417 blood, 213, 225, 327, 440 Bedell, Elizabeth, 32 bloodletting, 406-419 passim, 427 460 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 04 Oct 2021 at 18:47:18, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0025727300036565 Index Bloom, Samuel W., 351 Hippocratique, 1983, 225; Eatough, G. (ed.), Blount, John, 363 Fracastoro's syphilis, 1984, 450-45 1; Exploring Blower, Alice, 28 Local History, vol. 1, no. 1, 1984, 352; Farley, Blundell, H. Weld, 70n J., Gametes and spores, 1982, 220; Fee, E. Blundell, Margaret, 38n, 39n, 41n (ed.), Women and health, 1983, 109; Ferguson, Blundell, Nicholas, 38 C. C., 100 years of surgery, 1983, 107; Fin- Blundell, Mrs Nicholas, 38 negan, F., Poverty and prejudice, 1983, 94-95; Blundell, William, 41 Fischer, K.-D. and Najock, D., In Pelagonii B6k6nyi, S., 164 Artem Veterinariam Concordantiae, 1983, 457; Boinet, E., 446 Fischer-Homberger, E., Medizin vor Gericht, Boleyn, Anne, see Anne, 2nd queen ofHenry VIII 1983, 342; Foster, G. M., The demands of Boleyn, George, viscount Rochford, 54 humanity, 1983, 452; Fry, J. et al. (eds.), A Boller-Schmid, Marie-Jeanne, 332 history of the Royal College of General Bolton, Betty, 38 Practitioners, 1983, 90; Gabka, J. and Vaubel, Bolton, F., 269n, 270, 274, 275, 276, 277n E., Plastic surgery, past andpresent, 1983, 103, Bonaparte, Marie, 443 Gallagher, N. E., Medicine and power in bonesetters, 38 Tunisia, 1983, 445; Garnsey, P. and Whittaker, Bonicoli, Tomasso, 436 C. R. (eds.), Trade and famine in classical Boniface IX, Pope, 16 antiquity, 1983, 100-101; Glandien, O., Franz Bonomo, G. C., 131n, 134n, 135n, 146 Xavier Messerschmidt (1736-83), 1981, 85-86; book reviews and notices: Goodfield, J., An imagined world, 1982, 107; Armstrong, D., Political anatomy ofthe human Guillermand, J. (ed.), Histoire de ia midecine body, 1983, 335-336; Arney, W. R., Power and aux armees, tome 1, 1983, 92-93; Haber, C., the proession of obstetrics, 1982, 90-92; Beyond sixty-five, 1983, 340-341; Haenel, T., Asher, R., A sense of Asher [reprint], 1983, Zur Geschichte der Psychiatrie, 1982, 86-87; 215-216; Austin, F. (ed.), The letters of Herzlich, C. and Pierret, J., Malades d'hier, William Home Clift, 1983, 350-351; Austin, R. malades d'aujourd'hui, 1984, 344; Heyer, P., T., Robert Chessher of Hinckley 1750-1831, Nature, human nature, and society, 1982, 102; 1982, 351; Bailey, H. H. and Bishop, W. J., Hirsch, R. (ed.), A catalogue of the Notable names in medicine and surgery, 4th manuscripts and archives of the Library of the ed., 1983, 351; Behlmer, G. K., Child abuse and College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 1983, moral reform in England, 1870-1908, 1982, 95-96; Hobart, M. E., Science and religion in 103-104; Berg, G. (ed.), The visual arts and the thought ofNicolas Malebranche, 1982, 108; medical education, 1983, 225; Borrichius, O., Hofmann, B., Kranker und Krankheit um Olai Borrichii itinerarium 1660-65, 4 vols., 1500, 1983, 105-106; Hopkins, D. R., Princes 1983, 440-441; Bremmer, J., The early Greek and peasants. Smallpox in history, 1983, concept of the soul, 1983, 106; Brock, C. H. 441-442; Hoppen, K. T., The papers of the (ed.), William Hunter 1718-83, 1983, 106-107; Dublin Philosophical Society 1683-1708, 1983, Brooks, B.
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